Found Deceased CO - Gannon Stauch, 11, Colorado Springs, El Paso County, 27 Jan 2020 **ARREST** #46

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As I've said before, I know I'm in the minority re: my opinion about HH. So I won't argue my position on that general issue again.

I was away from the internet for awhile but now that I'm online again, I see HH is still a hot topic on WS just as she was when I was here last. Maybe hotter now that she's 18.

So I have a question. Do people here who think it's absolutely critical for HH to talk openly to LE or be made to suffer severe consequences think it's possible TS will walk unless HH talks? I can't imagine with even what we know now that is likely to happen (accepting, of course, that one can never be 100% sure what a jury will do.) Or is it just that people feel it's always right to talk to LE?
IMO, the only scenario in which HH's testimony would be crucial is if she was present for the trip to FL. Then I could see it being very important for her to testify to confirm that Letecia was in the area where Gannon's body was ultimately found. But I personally doubt that HH was there for that trip.

Otherwise, I don't think they need her to talk. It doesn't sound like there's any possibility she was there for the murder (whether it was in the house or outside). And it seems like TS was alone when she disposed of the body for the first time. They also have the text messages between HH and TS that provide evidence of a cleanup on Monday. I also doubt that TS confided any deep and dark secrets in HH. The AA even mentions that LE has evidence of TS lying to her via text (#130), though it doesn't say what about.

Her testimony would be helpful for fleshing out the details of Monday night though. And possibly Sunday night as well, though I'm not sure if she was present for that. But I think they will almost certainly be able to convict even if they don't get those details.

For her own sake (assuming she didn't take any knowing part in this of course), I hope she's able to come to terms with who her mother is. I'm sure she's been fed a steady diet of "I'm innocent and the cops are trying to frame me!" by Letecia. And that might very well explain why she hadn't cooperated at the time of the AA. No one wants to believe that their only remaining parent is a cold-blooded child killer. But facts are facts.
If, as Hope suggests, this was not about rage but just straight up hate, it really makes you wonder if she’s done something like this before. She’s got an insane rape sheet for a supposedly “educated” female her age. Anything's possible.
Add Eguardo to her insane “rape sheet as well”

I’m fully aware that it was a typo, but some things just fall into place :p
As I've said before, I know I'm in the minority re: my opinion about HH. So I won't argue my position on that general issue again.

I was away from the internet for awhile but now that I'm online again, I see HH is still a hot topic on WS just as she was when I was here last. Maybe hotter now that she's 18.

So I have a question. Do people here who think it's absolutely critical for HH to talk openly to LE or be made to suffer severe consequences think it's possible TS will walk unless HH talks? I can't imagine with even what we know now that is likely to happen (accepting, of course, that one can never be 100% sure what a jury will do.) Or is it just that people feel it's always right to talk to LE?


She’ll sing like a bird if her mother tries to accuse her.
You can never have too much evidence, and in HH you have a person with many of the answers. The case is overwhelming, yet still weaker without her cooperation. Why take a chance? Gannon’s family deserves answers, and most importantly, justice.

What was life in the home like?

What happened on Sunday?

What did you see and hear on Monday?

What did your mom tell you in the ensuing days and weeks?

Where did you travel with her, and what did she do?

Etc, etc, etc. I have endless questions.

Gannon’s final hours were likely filled with unimaginable pain and terror. Nailing the monster who did that to him is more important than anything.

HH is not some 9 year old girl asked to testify against her evil mother, like Diane Downs’ bullet ravaged daughter Christie.

She’s an 18 year old legal adult, being asked to do one thing.

Tell the truth.

The preliminary is basically an unofficial second AA. We’ll hear everything that’s in the AW, as well as plenty of evidence that we haven’t heard. We should also hear what the blood splatter expert has to say, and the results of any outstanding testing. We may also have confirmation of how he died, now that they have his body.

We haven’t heard anything about the assault during the transfer, and I couldn’t even venture a guess as to if we’ll hear about that then.

An El Paso County Sheriff's Office spokeswoman said she could not comment on the alleged assault.

"The whole extradition process is going to be a part of the case," she said.

Kansas sheriff: Gannon Stauch stepmom Letecia Stauch attacked deputy during transport
<modsnip: quoted post was removed>
there probably was a male involved helping her, who knows, def not raping her, but I am sure she did not do this alone
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I am IN NO WAY defending or excusing anything LS may have done.
I'm simply offering a different theory.
I'm real sure this is not going to be a popular idea, but read and consider...

What if LS really didn't plan or mean to kill GS? What if she didn't really didn't hate the kid?
We don't know much about her marriage, but we know AS got with her while still married to LH. And we don't know a whole lot about the AS/LH marriage either. So is it possible AS may have been the abusive one?

You suggested she was up all night worrying
about it. Why? Who would anyone stay up all night worrying about a small burn on some carpet? It couldn't possibly have been that bad, if it happened, because the cops didn't smell smoke when they got there. Or note any damaged carpet that they saw. Nothing like that was mentioned in the AA as having been noticed during the initial runaway call, only that some bloody carpet was FOUND during a later search.

Personal experience: a roommate once left something cooking and it burned badly. It took days to get the smoke smell out and even longer to get most of the soot off the tops of the walls.
Even just burned food with no real smoke or soot can sometimes be smelled for hours.
Also, burned carpet has a very distinct smell

I suggest that if she was THAT worried about a small area of damage to the carpet she had a reason. We can't just say it was because she's crazy or evil. Even crazy and evil people have a REASON for doing things. And doing something this extreme probably means she feared some serious consequence to herself. (Maybe more abuse?)

Maybe she accidently injured him so badly that death was inevitable. (People have died from a simple fall where they hit they head and no one would have thought it was a fatal injury until it was.) And she realized it she went into panic mode and that's when she snapped and started doing whatever crazy thing she could to cover it up.

Just thinking of all the possibilities.

Edited to correct autocorrect

Cool theory. All theories welcome here. I bet her attorneys are scanning the web and wracking their brains for new ideas too. Who knows. I guess we’ll find out at trial. Good point that even crazy and evil people have a reason for doing things.

I still think there was way more to “the hike” Sunday evening than meets the eye.
The sock wasn’t mentioned in the AA, and according to what TS told Crime Online, the board was bloody, not the sock.

So either the sock doesn’t exist, or it couldn’t be matched to Gannon.

Stauch added that her husband told her that Gannon’s sock and a bloody 2×4 board were found in the woods near Douglas County.

Stauch explained that her family frequently loaded up boards they didn’t need from their garage into the pickup truck, leftovers from her husband’s woodworking hobby. She claimed that there had been several accidents in the garage, which could have easily accounted for a bloodied board.

When asked how the board would have ended up in the woods, Stauch said that things have flown out of the back of the truck before while she was driving. She said the same thing could have happened to the board or Gannon’s sock.

Gannon Stauch: Stepmom says bloody board was not her fault. She’s now facing child abuse, murder charges [EXCLUSIVE PART 3]
Boards don’t fly out of trucks, just like pigs don’t fly!
Someone days ago In here posted about the “mother-in-law visit” just prior to the crimes in this case and some other case you guys must have studied that Im not familiar with. Great point. And I would like to add this was also true in the Chris Watts case, where just prior to the murder, he went to NC to visit her parents and he took Shannan over to visit his mother, where there was a huge blow up resulting in SW forbidding them from seeing his parents anymore.
I still think it odd. He’d been missing since 3:15 reportedly and LE was called in the evening and took hours to show up. An 11 year old kid running away in possible snow and they didn’t sense something was awry? I believe imo kids that age say things for drama but usually rerun more quickly.

I know he wasn’t missing my point was the story from LE perspectives should have raised the hinky meter more quickly. 11 is young and 3:15 to 11pm would be a long time.
Been quiet for a an elementary level, I give police response an unsatisfactory grade. With that said, I lean toward their reaction or lack of reaction being based on the “flat line” call from this <modsnip: profanity> witch. I just wish....
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Boards don’t fly out of trucks, just like pigs don’t fly!

That’s why she tossed it on side of road, trying to get LE to buy that it flew out of truck. Maybe same reasoning with suitcase. She had to know that suitcase would eventually be found though. That’s what makes me think she planned that spot as the nearby river is known for it’s high alligator population. And sorry to say, but many murders in FL toss their victims into lakes and rivers down there hoping the gators eat them.
oh I think TS is a virtual Rolodex of theories and alibis. Heck she’s already given them quite the array........spinnnnnn the wheel

View attachment 245445
:) and Im sure she is racking her brain trying to figure out more, I would not be surprised if indeed she had an accomplice that placed the boys body after her arrest on purpose to try to get her out
Cool theory. All theories welcome here. I bet her attorneys are scanning the web and wracking their brains for new ideas too. Who knows. I guess we’ll find out at trial. Good point that even crazy and evil people have a reason for doing things.

I still think there was way more to “the hike” Sunday evening than meets the eye.
me too, a lot more

Quite a few off topic posts have been removed.

Also, any information stated as fact must be sourced and linked in MSM or a WS approved source (not from social media or random online videos). If you have an opinion, make it clear it is your opinion (MOO, IMO, JMO) because if you state something as fact without it being in MSM, that post will be removed.

Information from social media is considered rumor and is not allowed. This includes hearsay, and things like you heard it somewhere, saw it somewhere, read it somewhere, or so-and-so said on FB that blah blah.

<modsnip: Removed because it IS okay to discuss the candle video>

The image of Gannon in bed was removed as it has not been confirmed as to the source. Tricia is checking into it but please do not continue discussing it. Just be patient and we’ll let you know as soon as we can.
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I agree with you AS didn't adopt HH. But really, whether men tend to adopt step children or not, why would AS adopt HH?

Although TS and HH's dad had been divorced for 3 or so years, he died only few months before AS and TS married. HH would have been about 4 months short of turning 13 when they married. Definitely old enough to have had a real relationship with her father and so AS wouldn't likely ever be "dad" to her anyway. And adjusting to Mom's new hubby (esp after a death) would be a challenge at 13. I'm not at all sure starting the new marriage with "hey, this is your new dad, we're changing your name" would have been a good idea. Plus when they married they lived in SC. I am sure HH saw relatives from her father's side back then. Myrtle Beach SC isn't far from Robeson Co NC (less than a 2 hour drive) and we know from the obit he had a big family. So it seems to me not adopting is something the Stauch family did right. Whether the family blending was successful is really a different question.

Wow -- I was not aware that HH's dad was deceased. I think this is significant and I may have judged HH too harshly:

Depending on whether or not her late dad paid taxes into the Social Security system, HH would be eligible for survivor's benefits until age 18 (or 19 if qualified student). The more money he paid into Social Security, the higher her benefits -- up to 75% of the decedent's benefit. If late dad had other children besides HH, her benefits would be less since they're all sharing his maximum benefit.

What's important here is that Social Security pays a minor child's monthly benefit to a parent or other adult on the child's behalf.

I see this $$ as the perfect ammo for LS to hold over to control and manipulate HH. I've said before that LS owned HH and now I have no doubt.

I think LS also used this to confront AS --- reminding him how HER daughter (HH) living with them was self-supporting and AS paying child support to LH was a financial drain that had to end.

LS promoting custody of GS and sister had nothing to do with caring for the children but wanting control over AS and his income. In the 5 years AS & LS married, LS employment record was nothing short of terminations and suspension after only a couple of months on the job! (See Heavy article posted up thread). MOO

Benefits Planner: Survivors | If You Are The Survivor | Social Security Administration

ETA: I think HH started cooperating as soon as LS was in custody.
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I can't recall who mentioned they believed it is a suitcase under Gannon's blanket in the picture sent to AS that Monday morning? You could be right or it could have been one of those foam wedges used in elevating a part of the body. Either one could have been staging by LS to explain her care or part of her unfolding plan for that day, his murder.

The suitcase she could have used to say Gannon was upset and had a suitcase ready to pack up and run away. A foam wedge to say she had elevated his foot due to the injury sustained the night before. It could have been the reason AS wanted a picture of Gannon that morning, proof of what story she was telling him. Either one would have worked, yet the suitcase would truly be premeditated. IMO

I hadn't been to this thread since before the AA came out... missed the whole thing when it did. Several days ago I began to read again and try to catch up. I finally read the AA.

I have been wondering if anyone else saw what I thought I saw (even though the photo is very dark) ... and you just answered my questions. It may yet be a or the suitcase but you have added some other very good ideas to the mix. A wedge sounds pretty good since the object I think I see does seem to taper off and be less elevated towards Gannon's sleeping form and a suitcase would, I think, be uniformly raised under the covers. It's been driving me a little bit "crazy"... but I do believe your theories have merit and I'm glad to know someone else sees something there.

I do not see his Nintendo switch or cell phone anywhere in the photo.

I was trying to figure out why AS asked for a picture of him sleeping, if he hadn't, then why she sent it. The only reason I can think of is T-Spaining and that leads me to believe hiding or exploiting.

Respectfully, I'm referencing the dark photos believed to be GS in his bed as shown in the AA. I don't recall confirmation this photo sent to AS by LS to prove his whereabouts but found by investigators on LS telephone after her phone collected for evidence. I recall LS disclosed she texted AS a selfie-photo of GS and LS in the truck on Monday morning. LS wanted us all to know about the date/timestamp. MOO

ETA: Color photo removed from WS - source not verified.
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