Found Deceased CO - Gannon Stauch, 11, Colorado Springs, El Paso County, 27 Jan 2020 **ARREST** #46

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The chance of HH showing up at home is one of the reasons why I don't think the bloody attack took place on Sunday and not cleaned up until late Monday.

AS was aware that GS did not go to school on Monday (AA #27). "....I'm just going to give them an excuse at work and stay with him..."

IMO, LS tried to provide a cover for herself for the 4 hour trip with Sunday night internet search regarding what age a child could be left alone at home.

No Zelda didn't raise any flag for me coming from AS as it's a typical form of punishment for an 11-year-old. Allowing GS to go to a friend's house after missing school makes no sense because it never happened! This was just the excuse she came up with to explain his absence -- and never to be seen again.

I do think that LS may have used allowing GS playtime with the police to suggest GS was not punished for the spilling candle wax on the carpet, etc. (LE would have asked LS if GS had any reason to run away...if anything unusual happened at home..).


Zelda: Gannon had to earn electronics/ game time, yes? (great system imo) Do we know specifically why Gannon wasn't allowed to play Zelda on Monday afternoon if it wasn't because of the alleged candle scenario? Was it a due to a 'no school, no play' rule from dad?
When did she tell LE that "her blood would be found in the mix?" I don't recall any mention of her blood being found at the crime scene or anything in regard to her telling investigators that she left blood behind or was wounded in such a way that her blood would be found mixed with Gannon's blood.

She may have made up stories to explain why her blood 'may have been found,' but I don't remember her specifically telling LE that her blood would be found at the crime scene or in any of the vehicles used to carry out the crime.


Ooops she did. AA #100 & 167 - LS made this excuse to others because of the alleged rape
One thing I vividly recall from the very early reporting on this case is that TS claimed that she didn't hear GS when he left the house because she was down in the basement working out with her headphones on.

She definitely wanted to have a ready reason for having spent the afternoon downstairs, in case Gannon's little sister reported seeing or hearing her down there.

To be fair, TS was in fact getting a workout in the basement that afternoon.

Cleaning bloody crime scenes is no easy feat.

Just ask Krystal Lee, that other famous side piece from the Berreth case.

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Has it been reported if the suitcase is a soft model or a hard case? It would be very difficult for blood to seep out of a hard case. I have a huge cruise hard case piece of luggage that I used that could easily have held his body.

I've also been waiting for this information to be released.

To my knowledge, the only confirmation we have for a suitcase came from media that reported GS was found inside a suitcase.

LS did provide for why a "brown suitcase" might be missing (AA #87 - Eguardo requested a cardboard box and suitcase).
It was noted on the AA that Gannon's bed was away from the wall, especially the head area, where it is usually pressed against it. It looks like Gannon's bed is one of those metal framed ones with slates. We have one that I ordered from Walmart a few years back for my grandson. The bed sits a bit higher than a normal frame one that you would use a boxspring with. I also ordered a bunkie board for the frame to support the mattress. But with a lot of movement, jumping around etc, it causes the mattress to slide slightly to the side away from the wall. Maybe that's what happened here.
I'm thinking before they left that Monday AM the bed was made but the mattress didn't get pushed back into it's normal position against the wall. If I compare the bed sheet in the photos from AA it appears to be same pattern..( which may or may not be the same 54b). Is it possible when they returned, Gannon went back to the basement where TS fatally injured a terrified Gannon leaned up against his bedroom wall causing the blood spatter ..he then fell over to the side where blood saturated the carpet? Because the bed was made, only the top bedding and pillow was soiled. Just one of many theories (since there's a lot we don't know yet), that is if he was killed in the home. I'm still not sure if he came home or not. (moo)
Ooops she did. AA #100 & 167 - LS made this excuse to others because of the alleged rape
Yes, thanks, I just read in the affidavit that she claimed the blood found in the "corner" of the room was a mix of her blood and Gannon's. I must have missed that before.

Yet I still can't find any evidence that they found her blood.

She must have had some reason for claiming her blood was "in the mix."

Maybe she thought she was covering for herself "just in case" while at the same time she was giving LE important clues about her actions. It seems to be a pattern for her.

As much as she tried to cover up and hide the murder, at the same time she was running her mouth and dropping clues everywhere which I guess is the one thing LE can be grateful for.

Thanks, Tee!

In this case it is not finding the murder weapon or finding the body or even all the physical evidence or the data from the vehicles, but also the murderer's own words that will help to convict her.

I wonder if she has realized that yet?

I’m still not fully convinced one way or the other whether or not GS was killed in the home and or whether he returned home on Monday. For the meantime I’ll stay straddling the fence.

One thing That I am sure of based on the .google.searches., leaving her phone, text messages etc is: When she left home that day she had no intention of him returning with her.

Yes.... and I wonder if we will ever know the truth!

When I first saw the surveillance video of GS or assumed to be GS walking to the truck, I only saw a boy that didn't want to go with LS that morning. Now I think it could be both that he was injured and didn't want to leave with LS.
It was noted on the AA that Gannon's bed was away from the wall, especially the head area, where it is usually pressed against it. It looks like Gannon's bed is one of those metal framed ones with slates. We have one that I ordered from Walmart a few years back for my grandson. The bed sits a bit higher than a normal frame one that you would use a boxspring with. I also ordered a bunkie board for the frame to support the mattress. But with a lot of movement, jumping around etc, it causes the mattress to slide slightly to the side away from the wall. Maybe that's what happened here.
I'm thinking before they left that Monday AM the bed was made but the mattress didn't get pushed back into it's normal position against the wall. If I compare the bed sheet in the photos from AA it appears to be same pattern..( which may or may not be the same 54b). Is it possible when they returned, Gannon went back to the basement where TS fatally injured a terrified Gannon leaned up against his bedroom wall causing the blood spatter ..he then fell over to the side where blood saturated the carpet? Because the bed was made, only the top bedding and pillow was soiled. Just one of many theories (since there's a lot we don't know yet), that is if he was killed in the home. I'm still not sure if he came home or not. (moo)

I'm not convinced that he returned home that afternoon, either.

It couldn't have been just the top bedding and pillow that were soiled, however.
The mattress was also noted to be bloodstained per the Arrest Affidavit (Page 15, Item #113), so logically, the sheets covering it would have been, also…unless there were no sheets on the bed when he was attacked.

We don't know which bedding was normally on Gannon's bed, i.e., whether it was the bedding seen in the picture from that morning, the bedding seen on the LEO's bodycam that night, or something else altogether.

That's a critical piece of information that we're not privy to, unfortunately.

If it was his regular coverlet that's pictured on Monday morning, that supports the theory that he did in fact return with her that afternoon and he was murdered in the basement.

If that's not his regular bedding that's pictured on Monday morning, that supports a Sunday night attack in the bedroom. If TS assaulted him in the bedroom Sunday night, she would have stripped his bed and replaced it before taking that picture.

Ever since the AA came out, I've been extremely curious about that bedding.
It really is a telling piece of evidence, one way or the other.

TS could have taken Gannon's life while they were out and off the grid Monday. She left her phone at home because she planned on leaving Gannon's at Petco, maybe she hid it at the store or maybe she left it in plain sight hoping someone would take it and sell it in order to send LE on a wild goose chase (which seems to be her MO). The County Line Rd IIRC story is interesting because she tells AS that Gannon hit his head falling off the bike. Which makes me think she hurt him when they were out. But if she did take him home, I feel it was a last minute plan. Maybe she tried to strangle him when they initially got home so there wouldn't be blood evidence but he fought her off so she then attacked him with a weapon(s). Why the need for the purchase of garbage bags when more than likely there were some already in the home? Maybe she lined her VW with them? Working theories only, I'm just thinking out loud ..moo.
One thing I vividly recall from the very early reporting on this case is that TS claimed that she didn't hear GS when he left the house because she was down in the basement working out with her headphones on.

She definitely wanted to have a ready reason for having spent the afternoon downstairs, in case Gannon's little sister reported seeing or hearing her down there.

To be fair, TS was in fact getting a workout in the basement that afternoon.

Cleaning bloody crime scenes is no easy feat.

Just ask Krystal Lee, that other famous side piece from the Berreth case.

Yes, at the time she must not have realized that the security system showed the back door opening and closing 10 times during the time she was "working out."

Yes, thanks, I just read in the affidavit that she claimed the blood found in the "corner" of the room was a mix of her blood and Gannon's. I must have missed that before.

Yet I still can't find any evidence that they found her blood.

She must have had some reason for claiming her blood was "in the mix."

Maybe she thought she was covering for herself "just in case" while at the same time she was giving LE important clues about her actions. It seems to be a pattern for her.

As much as she tried to cover up and hide the murder, at the same time she was running her mouth and dropping clues everywhere which I guess is the one thing LE can be grateful for.

Thanks, Tee!

In this case it is not finding the murder weapon or finding the body or even all the physical evidence or the data from the vehicles, but also the murderer's own words that will help to convict her.

I wonder if she has realized that yet?



She'll never come to that realization. Ever.

I'm sure DDA Allen will try his best throughout the trial to enlighten TS re: how incredibly asinine her words and actions have been.

It won't register with her, though.
She's too stupid to realize she's stupid.
She'll probably just go off and demand an apology from him.

If she does insist on taking the stand, I'm really looking forward to Michael Allen's cross-examination of her.

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I'm not convinced that he returned home that afternoon, either.

It couldn't have been just the top bedding and pillow that were soiled, however.
The mattress was also noted to be bloodstained per the Arrest Affidavit (Page 15, Item #113), so logically, the sheets covering it would have been, also…unless there were no sheets on the bed when he was attacked.

We don't know which bedding was normally on Gannon's bed, i.e., whether it was the bedding seen in the picture from that morning, the bedding seen on the LEO's bodycam that night, or something else altogether.

That's a critical piece of information that we're not privy to, unfortunately.

If it was his regular coverlet that's pictured on Monday morning, that supports the theory that he did in fact return with her that afternoon and he was murdered in the basement.

If that's not his regular bedding that's pictured on Monday morning, that supports a Sunday night attack in the bedroom. If TS assaulted him in the bedroom Sunday night, she would have stripped his bed and replaced it before taking that picture.

Ever since the AA came out, I've been extremely curious about that bedding.
It really is a telling piece of evidence, one way or the other.

Maybe there was a plastic mattress cover underneath the sheet as Gannon had GI issues and she was the one that accidentally soiled it while trying to clean after she had stripped the bedding. She then put the mattress cover and sheet back on ..if it was the same sheet. Just one theory, moo
I’ve been a bit out of the loop recently with the CV19 craziness. Can someone tell me when the divorce hearing is?
I'm not sure, but I think AS filed more than a month ago so in about two months maybe it will be granted.
I think in Colorado it only takes about 90 days. It is a "no fault" state, so it shouldn't be a problem for him.

I’ve been a bit out of the loop recently with the CV19 craziness. Can someone tell me when the divorce hearing is?

The status conference was scheduled for April 30. I don't believe there's been any information if the conference held or continued.

Court TV (video up thread) talked about the pending status conference on the night before the hearing scheduled or 4/29.
Well, if her room is on the main floor, then the other bedroom in the basement must have been HH's room. Maybe she shared the bathroom with Gannon.

I wonder if she was curious or had any questions about why her mother was spending so much time cleaning the basement, Gannon's bedroom, and the utility room while Gannon was "missing."

Maybe she did ask, and TS said something like, she was so busy cleaning that she didn't notice Gannon leaving or that he hadn't returned on time.

Yet, at one point, didn't she tell AS she was working out or exercising in the basement around the time he "left?"
That does not explain the reason for the back door being opened and closed so many times during the "cleanup" time, though.

I wonder what she told her daughter. Whatever it is that HH saw and heard, she will be a valuable witness for the prosecution.

Even if she has still refused to speak to LE, she will have to answer questions if she is called as a witness.


Will the trial be televised?
Maybe there was a plastic mattress cover underneath it as Gannon had GI issues.

I don't remember seeing it reported anywhere in MSM or the AA that GS had GI issues, though.

I think that's coming from SM, i.e., it's an unsubstantiated rumor.

If there IS an MSM source for that claim that he had GI issues, I'd love to see that link, though, because it would provide some basis for that type of speculation.


She'll never come to that realization. Ever.

I'm sure DDA Allen will try his best throughout the trial to enlighten TS re: her incredibly asinine words and actions.

It won't register with her, though.
She's too stupid to realize she's stupid.
She'll probably just go off and demand an apology from him.

If she does insist on taking the stand, I'm really looking forward to Michael Allen's cross-examination of her.

Just for laughs, I hope he opens his cross by having her reenact what “Eguardo” did to her and Gannon.

“Was he polite enough to stop the rape when you were sending those texts, or were you sending them simultaneously?”
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