Found Deceased CO - Gannon Stauch, 11, Colorado Springs, Lorson Ranch, El Paso County, 27 Jan 2020 *endangered* #15

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I just updated the timeline
bbm- Gannon Stauch: Stepmother speaks out, says her rights were violated after little boy, 11, mysteriously disappears while in her care

in her Friday January 31 interview she says she had to leave when LH arrived and I believed she arrived on Tuesday?
"She explained that not only has she received death threats online, but she’s no longer staying in her home after Gannon’s biological mother arrived from South Carolina to help with the search."

“My husband’s ex-wife is living in our home,” the woman complained. “I took care of Gannon for the last two years in our home because his mother didn’t want to do it…OK, and I would never, ever hurt this child.”

I'll continue to speculate along my theory that the removal of TS from the house was for the benefit of Gannon's sister so that she would feel safe enough to talk: maybe it became clear that this was what she needed after both of her bio parents were together under one roof. Maybe it was even at the behest of LE, who would probably have already been trying to interview her. If anyone with her at the time sensed or realized that she was too afraid of TS to talk freely, maybe this was what they chose to do, since she may be the most critical witness in the entire case.
I'll add that if this is how it went down, I'd bet money nobody said that explicitly to TS. I'm sure that in order to protect little sister, either or both parents would have been willing to just let TS believe it was purely because LH was in town/at the house.

MOO the question is: is the video conclusive? It isn't, and that it the problem with having it out there. The police rep said its value for the police when they reach the trial stage has possibly been diminished by having it scrutinized in a public forum.

We don't know that it's inconclusive as we have only seen a snippet of what's been recorded.

Who knows what else was recorded from days before to days after Gannon's disappearance.

So, if AS has reason to believe that Gannon came back, then left again at 3:15 (as stated in LS's original story) why is he refusing to let her back into the house?
I haven't read anything explaining why she is not at the house. I wasn't even sure he was back at the house.

There must be no surveillance video showing Gannon walking to his unknown friend's house (or with the unknown person that LS now says accompanied him).

I agree it's likely there would be, but disagree that "there must be" or it didn't happen.

Since LE is adamant that there's no stranger afoot and the community is safe, and they have more than 3 weeks full of physical and digital evidence to support that statement, I'm going to go with "AS still believes that Gannon did not come home that Monday."

Good point about no imminent danger to the community; that does seem to imply there is no evidence an "outsider" took/hurt Gannon. But it also doesn't rule out misadventure, IMO.
So let me see if I have this straight. There are those who think Gannon returned with TS from the 4 hour trip. Simple question for those in this camp. Then what happened?

Is it that you also believe he ran away? or was abducted?

Or do you believe TS left AGAIN with Gannon, at some time, that same day, or night?

I'm trying to wrap my head around the thought process of his returning that day.

I don't know whether GS returned. I don't have a fleshed-out theory at this point about what must have ultimately happened because I tend to follow SH's advice: Once you eliminate the impossible, whatever remains, no matter how improbable, must be the truth.

I cannot eliminate the possibility GS returned to the home with LS.

I cannot cannot eliminate the possibility GS never returned to the home with LS.

Therefore I don't have a theory about what happened when "he returned."

I can easily imagine TS not mentioning the trip to LE (assuming she didn't) even if it were totally innocent (innocent in terms of GS's disappearance.) While we don't know the details of GS's supposed illness, many posters have taken strong issue with GS staying home from school then that same morning being taken on a long round of errands. It's possible TS simply wanted to avoid criticism for that strange parenting decision and, for all we know, was worried AS would be mad about that too. If she is innocent but kept quiet, then yeah, that was a self-centered, short-sighted, incredibly stupid thing to do. But some people ARE self-centered, short-sighted and stupid even when they aren't criminals.

If LS was exercising and didn't know when he left to go to friends nor who the friend was or who picked GS up then how did she give a description to LE. Maybe the description is similar to the one given in the movie "water boy" when Adam Sandler said his football bruises were from an escaped gorilla so his mother (Kathey Bates) posted signs with a poorly drawn gorilla asking for help to find. One could only imagine what LS's description could be. Sorry to be so sarcastic but I'm sure LE knows all of these inconsistencies just don't wash.
it is possible surveillance video exists that shows gs leaving with a someone and for whatever reason LE has chosen not to release it to the public. gs and the other individual might not be close to the camera so feature details might not be clear or visible
I'll continue to speculate along my theory that the removal of TS from the house was for the benefit of Gannon's sister so that she would feel safe enough to talk: maybe it became clear that this was what she needed after both of her bio parents were together under one roof. Maybe it was even at the behest of LE, who would probably have already been trying to interview her. If anyone with her at the time sensed or realized that she was too afraid of TS to talk freely, maybe this was what they chose to do, since she may be the most critical witness in the entire case.
I'll add that if this is how it went down, I'd bet money nobody said that explicitly to TS. I'm sure that in order to protect little sister, either or both parents would have been willing to just let TS believe it was purely because LH was in town/at the house.

I think you may be correct - as I am considering what I might do in this situation - especially if I had any kind of feeling that my child's stepparent was not in the least bit loving as if the child were their own - I might want them out of the house rather than cling to them in my grief and if my missing child had a younger sibling - then Yes, I would want to protect my remaining child at all costs and would want this stepparent out of the house - but I think she may have left voluntarily - when confronted by GS's parents
Why would you think that? LS is not out of the house until a week later!! She's definitely out by Monday next (when she gives the interview). The video gets into the media the next day. Presumably, neighbor showed AS the video on that Monday and LS's response was to work the media.

There's absolutely nothing to suggest she was out of the house until that next Monday, when LS herself announces to the public that she was abruptly asked to leave (and she seems mad about it, from her tone and word choice).
I think she wasn't in the house after biomom appeared. The impetus behind her field interview was because she was being criticized for not being there, not helping out, that she's disappeared from the community, etc.

In the interview she says "false accusations that I disappeared from the community, that I haven't been there to help, but there's lots of reasons behind that."
Reporter: "reasons like death threats, right?"
Stepmom: "Right, reasons like death threats, my family's getting lots of death threats, we've counted over 20, 20 some death threats already, and two, my husband's ex wife is living in our home, and of course I'm not coming home to do these things and to help with the family, when I was kinda like told I couldn't"

That's really all she said about getting kicked out, asked not to return, etc. And the words are ambiguous, as to whether or not she was asked not to help. In my mind it's clear she's not been staying with biomom, and that makes 100% sense to me.

VIDEO: Stepmom of missing Colorado boy speaks out
Been following this for weeks. Hope he's found soon.

Seems to be a pattern of blaming others :

Gannon Stauch's stepmom lost teaching license after 'falsely claiming missing boy's mom was having her harassed at work'

This is a very interesting article aside from the headline. For one thing, it claims that Gannon left the house via a "side door," plus other stuff I hadn't heard before. But I don't follow this case on social media, so maybe it's all old news for y'all about the relationships involved in the teaching issue, request to leave her teaching position, etc.
IIRC the truck left by going in front of his house, ie turning left out of the driveway, and returned by coming back in front of his house then maneuvered to back in the driveway. At least that is what is burned in my brain from watching it 20 times. Maybe I am wrong, but although I don't think I'm wrong, if I am, he still would have seen the truck coming and going, obviously.
But remember I was posting in response to someone who said that AS kicked step mom out of the house as a result of being shown that tape by RD of Step mom coming home alone (in his POV). So what I was saying is that step mom apparently was "kicked" out of the house very early on, and that proves to me that RD found that part of the video early on, too. Which is why I think he really found it on Monday night in time to show AS when he got there on Tuesday. Not a week later.
She had been kicked out of house well before she gave tv interview.
It does not prove he saw footage before it was reported Feb 4.
There are all kinds of reasons he might have lost it with her.. for one thing she was the alleged responsible adult when his child disappeared.
Landen had arrived on the Tuesday , same day as Al.
He quite possibly had many reasons to ask them to leave before he ever saw that footage.
She had been kicked out of house well before she gave tv interview.
It does not prove he saw footage before it was reported Feb 4.
There are all kinds of reasons he might have lost it with her.. for one thing she was the alleged responsible adult when his child disappeared.
Landen had arrived on the Tuesday , same day as Al.
He quite possibly had many reasons to ask them to leave before he ever saw that footage.
Kittythehare, I just don't believe it, RD waiting a week to look at footage of 1 hour before the boy went missing. For all the reasons I already mentioned, so I won't bore everyone by repeating it.
I think she wasn't in the house after biomom appeared. The impetus behind her field interview was because she was being criticized for not being there, not helping out, that she's disappeared from the community, etc.

In the interview she says "false accusations that I disappeared from the community, that I haven't been there to help, but there's lots of reasons behind that."
Reporter: "reasons like death threats, right?"
Stepmom: "Right, reasons like death threats, my family's getting lots of death threats, we've counted over 20, 20 some death threats already, and two, my husband's ex wife is living in our home, and of course I'm not coming home to do these things and to help with the family, when I was kinda like told I couldn't"

That's really all she said about getting kicked out, asked not to return, etc. And the words are ambiguous, as to whether or not she was asked not to help. In my mind it's clear she's not been staying with biomom, and that makes 100% sense to me.

VIDEO: Stepmom of missing Colorado boy speaks out

I just went back and re-watched the interview, as well. You are 100% correct. Later in the interview, while discussing her daughter being cuffed while shopping at Marshall's, she says, "We couldn't have any clothes, because all of our clothes were here. If we came here and got clothes, you know, we would have been harassed."

I still think she about to bolt, and got busted.
I'm not sure that is MSM?
It would seem to be. The US counterpart of the UK paper. Part of Rupert Murdoch's news empire. eta from their "About" page: "The is a US online edition of The Sun, Britain’s largest newspaper and a member of the UK’s press regulator, IPSO." (tabloid , yes)

Rupert Murdoch launches US Sun
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