Found Deceased CO - Gannon Stauch, 11, Colorado Springs, Lorson Ranch, El Paso County, 27 Jan 2020 *endangered* #19

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The recommended method for collecting head hairs is to start by having the person from whom they are being collected bend over a large sheet of clean paper, rubbing or massaging their hands through the hair so that loose hair will fall out on the paper. More should then be gathered by plucking them from representative areas all over the head. A total or 50-100 hairs is desired. Do not cut the hair. This same method may be used to collect hairs from other parts of the body. 30-60 pubic hairs are required. When the person is a suspect, hair should be gathered from all parts of the body even though there may only be an interest in hair from the head at that particular time.


To bring a little levity to this situation, while reading through the above post I couldn’t help but chuckle and enjoy the fact that suspects have to get their pubes plucked (which I knew but never really gave much thought to, before).

30-60 hairs, I imagine that would be uncomfortable. I mean, waxing is no joke. Although I do feel bad for the unlucky soul that is the designated plucker...anyways, carry on.
They didn't include all possible lesser charges. Simplified example: Murder 1st degree and child neglect - they didn't charge with ALL options, 2nd degree murder, manslaughter (accident) abuse of a corpse.

Why would they have not included all possible lesser charges and all possible options? Even the little I heard from the media during the trial, it was clearly obvious she was guilty...

It sounds like the jury literally felt sorry for her in some sick and twisted way?
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I don't know personally what true friendships TS has, but I would expect not many. I would think a friendship with someone that self-absorbed would be exhausting, so I'm thinking she had only surface friendships via school functions/neighbors/kids' friends' parents. Which would lead me to believe if there was anyone else involved, it was family and coerced (and I'm not suggesting the bio parents).

I have pondered this, as well. It’s not uncommon for people with personality disorders (narcissism, sociopathy) to have no “true”/meaningful relationships. Her family hasn’t spoken out (not outside of other SM posts in the veryyy beginning) and she has no friends coming out to vouch for her, at least that I’ve seen. I have a difficult time believing that is due to her being “off” in some interviews.
in my heart of hearts, I pray everyday for GS to be spotted alive and brought home. I fear social media, LE would be able to eliminate that I believe based on bridge connections, etc...also, WiFi activity history captured. You physically have to login to WiFi account and request a deletion of history. IMO, all the devices TS, and 3 minors tell a story which further tightens the timeline of disappearance.
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I will not be doing a YouTube live show tonight, Wednesday Feb 26th. I will be back tomorrow through Sunday live at 10:00 PM Eastern/7:00 PM Pacific.
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A certain someone needs to confess to knowing GS' whereabouts. Give it up, you know it's simply a matter of time. The harder you force LE to work to solve this case, the more difficult it will be for you down the line.

Stand up. Give it up. The weight lifted upon your shoulders will bring great relief. Allow GS to come home.

“At one point, another the crime lab and an unmarked van could be seen backing into the driveway. Investigators carried a large item, covered in brown paper, out of the house and loaded it into the lab.”

I wish they had shown this in one of Carly’s videos.

Wonder what these two large items are? They look heavy to me.... The picture quality is better in the article below.

Search for Gannon: Crime lab returns to Stauch home on day 30

This is from the first big haul out the first week. My guess is it’s the boards from the floor of the garage, shown in the initial reports.
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Hopefully, it is one of many cards that LE holds to build a case against the perpetrator. If the search was made, and if it was after 2:15 pm ... and the phone tower pings reveal the phone never left home.
Bingo, that makes sense, 1000% yes! Thank you so much! That was it, the most obvious lie of all. Home all day.
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Why would they have not included all possible lesser charges and all possible options? Even the little I heard from the media during the trial, it was clearly obvious she was guilty...

It sounds like the jury literally felt sorry for her in some sick and twisted way?
I think in part for the reason you just mentioned - because they assumed it was a slam dunk and didn’t “need” those lesser charges.

VERY unfortunately, they were wrong.
I agree. While it should not be the case that parents/legal custodians of children can just disappear the kids and no one can hold them accountable unless there's a cannot be the case that we make law based on cases like this one.

For one thing, it goes against research and common sense in criminal studies, and I think we're inching toward other legal solutions. CPS should maybe be doing its own parallel investigation here.
I could not agree more. With everything, but especially the bolded part.
I have seen Casey Anthony’s name thrown in here and there among posts...please enlighten me. If there was clearly evidence that she murdered her child, why did she go free? I am assuming we do not want that to happen to the person that disappeared Gannon. So why did jurors not vote that Casey Anthony was guilty? I have wondered about this for years, but never followed the trial as it was happening etc.
I followed the case very closely since it happened only about an hour and a half from me. Jurors were chosen from my county :confused:. IMO, the reason CA was acquitted was because her attorneys threw so much garbage out that they were capable of creating enough reasonable doubt (for the jurors, at least). Literally nothing they claimed that happened to Caylee had any ounce of evidence behind it... they just came up with enough BS that they were able to cause doubt. And it was all done by finger pointing at her own father.

I have seen Casey Anthony’s name thrown in here and there among posts...please enlighten me. If there was clearly evidence that she murdered her child, why did she go free? I am assuming we do not want that to happen to the person that disappeared Gannon. So why did jurors not vote that Casey Anthony was guilty? I have wondered about this for years, but never followed the trial as it was happening etc.
Be someone who's already answered this. But this is all I'm going to say, the jury wanted to go home.
I followed the case very closely since it happened only about an hour and a half from me. Jurors were chosen from my county :confused:. IMO, the reason CA was acquitted was because her attorneys threw so much garbage out that they were capable of creating enough reasonable doubt (for the jurors, at least). Literally nothing they claimed that happened to Caylee had any ounce of evidence behind it... they just came up with enough BS that they were able to cause doubt. And it was all done by finger pointing at her own father.

I think her parents really tried to save her *advertiser censored* and she just kept on taking, emptied everyone’s bucket. Her pathetic lies, destroyed everyone and even people she created out of thin air.
I have been reading without commenting for a while. But because of my psychology background (I’m a graduate student), I really want to ask all of you for your insights on LS’ communication patterns. Particularly, I am interested in the instances where LS chooses to offer seemingly unnecessary or off-topic details that are often not even in her own best interest to divulge.

Sometimes, I think her choice of language just reveals a natural propensity to exaggerate. And calculated attempts to explain things away in attempts to make herself look better.

Like when she claims LE held her and her daughter at gunpoint and threatened to shoot her, she may be stretching the truth to explain away why people may have heard she had a confrontation/her daughter was put in handcuffs. She believes if we think LE was rough with her, we will excuse lack of cooperation.

Or when she claims she didn’t know it was a police officer, she is trying to explain away why she didn’t cooperate fully with LE which she realizes (in hindsight) makes her look bad.

Or when she adds that her daughter is in the Air Force and “has never committed crime or done anything wrong in her life,” she seems to be trying to sway public opinion that this a fine upstanding family who couldn’t be involved in criminal behavior...even tho most would think it makes no sense to drag the daughter into a conversation that wasn’t even about her.

The reason I am so interested in this is that not only does she seem focused on developing explanations to explain the past away, I also suspect she may be trying to lay down a trail of false “facts” that she believes will somehow exonerate her in the future if Gannon is found and suspicion turns to her.

Here are some examples of facts she seems to throw out that I think could be part of some future narrative she is planning...even though I don’t fully understand them yet.

Like when she oddly notes that they went to Burger King. I feel like she believes that they will be able to find her car on camera there Or that she perhaps saved a receipt from there and it will help prove she was “telling the truth” about the rest of the events.

Or when she offers up the candle video believing that this will somehow further prove he was mischievous and capable of running away...even tho most would see it as reflecting poorly on her in actuality.

Or when she offers up G was cut on a tool...that his dad worked with a lot of tools...and she bandages him on the front of the car when no one had asked this. Clearly this could be used to explain away blood found in the garage or car.

The one I don’t fully understand is the gate key. It’s such an insignificant detail but she gives it significance on purpose, claiming G loved being the man of the house and having the only key. In her mind, is this an explanation for how he could’ve left the house through a side route and not been seen on video? Or is the gate key going to have some significance down the road?

I am curious what other unnecessary comments you might have noticed and why you think she is purposefully stringing these comments together.
Off topic....
To all the locals there in Co Springs, I heard a winter storm is headed your way. My granddaughter will be flying there and I’m worried about the weather and roads. Her little sister from her dads second marriage has just died there tonight in a car accident. She was just 15. if any of you pray, please pray for my granddaughter and her dad and stepmom. I know they are all heartbroken. I can’t even imagine. :(:(:(
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