Found Deceased CO - Gannon Stauch, 11, Colorado Springs, Lorson Ranch, El Paso County, 27 Jan 2020 *endangered* #23

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Was just wondering how in the world anyone could live with or stand to be around TS. If her interviews are insight into her typical day to day convos I don't really know how anyone could exist around her. Her answers change I am sure her rules and expectations of the kids changed without warning- all set up so that TS always "wins" other people are always wrong and responsible for doing things to make TS the victim in every interaction. My heart aches for Gannon,his sister, HH, LH and AS. How they have interacted with TS is beyond my comprehension- I am sure for years she has boiled blood, created intense anxiety and fear for those around her. What an evil selfish human- sickening!
How about this for a HYPOTHETICAL timeline? (you can fill in specific times if you want, I am just estimating)

Mon. Jan 27

10 am - 2pm Gannon comes into harm during the shopping trip. He is left in a remote wooded area.

3-4 pm LS’ other daughters come home from school and work.

6-9 pm LS lets AS know G hasn’t come home yet. They start calling other friends’ houses and eventually LS reports him as a runaway.

During the night: LS pulls together whatever resources she can and maps out a strategy to dump the body the next day.

Tues.Jan 28

Early morning: LS picks up the rental car and any other supplies she needs for her journey. She drives around for an hour being sure to be seen going “door to door” helping with the search.

Later morning: LS picks up AS.

Later that day: bio-mom comes to town.

Afternoon: LS stages a problem with step-mom staying in the house and leaves.

Evening: LS (edited to correct typo) loads the body into the rental car and drives to a further location. 100 miles maybe. 300 miles maybe. She turns around and comes right home.

Wed. Jan. 29 - Thurs. Jan 30: LS Is back in town and available for interviews with detectives where she alleges (in the Friday interview) that they infringed on her Constitutional rights. I don’t think we know when these interviews happened so I am suggesting this time window.
And lets pray that LE is in possession of a neighbor's security film that will support your timeline.
'Occam's Razor' and 'reasonable' conjecture still apply, no matter the assumed personality in question.

Thinking outside the box is one thing; stepping outside the box and on to a stinky pile is whole other thing.
So is Gray Hughes Investigates, and I wonder if you have seen the arrows shot at his program/analysis (here on WS) re the shadow video. I don't see anything wrong with criticism of media outlets, whether or not they are members here. WS is not my site, of course, but the media IS earning money from the case, from all crime cases. They have to develop a thick skin to even be in that occupation. Leigh from Crime Online came on a few times yesterday to clear up things we thought she had forgotten to ask, but in reality she did ask, she just had not published every word stepmom told her.

Yet, I would still not hesitate to say "I sure wish the reporter had asked ------" or "I hope the reporter is working with LE"......

Well, Gray started another uproar on missing baby Evelyn that didn't need to happen. He may have labeled his post as rumor, but it didn't stop the arrows again.
... and then she demands an apology from everyone, especially her husband!!
And how terrible for her to be so disconnected from reality that she is unable to see how badly she exposed and humiliated herself.
I'm not sure why she would continue to do these interviews if not to hinder the investigation and to taint a future jury if this goes to trial.

The more she talks, the more information she gives away and the more people will know about the case. All she is doing is confusing people, pointing fingers in other directions, explaining away potential evidence, and trying to steer the narrative. She knows she won't get a fair trial if the public is convinced she is guilty.

She knows exactly what she is doing and that revealing information will only hurt the case. She knows it won't help investigators find out what happened to Gannon. That should tell us everything we need to know.

This is a very minor point but it bugs me. Who takes a child in the throes of an IBS episode to Burger King. The worst thing he could eat. Not that it would matter to her. He "may" have been suffering a bad bout but a hard blow to the stomach is where my mind goes. Speaking to the night before Gannon disappeared.
If the potential jury pool gets "tainted" which I doubt it would because El Paso County is so big. But they could move the case to Denver. People have short attention spans and Denver is huge and growing every day. However, I still think the case will remain in El Paso County.
This is a very minor point but it bugs me. Who takes a child in the throes of an IBS episode to Burger King. The worst thing he could eat. Not that it would matter to her. He "may" have been suffering a bad bout but a hard blow to the stomach is where my mind goes. Speaking to the night before Gannon disappeared.
Maybe that's why she sort of giggled when she told the reporter? Maybe the Burger King dinner didn't go down too well. :(

I am turning this around in my head, but I think this is close to what I think.

If there was a temporary storage site, where G’s body was dumped, LS would’ve probably been slowly circling an area. Scouting. Maybe making sure the coast was clear. Eventually stopping when she chose a site. And all of that could be recorded in device data that LE could potentially have. That would explain the local searches that seem to be looking for small items.

Would love to know if they have tracking data on the rental car and how large of a radius it traveled. Has it shown up on cameras of toll booths? Some personal cars and rental cars have “i-passes” that would auto-record going through tolls too (they are called something different in different places but they digitally charge tolls to the account so you don’t have to wait in line). Someone suggested the highway to Kansas. Would that have toll booths? Or any other obvious surveillance points?

How about this for a HYPOTHETICAL timeline? (you can fill in specific times if you want, I am just estimating)

Mon. Jan 27

10 am - 2pm Gannon comes into harm during the shopping trip. He is left in a remote wooded area.

3-4 pm LS’ other daughters come home from school and work.

6-9 pm LS lets AS know G hasn’t come home yet. They start calling other friends’ houses and eventually LS reports him as a runaway.

During the night: LS pulls together whatever resources she can and maps out a strategy to dump the body the next day.

Tues.Jan 28

Early morning: LS picks up the rental car and any other supplies she needs for her journey. She drives around for an hour being sure to be seen going “door to door” helping with the search.

Later morning: LS picks up AS.

Later that day: bio-mom comes to town.

Afternoon: LS stages a problem with step-mom staying in the house and leaves.

Evening: LS (edited to correct typo) loads the body into the rental car and drives to a further location. 100 miles maybe. 300 miles maybe. She turns around and comes right home.

Wed. Jan. 29 - Thurs. Jan 30: LS Is back in town and available for interviews with detectives where she alleges (in the Friday interview) that they infringed on her Constitutional rights. I don’t think we know when these interviews happened so I am suggesting this time window.

your posts too.
Well, Gray started another uproar on missing baby Evelyn that didn't need to happen. He may have labeled his post as rumor, but it didn't stop the arrows again.
Point I was making is that just because someone is a member, that shouldn't, IMO, stop criticism (or accolades) towards them or their media outlets. Not personally in any way, but through their own publications in media.
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This is a very minor point but it bugs me. Who takes a child in the throes of an IBS episode to Burger King. The worst thing he could eat. Not that it would matter to her. He "may" have been suffering a bad bout but a hard blow to the stomach is where my mind goes. Speaking to the night before Gannon disappeared.
The same person who claims to take selfies with a kid who is sick. IMO
Western Kansas via I-70 is scary to me. East of Salina is pretty populated, but anything west of is really desolate. I didn't realize that CO Springs and Topeka are a literal straight shot via I-70. That doesn't mean that she drove all the way to Topeka, but anywhere west of Topeka would still put her in the 900 mile range round trip.

I'm in a major metro area along I-70 as well and grew up in Topeka. I've made that I-70 Colorado jog several times, I guess I just never paid attention to Colorado Springs. The thought that she could've gotten off anywhere in Kansas and drove in any direction from I-70 for 15 minutes and been literally in the middle of nowhere is making me feel really, really sick and worried. It's so sparsely populated out there. Lots of farmland. If you threw me out in the middle of nowhere and told me to find my way back home, especially if I were ill, I would likely have a hard time figuring out which direction to walk in. This is making me want to drive on I-70 and start trying to look around. If we don't find Gannon by Wednesday, that's what I'm doing.

As far as technology is concerned, she may not have known about the Apple Watch tracking yet. Since she just brought it up recently, I have a feeling she believed the non-cellular capabilities wouldn't give her away. However, GPS is handled via satellite, like a Garmin, not via cellular. It's constantly tracking your movement. If you're a passenger in a vehicle, it knows. If you're a driver, it knows. If you're stressed, if you're physically exerting yourself, if you're panicking, if you're elated: it knows. She may have left the phone behind, but I have a feeling that the Apple Watch stuff is a new revelation, hence her brand new need to explain day-of movement. Because the story on CrimeOnline seems to follow a timeline (day before, day of, day after), I think the next installment will be focused on where she went with the car, to explain tracked movements via Apple Watch.

Let's hope they have the info already, and there are searchers in whatever area(s) she went to. We may get a lot of images of searchers in Colorado Springs, but who's gonna travel to the outskirts of Norton, KS, and take pictures of searchers? Who would take photos of drones going over a farm there? You would have no idea what they were looking for, and it's so spread out anyhow, how would you know the difference between searchers and just people working a farm or taking photos of their land? Taking a hike? I have all the faith in CS/EP LE.

@gatorage, it is the information that you provided earlier and what is within this post that I rest my hope upon. I thank you so much :)

* And it is safe to say that there are clever techies unaware of the information that you know. The automatic syncing and backup to iCloud. Let's hope she wore her watch. Oops :oops:
Am I the only one who finds it weird that he Gannon injured his foot enough for blood to shed, and yet he went hiking with the injury the next day? Smh

If he did have a cut foot, I don't think it happened prior to the hike. But then I tend to find everything TS said either a flat out lie, or, if true at all, twisted in some way to fit her narrative.
Good morning WSRs! Have been a bit under the weather and gotten behind on the thread. I fully intend to go back and read but can anyone give me a summary of yesterday’s search? I’m sorta done with the TS BS
CrimeOnline released Part 2 of the LS interview where she focused on the rental car and released the rental car receipt. Her reason for needing a rental car has been considered suspect here bc she said she needed it so G wouldn’t be scared away by family cars as they searched. The receipt shows she emptied the gas tank because she picked it up full (8/8) but returned it empty (/8). This would mean she (or someone) drove at least 300-400 miles in the rental. The receipt also says she drove 955 miles total. Some have suggested this is probably a typo where others have said rental car companies have developed tight processes around checking and logging mileage and it should be assumed to be right. We wonder where she would’ve gone in 300-955 miles of driving and when in the timeline she would’ve had time to do this. And why she did it.
Can I ask why you believe the interview took place Tuesday? I may very well have missed that, but haven’t seen that suggested anywhere.

The 1st time I see that backside media interview video posted here or anywhere else on line is Saturday the 1st of February. It was taken during the neighborhood searches of Lorsans Ranch.

It was probably taken on Friday January 31st.
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