CO - James Holmes Trial - *Penalty Phase* #4 - LWOP

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When my son was in jail in CA . Even with commissary $100 max you can only buy top ramen, chips, tuna, cheese, crackers, salami. That's about it for food items but you still served a bologna sandwich or peanut butter and I think eggs for breakfast. For dinner it was some kind of opened can or sandwich of some kind.

Still he will have more then some other inmates.
When my son was in jail in CA . Even with commissary $100 max you can only buy top ramen, chips, tuna, cheese, crackers, salami. That's about it for food items but you still served a bologna sandwich or peanut butter and I think eggs for breakfast. For dinner it was some kind of opened can or sandwich of some kind.

Does anyone wonder why inmates gain so much weight? Geesh !

But in the all depends on the inmate whether or NOT they exercise within their cell's or have access to exercise equipment.. I have seen many video's of almost like an Exercise Gymnasium..with weights etc...sometimes outside depending on locations...

Aas for this murderer..I couldn't give a care how well he deals with incarceration..that's my view given his selfish, angry offing of innocents and damaging,hurting and making hundreds upon hundred deal with that HURT ( that he claims to fear the most!!) As far as I'm concerned he can fall of the face of the earth..and let him wither away and die a tormented, emotionally painful death..That's far less painful and debilitating than what he on his own "Sentenced" all his victims!!
JH parents are really hoping for Life because they will get to have live contact visits with him as opposed behind glass or a cage. He will probably die of natural causes even if he got DP but have more restrictive privileges than LWOP inmates.
Does anyone wonder why inmates gain so much weight? Geesh !

But in the all depends on the inmate whether or NOT they exercise within their cell's or have access to exercise equipment.. I have seen many video's of almost like an Exercise Gymnasium..with weights etc...sometimes outside depending on locations...

Aas for this murderer..I couldn't give a care how well he deals with incarceration..that's my view given his selfish, angry offing of innocents and damaging,hurting and making hundreds upon hundred deal with that HURT ( that he claims to fear the most!!) As far as I'm concerned he can fall of the face of the earth..and let him wither away and die a tormented, emotionally painful death..That's far less painful and debilitating than what he on his own "Sentenced" all his victims!!

Because the big bad inmates con, threaten the weak and mentally ill out of their food. They gain weight from medication. My son is bone thin from the bad guys taking his food. His mentally ill and is easily manipulated.
Does anyone wonder why inmates gain so much weight? Geesh !

But in the all depends on the inmate whether or NOT they exercise within their cell's or have access to exercise equipment.. I have seen many video's of almost like an Exercise Gymnasium..with weights etc...sometimes outside depending on locations...

Aas for this murderer..I couldn't give a care how well he deals with incarceration..that's my view given his selfish, angry offing of innocents and damaging,hurting and making hundreds upon hundred deal with that HURT ( that he claims to fear the most!!) As far as I'm concerned he can fall of the face of the earth..and let him wither away and die a tormented, emotionally painful death..That's far less painful and debilitating than what he on his own "Sentenced" all his victims!!

Well yeah, who is he to impose a death sentence on 12, injure & maim 70 others- yet, he has rights to avoid a DP.
BTW~~ I refuse to post all of the def. continuations of their micro-managing all the wordings of jury instructions..trying to alter words to confuse juror' this Judge is getting frustrated with this dynamic duo (Brady/Nelson)..BUT let's face it..much to this duo..Judge Seymour is no "Judge Stephens"!!

After this case case is over..I truly hope these juror's get a glimpse of some of their debates!! It would be a complete validation for their decisions!!
How long will your son be in prison, Whiteorchids? (if you feel comfortable answering).
Thinking ahead: I think if given DP, JH will choose not to go through appeals process. Does anyone think he'll want to prolong his life in prison?

Hmmm, Chelly -- Good call. I don't really think he will care one way or the other. Will his parents? Who knoze? One can only assume that the State would let it go if the defendant didn't want an appeal...
I have to remind myself over and over that hate is a sin, but it's hard not to hate this monster for all the pain he has inflicted, how much joy he has stolen and all the ugly scars he left on everyone's hearts. I am awful at remembering names, and I try not to get too attached with people in the cases as I like to stay objective and it already weighs so heavy on my heart, but will the sweet girl who wore flowers on her head be doing an impact statement? She really stood out to me, her ability to forgive is an amazing gift, one I don't think this shooter is deserving of.

I agree! Her name was Bonnie something... maybe even Bonnie Rae ... but I don't remember her last name. She displayed so much strength & faith.
OK..COurt is in recess until 9 AM MT ..8AM Pt..11AM EDT and 4PM Maisie time....Hope I covered the time zones of those following :_))

All need to take a deep breath and try to regroup..Have a great evening ALL!! Go from this :badmood: to :smiliescale:

Catch yawl with :coffeecup: except for Maisie who will be into afternoon big time!!

In the meantime :grouphug: for everyone!!

OMGoodness.ETA~~ The jury will not return to court until 1PM MY from until then it appears there's going to be more head banging with Judge and Defence in the morning??
I don't think his parents are permitted to testify at this phase, it's for victim impact statements. They had their opportunity to speak on his behalf in the mitigation stage.
Colorado is confusing - it seems like phase 2 & 3 should be one phase, but they split it into 3, if I understand correctly.

I really hate to bring up NC law again and again, but it's the only state with which I am familiar re courtroom procedure and some of the criminal law statutes...

On a DP case, after the guilt phase, if guilty, there is a penalty phase wherein aggravating and mitigating testimony is given, and victim impact testimony is given. The jury must agree unanimously for the DP, else it defaults to LWOP. Sentence is pronounced by the judge at the conclusion of the penalty phase and the defendant is remanded to the Department of Public Safety (previously named Dept. of Corrections). The case then concludes.
Honestly, I've never heard attorneys or judges talking about jurors crying & making records of it!!!!!!!! Ever, wth?

Was that objection made in front of the jury? That's likely to hurt the defense more than anything if it was... because that would really piss me off if I was the juror who was crying. I'd be like how dare you attempt to control how I feel or infer that my emotions aren't appropriate!?
Will the jury have completed their job after the phase 3 "verdict" ?

Thinking about and saying Prayers for this jury and Every victim and Family member and friend. This was heartbreaking to watch.
I am so happy the people had the chance to tell us about their beloved as hard as it was for them and as brief as it was. The all did a wonderful Job.
Has anyone considered that the shooter actually wants to die?

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I've considered it. I believe he probably wants to... I think a lot of people would rather die than spend the rest of their lives in jail... especially those who are socially anxious. BUT I also think he's a coward & is terrified of dying. I think he probably would have killed himself a long time ago if he had the guts to actually do it.
Will the jury have completed their job after the phase 3 "verdict" ?

Thinking about and saying Prayers for this jury and Every victim and Family member and friend. This was heartbreaking to watch.
I am so happy the people had the chance to tell us about their beloved as hard as it was for them and as brief as it was. The all did a wonderful Job.

Yes they will deliberate this last time to determine sentence. If they can't agree unanimously the judge will sentence the shooter to life without parole.

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Was that objection made in front of the jury? That's likely to hurt the defense more than anything if it was... because that would really piss me off if I was the juror who was crying. I'd be like how dare you attempt to control how I feel or infer that my emotions aren't appropriate!?

This didn't happen in front of the jury. It was after they were dismissed. The judge didn't seem too concerned about it. He said they weren't breaking down.

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Hi Friends! Closing arguments aren't until 3 PM, my time, EST. It's going to be a long day!If I remember, each side has 40 min. then each side may rebut for 10 min. I remember the judge saying that will be an hour for each. So the jury will only have the case for 2 hrs. before the end of the day.Will we get a verdict today? IMO, probably not.I'm a bit surprised that he refused to allocute. That goes a long way with a jury. They need to hear remorse. But, if he shows remorse that blows his whole defense theory. But, he has nothing left to prove, insanity & decreased capacity were rejected by the jury. IMO, even if he just said one statement to the jury to ask them for LWOP, still might reach that all important one person on the jury. By not saying anything for himself just shows him as a cold blooded monster. IMO. Most defendants do gave a statement to the jury.
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