CO - Jessica Ridgeway, 10, Westminster, 5 Oct 2012 - #19

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Of most interest imo as to possible involvement of sigg in previous attempted abductions is THE ATTEMPTED ABDUCTION MAY 10, 2012 @Ketner Lake(refer to above timeline entry on May 10 2012)

Its my strong belief these two teenagers who witnessed and fought off the perp from the grip he had on the little boys neck.. Its my opinion that the two teen girls very likely could positively ID Sigg as that attempted abductor...not to mention he fits down to a tee their exact description given of the perp..

Jmo tho..
Ive been reading about this for the past couple hours.
Im leaning towards LE NOT having a good idea this kid was the perp.
So to answer your question, his mom turning him in was what lead to
his arrest.

Im confident of that, I'm saying how would we have caught him or been on to him? Go backwards from what we know and try to see what was missed? They obviously had the DNA from the jogger who he tried to smother with the rug and Jessica. So knowing that is his MO you search for people who have access to that. And one of the ways to do that is with Formalehyde, then cross reference with that area.
If his father is a convicted criminal they will have familial DNA.

I don't think it works that way. I think you can only trace relations through mitochondrial DNA which runs through the mother, not the dad?

OMG, it just keeps getting worse the more we hear. You know I really hope people don't start the "poor boy, what could have happened and there's got to be a reason". This is horror, he's pure evil, I don't care what age he is and what his looks are. These things can really sway a jury and if he gets off on a shorter time or mental institution, he'll be right back out there and we'll hear of another child. Can you imagine Jessica's loved ones having to hear how she died now? I could care less about this monster.

Oh, it's totally started. Talk about bad wiring in the brain, a bad home life, what happened, must be mentally ill, etc.

You know, I buy that if the kid is 14 or younger or if it was a spontaneous thing or even a more remote killing like a shooting from a car, or a fight leading to death, etc.

But this kid dismembered Jessica's little body!!! Do you guys realize the coldness it takes to do something like that? How difficult it is? How bloody? How long it takes? And he apparently tried to abduct a grown woman earlier! This is no poor baby who suddenly lost it!

And I have to really admit to serious frustration when comparing how this creep is viewed compared to the ones who killed Autumn. Really, I have seen ZERO discussion about possible schizophrenia or mental illness when it comes to those boys. No, it's all about how evil they are.

Oh, and yes, there are some who give credit to those perps' mom for turning them in, but I see much more love given to this one and zero suggestion that she only did it for reward money.

I am not happy about the discrepancy in the cases. Especially as this killer seems much more sinister with the dismemberment.

I'm wondering why he confessed at all. Psychopaths do not have a conscience yet he confides in his mom and gives full confession to police?

What prompted him to tell his mom?


Psychopaths do confess - Jon Roberts, Ted Bundy, Joran Van Der Sloot (about Stephanie Flores), Arthur Gary Bishop, Westley Allan Dodd, etc., etc..

Also, I think it's not 100% correct to say that all psychopaths have zero remorse of any kind. I think it's a spectrum. That's why some serial killers will confess to certain murders but not others - the others being those they felt somehow a bit more bad about - and why they sometimes cover their victim's eyes or faces, so the victim can't "look at them."

It takes a tiny bit of feeling to not want a victim to see you or to not want to admit to certain murders even while admitting to many others.
How do you access the scanner thread? His address I think I remember an address very close to that being mentioned in some capacity.
Gotcha. Thanks. IF Sigg's father was arrested for a FELONY then it would be in the system since Colorado enacted Katie's Law in 2010.

He has not only been arrested, he's been convicted. However, the Colorado database didn't kick out a potential link when the DNA from Jessica's case (or possibly the jogger's case) was compared.

And that makes me think that while Sigg's father may well have been swabbed, the results are not yet in the system. I know that many states have horrendous backlogs in processing DNA and they are forced to prioritise. Since Sigg's father doesn't seem to have any sexually related convictions, if Colorado has a backlog he's probably towards the bottom of the pile.

I assume that arrests for things like rape or murder would be given high priority.
Embalming would require embalming fluids and other chemicals not readily available to the general public. Even if he had been enrolled in forensic classes, those materials(if they were even available to the students which I doubt) would have been very tightly controlled by the school.

I think the second crime scene could easily be his house, all he would need is a plastic tarp and a cutting implement. If he did it in a room with tile, it makes it that much easier. If he was careful about it, he could have it all cleaned up before mom got home.

I also don't believe he was retaining the body parts as trophies, but rather that he had some misguided notion that by removing the identifiable parts of her body that he would get away with the crime.

I think this is a case of, " I can outsmart the cops" kind of thing. I suspect this boy was probably teased as a boy, was a bit of a loner, and had few if any relationships with girls his own age.
Oh, and BTW?


I'm annoyed by full face photos of the murderer being posted. This is the face we should be looking at. He deserves no recognition and no glory.
Little neighbor said he played with her & other little girls. He creeped her out. E has a scooter.
Tell me about it.

I had the misfortune of hearing Dr Dobson's radio show many, many nights as I was growing up (my father was "listening"...aka not listening but if you turned the radio off he got annoyed). Not a fond memory.

Oh Lordy, you too, Jane?.. I too had the similar misfortune of having it drilled in my brain as a youngster as well who had parents that repeatedly listened and hung on his every word...
The girl who looked like Jessica? Who said he always wanted to play Capture the Flag? As I recall, in the interview she added an explanatory modification, such as "years ago," or "when we were younger." Sorry, not an exact quote and no link, just from memory.
OMG... what I am hearing on NG jus before M Klass came on.

I have to wait for the transcript!
There are two sons? Where is the info? I am wondering if the brother is older/younger, had trouble with the law, or whatever.

One thing, they sure do have a fabulous-looking house. So I'm guessing they weren't struggling financially?

Mom filed for bankruptcy in May, according to news report
I dunno, it seems to me like car starter fluid would be a lot easier to find than formaldehyde. I am not LE or associated with this case but I wouldn't be surprised if the police were thinking the same way.

I don't think LE was onto him specifically. It seems pretty clear that his mother had some questions and it unravelled from there.

Because of what he studied could he have gotten the formaldehyde from the college for his studies?
It does not appear LE was onto him at all. First of all his DNA wasn't in any DB. And it doesn't seem that his father's DNA was in any DB. As a weird teenager at that awkward time (and so many teens are awkward at that age), he would blend in. Even his dark/twisted interests would be seen as part and parcel of "that age" rather than some deeper psychopathy unless someone had really looked at/examined him. He would have blended right into the area because he was a teenager and looked like a typical teen.

Had he not made the mistakes he made and dropped his cross (I don't think he planted it to send a message) he might not have been discovered by his mother.
I can't find my glasses but this cross doesn't not seem as crudely made (uneven, etc) as the one LE released to public.

Off to find my glasses.


I don't think it is the same cross, either, but I think it shows that he is into wearing one and most likely replaced it for others during the years?

ETA: Okay, just looked at the pictures back some pages - if that picture on the right is one of the police photos, I change my mind and believe this is the exact cross he is wearing.
In a big house like that,he may have his own bathroom?

If the house is designed like I believe it is (same floor plan as a friends was) there are two full bathrooms one half bath and three bedrooms- plus a large sink in the utility room.
Im confident of that, I'm saying how would we have caught him or been on to him? Go backwards from what we know and try to see what was missed? They obviously had the DNA from the jogger who he tried to smother with the rug and Jessica. So knowing that is his MO you search for people who have access to that. And one of the ways to do that is with Formalehyde, then cross reference with that area.

I don't think it is at all likely that there was formaldehyde in the rag. Formalin and formaldehyde do not induce unconsciousness like ether or chloroform would. The fumes are extremely irritating to mucus membranes and would cause the person to choke, cough, gag and perhaps vomit. It wouldn't make abducting someone easier, but more likely more difficult.
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