CO CO - Kelsey Berreth, 29, Woodland Park, Teller County, 22 Nov 2018 - #35 *ARREST*

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im suspicious about a ring.
can see our cheapskate mate cowboy thinking himself very clever ( frugal) giving KB a family HEIRLOOM that cost him nadda…...he is a bloke....he has zero appreciation for such things maybe it was his grandmothers or his mother may have given him hers because she was divorced from PKs dad. idk but lets not underplay the importance of jewellery to women.
HEIRLOOM at that.

now lets rewind to when KB came into the frame.
the same time KL was leaving her husband.
imo she was freeing herself up for PK who kept her on the back burner but still on a medium simmer.

playing two women at the same time can only last so long.
and I am damn sure KL did not like that ring on KBs finger.

the promise was for THAT ring to be on her finger.
the how....not her problem.....until it was...……

im suspicious about a ring.
can see our cheapskate mate cowboy thinking himself very clever ( frugal) giving KB a family HEIRLOOM that cost him nadda…...he is a bloke....he has zero appreciation for such things maybe it was his grandmothers or his mother may have given him hers because she was divorced from PKs dad. idk but lets not underplay the importance of jewellery to women.
HEIRLOOM at that.

now lets rewind to when KB came into the frame.
the same time KL was leaving her husband.
imo she was freeing herself up for PK who kept her on the back burner but still on a medium simmer.

playing two women at the same time can only last so long.
and I am damn sure KL did not like that ring on KBs finger.

the promise was for THAT ring to be on her finger.
the how....not her problem.....until it was...……

I would understand PF saving the ring (but not KB). Time enough to pull the ring off her finger, when she's dead - and he planned her death anyway. However, I wouldn't understand at all, when a woman would like to wear something, her rival had worn before - heirloom or not.
One critical piece of this investigation is PF's trip to pick up the baby. This trip should have taken maybe half an hour. I am sure the FBI (or others) would have asked those "who would know", how long was PF gone. In the other Colorado national news case, (the guy who dumped his kids in the two oil tanks) he spent 45 minutes backed up to his garage to load a few work items, which was totally suspicious and probably helped convict him. If PF spent a couple of hours to pick up his child it would look suspicious.
I’m suspicious of who in Kk’s family also knew about the solicitations prior to the murder. Some of them may very well be in the camp with the BFF and the Rockstahls. If so, feeling compassion for them in having to put up their assets as collateral for attorney fees is something they could possibly have avoided altogether. Maybe not.
Exactly. We don’t know who knew about the solicitations. And I guess we don’t want to feel bad for the wrong people since that be misdirected compassion and that would make me feel angry (I’m now over analyzing things...). I shall keep my focus and feel bad only about KB, her baby girl, and her parents for now.
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Good Morning,

Well it will be a good day for the Ice Festival if anyone even ventures up there. I know the little city of Cripple Creek depends on some winter tourism but the weather does not always cooperate. I have a friend that participates in the art show they also have at the same time and it is a big gamble for profits because if no one shows it is a flop.
And your right, they will not be looking in any landfill today.
Good Morning,

Well it will be a good day for the Ice Festival if anyone even ventures up there. I know the little city of Cripple Creek depends on some winter tourism but the weather does not always cooperate. I have a friend that participates in the art show they also have at the same time and it is a big gamble for profits because if no one shows it is a flop.
And your right, they will not be looking in any landfill today.

I love Cripple Creek in all seasons! We're going on Saturday. I just do not care for the terrifying, seat gripping, ride up ;) lol
Well NoeticSoul you can always go up there by Teller 1 and not 67 which was to seat gripping white knuckle for me!
Are you going to the art show at the Heritage Center on Saturday also?
Well NoeticSoul you can always go up there by Teller 1 and not 67 which was to seat gripping white knuckle for me!
Are you going to the art show at the Heritage Center on Saturday also?

ot My DH loves the "scenery" int he high country Uggh. And I hope to if we have time! We're visiting a friend at the Cripple Creek Care Center nursing facility.

Nothing on the news yet about PF's court appearance for custody today. Accused killer Patrick Frazee expected in court for daughter's custody Just repeat news about KK's appearance tomorrow. I can't wait to see what goes down for her tomorrow.
The motion for discovery on KK's charge is so excessive though. Compare it to the motions for PF who is facing far more serious and multiple charges, and it looks like using a bazooka to kill a fly. This makes me wonder about ulterior motives, especially the part about conflicting witness statements that can be impeached.

If it's true that any felony conviction results in loss of KK's nursing license, her new high-priced attorney may be telling her not to take a plea deal after all, make them prove the case. KK and team may also be working hand-in-glove against PF and unknown other(s) by forcing discovery, depositions and testimony in the smaller case against KK looking for ammunition in the larger PF and other(s) case(s). If PF were required to testify against PF, he either tells the truth, lies, or takes the 5th which doesn't reflect well on him.

I'm too verbose. I should have said maybe the charge against KK and discovery demand motion are fishing expeditions against PF.
Not verbose at all @SandyQLS! I think you merely expressed what many of us fear, that maybe there's NO deal and her attorney will try to get her off "scott free" so she doesn't lose her nursing license. Even though our legal experts have weighed in and pretty much said it's standard/boilerplate stuff, many of us that have no legal knowledge are uncomfortable with the wording of the discovery request. I wasn't even o.k. with the idea of her only getting a charge of tampering. I'd be utterly ill if she got off with NO consequences whatsoever :(

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If I understand it correctly from following along, PF has 2 murder charges - 1 that he may have comitted it alone and another 1 that he may have had help. What is confusing to me is, that it is either 1 OR the other - he either carried it out alone OR he had help. I guess what I'm trying to say is, aren't those 2 charges kind of broad-based and not very specific to what may have truly happened? Couldn't that be something that is very workable for the defense to use because basically the charges show LE/investigators do not know for sure what happened and/or for the jury to have doubt about what really occurred? Or am I simply not understanding correctly how this works (which I'm guessing is probably the case).

And yes, I do believe 100% he was involved, but I am just not ready to say that he didn't have help from at least 1 other person to carry this out.
One critical piece of this investigation is PF's trip to pick up the baby. This trip should have taken maybe half an hour. I am sure the FBI (or others) would have asked those "who would know", how long was PF gone. In the other Colorado national news case, (the guy who dumped his kids in the two oil tanks) he spent 45 minutes backed up to his garage to load a few work items, which was totally suspicious and probably helped convict him. If PF spent a couple of hours to pick up his child it would look suspicious.
I think we're still in the dark about how things went down after KB returned from Safeway. I personally doubt PF was scheduled to pick up baby K for the holiday as he had the baby during the week and surely KB wanted time with her as well. I'm still of the opinion that KB thought things were fine and they were going to spend time together as a "family" later that afternoon.

Some of us at one point also thought, maybe he was just there to pick up the baby to go look for a tree (however, unlikely THAT was), because if that were the case, PF should have reported KB missing the very day he took baby K for the outing and came back and she was "gone."

It will be interesting when it's revealed how that fateful day unfolded.
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