Found Deceased CO - Shanann Watts (34), Celeste"Cece" (3) and Bella (4), Frederick, 13 Aug 2018 *Arrest* #23

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I personally don't see too much in the HOA dispute without knowing more details. A friend of mine had issues with an HOA at her previous home and nearly half the neighborhood refused to pay for a variety of reasons.
I agree PixieQ, it would seem a manageable issue and could be resolved amicably with the HOA. I am wondering about the consequences they would have had to the bankruptcy they declared previously and how it would have impacted them financially and credit rating wise. Seems it didn't affect them since they still owned their home and it wasn't foreclosed on them.
I know the bankruptcy was discussed at length. If I understand this correctly, the bankruptcy pertained to the CO home but they were able to still keep their home and property? In my country, when a person declares bankruptcy they lose the rights to their property and home to my understanding as I don't know first hand.
Often times, when a person declares bankruptcy it can lead to further debts and bankruptcies because of the lifestyle and financial management issues. Do we know other then the $1400 issue with the HOA, if their finances and debts were beginning to get out of hand again?
There are several chapters of bankruptcy:
Chapter 7 , 11 and 13. Not sure if there are more. I’m guessing it depends on the financial situation is what determines what chapter they would fall under.
i have asked that many times, imo it would make so much difference regarding preservation of evidence if it were true, and also to my mind it would slightly make me feel better if they hadn't had crude oil soaked into their poor little mouths, eyes, ears, and everywhere else. But i never said it was true that bags were used. Plus it would make a big difference what kind, if they were sealed, and if he even cared enough to try not to snag the bags when he stuffed his babies into those hatches.
I would think he would rather not have the evidence preserved.
I'm only aware of the HOA financial situation. I don't believe anything else has come out regarding their current finances.
I could be wrong but I thought they declared bankruptcy at some point in time?
The doll just seems to be wrapped up rather neatly for a 3 and 4 year old to have done it, and it is laid so perfectly on the couch, it just seems to me that would have been pretty tough for them to have done, just on the sheer size of both the twister mat, and the doll. JMO The girls were tiny and looks like smaller than the doll, but definitely smaller than the twister mat.

Perhaps I'm the only one here who Zooms in and sees the face has the eyes nose mouth chin Etc When I look at that photograph of the Twister. It's not normal laying and folded. Am I hallucinating and I am I the only person that has seen that?
Days after letting police inside his home so they could help find his missing family, he told investigators “he would tell the truth.” He first asked to speak with his father then admitted to killing Shannan. He told police that he killed her after witnessing her strangling one of the girls on a baby monitor and that other child had already been killed by Shanann.

Inside the confession of Christopher Watts
I think it's important to note that prior to confession, LE had already confirmed alleged affair with co-worker (which CW had denied), and discovered clandestine grave containing SW body at CERVI #319. Anadarko previously gave LE permission to property, and grave located after LE employed drone to search the area. IMO, the "truth" was the location of the girls bodies, and CW alleging he was responsible only for the death of SW.
or LE could've read a text message on SW phone regarding the AP. They were on possession of her phone on 8/13 per arrest affidavit.
I think it’s more likely they saw a text or something on CW’s phone, or maybe message sent in company email. (anadarko probably turned that stuff over volutarily like a hot potato). When Shanann walked in that house a final time, she may have suspected infidelity but I’m almost certain it was just a general suspicion if that. She had no confirmation there was an affair nor do I think she suspected a particular AP. What she may have found out in her final hours I can’t speak to, but sure wish I could.
I know the bankruptcy was discussed at length. If I understand this correctly, the bankruptcy pertained to the CO home but they were able to still keep their home and property? In my country, when a person declares bankruptcy they lose the rights to their property and home to my understanding as I don't know first hand.
Often times, when a person declares bankruptcy it can lead to further debts and bankruptcies because of the lifestyle and financial management issues. Do we know other then the $1400 issue with the HOA, if their finances and debts were beginning to get out of hand again?

Earlier posts (WAY earlier) addressed this. I know you can declare bankruptcy and keep your home if you maintain your payments. Someone in those earlier threads suggested that you could declare bankruptcy and keep your home for years before you were actually foreclosed on. I simply don’t know the answer.
Thank you. It’s been hard losing her and some of the post-crime character dissection afterward has almost been worse. i can honestly say in the time that I knew her I NEVER ONCE heard Shanann judge another person, speculate on anyone’s character or criticize others behind their back. She was all about encouraging people to be their best, and she was a positive energy in many lives imcluding mine. It warmed my heart to see how genuinely happy she was when one of her friends accomplished something. Job success, weight loss, relationship victories, adult graduations, new babies — she rooted for it all and celebrated when it happened.

She would never have dreamt of questioning someone’s life, motivation and character the way hers is being picked apart by total strangers. And she’s not even here to defend herself. It’s the main reason I decided to go through the effort to be a VI. Everything she valued is being questioned and she deserves to have somebody try to keep baseless rumors at bat. It’s what she would have done in a heartbeat for a friend if she were here.

I wish we could hit LIKE more than once. Thank you for helping to preserve your friend's memory. And thank you for helping us to realize who CW and SW were from a distance.
He may have discarded the sheet on Monday and didn't bother to take the trash out on Tuesday.
He discarded the sheet on Tuesday after the trash pick up, or on Wednesday.

Hmm.. But the scent dogs were there on Tuesday. How come LE didn't discover the sheet and pillow cases until Wednesday?

Where were those items on Tuesday?
Puzzling..or I'm not thinking straight.

My thinking is, that it is a trash can like mine. You have to lift the lid to see what is inside. And they could not do that unless they had a search warrant. They were walking through the first day and they could only look at what was visible. At that time. In my opinion. Later they had a search warrant and could open it up and look inside under the lid.

Elsewise, it could be considered that it was upstairs the first time and then it was downstairs the second time?
I disagree that it is 'emotional; abuse' to rib or tease someone. To me, it is humor and also a form of relationship communication. I rib my husband about his reckless driving because he hails from Boston and that's how they do it there. He teases me about my stubborn streak---jokes that I have to say NO the first 7 times until I finally agree on something he wants. It is not abuse, it is healthy communication, imo.

It may or may not be. It depends on context. IMO times it *likely isn't when it's a mutual exchange and/or even if not mutual both giver and reciever intend it to be playful and receive it as such. On the other hand it *may be if it's one sided or unequal and the giver's intent is to be hurtful or the receiver receives it as such.

Like several others have said the videos are a snippet of their interactions. If I knew them in real life, which I didnt, I wouldn't assume on the videos alone that there's a pattern of abuse, BUT I would find opportunities to open that conversation, due to some red flags. All my humble opinion .
There is no evidence that any emotional abuse occurred between this couple, and certainly not domestic violence until the day of the murder. That's what makes it so difficult for people who knew them to understand why this happened. Jmo
we each can form and express opinions of their interactions with each other and with the children based on the videos. We don't know the exact details but those who knew them such as NU immediately sensed something was seriously wrong. JMO
yeah I re-watched that long interview on Wednesday. IIRC he said that CW had pretty much lost the majority of the weight before they knew each other . Let me go see if I can find it easily

Edited to add
Here's the interview where he says that CW had pretty much lost the majority of the weight before they knew each other and then yes she chips in with: he also lost a lot once they started Thrive+running, then she tails off.
So yes it's ambiguous.

All I can deduce is CW lost weight over a longer period.

At c. the 13.00min mark
The photos do not lie: the weight loss by both CW and SW from their wedding date (Nov 2012) to present and/or most current photos is significant. MOO
That is a great point pocketaccent. Maybe it was meant to be open to go with the storyline but CW didn't realize SW latched it from inside or CW forgot to unlatch it.

I think it's possible that he latched the door because he REALLY did not one anyone entering the house by chance for any reason. He locked up, planning to get home and stage the scene that evening. He could wait a while, call around, finish cleaning and staging and THEN start reporting his wife and kids missing. Her got gazumped and had to let the police in before he could get anything set up. JMO. Another question, if he is trying to get the life insurance on the children, is this a motive for saying SW killed them? Could he still collect, if she killed them and not him?
The discarded bed linens, I am assuming is the blanket and/or duvet cover etc that was located on the floor beside their bed in the master bedroom and the top sheet and several pillow cases located in the kitchen garbage can scenario.

I am of one opinion that there could have been a serious argument between SW and CW regarding separation and/or affair -affairs as well as other marital and financial issues we are not privy to at this point, whereby SW pulled the bed linens off the bed in anger because SW may have thought someone else had slept there and then SW proceeded to remove the top sheet and pillow cases and stormed out of their room and went to the kitchen to throw them in the garbage. I can see that being a reaction a person would have if they thought a spouse was unfaithful and potentially had another person in their home.

Another opinion I am thinking about is that if CW was the person to remove the bed linens and then the top sheet and pillow cases and put them in the kitchen garbage can it doesn't seem to me that this would have been a priority for CW at that point in time in the early morning hours because he would be more panicked about removing the bodies then cleaning up the home especially if CW thought he would have more time later on to clean up but was circumvented by NU calling the LE.
I just don't think CW was the one to remove the bed linens and the top sheet and pillow cases because if he had done that would he not have thrown them directly into the garbage can that goes directly to the street for garbage pick up versus taking the time to put them into the kitchen garbage can which would then need to be placed in the outdoor garbage can.

I think this bed top sheet and pillow cases in the kitchen garbage is key because if SW did put them in the garbage can it more then likely means the girls were still alive at that point because it would be very likely that SW checked in on them at some point when she returned home.

Iirc.. please correct me if I'm wrong, the bed linens were at the foot of the bed the first day, and it was later that the top sheet? And the pillow cases were found in the trash can on Tuesday.

As an aside, I'm getting ready for company, and the most difficult part of changing the bed sheets is taking the pillow cases off the pillows. I just don't see somebody in an emotional situation with somebody else stripping the pillow cases off of pillows and putting them in the trash can or even at the bottom of the bed. I can understand somebody emotionally grabbing the sheets, but not stripping the pillow cases off.
Iirc.. please correct me if I'm wrong, the bed linens were at the foot of the bed the first day, and it was later that the top sheet? And the pillow cases were found in the trash can on Tuesday.

As an aside, I'm getting ready for company, and the most difficult part of changing the bed sheets is taking the pillow cases off the pillows. I just don't see somebody in an emotional situation with somebody else stripping the pillow cases off of pillows and putting them in the trash can or even at the bottom of the bed. I can understand somebody emotionally grabbing the sheets, but not stripping the pillow cases off.

I can’t think of any reason for the pillow cases either. They’re the worst!
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