Found Deceased CO - Shanann Watts (34), Celeste"Cece" (3) and Bella (4), Frederick, 13 Aug 2018 *Arrest* #23

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They’re going to throw the book at him anyways.

I agree. But the trash bags has me seething at the moment. I just can’t for the life of me understand how someone does these kind of things. How one can hurt innocent children, and just dispose of them like they’re trash. I’ve witnessed it first hand, and still can’t wrap my brain around it.
Do you believe that saying on a public video "you're not being very helpful Chris", in an even tone like we heard in the video, not a nasty tone, not yelling, is "very emasculating"?

I mean maybe the reason people disagree so much about this is a difference in understanding as what the term means.

For me, emasculating isn't close to just giving a spouse a slight criticism in an even tone in public.

The literal meaning is to remove a man's penis and testicles. The term is used to describe so utterly destroying a man's identity as a male as to make him feel he no longer has that reproductive equipment.

Do people truly believe comments like this equate to that? tDon't some spouses do this kind of thing now and then? Joke about their spouses - "He always gets mad when I win! Don't be a sore loser!"

Or roll their eyes at each other to their friends at a social function. "THIS one drives me crazy with that! He has the kids for the day and you should see the house when I get back!"

Or tell their spouse their doing something wrong or overreacting? "Honey could you please watch the baby?"

"I think you're being overemotional because you're pregnant."

I mean I don't think doing that stuff in public is great for a marriage. But it can happen now and then, can't it?

And would such behavior really be so hurtful as to be deemed abusive and possibly used as a part of a defense for a violent crime?

To me her comment was only mildly disrespectful in a public setting.

What I can get behind, however, is how a narcissist or otherwise defective soul might be very sensitive to what I feel are mildly disrespectful things like that, to the point of annihilating rage. Because what is core for narcissists is they are actually supremely insecure people who require constant validation to not feel panic about their identity.

I get that kind of discussion.

But I get confused when people seem to see things that are somewhat disrespectful as actually so damaging as to be emasculating, which really describes a destruction of identity by a cruel and ruthless person.

I'm just not understanding that.

To me an example of emasculation would be the scene in boogie nights where the wife is having sex with another man on the floor in broad daylight as a crowd gathers around and her husband walks up and then who does he same thing with yet another man later that night and yells at her husband, who just came in the room, to close the door.

He does and then blows his brains out.

THAT to me is emasculation. But just saying, "You're not being very helpful?"

Help me out, friends.

I agree. You gave an extreme example of emasculation, but I've seen examples that are not as extreme, that I still consider to be extreme disrespect directed at a husband, to the point of emasculating him:

* In front of others, telling her husband he "stunk" and then begin telling others about her husband's personal grooming habits.
* In front of others, asking her husband what he has in his mouth (it was tobacco chew) and then telling him to swallow it. And he did.
* Pointing out to visitors a grease spot on the wall in the living room (no one could see it) and stating it was because her husband had leaned his greasy bald head against the wall.

The husband in this example was the opposite of a narcissist. He was was very comfortable in his own skin and a real sweetheart of a man who felt extreme empathy for his wife, because she had been abandoned by her father as a child, which led to an extremely tragic series of events in her childhood. In looking back, I do think she felt a lot of anger toward her father, and she misdirected it at her husband, who treated her like a queen.

I also think her husband understood her very well, and he focused on the qualities she had that were wonderful instead and he adored her. She was the love of his life.
I filed chapter 13 in order to keep my home. You can only do that if what you own is worth the same or more than what your dept is. You have about a year before you even have to start making payments. Until then you don't have to pay a thing. I'm not sure if that's what they filed. Their mortgage was pretty high so it would depend on how much money they had already paid off and put down on their house. As well as other assets and salary.
They filed CH7 IIRC
Re: the sheets are making me crazy! So LE entered on Monday am and said no sign of foul play on the sheets even tho they were on the floor and some were in the garbage and apparently one or more were missing?

I assume they were looking for blood and none was seen and they didn’t question why there was a pile on the floor and in the trash? Maybe they didn’t know at that point SW was OCD and no sheet would ever be on the floor? And they didn’t notice missing sheets to the sets?

I know a lot of people have really messy homes ... so a few piles don’t signify anything wrong but missing sheets may have.

Iirc, the first day the bedding was found at the floor of the master bedroom. It wasn't until they had gone back later that they found the sheets in the trash can. That was a different day. Somebody please correct me if I'm wrong.
I never saw any signs of PA tendencies personally, and Shanann didn’t make a habit of complaining about CW. While a lot of woman vent to froends and family if they’re having relationship issues, she was more of a “let’s work together and try and fix it” type.
I'm so glad Shanann has a friend like you
If he really did put them in trash bags... I hope they throw the book at him. It’s vile, and horrific. That act alone screams guilty.
I bet he did, to distance himself even more from their being human beings, not to mention his babies. Dead, its all over with, just stuff them in the garbage bags. Plus the gross fact of what mess they might have caused on his upholstery. On the other hand, i hope he did so it will be easier to nail him.
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It makes no sense to drive that far if all he intended to do was dig a single grave. He had miles of remote space to choose from before he reached that worksite. I think where they were was a reflection of both panic and that he had to be on time for work.

CW had to know those tanks had sensors on them and were being monitored 24/7. An adult body would add a lot of volume, imo

That is something enlightening I have never thought of.

He was digging the grave right at Sunrise, and somebody posted up Fred that it was exactly the drive time from when he left to get to that site at sunrise!

And that was about 6:10 a.m.? And it took so long to dig, ( longer than he thought, but he was close by just in case that happened) but he had to actually put his key card ?? Whatever to check in to his job site and therefore that is where he put the bodies of the girls after he checked and where he was supposed to be?

Very interesting I had never considered that.
They filed CH7 IIRC
That's different, then. Usually you can't keep your house, Its kind of like giving up everything and starting over. I know I had the choice and wanted to save my house so that's why I did not file chapter 7. Maybe their dept wasn't that much. Otherwise I don't know how in the world they could have made the payments on the house.
@Colorado303 Are there any people within your circle of friends who believe C.W.? And thanks for answering my questions, I really appreciate it. I still have one more out there asking if you were fb friends with C.W., but I’m thinking maybe you’re not comfortable answering that one, so I have to back off!
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