Found Deceased CO - Shanann Watts (34), Celeste"Cece" (3) and Bella (4), Frederick, 13 Aug 2018 *Arrest* #23

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Something I am hesitant to post and hopefully it is not TOS adverse, but what if what was reported that CW choked a mistress during sex, what if this happened between SW and CW that morning and it went to far and CW snapped?
The matress being exposed is something, to me. He had to take everything off, including the mattress pad? That doesn’t sound good. I too am surprised they said the sheets showed no foul play. Because it sounds to me like something happened on the bed.

I am very curious about this post. Do you have a link for this? I ask because I do not recall any mention of a mattress pad; only a top sheet and two pillow cases in the kitchen trash can. Also, I do not recall anyone from DA/LE stating that the sheets showed no foul play. Thank you.
I am very curious about this post. Do you have a link for this? I ask because I do not recall any mention of a mattress pad; only a top sheet and two pillow cases in the kitchen trash can. Also, I do not recall anyone from DA/LE stating that the sheets showed no foul play. Thank you.
The arrest affidivat states no foul play noted with the bed linen on the floor beside their bed. The mattress pad is something people are questioning but nothing has been located in docs or on line to identify that particular aspect of the bedding linens, sheets etc. either way. Arrest Affidavit.pdf
Something I am hesitant to post and hopefully it is not TOS adverse, but what if what was reported that CW choked a mistress during sex, what if this happened between SW and CW that morning and it went to far and CW snapped?
Choking is one thing, but applying the pressure long enough to accidentally cause death, is another thing altogether.

Most people who accidentally kill other people, call 911. Some feel guilty and kill themselves (we see this in hunting accidents).

To accidentally kill your wife, then decide to murder your children and commit a coverup, seems far fetched to me.
Choking is one thing, but applying the pressure long enough to accidentally cause death, is another thing altogether.

Most people who accidentally kill other people, call 911. Some feel guilty and kill themselves (we see this in hunting accidents).

To accidentally kill your wife, then decide to murder your children and commit a coverup, seems far fetched to me.
Yeah, I can see your point MassGuy, it does seem far fetched.
Choking is one thing, but applying the pressure long enough to accidentally cause death, is another thing altogether.

Most people who accidentally kill other people, call 911. Some feel guilty and kill themselves (we see this in hunting accidents).

To accidentally kill your wife, then decide to murder your children and commit a coverup, seems far fetched to me.

I agree. I don't think there was anything accidental about any of the murders. The DA apparently doesn't think so, either. JMO.
These are some random thoughts and questions about this travesty.

· From the pictures/videos of the truck, it appears to be an extended cab. For whatever reason, I kept thinking it was a four-door model with standard doors with handles. IMO, the back seat is nothing more than a jump seat with very little room. I think it would have been difficult to get SW in the back seat along with the two little girls. What are your thoughts?

· Since scenarios are plentiful on WS, I keep wondering why CW did not clean up? Minimally, IMO, he should have put her keys, purse, shoes and luggage away. Additionally, why did he not put the sheets in the washer rather than the trash can? These actions would have taken less than half an hour and would fit any of the timeline scenarios. Using the washer would have been logical and, IMO, would have posed few additional questions.

· Trinket78 confirmed that CW did go to NASCAR Tech. As NASCAR is so closely aligned to North Carolina, a lot of young NC men dream of this opportunity. I wonder why he did not pursue a career with NASCAR. Where did he work or what did he do in NC?

· Several threads ago, someone posted that SW’s team was working to get her to the $200K VIP level.

- Does anyone know if that occurred?
- Where would her earnings be deposited?
- Would CW have access to her funds?
- Also, since Le-Vel is MLM company, will SW continue to receive commissions OR does Le-Vel close her level?
- What happened to the automobile(s) from the Le-Vel Auto Club?​

· Please excuse this query. Will the life insurance on SW and girls be paid out immediately OR will the insurance company be allowed to hold the funds awaiting adjudication of CW (assuming he was the beneficiary, IMO)?

· Crude oil and body contamination – Much has been written about the state of these sweet angels after being in crude oil. How would an ME remove the crude oil? And would that removal process obliterate any DNA left by the murderer?

This case has been so sad for me to follow for many reasons. I was born and raised in North Carolina and I lived in Colorado for many years. And I have a grandchild the age of the littlest girl. How could this happen? – I keep asking over and over.

Thank you for your indulgence.

In answering the point you raise, about no clean up:
Could CW have left SW's items, throughout house, so LE considered the family were abducted?
Therefore, in his interviews, he specified if they were safe, perhaps hoping abduction will be implicated.o_O
However, things snow balled with the drone discoveries, and he caved in.:):)
Can you repost the link? It takes me to her main page. Thanks!

She seems to be very emasculating. Not that that justifies murder in any degree but it does help perhaps show where his head was at.

Do you believe that saying on a public video "you're not being very helpful Chris", in an even tone like we heard in the video, not a nasty tone, not yelling, is "very emasculating"?

I mean maybe the reason people disagree so much about this is a difference in understanding as what the term means.

For me, emasculating isn't close to just giving a spouse a slight criticism in an even tone in public.

The literal meaning is to remove a man's penis and testicles. The term is used to describe so utterly destroying a man's identity as a male as to make him feel he no longer has that reproductive equipment.

Do people truly believe comments like this equate to that? tDon't some spouses do this kind of thing now and then? Joke about their spouses - "He always gets mad when I win! Don't be a sore loser!"

Or roll their eyes at each other to their friends at a social function. "THIS one drives me crazy with that! He has the kids for the day and you should see the house when I get back!"

Or tell their spouse their doing something wrong or overreacting? "Honey could you please watch the baby?"

"I think you're being overemotional because you're pregnant."

I mean I don't think doing that stuff in public is great for a marriage. But it can happen now and then, can't it?

And would such behavior really be so hurtful as to be deemed abusive and possibly used as a part of a defense for a violent crime?

To me her comment was only mildly disrespectful in a public setting.

What I can get behind, however, is how a narcissist or otherwise defective soul might be very sensitive to what I feel are mildly disrespectful things like that, to the point of annihilating rage. Because what is core for narcissists is they are actually supremely insecure people who require constant validation to not feel panic about their identity.

I get that kind of discussion.

But I get confused when people seem to see things that are somewhat disrespectful as actually so damaging as to be emasculating, which really describes a destruction of identity by a cruel and ruthless person.

I'm just not understanding that.

To me an example of emasculation would be the scene in boogie nights where the wife is having sex with another man on the floor in broad daylight as a crowd gathers around and her husband walks up and then who does he same thing with yet another man later that night and yells at her husband, who just came in the room, to close the door.

He does and then blows his brains out.

THAT to me is emasculation. But just saying, "You're not being very helpful?"

Help me out, friends.
The arrest affidivat states no foul play noted with the bed linen on the floor beside their bed. The mattress pad is something people are questioning but nothing has been located in docs or on line to identify that particular aspect of the bedding linens, sheets etc. either way. Arrest Affidavit.pdf
Thank you. I believe I misread the affidavit. Now I wonder what is considered "signs of foul play." Would they be looking for only obvious things like blood or bodily fluids or other residues? Not being argumentative, just curious.
Well if he put his hands around her neck and began squeezing as she lay in bed asleep, I don't think she'd have the chance to scream. Or if he just came at her suddenly.

But this has me thinking. And re-thinking certain, possible scenarios. He took the bedding off the master bedroom bed, right? Which suggests she may have been in it when he strangled her, because why else remove the pillow cases and the sheets and try to hide them? He seemed concerned about getting rid of any possible evidence that he murdered his wife.

Unless that is where he killed the girls, who may have been sleeping in mommy and daddy's bed? But otherwise, that removal of the bedding, coupled with no neighbor hearing screaming suggests she may have come home, checked on the babies and then gone to bed before he killed everyone. So it's possible he did kill them second.

That's been my thought all along -- I think he killed her first -- that would allay her asking him about the girls' whereabouts, she would be fairly calm & normal & probably just flop in bed, exhausted from the trip & the late hour. That way, he could perhaps slip a bathrobe sash (some type of soft garrotte) around her neck and start strangling her while she was asleep -- not as much fight, no screaming, etc., etc. Then he would go to the little girls... Transporting all of them would be a challenge, however. He'd have to work quickly, and do it all in one trip, I think. He could put all of them in the bed of the truck & cover them up with other things and get on down the road.
Choking is one thing, but applying the pressure long enough to accidentally cause death, is another thing altogether.

Most people who accidentally kill other people, call 911. Some feel guilty and kill themselves (we see this in hunting accidents).

To accidentally kill your wife, then decide to murder your children and commit a coverup, seems far fetched to me.
I agree. This whole thing just seems so bazaar. I cannot imagine, being a parent , harming my children. Now we have people from both sides suggesting either parent could have done it! I seriously doubt we have a choice to choose from. What we do know is that CW killed his wife and he says it was because he already knew they (the children) were dead! (at least one was and the other well on her way). The common denominator here is CW and death all around him. Then he hides the bodies and all 3 of them. That goes to guilt. Anything other than him being the guilty party of murdering all 3 of them doesn't make sense. SW murdering her own children doesn't make any sense. It just doesn't. The fact that all 3 are dead and CW hid the bodies and is alive and unscathed physically points the murders directly at him.
In the interview with NU she states that "The front door was locked differently then it normally was" Start 2:41
Video: Friend of woman allegedly killed by husband on why something 'didn't seem right'

We know that the metal chain latch went across the front door inside preventing the door from opening anymore then 3 inches. I know there was discussion on WS whether the latch being engaged from the inside the home was a regular occurrence by routine but NU is implying that this wasn't the norm and the front door was locked differently than what was routine.
I am assuming that NU had a key to the front door.
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YES. That's why I think the defense was strategically bluffing when they publicly asked for the touch DNA from the children necks. How would there be any if they had been in a vat of crude oil for 4 days?
The bodies may have been wrapped and sealed in plastic. CW knows whether they were or not and it was his attorney who made the request. I doubt a PD is going to waste time filing frivolous motions in any case. JMO
Thank you. I believe I misread the affidavit. Now I wonder what is considered "signs of foul play." Would they be looking for only obvious things like blood or bodily fluids or other residues? Not being argumentative, just curious.

@BeaniBod, welcome to the rabbit hole. :/
Interesting because SW does make quite a few comments on her SM accounts re friendships, disappointments etc. I can locate the links if anyone wants.

I recall your previous posts on your family member with the huge downline, some real insights in the past. Tx

Yes, my family member that has 1300 plus folks down line gave me a rundown as to how multi-level marketing works.

It was said by her that some of then mlms you can buy into and buy product to get yourself into a higher level. Some folks actually do that and get themselves into very big problems financially. Just to keep up with the level that they are at and try to hit the next level buying forward.

We had heard that Shanann was at the $80,000 level, and from my family member review of this case, and from how long she was in it, she was thinking that was sales numbers, and not SW income. And it wasn't just her sales, it was including the people below her.

A huge difference.

But that is how they say what level they are at, ( and espouse them at meetings to give them Awards) in multi-level marketing, is what their sales are. Not her income when they highlight it to other members.

Fwiw.. from a family member that has a very very large Downstream. My own opinion.

Disclaimer! She said many of them are different and how they do their commissions. But the one she is in, she only gets the 25% for direct sales, but very very very little for the people that are the other people selling to other people Downstream. She said she doesn't do hardly any sales anymore. Because of her numbers Downstream.

Her income is large because she has so many. And she very much doubts that this case had 1300 + Downstream like she does. She does not think from what she has seen and read that SW could have been having this many Downstream people.
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Do you believe that saying on a public video "you're not being very helpful Chris", in an even tone like we heard in the video, not a nasty tone, not yelling, is "very emasculating"?

I mean maybe the reason people disagree so much about this is a difference in understanding as what the term means.

For me, emasculating isn't close to just giving a spouse a slight criticism in an even tone in public.

The literal meaning is to remove a man's penis and testicles. The term is used to describe so utterly destroying a man's identity as a male as to make him feel he no longer has that reproductive equipment.

Do people truly believe comments like this equate to that? tDon't some spouses do this kind of thing now and then? Joke about their spouses - "He always gets mad when I win! Don't be a sore loser!"

Or roll their eyes at each other to their friends at a social function. "THIS one drives me crazy with that! He has the kids for the day and you should see the house when I get back!"

Or tell their spouse their doing something wrong or overreacting? "Honey could you please watch the baby?"

"I think you're being overemotional because you're pregnant."

I mean I don't think doing that stuff in public is great for a marriage. But it can happen now and then, can't it?

And would such behavior really be so hurtful as to be deemed abusive and possibly used as a part of a defense for a violent crime?

To me her comment was only mildly disrespectful in a public setting.

What I can get behind, however, is how a narcissist or otherwise defective soul might be very sensitive to what I feel are mildly disrespectful things like that, to the point of annihilating rage. Because what is core for narcissists is they are actually supremely insecure people who require constant validation to not feel panic about their identity.

I get that kind of discussion.

But I get confused when people seem to see things that are somewhat disrespectful as actually so damaging as to be emasculating, which really describes a destruction of identity by a cruel and ruthless person.

I'm just not understanding that.

To me an example of emasculation would be the scene in boogie nights where the wife is having sex with another man on the floor in broad daylight as a crowd gathers around and her husband walks up and then who does he same thing with yet another man later that night and yells at her husband, who just came in the room, to close the door.

He does and then blows his brains out.

THAT to me is emasculation. But just saying, "You're not being very helpful?"

Help me out, friends.
I agree. Context is everything and we just don’t have that here.

Plenty of spouses rib their significant other in public. I mentioned it before, but my grandmother does the same thing to my grandfather, but it is on a complete other level from what we see in these videos. It’s extreme, but playful.

What we see here is incredibly mild by comparison, and we simply don’t see a clear example of SW “emasculating” C.W.

Nagging, being bossy, maybe. But so what?
That's been my thought all along -- I think he killed her first -- that would allay her asking him about the girls' whereabouts, she would be fairly calm & normal & probably just flop in bed, exhausted from the trip & the late hour. That way, he could perhaps slip a bathrobe sash (some type of soft garrotte) around her neck and start strangling her while she was asleep -- not as much fight, no screaming, etc., etc. Then he would go to the little girls... Transporting all of them would be a challenge, however. He'd have to work quickly, and do it all in one trip, I think. He could put all of them in the bed of the truck & cover them up with other things and get on down the road.
Great post, I do think he killed her first.
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