Found Deceased CO - Shanann Watts (34), Celeste"Cece" (3) and Bella (4), Frederick, 13 Aug 2018 *Arrest* #25

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Yeah, this reads more like a Law and Order SVU plot than a real-life defense theory. I know it is very, very early, but nothing I have seen from CW’s defense team gives me any indication that they’re going to fabricate a theory out of thin air. I know it’s happened, but I don’t see it at this point. MOO
We don't even know of any evidence or any documentation or suggestion that implies SW was taking her children to the Dr for imaginary illnesses, and certainly not of abuse. In fact we have evidence that shows quite the opposite. There were legitimate prescriptions. The suggestion that SW may have been requesting unneeded tests or faking illnesses is completely unfounded. Jmo
I went through 3 gastroenterologists before I found one I liked: the first had never heard of my disease, the second didn't know the meaning of the word "congenital." We are constantly encouraged to take personal responsibility for our health, to "fire" our doctors if need be, yet when we DO take a stand we get accused of doctor shopping or being a hypochondriac.

We have no idea why some people "close" to Shanann thought her dishonest. Maybe they didn't understand how autoimmune disorders work and so, like a few people on this site, didn't believe her because she didn't "look" sick.

I knew of Shanann through our FB Lupus group. There are many people in that group that constantly seek attention. Shanann wasn't one of them. She would pop in, ask for advice on a specific treatment option she was getting, and leave.
Yeah, an overprotective parent would be damning evidence. It’s a shame C.W. wasn’t even slightly protective of his kids.

We don't know that CW wasn't protective of his kids. That could have been the reason why he killed SW. I realize that SW was pregnant and when he killed SW he also killed Niko, but he could have killed SW because he was being protective of his 2 daughters. JMO and 2 cents.
We don't even know of any evidence or any documentation or suggestion that implies SW was taking her children to the Dr for imaginary illnesses, and certainly not of abuse. In fact we have evidence that shows quite the opposite. There were legitimate prescriptions. The suggestion that SW may have been requesting unneeded tests or faking illnesses is completely unfounded. Jmo
Yes! That's what I was trying to say - you just said it better than me, lol. The approach to creating a defense theory should be based on the actual evidence at hand, not making up a theory and finding evidence for it.
We don't know that CW wasn't protective of his kids. That could have been the reason why he killed SW. I realize that SW was pregnant and when he killed SW he also killed Niko, but he could have killed SW because he was being protective of his 2 daughters. JMO and 2 cents.

It doesn't seem like a protective parent would drive to a remote spot and dispose of their beloved children like garbage.
I went through 3 gastroenterologists before I found one I liked: the first had never heard of my disease, the second didn't know the meaning of the word "congenital." We are constantly encouraged to take personal responsibility for our health, to "fire" our doctors if need be, yet when we DO take a stand we get accused of doctor shopping or being a hypochondriac.

We have no idea why some people "close" to Shanann thought her dishonest. Maybe they didn't understand how autoimmune disorders work and so, like a few people on this site, didn't believe her because she didn't "look" sick.

I knew of Shanann through our FB Lupus group. There are many people in that group that constantly seek attention. Shanann wasn't one of them. She would pop in, ask for advice on a specific treatment option she was getting, and leave.
I went through 9 opthamologists (one the best in Texas, supposedly) in 13 years because they would say "probably this" probably that and come back in 6 months and we'll see if it's worse. I finally found an opthamologist who is nearing 80, meticulous, in a foreign country, who takes everything slowly and gave me the right tests (to actually measure circulation through/around optic nerve) to see if my problem was getting worse or was a result of something that happened just that once, 13 years ago. He gave me peace of mind and proof I have in my hands that it is not getting worse. Incredible that in 2018, given the 10-15 minute rule for many clinics sometimes it's better to even go away from the USA to get the right attention. Knocking SW because she looked for good drs for her kids, or for herself, can't believe that line of attack.
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Hello, everyone! After years of sporadic lurking, a real username of my own :)

I've been following this case and thread since Shan'ann was missing a month (already!) ago. I share your frustrations about the lack of new official information since the affidavit was released! This disturbing case has gotten under my skin...

I was driven to sign up in part to share my latest find: For those like me who have been trying to understand more about the effects of being submerged (ugh) in crude oil, you may be interested in the media coverage of a self-branded "luxury" spa in Azerbaijan. This spa offers crude oil treatments; it charges its clientele for the privilege of being submerged to their chins in a crude oil bath for ten minutes. At the end of the session, they emerge coated in crude oil, dripping into the black pool bubbling in the tub. A worker scrapes it off their body with a tool.

The video of this spa treatment is in the link below, but stills can be found by searching Google Images for 'Azerbaijan & spa & crude oil.' The images could be jarring, given the context of this case, so please don't watch when trying to relax for the evening :(

Azerbaijan spa treats customers in crude oil baths

(I hope it's alright to post this - still learning TOS, but it seems that Reuters is MSM, so hoping that means this is ok! Business Insider, others, also carrying story with images.)

Also, O/T, but... if the thought of paying to be submerged in crude oil isn't bad enough, imagine it's crude oil that's literally been scraped off of every body in the tub before you. After all, crude oil is expensive; so, naturally, the spa wants it back when you're done. :eek: Back into the tub it goes!
Yes, and we did observe him two days after the deaths of his wife and children and that said plenty about his character.
And the Thayers. Talking about selling the house two days after they had been gone.

If the videos of CW interviews show us his character. Do the SW's FB videos show her character? Or is that different?
I found Trinket78's posts about separation -

What's not clear to me is why CW continued to have sexual relations with SW which would result in a pregnancy if he wanted a separation? He was having an affair with his co-worker, surely he could refuse SW for any number of reasons.
The post about her not wanting to believe her husband was having an affair makes sense to me. SW reminds me of Lacy Peterson. She wanted everything to be perfect. She loved baking and having her house and the property around it to look pretty, and she worked hard to achieve that goal. By all appearances, it looked to others like the perfect marriage. She was aware of Scott's affairs early in the marriage, but was in denial. She did not want to believe it. It is strange that CW continued an intimate relationship with his wife when he wanted a separation. Maybe that's what caused her to have some faith in the marriage. It's also possible that she couldn't bring herself to accept it since she was pregnant with another child, and was seemingly happy. In my opinion, denial in this situation is not at all uncommon.
If the videos of CW interviews show us his character. Do the SW's FB videos show her character? Or is that different?

Different because we have context with his interviews, hers are random moments from her life. And because we are aware of the fact that he is lying so we're better equipped to analyze how he is reacting to something he's trying to hide.
I found Trinket78's posts about separation -

What's not clear to me is why CW continued to have sexual relations with SW which would result in a pregnancy if he wanted a separation? He was having an affair with his co-worker, surely he could refuse SW for any number of reasons.
The post about her not wanting to believe her husband was having an affair makes sense to me. SW reminds me of Lacy Peterson. She wanted everything to be perfect. She loved baking and having her house and the property around it to look pretty, and she worked hard to achieve that goal. By all appearances, it looked to others like the perfect marriage. She was aware of Scott's affairs early in the marriage, but was in denial. She did not want to believe it. It is strange that CW continued an intimate relationship with his wife when he wanted a separation. Maybe that's what caused her to have some faith in the marriage. It's also possible that she couldn't bring herself to accept it since she was pregnant with another child, and was seemingly happy. In my opinion, denial in this situation is not at all uncommon.
Great post. And, since our VI stated some close to SW questioned the validity of her claims regarding her/her daughters’ health, I think it’s something we should consider. We also should not automatically assume all these ailments were diagnosed just bc SW stated they had them IMO.
True, many people suffer from allergies and all kinds of things yet never actually get tested. Allergy testing is a time consuming process, from what I understand. From others who have gone through the testing it sounds like a process of elimination, until they pinpoint the source. Jmo
Great post. And, since our VI stated some close to SW questioned the validity of her claims regarding her/her daughters’ health, I think it’s something we should consider. We also should not automatically assume all these ailments were diagnosed just bc SW stated they had them IMO.
Seems to go against the grain to consider health issues at all in this case - not that real and/or exaggerated health issues imply SW killed her children (I don't think she did), but as a topic of family dynamics and perhaps friction....along with finances and infidelity.

I think "health" was a topic SW herself was interested in, but I can't seem to post about health without upsetting others and getting frustrated myself at the misinterpretations and misunderstandings even when I sincerely try to steer clear of that.

That's okay. I get it, and I'll drop it (again).

SW may have not struggled much as she was murdered because she was exhausted from her trip and of course being pregnant.

Also not to mention the neck surgery she had where she was wearing the neck brace...wondering if this may have impacted somehow, like the surgery or preexisting condition created a weakness?? Could it be possible he even broke her neck whilst strangling her? :(:(
Not at all unusual for autoimmune disease to go undiagnosed for a long time. Much like Ovarian cancer, systems are vague and differ between people.

I agree. Being diagnosed with an autoimmune diseases is usually lengthy and many times patients are treated for the symptoms prior to being fully diagnosed.
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