Found Deceased CO - Shanann Watts (34), Celeste"Cece" (3) and Bella (4), Frederick, 13 Aug 2018 *Arrest* #26

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Does anyone know that status of Shanann’s medical bills/insurance, etc? Sorry if discussed. I think I recall you guy saying she would have had some coverage via Anadarko as a spouse. Just wondering if this was part of the debt as well, which CE might have viewed as an ongoing liability.
Why? Because this crime is so out of the ordinary something unheard of happened behind those closed doors. By all accounts this was the normal financially over extended young middle class family. There were no long criminal histories, past histories of violence or a long list of people labeling one as a 'psycho'. Just normal people that we have a unique insight into because of a heavy SM presence.

I have two theories which is why is stated 50/50. I believe SW had a lot to lose if her marriage failed. It appears their financial outlook had been bleak for some time. She appeared to me to have a high maintenance lifestyle that needed cash flow and losing the stable income from CW would be a huge hit. I really just do not think she was making that much money with Thrive simply because it costs a lot to maintain the MLM charade. Part of the MLM 'recipe for success' is to show off how successful you are financially which means spending the money you earn. There is a reason most MLM's push things like luxury cars, that is part of the image. It would also damage the perfect social media image she relied on to push her product to a network of strangers. Then she needed support such as a caretaker for the kids when she goes on these MLM networking vacations. She was used to being in control and the loss of that could cause an explosive situation. Add all that up coupled with the looming argument with a husband who is planning to leave you could cause a reaction totally out of character and unexpected, the proverbial 'snap'.

The rest of it could play out just as his confession went. He claims he murdered a murderer. The lies and body disposals were from a panicked man who knew no one would believe him as he stood in the house with a dead family. He tried to bury them but found the task impossible in the time allotted so the children were hidden in the tank out of necessity. Bottom line, she had every reason to keep things together. Her entire identity was dependent on it. He was a man overcome by rage and then by panicked self preservation.

The other theory pretty much models others that have been posted about CW so I won't reiterate it. He simply snapped and killed everyone and his plan was foiled by a friend who interjected herself before he finished the cleanup.

However, it just doesn't make much sense. It seemed clear he wanted out, she appeared to be expecting it from conversations with others on the trips. He wasn't the one struggling to keep it together to maintain control, she was. From my view, the one who is losing control of their marriage because their spouse is leaving is the one more likely to snap and kill the family as the ultimate act of vengeance. If I can't have you no one will type of thoughts, the guy who is ready to leave it behind isn't. He had no need to kill anyone to move on, he was the one with the stable job so all he needed to do was walk away. Killing the family does nothing for him. He has to know the suspicion alone would be insurmountable and making a family disappear certainly has no financial benefit.

Those factors are what led me to look at the 'what if his story does have some truth'. I know it won't be received well on here but so be it.

Thank You for the well thought out post. I appreciate hearing a concrete theory for SW potentially being the killer in this tragic case.

It was well written, and compelling, but I still have to are my thoughts...

She had just spent 6 weeks, separated from her husband except for the final week. And during that week, he was reportedly distant and detached.

She knew it was coming and he had reportedly asked her for a separation several times already. There were no reports of her having emotional meltdowns or rage filled rants during that time. She was spending time with her supportive family/friends and building up her commission sales, so she could keep her own career going for the future.

Her job and her 'life' did not depend entirely upon her relationship. She could have successfully transitioned into the single mother life and been fine. I think she knew that already. She told her friend she was going to need extra help/support in the immediate future. She told her brother she was headed for a separation. She didn't say 'my life is over if he leaves me.'

She portrayed a 'perfect' family life because that is how she can sell more product. However, if she had experienced a sudden break up of her marriage, she would have still kept her client base and even grown it some, based upon a narrative that way too many single mothers recognize. She wouldn't have any reason to expect sudden failure just because her cheating husband bailed on her and the babies.

SW was an emotional, extrovert. She didn't bottle up her feelings or thoughts. She was very expressive. And she had a whole lot of support from friends and family. I don't see her as someone who was ready to 'blow' because of internalized anger/resentment.

I think it is much more likely that CW was internalizing a lot of rage. One of his closest allies said they have 'never seen him angry.' That anger had to go somewhere. And it appears to me that he bottled it up for many years.

He was the one with the real motive, to be free from the family. He wanted a new, fresh start, without child support and child custody issues ruining his life. JMO
Again, COD is not out so anything like this wouldn’t not be surprising, moo.

Random thought, not based on anything at all, maybe he’d been poisoning Shanann...Or even the kids for all we know (not for the purpose of MbP/FDIA (attention)).

How many cases do we see on Forensic Files where the spouse tries to poison their mate slowly over a period of time?

Have we ever seen a case where a man poison kids? I know this is a reach, just curious. Not saying this happened, just wondering.
I saw one just recently where a woman poisoned her hubby by putting eye drops in his food. Apparently contained a chemical routinely found in eye drops and nasal sprays.
UGH, where is the "non-like" button? Thanks for finding that. Yet another example of an unbelievable crime(s). Why on earth did this guy take it out on the children, too???
It's beyond my comprehension, and there are so many more men who have annihilated their families. Just like CW, they all could have just walked out the door. See ya, sayonara, adios, goodbye...I don't think I'll ever understand it.
According to People Magazine, CW is depressed, despondent, and not speaking to his family. Hope he feels ashamed and guilty. Maybe he will cop a plea. 'Depression Is Setting in' for Chris Watts as He's Jailed in Deaths of Wife, Daughters, Source Says

Maybe he is or maybe the defense wants everyone to think that. In any case, I'm sure this was a good move and he will get even more sympathy. I've literally seen people say they "feel sorry for him" and a few " he seems pitiful" statements. If he's the one who came up with the "blame SW" story then maybe he's not so dumb after all since so many people seem to be buying it.
Yes I remember this as well. I remember her brother stating that LE had told them CW confessed to killing them all and then boom he said it was SW. I also figured this was what the defense motion was about. They don't want his previous confession or statements to be allowed at trial. JMO.
Yes, that's what I think. They did a pretty good job of halting it right away, and making sure there were no more leaks, but it's still out there. I guess it's just not fair if the public hears the truth and wasn't supposed to, he might not get a fair trial if everyone thinks he could have been telling the truth about murdering his wife and child! But no, he gets to "take it back" jmo
Does anyone know that status of Shanann’s medical bills/insurance, etc? Sorry if discussed. I think I recall you guy saying she would have had some coverage via Anadarko as a spouse. Just wondering if this was part of the debt as well, which CE might have viewed as an ongoing liability.
I know on one of SW’s posts with the girls at dr she talked about CWs insurance covering it. So at least once he had that job I think they were covered thru him most likely. I’m not sure about the bankruptcy debt and how that was accumulated though.
UGH, where is the "non-like" button? Thanks for finding that. Yet another example of an unbelievable crime(s). Why on earth did this guy take it out on the children, too???

See again, “normal” people do not and would not do such a thing. Which is why I can not honestly say that I do not think he is mentally ill or has something seriously wrong in his brain. Does this excuse him or make him deserving of not going to jail? Absolutely not, but you would HAVE to be an absolute nutjob to kill your own kids, moo, whatever the motive was in their own selfish mind. There has GOT to be something wrong wih him in his brain, would you guys agree? Because a “normal” person would not do this. Right? I’m asking...

Which then makes me ask the question, are the women kill their kids nutjobs too? Yes.
Thank You for the well thought out post. I appreciate hearing a concrete theory for SW potentially being the killer in this tragic case.

It was well written, and compelling, but I still have to are my thoughts...

She had just spent 6 weeks, separated from her husband except for the final week. And during that week, he was reportedly distant and detached.

She knew it was coming and he had reportedly asked her for a separation several times already. There were no reports of her having emotional meltdowns or rage filled rants during that time. She was spending time with her supportive family/friends and building up her commission sales, so she could keep her own career going for the future.

Her job and her 'life' did not depend entirely upon her relationship. She could have successfully transitioned into the single mother life and been fine. I think she knew that already. She told her friend she was going to need extra help/support in the immediate future. She told her brother she was headed for a separation. She didn't say 'my life is over if he leaves me.'

She portrayed a 'perfect' family life because that is how she can sell more product. However, if she had experienced a sudden break up of her marriage, she would have still kept her client base and even grown it some, based upon a narrative that way too many single mothers recognize. She wouldn't have any reason to expect sudden failure just because her cheating husband bailed on her and the babies.

SW was an emotional, extrovert. She didn't bottle up her feelings or thoughts. She was very expressive. And she had a whole lot of support from friends and family. I don't see her as someone who was ready to 'blow' because of internalized anger/resentment.

I think it is much more likely that CW was internalizing a lot of rage. One of his closest allies said they have 'never seen him angry.' That anger had to go somewhere. And it appears to me that he bottled it up for many years.

He was the one with the real motive, to be free from the family. He wanted a new, fresh start, without child support and child custody issues ruining his life. JMO

I concur with this. It's the epitome of selfishness IMO
I think CW and SW were so mismatched. I think CW was an introvert, an underachiever, and a bit socially inept. Whereas, SW was very outgoing, an overachiever, and could easily adapt to any social situation. Their initial attraction was because they were such opposites. However, over time, these differences led to resentment. IMO that resentment led to an underlying hatred between both of them. In addition, if CW was attracted to men and followed through with those urges, I believe he could have been experiencing a great deal of self-loathing. The self-loathing could have resulted in him having multiple affairs with both women and men. I’m not making excuses for CW. I’m just trying to understand the “why” behind this senseless, heinous crime. I don't think him talking to his Dad has any relevance other than wanting to tell his Dad first before everyone else found out.
So true. My last relationship my bf was super lazy and just sat around and drank and chain smoked after work. Drove me bananas when I'd be cleaning and he'd pick up his can for me to wipe under or his feet for me to vacuum under! Like, get off your butt! My cleanliness made him annoyed. Not a good match at all.
I would fully expect him to stay in the marital home, one he solely held the mortgage on, until his wife returned. Nothing abnormal about that. There is also no such thing as a 'legal separation' in Colorado.

For the rest, changing the locks on marital property is pointless as each have property rights until the divorce is filed and no judge would have entertained an emergency protective order claim from either party at that point, there was no legal standing.
Wait, I thought it was SW and her mom on the title?
Just because it is on FB does not make it fact.

This is what SW stated happened. Those are the facts that she posted.

Are we supposed to now dismiss her version of events? I have to ask, respectfully, if you have valid reasons for us to deny her version?

I would need some good reasons to assume that she lied when she posted her version of the events.

Again, respectfully asking---Were you there? That would be important to know, if you are now disputing SW's claims.
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Haven't been on in a bit, so excuse me if this theory has already been discussed. Just ran into an acquaintance who is very credible. Acquaintance was visiting friends/family in Frederick, about one block from the Watts' home, during the week it all happened. Acquaintance informed me that there are details of the case known only by the locals.

In particular, acquaintance told me that SW was very concerned about going home that evening, and purportedly told companion something like: Come look for me (SW) if you don't hear back. Allegedly, the reason SW was concerned about going home that evening was because earlier she had phoned CW and asked to speak with the girls, and CW would not let her speak to the girls. It was supposedly at this point that SW suspected something was wrong, prior to arriving home.

If true, this information supports LE's confident refutation of CW's allegations against SW. This info also supports theories that the girls may have been killed prior to SW arriving home.
Sounds logical to me. I've believed the girls were killed on the 12th as one of the neighbors reported he was BBQ alone on the 12th. I looked for the link about what the neighbor saw and now I can't find it.
This (seems to me) would have had to come from NUA, I'll bet she has a LOT to say that we haven't been privy to. IMO
I agree. I watched NUA fb live video where she says Please check on someone if you feel something isn’t right. I think she really regrets not doing something earlier. I just can’t even imagine.
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