Still Missing CO - Suzanne Morphew, 49, Chaffee Co, 10 May 2020 *arrest* #89

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I don't think so. Barry was on a schedule. He'd spent since Wednesday laying out his kill schedule and alibi.

It's weird. He seems to have known just exactly how to not leave any blood or DNA evidence and how to disappear the body.

But he couldn't seem to figure out how he was going to stage it. Like there are at least three possible (painfully half-a55ed) scenarios in play:

1. She ran off to Ecuador ahead of her lover, Jeff. She took her phone and charger, but not her wallet or passport. But she stole $70,000 cash out of his safe!

2. Kidnapped by crazed sex-offenders. They snatched her off of her bike on CR 255 (where she doesn't ride) and tossed her helmet out of the window across a lane of traffic at 8 am. Her Camelbak (water bottle) and sunglasses somehow got tossed all the way back into her car at the residence along with her ID.

3. Eaten by the stealthiest mountain lion no one has ever seen. This cat is a freaking ninja! He snatches a woman off of a bike without a single spattering of blood ANYWHERE! Ninja Mountain Lion Bobcat Hybrids bent on world domination! Not a thread of clothing! Not a single cast off as inedible biking shoe! Her helmet is in perfect condition. Be afraid, Colorado! These cats are coming for their habitats back!

I mean it certainly it is possible that he conceived it this way.

But it's always seemed odd to me the way he went into attack mode as he rolled up the driveway. He had lots of time to go about this calmly.
Here's something I have been wondering about.

Did something go wrong with BMs's murder plan? Did he lose control in a rage?

What has troubled me for a while, is BM almost certainly pre meditated this, down to how he disposed of the body. Likely what began as a fantasy (first time killer), became a plan, and then he took specific steps. A time limited opportunity arose that weekend.

But surely it made sense to do the murder late Saturday night while SM was sleeping - to minimise SMs absence from planet earth. BM can then leave early, and his plan works much better.

Instead he apparently storms up the driveway and goes into full attack mode.

Was he in a rage? Was he hoping to catch SM out?

Just seems strange to me that he is out getting maintenance done on the bobcat, then storms back home to chase SM round the house. I have the feeling he lost control somehow. What happened?

IMO he did lose control.

Maybe Suzanne saw him through the window... maybe she locked herself in the bedroom and was about to reach out to someone on a device, any device. And maybe that was his fear so he had no choice, given his deadly plan, but to barrel through the door and stop her.

Deer are more predictable because they can't fight back.

Hadn't considered this but what if Suzanne managed to lock a door and he had to run to another? She'd still be trapped but if she could get to a device...

I think that's what went sideways --

IMO it was supposed to be shoot, sedate, remove.

IMO instead it became tackle and hold, until.

Oh, Suzanne.

The Facebook friend requests - IMO Barry knew Suzanne was having an affair but didn’t know who the man was. I think he purposely sent out a bunch of friend requests in the hope that one of those he contacted was the person she was having an affair with, hoping it would prompt a message back from him. I think he was certainly suspicious of the name Jeff but couldn’t be sure. It would have driven Barry crazy, not knowing who it was. I honestly don’t think he knew it was JL, as I don’t think he’d have been able to control himself not to contact JL.

The scratches - I think Barry shot Suzanne with the tranq and then strangled her on the bed as she was becoming sleepy. I think she had just enough energy to leave her mark behind (the scratches). He shot her first so she wouldn’t put up a fight. Again JMO.

I really hope during trial, the prosecution place a huge emphasis on all of the lies Barry told, the conflicting statements (the steaks, the plates, was she laying out when he arrived home or wasn’t she, where he was when the neighbour called him, just to name a few). I don’t think enough emphasis was placed on the lies during the PH. Why lie if you don’t have something to hide?
Anyone set up to try to replicate the Facebook situation?

Did Barry have to reset her password to gain access, then Suzanne had to change it to get it back?

Was Barry using Suzanne's tablet? Only paired with his phone a few times?

Actioning and deleting?

What's more likely? 1. Barry saw Suzanne's People You May Know and clicked on the males only, and inadvertently sent the friend requests?
2. Barry's phone, in pairing with a second device, populated his friends/contact list into her Facebook? I can't make 2 work. Because that would generate male and female friends, seems to me.
3. If Suzanne did it, I imagine it was to hide JL in a sea of male friends and a pool of Jeffs.
4. ? I can't think of a 4.

OK, new question: Google being what it is, if Barry was using a second device (someone's old phone or tablet, for instance) but signed in, to access email for instance, would his Google searches on that device pair in the cloud and show up on his phone?

I wonder if LE has since uncovered any alternate devices, hidden apps, etc.

And when he was using a secondary device, one associated with him a few times but many times with another (IMO the actual owner of said device), why? Who was he communicating with? Or was he digging into the search history on someone else's second device (i.e. Suzanne's tablet)?

WOW, those scratches! No doubt in my mind whatsoever that those are fingernail scratches. We've seen them before, no doubt at all.

I wonder if they were swabbed for DNA, no matter how old they were?

I'm guessing not, I think that would be in the AA or we would have heard at the preliminary.

Those scratches are a very powerful piece of evidence that will be difficult to plausibly explain, imo.
WOW, those scratches! No doubt in my mind whatsoever that those are fingernail scratches. We've seen them before, no doubt at all.

I wonder if they were swabbed for DNA, no matter how old they were?

I'm guessing not, I think that would be in the AA or we would have heard at the preliminary.

Those scratches are a very powerful piece of evidence that will be difficult to plausibly explain, imo.
Absolutely! Anyone who has ended up with scratch marks on their arms from trees etc will know that these marks are not from trees at all. As they cannot prove that these marks were caused by Suzanne, I hope they bring in expert witnesses during the trial to verify where these marks came from - a pathologist to confirm they are nail marks, and a horticulturist, gardener, bushcraft type of witness to confirm what tree/bush scratches look like. Again this doesn’t prove the marks were from Suzanne, but will prove Barry’s pants are on fire AGAIN.
I mean it certainly it is possible that he conceived it this way.

But it's always seemed odd to me the way he went into attack mode as he rolled up the driveway. He had lots of time to go about this calmly.

But perhaps...
... just perhaps ...,
... making, machine-gun fashion, call-after-unanswered-call to Suzanne as he was heading home just wound his mainspring to point where the calm execution of any plan was beyond him. Harsh, corrective (permanent!) punishment was called for and he was going to administer it...
[Purely hypothesis here]
WOW, those scratches! No doubt in my mind whatsoever that those are fingernail scratches. We've seen them before, no doubt at all.

I wonder if they were swabbed for DNA, no matter how old they were?

I'm guessing not, I think that would be in the AA or we would have heard at the preliminary.

Those scratches are a very powerful piece of evidence that will be difficult to plausibly explain, imo.
I agree they could be fingernails but the position on his arm confuses me.
What would be Barry's motivation to send 24 friend requests from Suzanne's Facebook account? It really makes no sense to me. What would he hope to accomplish by doing this?
Possibly to create more suspects? Look at all the men she was friending on facebook. I can’t make up my mind whether it was Suzanne or Barry who sent them.
According to a report from CBS News, the popular television series 48 Hours is premiering an episode that dives into the disappearance of Suzanne Morphew on Saturday, January 22.
Shocking True Crime: 48 Hours To Cover Case of Missing Colorado Mom
Well I guess I have plans for tonight.
As far as the FB requests, I’m not really sure what happened there. It sure does sound like the requested people leaned more toward suggestions that would have come from a Barry account. Suzanne was still alive when the requests happened. Did the pw reset go to Suzanne’s phone or email address? Was she aware that Barry had hacked her, and they had an argument about it?

Read Seattle I post #723, it came from Suzanne going after him!

I'm glad you agree they are scratches now, especially after finding the idea hilarious yesterday.

You're going to want to read that again though. It's not (at all) saying the scratches came from Suzanne going after poor Barry.

That paragraph was included because it does a couple things:

It gives him an out to confess to the scratches being a result of one of those altercations.

If he admits that, then maybe they can get him to go further.

It shows that Suzanne had a propensity to scratch (like when someone is trying to murder her).

There's a lot of nuance here.
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I just looked at the path of BM running around the house when he got home at 2:44.
The characterization of running through walls isn't going to stand in a trial.

21 seconds total, 158 feet covered = 5mph.
A medium running speed.
All checks out.
Does any one know where BMs phone goes immediately after the "running around chasing."

I heard here that CC DA is getting a lot of pro assistance to manage and organize the massive evidence load.
His defense attorneys won't be facing a smaller overloaded county Sheriff and DA department, with a weird judge who publically criticizes the AA next time.

IMO he might skip appearing for trial.
At first glance, I think index and ring finger but the horizontal cuts don't follow...
And she wasn't facing him grabbing his bicep because that would be most likely a thumb in that position of his arm in a grab. Only thing that would fit would be reach out and slashing at him while facing him or grabbing him from behind would put fingernails there.... but two short scratches and not all three middle fingers? but I don't know...I guess I need to hear the theory before I commit to fingernail scratches made by Suzanne. But then everyone knows by know I'm super cautious about jumping to conclusions LOL. Same with the jamb ...need to ask my husband about that one and show him the image. We've had plenty of tenants push in doors in rentals when they lost their keys instead of calling and it really splinters the wood and does more damage than making a vertical crack so need to know more about that one too since maybe interior doors are more flimsy so you could pressure it open without more damage. I just don't have enough knowledge to come to a conclusion about the "how" let alone the "when".
I just looked at the path of BM running around the house when he got home at 2:44.
The characterization of running through walls isn't going to stand in a trial.

21 seconds total, 158 feet covered = 5mph.
A medium running speed.
All checks out.
Does any one know where BMs phone goes immediately after the "running around chasing."

I heard here that CC DA is getting a lot of pro assistance to manage and organize the massive evidence load.
His defense attorneys won't be facing a smaller overloaded county Sheriff and DA department, with a weird judge who publically criticizes the AA next time.

IMO he might skip appearing for trial.
They needed help. A fair trial will be appreciated....and having some pros determine what the case exactly is as opposed to the sometimes hyper sensational preliminary theories will help also. Prosecution above all others needs to dot their "i"s and cross their "t"s. The preliminary was particularly exasperating for me. No comment on their over the top AA LOL. It is what it is archival document.
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