Still Missing CO - Suzanne Morphew, 49, Chaffee Co, 10 May 2020 *arrest* #89

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Although Barry's murder plot was almost certainly triggered only days before the crime itself (divorce), I have little doubt that he had mulled over locations and means of disposing of a body, prior to that decision.

Like Patrick Frazee, I believe Barry's logic was "no body, no crime."

This is the one thing he got right, as everything after that was an unmitigated, self inflicted disaster.

It's like he killed and disposed of Suzanne, and then said to himself, "what now?"

In a stunning display of arrogance, ignorance, and stupidity, he lied about everything, even things that could unequivocally be proven to be lies (his alibi for one).

Thinking jurors with even a small amount of reasoning ability, should be able to easily put the pieces together. I wouldn't bet the farm on that happening though, which is why Suzanne's body being recovered would be the coup of all coups.

The one thing that offers some hope, is that there is a fairly well defined radius in which Suzanne's body has to be located.
Crazy and brazen and cunning as BM is, would he have dared to drive to IN for example with a dead body in a cooler?
Would he have used a buddy, who didn't know about it (at first), to drive a cooler or something sealed to IN?
Crazy and brazen and cunning as BM is, would he have dared to drive to IN for example with a dead body in a cooler?
Would he have used a buddy, who didn't know about it (at first), to drive a cooler or something sealed to IN?

I'm definitely not a fan.

There's just no reason for him to have done that, and he probably couldn't have done it anyway.

He'd have to call this friend last minute, and phone records or this friend himself would do him in.

He left his phone at home for a reason, and made sure that it could be tracked. There's a logical reason for that.

Grusing puts the body dump during that six hour hour period, and it makes sense with phone and truck data.

He gets rid of Suzanne, comes home and dumps the bike, takes Suzanne's phone and likely other items, hits the road, dumps the helmet, then proceeds to dispose of evidence.
E & N are masters at what they do. Been studying those PH transcript vids ... I loathe E&N in a way that only those with an overdeveloped sense of justice can understand and also have a lot of respect for their absolute brazenness.

Some discussion around the possible path the defense plans to traverse and I think I've found it.

PH Eytan: Okay. So let's start here. Ms. Morphew used her -- seeing her dad so that she could see Mr. Libler on one occasion that we're talking about in at least in -- one trip to Florida that you'll recall.

PH Harris: Yes. the February 2020 trip she was going to see both Sheila and her father. Yes.

PH Eytan: Okay. Now she would also use Sheila as an excuse. She would tell Mr. Morphew, her husband, I'm going to hang out and have a girls trip with Sheila, but then she'd be tagging on a trip to see her lover, Mr. Libler, right? "

Everybody seeing that? Suzanne is the villain of the Barry's tale.

Sincerest condolences @jakat . If you need distraction as comfort, we're here for you.
And let’s not forget DN just flat out calling SM a liar in Court on 8/24/2021 Prelim.
I loathe both of them ( IE and DN ) MOO
Question from the state to Agent Grusing: Did Suzanne say something to sheila about Macy trying to pull her into problems in the marriage? Nielsen objected and said #SuzanneMorphew told Sheila lies. State: this is inappropriate... is she a human lie detector?
I'm definitely not a fan.

There's just no reason for him to have done that, and he probably couldn't have done it anyway.

He'd have to call this friend last minute, and phone records or this friend himself would do him in.

He left his phone at home for a reason, and made sure that it could be tracked. There's a logical reason for that.

Grusing puts the body dump during that six hour hour period, and it makes sense with phone and truck data.

He gets rid of Suzanne, comes home and dumps the bike, takes Suzanne's phone and likely other items, hits the road, dumps the helmet, then proceeds to dispose of evidence.
I agree with you but I'm not so sure he didn't temporarily 'store' her body and later transport her elsewhere. Maybe more than once. We're not talking about someone who had a clear-cut plan once things developed.
LE didn't buy THE BIKE (the bast*rds!). Okay, now what. He thought he had time so maybe made do, for the time being.
Then, there were going to be people all over his property (and I'm sure he felt that the state property south of his home was his) and he and his Rambo friends wielded their semi-automatics to keep those trying to find HIS WIFE off of his premises, which might've been a ploy as he'd already moved her or not. Maybe she was in the area they searched but concealed/buried well. BUT, I also don't doubt he brought her to IN, eventually.
I swear I've no idea what he did with her. There are so many possibilities but the ways he would change his story to LE, I don't doubt that he changed his decision of what to do with her body.
What doesn't make sense (among everything else!) is his being at the creek/river looking for a by now rotting or eaten turkey which is bull. Why was he there? Did she try to run through it to get to the neighbor's home or the main road?
How long was she sedated (if she was, and I think she was) and maybe he was remiss while being on facebook or eating steak? I hope these and many more questions are answered at trial.
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More tidbit's from the Preliminary Hearing.

PH Eytan: And they were sending nudes to each other, right? They weren't just sending photographs, they were sending nude photographs back and forth to each other.
Scandalous! :eyeroll:

Another snippet of the defense's probable master plan BBM:

PH Eytan: Okay. And this actually is the trip where Ms. Morphew planned this. So she's going to see Ms. Oliver, then Mr. Libler, and then her husband Mr. Morphew back to back to back, correct?

PH Harris: So I don't think she was planning on seeing Barry from my recollection. She was going to be down to see her father and Sheila and Mr. Libler and then Barry said he wanted to come because he didn't want to spend a second Valentine's Day apart.

PH Eytan: Right. With his wife.

[sarcasm]Barry just wanted to spend Valentine's Day with his wife. Poor Barry, his wife lied, used people, day drank, and used marijuana.[/sarcasm]

I'm gonna go hoarse shouting at Court TV, aren't I?
And let’s not forget DN just flat out calling SM a liar in Court on 8/24/2021 Prelim.
I loathe both of them ( IE and DN ) MOO
Question from the state to Agent Grusing: Did Suzanne say something to sheila about Macy trying to pull her into problems in the marriage? Nielsen objected and said #SuzanneMorphew told Sheila lies. State: this is inappropriate... is she a human lie detector?

BBM, this will make up a big part of the defense strategy. In the PH transcripts, Etyan stresses "best friend" every time she points out one of Suzanne's lies/misdirects about Libler. It's brilliant and infuriating.
Thank you NoSI. My son is here with me now. We live 700 miles away from each other. Guess I have to go through the stages of grief and I am. It hurts so much. I miss him. I loved him with every bit of my soul and he loved me just as much.
I know it is devastating. It was really hard on my Mom because like you, she loved my Dad with every bit of her soul, and he felt just the same. They were truly in LOVE.

Now, in her 90's, she misses him very much, but she says she realises how blessed she was to have such a wonderful loving husband and it is comforting to have had that long loving marriage. She still feels his presence she says....

Yes, you have to go through the stages....:(
I'm definitely not a fan.

There's just no reason for him to have done that, and he probably couldn't have done it anyway.

He'd have to call this friend last minute, and phone records or this friend himself would do him in.

He left his phone at home for a reason, and made sure that it could be tracked. There's a logical reason for that.

Grusing puts the body dump during that six hour hour period, and it makes sense with phone and truck data.

He gets rid of Suzanne, comes home and dumps the bike, takes Suzanne's phone and likely other items, hits the road, dumps the helmet, then proceeds to dispose of evidence.

I think he is a moron, and a dummy. But the one thing he was probably good at was disposing of a body in such a way that it would not be discovered. His life long experience as a landscaper made that possible.

I think he went to a remote area and buried her beneath a huge boulder or a large tree and made it look natural.
More tidbit's from the Preliminary Hearing.

PH Eytan: And they were sending nudes to each other, right? They weren't just sending photographs, they were sending nude photographs back and forth to each other.
Scandalous! :eyeroll:

Another snippet of the defense's probable master plan BBM:

PH Eytan: Okay. And this actually is the trip where Ms. Morphew planned this. So she's going to see Ms. Oliver, then Mr. Libler, and then her husband Mr. Morphew back to back to back, correct?

PH Harris: So I don't think she was planning on seeing Barry from my recollection. She was going to be down to see her father and Sheila and Mr. Libler and then Barry said he wanted to come because he didn't want to spend a second Valentine's Day apart.

PH Eytan: Right. With his wife.

[sarcasm]Barry just wanted to spend Valentine's Day with his wife. Poor Barry, his wife lied, used people, day drank, and used marijuana.[/sarcasm]

I'm gonna go hoarse shouting at Court TV, aren't I?
What a noble mind BM is with his Valentin's Day ambitions! Whether Suzanne or SD - Valentin's Day is very important to him, it seems, and we should make a careful note of that. Remarkable, IMO. Not every rough block, who bruised his wife's nose by chance, has so much feeling for this day of love! :rolleyes:
More tidbit's from the Preliminary Hearing.

PH Eytan: And they were sending nudes to each other, right? They weren't just sending photographs, they were sending nude photographs back and forth to each other.
Scandalous! :eyeroll:

Another snippet of the defense's probable master plan BBM:

PH Eytan: Okay. And this actually is the trip where Ms. Morphew planned this. So she's going to see Ms. Oliver, then Mr. Libler, and then her husband Mr. Morphew back to back to back, correct?

PH Harris: So I don't think she was planning on seeing Barry from my recollection. She was going to be down to see her father and Sheila and Mr. Libler and then Barry said he wanted to come because he didn't want to spend a second Valentine's Day apart.

PH Eytan: Right. With his wife.

[sarcasm]Barry just wanted to spend Valentine's Day with his wife. Poor Barry, his wife lied, used people, day drank, and used marijuana.[/sarcasm]

I'm gonna go hoarse shouting at Court TV, aren't I?

Yup. Suzanne's going on trial for the affair.

Like a jury will forget that her husband is on trial for MURDERING HER.

BM's message to Suzanne on the 9th 'did you leave'?

This is bugging me, we know Suzanne messaged him on 6th with 'I'm done, let's be civil '
Why the 3 day gap before he asked this? Was he with her continuously 7th and 8th too stop her from leaving?

What happened/said/discussed (?) Friday evening/Saturday morning that prompted that question from him? Was it part of a plan? Cos there was no other message exchange between them 9th to indicate that she was leaving - she was asking bout hiking and picking up hot tub stuff - its weird. I know messages were deleted and not all recovered, but, idk, it seems a little off imo.
BM's message to Suzanne on the 9th 'did you leave'?

This is bugging me, we know Suzanne messaged him on 6th with 'I'm done, let's be civil '
Why the 3 day gap before he asked this? Was he with her continuously 7th and 8th too stop her from leaving?

What happened/said/discussed (?) Friday evening/Saturday morning that prompted that question from him? Was it part of a plan? Cos there was no other message exchange between them 9th to indicate that she was leaving - she was asking bout hiking and picking up hot tub stuff - its weird. I know messages were deleted and not all recovered, but, idk, it seems a little off imo.

IMO he wasn't asking, "Did you leave me for good?" IMO he was asking if she'd left the house. I think he thought she might've left for her AFTERNOON BIKE RIDE. (Which is exactly what I happen to think she was preparing to do. In the afternoon. When she typically did. Finished up with the sunbathing, finished up with JL, took her brown towel inside, hung up her bikini, showered, and changed into her biking clothes.)

I think he hoped she hadn't left yet. Because, well, he had other plans.

Tranquilizer. Dart.

Noun. Verb.

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And let’s not forget DN just flat out calling SM a liar in Court on 8/24/2021 Prelim.
I loathe both of them ( IE and DN ) MOO
Question from the state to Agent Grusing: Did Suzanne say something to sheila about Macy trying to pull her into problems in the marriage? Nielsen objected and said #SuzanneMorphew told Sheila lies. State: this is inappropriate... is she a human lie detector?
I think and hope there will be quite a few tweaks to the prosecution case at trial. In my opinion they need to tighten it up quite abit to prevent plausible counter arguments. <modsnip - opinion stated as fact> The defense caught them making a claim that just opens up too much so it was absolutely the right response from defense. These defense attorneys are not going to miss a beat at trial. Remember the "benefit" goes to prosecution at preliminary so we just have one side's "preview".
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I wonder if LE dialed this in further.

First Barry said he hadn't used any tranquilizers in Colorado.

Then he said he had. Twice. Deer. From the breezeway. For their antlers.



And also... the tranquilizer gun LE found appeared inoperable.

So... when he claimed he fired something from the breezeway, did they ask him what he used then?

By his own story, something was operable.

IMO Barry's B-loved chipmunk-seeking .22.

I just hope they asked him. Because I'd like to know his answer. Weird time for a "I don't recall."

And let’s not forget DN just flat out calling SM a liar in Court on 8/24/2021 Prelim.
I loathe both of them ( IE and DN ) MOO
Question from the state to Agent Grusing: Did Suzanne say something to sheila about Macy trying to pull her into problems in the marriage? Nielsen objected and said #SuzanneMorphew told Sheila lies. State: this is inappropriate... is she a human lie detector?

And will Macy lie abouy this too?
They both did their share of bending the truth if that is more palatable than "lie" in the breakdown of their marriage. Whether that is a "good" tactic to pursue to imply motive remains to be seen.

MOO I would need to be shown lying prior to Colorado for her to be a "liar."
MOO by Colorado she was in a mortally dangerous situation without means to leave by access to her own money.
She had to go to the
"ATM," meaning Barry for everything.
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