Still Missing CO - Suzanne Morphew, 49, Chaffee Co, 10 May 2020 *arrest* #89

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Seems odd if there was a missing large cooler that LE would not know. Either of the girls could have confirmed and LE probably would have changed the theory they went into the preliminary with because it ties the tranquilizer theory to the tampering which did not happen at preliminary. That is not to say that won’t happen at trial.
23:11 In an interview on Websleuths Tricia and Lauren S

Barry was the one who told Lauren but refused to give names...and then had the nerve to ask Grusing..

"What about the two people that saw her Sunday?" heard there were two people," SA Grusing interrupted, saying those leads had been covered.

Page 102 of the AA
And there it is, I forgot it was also mentioned in the AA. Thanks for finding and posting these Murphy, much appreciated! :)



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Yup. She isn’t near the house in my opinion. And even boulders that are freshly placed would be noticeable. Curious about how her body got from the house with no detectable trace of death to wherever she is during the period of time available and not in Barry’s truck or the vehicles that were forensically examined. That is the hole for me that I await for trial to learn.
She was incapacitated in the house and killed where he hid the body.
She was incapacitated in the house and killed where he hid the body.
He moved her in a 'vehicle' that couldn't be tracked. Could have been the Bobcat. I would bet she is within 2 miles of the home. My guess is the closest mine or slightly off a trail in the opposite direction of the bike, where he could have had her in the bucket of the Bobcat, dug a hole, placed her and recovered. Probably tossed in some lime and covered area with branches and leaves to look natural.
Being a landscaper by trade, Barry likely owned an auger attachment for his Bobcat. Following a cursory search on the matter, it was discovered that augers do not go very deep unless one uses the hydraulic type. Extensions are available. I'm still not sure how deep it will dig a hole. The attachment is not itself noisy. The Bobcat makes its own sounds but the auger really doesn't add any noise to the project.

Barry's auger may be noisier when he's drilling through hard surfaces such as rock. I still believe utilizing a mine shaft is possible. However, ...

Video posted in 2012

Digging his own hole, creating the burial space by himself, offers Barry complete control over Suzanne's location.

Are any pieces of their luggage missing? Could Barry have placed Suanne inside a suitcase, sadly, then buried the luggage. The ice cooler seems logical to use but also logical for LEO to inquire about why it would be missing.

Maybe he wrapped her in the missing brown towel. The towel must be with her. I also feel a suitcase or duffle bag for transporting her body could have been used.

Whatever container, if any, that was used for toting purposes, had to be buried, didn't it? Mine shafts are typically quite narrow. He created his own burial site. jmho

Wouldn't want Suzanne getting stuck before reaching the bottom of a mine shaft like Heidi Planck in LA apparently did in the apartments' trash chute.

Tried to edit the scratch thru line to no avail. Sorry.
I've wracked my brain trying to figure out how he concealed the body. Alone, at night, over rugged terrain. There would almost certainly have to have been a pre-dug site. (Unless we're talking mineshaft). And tools waiting.

OK ... say he has a prepared site. He still has to cover it up, conceal any disturbance, and haul tools back to the vehicle. Alone, at night, over rugged terrain.

I know he managed it somehow. But how?
Borrowed ATV with a large cooler strapped on the back?

I haven’t discounted mineshafts because Barry can’t seem to make up his mind whether he searched them or not.

3/10/2021 - page 82
SA Grusing asked Barry about searching difficult areas, like mineshafts. Barry tells him, “We did. We searched every mineshaft in this area.”

4/22/2021 - page 118
When discussing where he turned around on 5/10 (following the elk) Barry says he did not take the road up the mountain and denies going into any mines himself. He says G and another buddy searched them.

The problem with trying to figure out a guy like Barry is that he lies about everything.
Somebody tell me if he was so controlling and she was so afraid of him, how did she get away 6 or 7 times flying out of state no less to meet JL? If he watched her so close, how come he didn't even know about JL? How come he didn't see all those texts and messages on Linkedin? How come Barry's attorney said it was a lie that M2 said she would move away with her mother and get a job as Suzanne told SO. This "control" thing does not add up. I don't know who killed her or who took her. I know JL said what they did was a terrible thing and I totally agree.
@MassGuy I guess we did hear from MH at the Prelim back in August.
Found some tweets mentioning him.
On redirect, prosecutor Mark Hurlbert reminds the court that Barry Morphew's DNA was found on the bike seat and in Suzanne's car. He's shifting gears from where Morphew's DNA was NOT found to where it WAS found.
DA Mark Hurlbert now doing redirect.

Hurlbert confirms with Graham that men's khaki shorts and other clothing were found in the dryer. It matches what Barry was seen wearing May 9 on surveillance video.

We're now on a break.
I’m pages behind, as usual. I’m very interested in what clothes may have been in a hamper. Why wash the clothes he was wearing on her he 9th? If there was a full or partially full hamper with dirty clothes it’s certainly sus hat the clothes he was wearing that day were washed!
Not my working theory... but if.... if Barry sedated her, contained her (like in a cooler) and left her in a mineshaft, in his self appointed genius, would he ride on that distinction -- that he didn't kill her (she was alive, snoring lightly when he left her) (just closer to 5 pm than 5 am and not in a bed)? That way, if she died, it was God's doing, not his?

(I don't think this happened, though I think it's possible it was his plan. I think getting close enough to be scratched means he couldn't wait for sedatives and was actively, manually assaulting her.)

Consider: if he had a hunting disposal site -- where all dead chipmunks go, and rackless deer and rackless elk -- might he have gone there by ATV, upended a Yeti, then pushed a boulder back in place? Could he have had second thoughts, driving back up there before 5 am just to make sure no stone had been pushed aside? Didn't need to exit the truck, just needed one more glance from a distance to make sure it all looked undisturbed?

That would put her within 5 miles or so of her helmet....

I don't think he drove 12+ miles to discard one helmet less than one mile from home. So what else was he doing???????

Whatever it was, it must have been vital.

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Why did Barry want to access the hotel from the side door?

My theory is that he smelled.

Of bleach.

(Hence a hundred towels. Question: if someone used industrial chlorine, would water actually make it more pungent than less pungent? Could showering have actually intensified it?)

Are hotel pools up and running again? Or still on ice?

Can I get a volunteer to head up to Broomfield and book a room in old Baer's room? Do a sniff test.

See if it's still an eye burner?

I'm betting it's not. Bet it was unique to MDW, 2020. Willing to be proven wrong though.

Barry did almost time it right. Per Barry in the AA, the girls were supposed to be home at lunchtime on MD... which, according to my maths, would've fallen during his busy B 11 minutes of busywork at the wall. If I remember correctly though, instead of getting The Call from the daughters upon their arrival at home, he resorted to calling them, presumably to feel out their location.... so instead of jumping in the truck and heading home at workthirty (12:30-1), he wound up hanging out in the hotel all afternoon, waiting on the girls to get home already.

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He was chasing her. There is no other reasonable explanation for his frenzied movements. MOO

Of this, terrifying loaded gun chase, I have no doubt happened. Barry chose to chase Suzanne with a loaded .22 tranq dart. How much scarier does it get?

Barry must hide his lovely bride after the killing so no one will find her. Leave little to no cadaverine at PP. Toss em good boots during trash run.

Decent people may have difficulty believing a handsome, successful married man would chase his gorgeous wife around their property, inside or outside, while armed with a tranquilizer dart intent on murdering her. When I first learned of this particular incident, via court testimony, it triggered fear and insomnia for a while. His depravity has no bounds. Whatever it takes.

In YTs Plunder's Court Transcript video of the PH titled, "Chase me around the resort & threaten." Suzanne Morphew list of Barry grievances, the description of the frantic chase is given in court testimony. It doesn't mention busting down the door but @sk716 has marked that in the AA.

At 16:02, he lies, um, changes stories, about searching down by the river for MM1 turkey and when he told CBI that he was eating veggie stew outside with Suzanne during that same time.

At 21:39, they have Barry admitting his phone was going around the house "quite a bit." I need that screenshot of the property showing coordinates and trajectory of the chase by tracking Barry's phone.

At 22:03 begins the spiel about the frantic behavior. It contains the Investigators theories. The thing about the phone data from their software program tells them markers with ZRT location. The D wanted to zero in on the seconds this took to move the position of Barry's phone during the frantic behavior but DA wants to chiefly consider ZRT locations which paint Barry as methodically searching for Suzanne.

The D can try to mumbo jumbo the phone data with hi tech terminology meant to confuse the jury, so the DA must keep the phone's location data simple yet clearly understood by the jury. ajmo
I don't think this is a thing. By all accounts, MM2 was a typical teen coming and going the way any other teen would. MM2 was privy to all of the fighting.

During the PH transcripts that Plunder uploaded (in fact, it's in the same episode I described in muh last post), MM2 gave officials her phone and permission to SW IG acct. After speaking once to MM1, LEO no longer had access to her. Perhaps she hired an attorney early on.
Sure I totally believe he shot chipmunks...they can be an absolute nuisance. Both can chomp your car wiring and get through miniscule holes..can testify to that. My husband doesn't hunt, but he has a 22 for critters and protection against bears. I just don't buy that he was racing around like a madmen shooting darts at his wife. So we'll see how the testimony and cross plays out if prosecution "sticks" with that theory.

Shot chipmunks with a 22? No, a pellet gun or BB gun can get rid of chipmunks never in my life have I ever heard of anyone using a 22, but that was entertaining. Barry admitted to disposing of tranquilizer material the same of which was found in his dryer. I think this theory will stick like glue with a jury IMO!
Being a landscaper by trade, Barry likely owned an auger attachment for his Bobcat. Following a cursory search on the matter, it was discovered that augers do not go very deep unless one uses the hydraulic type. Extensions are available. I'm still not sure how deep it will dig a hole. The attachment is not itself noisy. The Bobcat makes its own sounds but the auger really doesn't add any noise to the project.

Barry's auger may be noisier when he's drilling through hard surfaces such as rock. I still believe utilizing a mine shaft is possible. However, ...

Video posted in 2012

Digging his own hole, creating the burial space by himself, offers Barry complete control over Suzanne's location.

Are any pieces of their luggage missing? Could Barry have placed Suanne inside a suitcase, sadly, then buried the luggage. The ice cooler seems logical to use but also logical for LEO to inquire about why it would be missing.

Maybe he wrapped her in the missing brown towel. The towel must be with her. I also feel a suitcase or duffle bag for transporting her body could have been used.

Whatever container, if any, that was used for toting purposes, had to be buried, didn't it? Mine shafts are typically quite narrow. He created his own burial site. jmho

Wouldn't want Suzanne getting stuck before reaching the bottom of a mine shaft like Heidi Planck in LA apparently did in the apartments' trash chute.

Tried to edit the scratch thru line to no avail. Sorry.
O/T---I have had those 'scratch thru lines' pop up in my posts before---never figured out how it happens nor have I figured out how to edit them out. lmao
Somebody tell me if he was so controlling and she was so afraid of him, how did she get away 6 or 7 times flying out of state no less to meet JL? If he watched her so close, how come he didn't even know about JL? How come he didn't see all those texts and messages on Linkedin? How come Barry's attorney said it was a lie that M2 said she would move away with her mother and get a job as Suzanne told SO. This "control" thing does not add up. I don't know who killed her or who took her. I know JL said what they did was a terrible thing and I totally agree.
BM said he did not know of the affair.
He suspected though.
MOO There is probably more to the JL BM rivalry for Suzanne leftover from when SM was in high school and more JLs age.

Last seen by BM she went dark afternoon of 5/9 while he was there.
Logic says that you wouldn't go to all the trouble of digging a hole when there are plenty of mine shafts around.
Not only might logic suggest that, but Barry seems to tell Grusing that she is in a mine.

He shifts in his chair; something that Grusing seemed to find significant.

Then Barry suggests search methods that would not help if she was in a mine. He's talking about a body being buried. He would not suggest that if he buried her.

Page 92
Somebody tell me if he was so controlling and she was so afraid of him, how did she get away 6 or 7 times flying out of state no less to meet JL? If he watched her so close, how come he didn't even know about JL? How come he didn't see all those texts and messages on Linkedin? How come Barry's attorney said it was a lie that M2 said she would move away with her mother and get a job as Suzanne told SO. This "control" thing does not add up. I don't know who killed her or who took her. I know JL said what they did was a terrible thing and I totally agree.
I don't believe she was afraid for her life at that point. She was able to sneak away because she was smart enough to come up with cover stories. Even that does not appear to have been enough, as it's clear he knew something was up.

Just because he may not have had spyware on her phone, does not mean that he wasn't controlling.

Basically, you are taking the word of a pathological liar, and the attorneys for the pathological liar.

You are also ignoring countless pieces of evidence.

Have you read the AA, like any of it?
Remarkable coincidences:

Suzanne asks for a divorce, and days later goes missing.

Suzanne's phone shows absolutely no activity after Barry arrives home on Saturday.

Her phone goes dark at the exact time Barry needed it to (leaving the house).

He confesses to a frantic event in the backyard (shooting chipmunks).

His phone goes into airplane mode right after this frantic event.

Barry's phone and truck data put him outside when he claimed to be sleeping (at the time he would have had to plant the bike).

That phone data may show him actually traveling towards the bike dump site.

Barry turns the opposite direction of Broomfield, and that so happens to be where the helmet was discovered. This is because he's chasing elk in the dark, in an effort to ultimately collect their horns (they don't shed in May).

Barry dumps multiple bags of trash.

Barry lies to the FBI about doing work that day (he was in his hotel room for many hours).

Barry lies about where he is when he receives that devastating phone call.

Barry deletes texts from his phone, and lies about the state of their marriage.

Journal missing (potential remains found in fire).

They ate dinner off one plate.

Scratches on his arms.

Needle sheath in dryer.

Barry throws away tranquilizer materials on Mother's Day.

Barry claims to have shot deer with tranquilizer in April, but deer don't have antlers in April. No antlers were found.

Broken door frame (he somehow never noticed this).

I could go on, but you get the point. There's a lot of coincidences. I believe the word for that is "pattern."
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