Still Missing CO - Suzanne Morphew, 49, Chaffee Co, 10 May 2020 *arrest* #92

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I believe the Change of Venue Motion was granted and the Order signed off according to the rule of law. Per LS recap, she said that IE stated she wanted it on record that she wanted to conduct some inquiries about the location (Fremont County). However, I wouldn't be surprised if E & N file yet another motion objecting to Fremont because I think their true objective is to move outside of the 11th District (i.e., away from DA Stanley's jurisdiction).

I don't think they actually expected to get the Change of Venue motion. Lama kind of stuck it to them with that one. It's Defense 101 in these big cases to automatically file for change of venue so that's one more appeal in your pocket. E&N's crusade against Stanley seems like a huge waste of Barry's money and it already made their jury prospects a little more difficult.

Lama is unpredictable, and I'm not sure how I feel about that.
I don't think they actually expected to get the Change of Venue motion. Lama kind of stuck it to them with that one. It's Defense 101 in these big cases to automatically file for change of venue so that's one more appeal in your pocket. E&N's crusade against Stanley seems like a huge waste of Barry's money and it already made their jury prospects a little more difficult.

Lama is unpredictable, and I'm not sure how I feel about that.
I have been struggling with my feelings about that. On one hand it is possible in a community strongly connected to prisons jurors will be more conscientious about their duties as jurors favoring defense with probable cause decisions. I suspect defense will be polling again for their own comfort level. The predetermined no matter what he is guilty people and people exposed to information that will never be used at trial is the bigger hurdle in jury selection for defense.
I believe the Change of Venue Motion was granted and the Order signed off according to the rule of law. Per LS recap, she said that IE stated she wanted it on record that she wanted to conduct some inquiries about the location (Fremont County). However, I wouldn't be surprised if E & N file yet another motion objecting to Fremont because I think their true objective is to move outside of the 11th District (i.e., away from DA Stanley's jurisdiction).

Hi @Seattle1

If the trial is moved outside the 11th District and Linda Stanley's jurisdiction, would it proceed as planned beginning in early May?

This would not give new DA much time to prepare so is this the reason Barry's team would push for another change of venue?

If the trial is moved would the current DA's office work in collaboration with new DA's office so that both are actively representing the State during the trial?

It seems the defense would desire Linda Stanley to lead prosecution since she is a new DA, one assistant DA has left, and there have been a few misteps that were acknowledged by both judges. Add to this she is not experienced prosecuting a M1 no body case.

Just wondering how another change of venue benefits defense...

p.s. really frustrated watching defense make inflammatory accusations that border on lying or at least an egregious misrepresentation of truth.

Also, the hacking incident that never was!

Really disappointed the judge proceeded to then further limit the ability for the reporting of real-time, minute by minute details.

It seems the defense is allowed to go on, and on, and on, and on, and on, and on, and on, and on...
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I don’t know, do you really think Barry is out there switching SIMs? He seems pretty basic to me. Yes, he was smart enough to leave no trace, but he was also dumb enough to forget to keep trying to contact his wife on Mother’s Day, and dumb enough to think he didn’t need a lawyer. I think Suzanne may have been missed in all of the searches. Lots of land to cover.

I am trying to dumb this down for myself. I am not holding LE in such high regard to believe that they are completely perfect. I cringed when I watched the officers with the bike handling, and again with asking the possible suspect to get them a plastic! bag for Suzanne’s clothing. Heck I cringed when they let Barry in PP at all for any reason. And take your shoes off Barry. I think I need to just go back to the AA (yes, ridiculously long but contains what is needed), and pull what Barry stated, vs the facts that are known. Less noise.

I do think that and here's the difference: BM is a narcissist. He lacks empathy and doesn't understand how normal people would process feelings like loss which makes him a horrible actor. You can't "teach" someone how to properly behave when they encounter trauma like loss. But you can teach someone, via podcasts like Forensic Files, etc. how to take steps to avoid evidentiary detection. He obviously had done some research about GPS tracking as evidenced by the fact that he was out there pulling wires on his truck and putting his phone on airplane mode. He is dumb, I agree with you there. He knows the cameras are at the hotel, for instance, but doesn't think about cameras at adjacent businesses. He knows that airplane mode helps him avoid detection but doesn't think about the fact that he is essentially highlighting guilty time periods.

The SIM switch makes all the sense to me considering the dog alerts and the strange "drive-by" of the other machine earlier in the day. Plus, I think someone noted a strange pause around the bobcat where he was clearing doing something to it without it moving. If he was switching SIM cards that could have been what he was up to. I think we have to look at this as premeditated by someone who was into true crime and thought he was smarter than he actually is.

When BM was seen with a woman near the dumpster ( and maybe the pizza place?) do we know what the light was like then? SD's "resemblance" to SM might be believable at dusk or night-time.

I find it super coincidental that BM and SD are out here telling people they met at a dumpster and now we have this story. Like we say, always a little truth in the lies.
If BM was constantly listening to true crime stories, he had to know of that possible evidence. ;)

I want to point something out here that many seem to be missing.

Barry pulled the fuse on his truck in an attempt to keep it from tracking his movements. He mostly succeeded.

Do y'all think he just knew to do that? No, he looked it up.

This is practically brand new tech, he didn't learn about that from an old episode of Forensic Files. Barry knew what he was doing and he knew well enough to hide every web search he did on how to get rid of his wife and left his *advertiser censored* searches because it would be more suspicious if he didn't have *advertiser censored* cookies on his devices. Too many people assume he's dumb, Barry's a cunning guy. Thinking he's just a dumb redneck works in his favor.

This supposedly dumb redneck murdered his wife and hid her body without leaving a speck of physical evidence.

Trying to make his machinations super convoluted or super simple in order to make them fit with ones personal view of Barry's intelligence/ability is folly.
Looks like a gray plastic bag with some store name on it. The whole photo is blue saturated so I am guessing the original color was gray. I don’t see a bike helmet anywhere, just the gray bag probably with hand holds like a grocery bag with stuff that appears soft, pair of shoes or boots, a coat or work vest, backpack.
I would agree but in a later picture, there appears to be a wet stain on one of the bags. That wouldn’t happen with a plastic bag.
Excellent write up! Let's look at his lunchtime on 5/9 even more closely.

After his jaunt east of his property, he arrives back at the house at 12:31 PM. He does not leave until 1:38 PM. So he had over an hour to do some stuff. Maybe took a few minutes to stow his game cameras in the safe, but what else?

He actually does something with his bobcat from 1:29:14 PM to 1:34:52 PM (close to 6 minutes), right before he leaves to go to DSI and change his blade. I've marked where on the property he was working. The 1:29 post it on the map would indicate where the bobcat on the trailer would have been. Looking at the two points and where he was working, it seems to me that he must've backed into the driveway. What do you make of this activity?

View attachment 332464
From the last page of the skid steer data:
View attachment 332467

Y'all, if the timeline I'm looking at is correct, he texts about riding by the backhoe not ten minutes after this activity above. Correct me if I'm wrong.
I absolutely agree that there is a bicycling helmet in a pillow case on People's Exhibit 32 (http://www./wp-content/uploads/2022/01/People-Exhibits-Prelim-Hearing_Page_30.png). This makes for really interesting discussion:
1. BM had a cycling helmet with him in Broomfield;
2. It was not in the truck when it was held by police;
3. It was discovered after AM searched the area where it was found IIRC;
4. Therefore, where was it stored? When was it retrieved?
5. What else might he have stored so as not to have it on his person or in his truck?

Edited: Wanted to include top view photo of bike helmet, but I haven't quite figured out the technical details of how to do so....
For a long time I didn’t pay attention to him being at Mens Wearhouse for 40 minutes. Do you think it’s possible he handed off the helmet to someone there? But why? He could have driven anywhere there wasn’t a camera and dumped it. Unless he wanted to plant it near his home.
I'd like to know what LE knows about Barry's stops and starts from the moment he turned left.

What if anything synced with his truck, where did he accelerate, decelerate, turn?

Barry was uncomfortable with the topic of mineshafts, but also seemed to want it known nobody could dig in May in Maysville.

Maybe not for a lesser man... (he's about as lesser as lesser gets)...

Question, if Barry used an unknown vehicle, overnight, to conceal his wife's body, particularly if he availed himself of the nearby mine he didn't mention, would it be possible for him to drive to that location, or a suitable overlook thereof, on Sunday morning, eating up 14 miles?

I ask because I'm still not convinced the left turn was only to ditch the helmet.

And I believe he must've had grave reason to go the way, delaying his ultimate goal of parking his idle bum 3 hours away.

If he had rolled a boulder in place to seal a mine, and he did that with limited light from an ATV perhaps and the moon I suppose, might he have wanted to shine a brighter light, to make sure it looked legit?

Additionally I am aware, from watching FF, the sometimes criminals will use branches to sweep away their tracks, resulting in really unnatural sweep marks. I think Barry might've upgraded that to feed corn. Kind of like the dry ice trick (it's evaporated before LE arrives), I imagine that hungry deer will be drawn to free corn in an instant, eat it clear and leave no trace of corn, just a delightful pattern of hoofsteps.

Could Barry have driven to higher ground, to survey his handiwork? To make sure all traces of his presence had been written over?

Those 14 miles may yield more clues than we yet know.

I do think that and here's the difference: BM is a narcissist. He lacks empathy and doesn't understand how normal people would process feelings like loss which makes him a horrible actor. You can't "teach" someone how to properly behave when they encounter trauma like loss. But you can teach someone, via podcasts like Forensic Files, etc. how to take steps to avoid evidentiary detection. He obviously had done some research about GPS tracking as evidenced by the fact that he was out there pulling wires on his truck and putting his phone on airplane mode. He is dumb, I agree with you there. He knows the cameras are at the hotel, for instance, but doesn't think about cameras at adjacent businesses. He knows that airplane mode helps him avoid detection but doesn't think about the fact that he is essentially highlighting guilty time periods.

The SIM switch makes all the sense to me considering the dog alerts and the strange "drive-by" of the other machine earlier in the day. Plus, I think someone noted a strange pause around the bobcat where he was clearing doing something to it without it moving. If he was switching SIM cards that could have been what he was up to. I think we have to look at this as premeditated by someone who was into true crime and thought he was smarter than he actually is.


I think there is no need to switch the SIM

You can just take it out and potentially nothing will be logged
I assume Barry's truck has enormous fuel tanks. Do we know where, where, whether Barry refueled?

If Barry brought the helmet to Broomfield to discard but then decided he might want to stage it (this is consistent with my theory that the left turn was about something other than the helmet), could Barry have stopped on his way home, to stash the helmet somewhere where he could later recover it? Say, the Poncha Market trash can? He'd know not to have it in his truck once he arrived in Maysville...

I noticed this: as Barry exits his truck and is met with hugs from people who are actually worried about his wife, one of those people asks where her family members are.

Barry, who just moments ago put more quivering syllables into mountain lion than you'd think possible, answers matter of factly, "they're at my house."

Let me try that again.

They're at MY house.

Even in subtle ways, Barry doesn't seem to be very good at sharing.

Taken with everything else, it's just one more little thing that together makes a big thing -- it's his, all his.

And that makes me sad.

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I think there is no need to switch the SIM

You can just take it out and potentially nothing will be logged

I could be wrong, but my google searches make it seem like the Bobcat won't work unless there's a SIM connection. I'm going to keep looking on this because you're right, if it isn't required it wouldn't make sense. But if it needs it to run, that would be why.
I want to point something out here that many seem to be missing.

Barry pulled the fuse on his truck in an attempt to keep it from tracking his movements. He mostly succeeded.

Do y'all think he just knew to do that? No, he looked it up.

This is practically brand new tech, he didn't learn about that from an old episode of Forensic Files. Barry knew what he was doing and he knew well enough to hide every web search he did on how to get rid of his wife and left his *advertiser censored* searches because it would be more suspicious if he didn't have *advertiser censored* cookies on his devices. Too many people assume he's dumb, Barry's a cunning guy. Thinking he's just a dumb redneck works in his favor.

This supposedly dumb redneck murdered his wife and hid her body without leaving a speck of physical evidence.

Trying to make his machinations super convoluted or super simple in order to make them fit with ones personal view of Barry's intelligence/ability is folly.


Also I think he practised.

His phone was synced to the truck via the app IIRC. So by doing this in the past, he could see what would and what would not be logged as a journey to his app. He knew better than to delete the entire Truck data which would have been very suspicious.

Following our conversation on this in the last 24 hours, and thinking back to the research i did some weeks ago, I think his fatal mistake was he thought by pulling Fuse 29 for SYNC/GPS, he would obscure the journey completely (I am guessing it does not show up in the app) but Telematics logs digital events in the truck at a much more granular level which are available to analysis.
Judges need to predictable, and manage the parties with fairness.
I don't think they actually expected to get the Change of Venue motion. Lama kind of stuck it to them with that one. It's Defense 101 in these big cases to automatically file for change of venue so that's one more appeal in your pocket. E&N's crusade against Stanley seems like a huge waste of Barry's money and it already made their jury prospects a little more difficult.

Lama is unpredictable, and I'm not sure how I feel about that.
I was puzzled by the live cartridge found in the master bedroom. I think Barry must have loaded the dart into the .22 in the master bedroom while Suzanne was out on the patio. If that round had been on the floor for any length of time, Suzanne would have surely noticed it and picked it up.

Barry removed the live cartridge to load the .22 with the dart. He either forgot about it or thought he shoved it in his pocket but it ended up on the floor. With all his activities after he darted Suzanne, he forgot all about the live round.
I assume Barry's truck has enormous fuel tanks. Do we know where, where, whether Barry refueled?

If Barry brought the helmet to Broomfield to discard but then decided he might want to stage it (this is consistent with my theory that the left turn was about something other than the helmet), could Barry have stopped on his way home, to stash the helmet somewhere where he could later recover it? Say, the Poncha Market trash can? He'd know not to have it in his truck once he arrived in Maysville...

I noticed this: as Barry exits his truck and is met with hugs from people who are actually worried about his wife, one of those people asks where her family members are.

Barry, who just moments ago put more quivering syllables into mountain lion than you'd think possible, answers matter of factly, "they're at my house."

Let me try that again.

They're at MY house.

Even in subtle ways, Barry doesn't seem to be very good at sharing.

Taken with everything else, it's just one more little thing that together makes a big thing -- it's his, all his.

And that makes me sad.

Good catch. Most of us would say “they’re at the house”, meaning “our house”. Or, just say our house. But everything seems to be his.
I don’t think Barry knows how his use of language gives him away.

I would love to hear what Agent Grusing has to say at this time. Maybe he will be interviewed after the trial. He interviewed him 30 times. Can we even imagine what Agent Grusing must know about Barry, yet can’t say it now?
I haven’t been able to keep up with the posts for several days so I apologize if this has been discussed already.

Something I wondered early on and I think MH2 answered it here when he said in the bodycam video that the girls’ texts to their mom were not being “delivered” since the morning. The texts were “not going through” since Suzanne’s phone was likely inoperable. It sounds to me like the texts were getting flagged as “not delivered”. My point is that it was not just a matter of Suzanne not responding to texts, but that the texts were getting flagged as not delivered. Would this be the case if Suzanne’s phone was disabled? Would the texts be flagged on the sender’s phone as not delivered? Due to the poor cell service at PP I wonder how common of an occurrence this was. The girls being concerned about this leads me to believe that it was not a super common occurrence. I am interested to hear the details of conversations between BM, MM1 and MM2 on Sunday, I hope we get more information on this at the trial.


Poor cell service in Puma Path is irrelevant when it comes to Suzanne's phone, they had good wi-fi. In areas of poor service, the wi-fi carries the load. If Suzanne is alive and at home, she is available via cellular. Even in the area immdiately around the house, the wi-fi would have carried the load for Snapchats, WhatsApp, texting, and video chats.

It's another of Barry's intentional deceptions.
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