Still Missing CO - Suzanne Morphew, 49, Chaffee Co, 10 May 2020 *arrest* #92

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That's interesting MassGuy. I'd never noticed that map before or connected the 'turkey searching' to that time. Now my mind is swirling.

What was he doing walking east from his property at 12:22? Why walk so far from his house if he was stalking Suzanne? He couldn't see her from there. Could he have been checking his (predug?) burial site for later? Interesting too that where he was pinged is off of the building envelope for Lot 2 of Monarch River Estates so not likely to be disturbed in later years.

Just throwing out a random thought here.

Monarch River Estes is where Barry was spotted installing iron gates that lead into the neighborhood. It may have been one of his first jobs after Suzanne's life was taken. moo I believe Barry searched for about 3 weeks, maybe. His buddies were rallied from Indiana who came for a while. Even MRitter searched with BM's team.

Iwondertoo, this data may be critical to the timeline. Barry may be removing field cams. Or putting them into place. From 11:30 until 1:38 or for 2 hours and 8 minutes:

11:30 Barry parks a ways down the drive. Barry "arrives home for the alleged Veggie stew".
Barry walks towards home, thru the woods; taking over two (2) hours. From

11:52 Barry walks til 12:31, or for 39 minutes, (along the river?). He claims to be looking for redacted's turkey carcass.

Barry walks back towards his truck, taking an hour and seven minutes, and left at 1:38.
2 hours, 8 minutes basically spent in the woods on their property.

Barry departs at 1:38. Arrives at DSI around 2:00 for the new blade installed on his treasured cat. I think Suzanne is still alive and alone. Time's ticking. She's about to send JL her last proof of life photo before she's murdered. imoo It's Saturday afternoon on May 9, 2021 of MDW.

At 1:47 & 1:49, Barry calls Suzanne since they didn't see one another much at lunch. Suzanne didn't want to speak to Barry. She didn't answer.

Screenshot 2022-02-03 12.49.40 AM.png
credit: screen capture came from op
Children, children! Calm down! Please calm down! Sheesh, I just popped out to the butcher for some bones for our zoo critters, and here you are all in a tizzy!:D (I must say it's nice to be missed, though) It seems we do already have a jackass - but some people are equal to more than one, aren't they? Shall we add another half a dozen, seeing as it's Barry? And I've been meaning to let you all know how the "Websleuth Bobcaterwaulers" are coming along at our choir practices - fortunately some of them already knew the "Hallelujah Chorus", and so the rehearsals are going splendidly, and we should be ready in good time for our triumphant performance sometime in May or June. Tickets will be available soon, just indicate here if you would "like" some!:D
You can add as many jackasses as you like! I'd be happy to have a few tickets for the show. Get those animals ready and I hope it's better than a Ringling Brothers circus! :D
I believe MG said he kept checking his phone and they quit way earlier in the day than she expected.

ETA: Did we stumble onto the trigger?

I'm convinced there is a trigger to cause him to come storming up the driveway in a rage and go straight into attack mode. He'd been planning this for a long time. The obvious time to kill SM is later on saturday night when there is no risk of anyone calling her or dropping by.
PS re the inquiries as to whether our zoo has bears and coyotes - yes it does, although only one bear. He has a very fine bass voice, and keeps the other basses on track. The coyotes tend to be sopranos, but unfortunately, although accurate in pitch, their tone tends to be rather sharp and screechy. And they do not take kindly to criticism. :(
Barry stalking Suzanne hours before her murder:

Barry claims he and Suzanne had lunch between 11:30 1:30 or so, but there are massive issues.

Suzanne texts JL at 11:42, saying she's all alone. Barry's vehicle and phone put him home more than 10 minutes before that, so he couldn't have entered.

More proof of this comes from Barry's truck data not putting that truck in the driveway, and his phone showing him traveling behind the house. Barry uses the "Turkey excuse here."

More evidence of this lie comes from Barry calling Suzanne minutes after leaving the house, which is odd considering they just spent a couple house together.

Also, they had veggie soup for dinner on the 7th (a little bit of truth in every lie).
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I'm convinced this is crucial to his planning, and I get the stuff about the camera's but if they were so far from the house, how do they matter to the crime? Why does he go so far from the house?

I'd love to see the other 2 maps he was shown
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Didn't Andy or someone say Barry knows how to use animal scent as a deterrent?

Is that stuff pungent to humans? Did Barry get himself skunked? Is that why he tried to slink into the hotel by the back door? Is that why he was (apparently) showering and changing and showeing again, to get the stink unstuck?

Barry might've been THRILLED to learn his crew was met with full face with the scent of bleach! Might've meant he was successful in masking a way a worse stench!

Consider this as well:

Barry stalked that mountain lion for years. Could it be that Barry built a trap out there, hopeful one day to catch it? He's not much of a hunter IMO, but he 'sho loves himself some wall trophies.

Might he have had the proverbial hole trap, disguised, for a cat to fall into but having killed his wife, needed to borrow it all quicklike? Peel back that trap door...... bye bye, cooler.

Not genius. Opportunistic.


Barry's Top Priority 1: Hiding the body where it would not be discovered. That's his goal. He held ample opps to murder by having Suzanne isolated in a quaint, naive town protected by mountains and that quaint historical railroad

Barry's Primary Motive: Money, Freedom

Barry had to avoid stout odors and strong foul odors that attracted turkey vultures.

Barry, as much as possible, had to avoid cadaverine. I agree the hot tub could serve this purpose and explains the photo in the PH of his swim trunks.

Caderine is on the Bobcat, according to 3 necro bloodhounds. For AM searches, the dogs really showed out and alerted on several areas. It's the reason the concrete foundation at the beach site was dug up and inspected by CS Forensics.

Barry must dump a camo jacket and work boots for a reason and a purpose. I do believe he used the tree that came out of the plant container to mark her position that he tossed later at the HIE.

Stop reading here if you are sensitive to gruesome subjects. This is a possibility for the burial.

How long does it take to dissolve a human body?

**Fair Warning ** Sensitive Subject Follows**

"Assassins for Mexican-American drug cartels have been dissolving their victims’ bodies in chemicals, according to a piece published Tuesday in the New York Times. The process is known colloquially as making pozole, in reference to a traditional Mexican stew. It can take several hours to make a pot of pozole. How long does it take to dissolve a human body?

Acids can dissolve a body more completely than lye—liquefying even the bones and teeth—but it takes longer and can be hazardous. British murderer John George Haigh used sulfuric acid to dissolve at least six of his victims in the 1940s. He processed the bodies in a 45-gallon oil drum and reported that the victims dissolved completely in about two days. He also said he had to leave the room, finding the fumes intolerable. (Sulfuric acid can cause third-degree burns. A sprinkling of lye will merely irritate the skin but can be more dangerous if it’s mixed with water.) In 1980, a Gambino crime family henchman dissolved the body of a man who had accidentally killed John Gotti’s son in a traffic accident, using a 55-gallon drum and an unknown acid."

About the same, with the right chemicals and equipment. The assassins typically use sodium hydroxide or potassium hydroxide, strong bases commonly known as lye.

If this plan was used, what type of container would one select for the corpse and the chemicals? I thought an old oil drum with a lid. Preparing a hole somewhere large enough for the oil drum is not a big deal in a heavy forested area, especially, if it's covered with a nice [Aspen?] sapling from the black tree container Barry chucked. Pile some boulders around the tree along with long pine needles. A sturdy oil drum will keep the topsoil from forming a dip. I have officially made myself feel physically ill.

moo this evening
Didn't Andy or someone say Barry knows how to use animal scent as a deterrent?

Is that stuff pungent to humans? Did Barry get himself skunked? Is that why he tried to slink into the hotel by the back door? Is that why he was (apparently) showering and changing and showeing again, to get the stink unstuck?

Barry might've been THRILLED to learn his crew was met with full face with the scent of bleach! Might've meant he was successful in masking a way a worse stench!

Consider this as well:

Barry stalked that mountain lion for years. Could it be that Barry built a trap out there, hopeful one day to catch it? He's not much of a hunter IMO, but he 'sho loves himself some wall trophies.

Might he have had the proverbial hole trap, disguised, for a cat to fall into but having killed his wife, needed to borrow it all quicklike? Peel back that trap door...... bye bye, cooler.

Not genius. Opportunistic.


Barry's Top Priority 1: Hiding the body where it would not be discovered is the goal. He held ample opps to murder by having Suzanne isolated in a quaint town surrounded by mountains;
Barry's Motive: Money, Freedom

Barry had to avoid stout odors and strong foul odors that attracted turkey vultures.

Barry, as much as possible, had to avoid cadaverine. I agree the hot tub could serve this purpose and explains the photo in the PH of his swim trunks.

Caderine is on the Bobcat, according to 3 necro bloodhounds. For AM searches, the dogs really showed out and alerted on several areas. It's the reason the concrete foundation at the beach site was dug up and inspected by CS Forensics.

Barry must dump a camo jacket and work boots for a reason and a purpose. I do believe he used the tree that came out of the plant container that he tossed at the HIE.

Stop reading here if you are sensitive to gruesome subjects. This is a possibility for the burial.

How long does it take to dissolve a human body?

**Fair Warning ** Sensitive Subject Follows**

* Scroll and Roll *

How would Barry transport an oil drum with Suzanne inside? Simple. The oil drum's already in place in the hole Barry buried underground a while back. Waiting. It's been there in the ground all along. He's already got the abrasive chemicals stirred and waiting on the inside. Before he leaves, he replaces the lid, rakes some leaves around the freshly planted tree [a Pinion?] with Suzanne under it.

Solitarily, Barry walks back up to the house. Maybe took a quick dip in the AR River for a minute in the backyard. Then, hits the hot tub. Worried if he's on the predetermined schedule of events once the opportunity presented itself but he can forget the lion theory. A poster stated there's been 2 lion attacks in like 4 decades. Astronomical odds against chances of that happening. Suzanne wanted to live without Barry and love her girls. She had the other half of her life to live.

It appears likely that on foot, while wearing those heavy work boots, that get tossed later on a trash run, Barry takes Suzanne, removes her, from the house to her final landing place, in the ground, secreted inside an oil drum, possibly, that's been carefully covered with naturally organic earth. Pristine, as Ron Logan would say.

Barry had a firearm with a scope plus a loaded dart. Suzanne had enough strength to barely scrape his skin on his left arm with her nails. LEO documents his hands but his business and land searches could have produced those marks but not the nail scrapes near the crook of his lt arm. Those defensive scratches on his left arm are Suzanne's last expression of desperation that he would stop.

moo this evening
If she is subdued by a tranquilizer and had not yet passed, and was not bleeding enough to leave that evidence in a vehicle, and if still alive and not giving off death scents in a vehicle - then using her car for final transportation seems plausible. Very risky to use a reportedly loud and recognizable truck. Her vehicle can go off road as well. And didn't she get new tires on it May 9th ? Hmmm. Whose plan was that I wonder.
I believe this is possible. I think it was when BM collected MG at the Fitness Center for the beach site that she noticed what she thought was daughter's phone/iPod that was paired and/or inside BM's truck.

Is Fitness Center the same gym Barry performs his work outs; sometimes two a day? MG went there, too. Isn't that ShoSho's gym, as well? Oh, one big happy coincidence. Was this 400 tours gym, too?

That's quite an interesting gathering. Who else went to that gym, Fitness Center?

I suspect the device is a burner phone. Someone needs to study the times the unknown device made a communication in line with his other activities during those same times. My head aches.

You can add as many jackasses as you like! I'd be happy to have a few tickets for the show. Get those animals ready and I hope it's better than a Ringling Brothers circus! :D

Costumes! The animals need costumes. Sunglasses like Suzanne wore. Tutus for the lions. Ruffled collars for the elephant. Chipmunks requested brimmed hats. They'll be dressed in bright happy fabulous colors as spectators in unique costumes for the May Murder One trial of Barry Morphew for murdering his wife, Suzanne. With Special Circumstances. With forethought. And tampering.
I think she wasn't killed at PP.

That's the one smart part of his scheme. I think he moved her offroad with the ATV perhaps - to a prepared and known dump site.

The dogs might just be a false positive.
Another thought about new tires on her vehicle. Could the mileage have been recorded that day ? As I would think that during the investigation and looking at all vehicles - surely the current mileage was recorded in her vehicle. And if someone wanted to use that vehicle for certain purposes - having new tires is extra insurance -if you will. It would be horrid timing to pop a tire somewhere - while carrying out dirty deeds. Not to mention the quick sale of said vehicle pretty darn fast!
Costumes! The animals need costumes. Sunglasses like Suzanne wore. Tutus for the lions. Ruffled collars for the elephant. Chipmunks requested brimmed hats. They'll be dressed in bright happy fabulous colors as spectators in unique costumes for the May Murder One trial of Barry Morphew for murdering his wife, Suzanne. With Special Circumstances. With forethought. And tampering.
Oh yes please DeDee, that is brilliant!! Would you be so kind as to accept the position of Wardrobe Mistress? Different costumes will be so much better for this happy occasion than boring choir robes. We look forward to hearing more of your fabulous costume ideas - and maybe even some sketches?:D
I wonder if that message was supposed to be GOT. Then it makes sense. She did the tires, then got hot tub stuff. Incorrect spellings and auto correct could be why that message doesn't make sense yet the hot tub stuff is in Suzanne's car. moo
AA confirms that SM requested BM purchase hot tub chemicals by text message.

AA pg 21/131
Au contraire re: Barry had an end of life plan for himself. Naw. Really? The plan was to end Suzanne's life. This way that things ended up, and Barry has already forgiven himself for anything, Barry is a millionaire with two gorgeous daughters (who is going to prison forever. Forever. Never ending; even til death.) There was forethought. Premeditation. Lots of planning.

I hope there's a photo of Suzanne wearing those black biking shorts Barry offered for the 3 necro bloodhounds that came to the property around the 3rd week. Each necro dog hit on the Bobcat with 1 hopping into the seat. Yet the skid is not involved, as of Aug 2021?

There hasn't been enough time to view videos for critique; however, wanted to mention that during the vid where Barry enters their PP home on the evening of May 10, and hustles to grab a plastic bag from the drawer, he drops something from his right hand into the drawer UNDER the saran wrap. jmho

There was no reason for Barry to move the box of saran wrap. He holds the box of saran wrap close to his left hip and drops something into the drawer with his right hand that may have come from his right leg pocket of the jeans as he scooted down the hall to the drawer for a baggie. It makes a noise as it hits the bottom of the drawer. - a v humble opinion

Barry may have had something on his person to rid himself of and plopped into that kitchen drawer so whatever it was, would not be traveling to the jail house with him (to be charged with when they empty his pockets?). What could it be? This guy knows how to skirt the edge of the law.

moo and stuff, like speculations


Her wedding ring!!!!!

(He didn't want it on him and I'll bet he never thought they'd look down the house!)

(And I'll bet LE never looked under tinfoil !!!!!)

Is Fitness Center the same gym Barry performs his work outs; sometimes two a day? MG went there, too. Isn't that ShoSho's gym, as well? Oh, one big happy coincidence. Was this 400 tours gym, too? That's quite an interesting gathering. Who else went to that gym, Fitness Center?
AA pg 49/131 identifies the gym as "Anytime Fitness," 9985 Hwy 50 - Poncha Springs, CO. No idea where the others work out except I do recall that gym membership is provided as a benefit to volunteer firefighters per their website.

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