Found Deceased CO - Suzanne Morphew, 49, Chaffee Co, 10 May 2020 *Case dismissed w/o prejudice* #108

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And there was no blood or other tissue of evidentiary value in any of their vehicles?
No, there wouldn't be any blood of tissue if he strangled her which I very much believe he did. He might have tranq'd her first, but I believe he knew better than to leave any trace blood or tissue at PP. That's why he was confident to let LE in and looking around.

Except for that darn tranq cap found in the dryer with his shorts. Oooooof, that had to hurt. heehee

I’ve been pondering that. If he did use another vehicle, why put his phone in airplane mode? Leave it on, in the house. Why mess with the tracking data on his truck? Leave it on to “prove” he didn’t leave the home.
I don’t know those answers. I look for them when he gets to trial. Unless he confesses. He has to know the gig is up now.
I’ve been pondering that. If he did use another vehicle, why put his phone in airplane mode? Leave it on, in the house. Why mess with the tracking data on his truck? Leave it on to “prove” he didn’t leave the home.
One thing that comes to mind is people calling or texting him and him not answering the calls/texts would look suspicious. If he had it on laying stationary at his house then if calls come in it would ping or show that, but if he's home why wouldn't he be answering the phone at 3pm to 10pm especially with his daughters traveling out of town. I think he did airplane mode so he could claim ignorance and say he was home, must have accidently did that airplane mode thing.. nothing to see here.
No, there wouldn't be any blood of tissue if he strangled her which I very much believe he did. He might have tranq'd her first, but I believe he knew better than to leave any trace blood or tissue at PP. That's why he was confident to let LE in and looking around.

Except for that darn tranq cap found in the dryer with his shorts. Oooooof, that had to hurt. heehee


Two other possiblities come to mind.

1) he suffocated her. He outweighed her and he was strong. If she were heavily sedated, he probably could have suffocated her by putting her face down on a pillow and using his bulk and strength to hold her down. No broken hyoid bone. Probably easier than strangling her because he didn't need a strong grip, just to keep her face pressed into the pillow.

(I was reading the Heather Mack thread where using a pillow to suffocate her mother was discussed - that's what made me think of this.)

2) he overdosed her (intentionally or by accident) when he tranquilized her. She wasn't a large woman, her system might still have been weakened by the chemo drugs - and wasn't he using a tranquilizer designed for large animals, not humans?
I don’t know those answers. I look for them when he gets to trial. Unless he confesses. He has to know the gig is up now.
I think if BM finds out there is irrefutable proof of his guilt, he will never make it trial. He would run, or off himself I believe. His pride would not allow him to be caged like the many animals he loved to hunt and kill.

Whew! I finally caught up ... deeply grateful Suzanne has been found and I want to welcome everybody back for the BM saga ... my heart goes out to M&M ... it's going to be tough ... there is bound to be more info forthcoming and ... somebody is being tracked ... coming for you ... soon! MOO
Two other possiblities come to mind.

1) he suffocated her. He outweighed her and he was strong. If she were heavily sedated, he probably could have suffocated her by putting her face down on a pillow and using his bulk and strength to hold her down. No broken hyoid bone.

2) he overdosed her (intentionally or by accident) when he tranquilized her. She wasn't a large woman, her system might still have been weakened by the chemo drugs - and wasn't he using a tranquilizer designed for large animals, not humans?
Very well could have been either of those too. I bet Suzanne weighed less than a big deer though. She was super thin at that time, maybe from her cancer treatments and bike riding.
Suffocation can be done several ways, especially if the person is tranquilized. It's been done many times in other cases, I won't spell out the various ways, but every household has the materials to do it easily.

I keep reading that the court documents state that Barry had scratches on one or both arms. He could have suffocated her without the tranquilizer darts, of course.

He probably knew enough true crime to avoid breaking the hyoid bone. He had to worry that she'd be found sooner than she was.

To think he then sat down and ate steak at their kitchen table just boggles my mind.
I’ve been pondering that. If he did use another vehicle, why put his phone in airplane mode? Leave it on, in the house. Why mess with the tracking data on his truck? Leave it on to “prove” he didn’t leave the home.
But that would leave open the possibility that someone might call him and the call would go unanswered, which could indicate he is not with his phone... particularly if the persons calling were his daughters, both away on a road trip at the time. Most people would expect a parent of two daughters (one still a minor at that time) to answer under those circumstances.

For example, when Suzanne didn't answer her phone calls or texts the next morning (on Mother's Day), that led to a neighbor searching the home and then the call to authorities.
He sure seems calm in this video, considering he's suggesting that a mountain lion got her, it's now dark and she's been missing for hours. JMO
Would have been far more believable to say look we got some issues, the girls don't know but she's involved with someone else and I reckon she has run off with him.

But he didn't go there.
Because that is the very reason he killed her.
So the very reason had to be avoided.

Now we are having great sex and sharing 1 steak on 1 plate and a mountain lion grabbed her off her push bike while he abandons her on mothers day to be at a job site he legally is not allowed to be at.
Totally believable. :rolleyes:
If the spy pen was discovered by LE, that means Barry didn’t confiscate it and hide it, so was it still recording on May 9 and May 10? If he tried to break down the bedroom door leading to the cracked frame, surely she would have been yelling and the noise of a fight would have been recorded. Even if he tranquilizer her quickly it would have picked up some sort of a scuffle? Maybe the doorframe was cracked from a previous fight and nothing took place near the spy pen for it to have recorded anything, sadly.
I keep reminding myself, as lengthy as the AA was, there was more. I know, that’s hard to fathom, lol! But, I’m sure the prosecutors kept something up their sleeve that would have been sprung during a trial and it’s still there, up their sleeve waiting, waiting. And who knows what they’ve added to that since the dismissal? The judge gutted their case by not allowing the experts to testify which also prevented anyone else for that matter. Now that Suzanne has been found, Barry’s days of freedom are numbered. It gives me some pleasure knowing life just got harder for him, wondering, every day, when the hammer will come down. I wonder what CC will reveal or what MG knows. Patience. I may want this fast, but I will patiently wait.

In a strange way, justice denied (at first) may actually facilitate that justice will be done. And, the girls are older and perhaps more able to bear it all. I feel for their sorrow but not so much that I don’t want their father jailed for what he did. He’s a monster not only for what he did to Suzanne, but what he did to them.
Suffocation can be done several ways, especially if the person is tranquilized. It's been done many times in other cases, I won't spell out the various ways, but every household has the materials to do it easily.

I keep reading that the court documents state that Barry had scratches on one or both arms. He could have suffocated her without the tranquilizer darts, of course.

He probably knew enough true crime to avoid breaking the hyoid bone. He had to worry that she'd be found sooner than she was.

To think he then sat down and ate steak at their kitchen table just boggles my mind.
I’m not sure if this has been asked previously, would they have been able to examine the scratches on Barry for Suzanne’s DNA? Would he have to agree to this examination to be done?
Recalling that even though the Ritters living near Puma Path Rd requested to be named in a protection order against BM, as a condition of his bond release, in September 2021, one family that welcomed BM back to the hood was the Cushman family (offered him lodging on release). Cushman's are part-year residents that lived next to the Morphew's, and it's also believed BM had access to a vehicle* they left behind.

At a Chaffee County hearing Wednesday, 11th Judicial District Judge Patrick Murphy said he can’t legally make Barry Morphew move from the property known as the "Cushman home" in the Monarch Estates subdivision off of Puma Path in Maysville, Colorado, which overlooks the house where he previously lived with Suzanne before her disappearance on May 10, 2020.

ETA: For clarification, BM had access to a vehicle* at the time of SM's murder.
I’m not sure if this has been asked previously, would they have been able to examine the scratches on Barry for Suzanne’s DNA? Would he have to agree to this examination to be done?
I doubt it. Days had passed, and he would have showered in the meantime. His wounds had scabbed over too.
I understand what a hyoid bone is why it MAY be interesting. I just don't understand why OP keeps mentioning it when there hasn't been news or comment otherwise.
The discussion involves things that could either prove cause of death, or further implicate Barry.

There will not be news or comments from the investigators regarding this.

1) they only had PARTIAL DNA. Partial. Othram needs a full sample and so does every other IGG site I know of. That's why they needed Kohberger's dad's DNA (different case, but most of you are familiar with it).

They didn't even have 18 SNP's! Othram uses...600,000.

So here's the problem with even considering this.

How would you feel if your relative (who has uploaded to Othram) is identified as a possible match (and therefore, we turn to regular pedigrees and family lines - as happened in the DeAngelo case) YOU are identified as a possible match. You are contacted by FBI. You try to remember where you were that day that they're interested in. Does this sound like a good way to do law enforcement? No matter what your alibi, you are still on a list of potential suspects and the alibi needs to be really good (you have proof you were not anywhere near the crime, you were at work, with a camera on you, hundreds or thousands of miles away). Now your name is in the LE files (which can become public under various circumstances),

Yikes. If you sent 18 out of 600,000 SNP's to Othram, it would match thousands and thousands of people. Maybe tens of thousands (more likely, really). What is LE supposed to do with that? Attempt to verify alibis for 10,000 people each time there's DNA found somewhere at a crime scene?

Why not do that with the helmet DNA too? And then the bike DNA? (The answer there, I believe, is that the person whose DNA matched those came forward and that cleared him - because he had a reason to have his DNA on the helmet - he sold it to Suzanne).

Does anyone here really think that the bike shop owner in Salida should have been treated as a suspect and should be named publicly (say, by the Defense)? The Defense knows this partial match is bogus and that the person to whom it belongs isn't even a felon and no one has his identity. Perfect Patsy. But tomorrow, that person could be charged with a felony and have his complete DNA put in CODIS, and now...he'd need an alibi. But if his actual DNA is still a partial match - he walks free, it isn't him.

To put it another way, Glovebox Guy is not that sex offender. Glovebox guy only PARTIALLY matches the CODIS sex offender. But does it matter? Glovebox Guy is SOMEONE. Should he be hunted down via IGG? Why?? His whole life turned upside down because a distant relative of his is a sex offender and he touched an owners manual while doing his job? No evidence of criminal activity in the car at all. ALL owners' manuals have some DNA on them that comes from the manufacturing process (so does most underwear, although I will say that many Chinese manufacturers and some in Germany are now trying to prevent employee DNA from getting on products for just these reasons. It's very very expensive to do, though (you exhale your DNA as you breathe, so they have to basically be in space suits).

If that sex offender is found, the CODIS results will still not be a complete match to the Glovebox DNA, because it wasn't a complete match on the 18 markers CODIS uses (I may be off a little on my number there, because I haven't been to CODIS today, it changes once in a while and it makes no difference to this discussion - but others can feel free to try and understand the multi-volume work behind CODIS if they want to, it's quite the rabbit hole.) If the sex offender is apprehended and charged and typical procedure is followed, then his entire profile goes into CODIS (but CODIS STILL won't be using his entire genome to make their match - it's merely an investigative tool, sex offender will match his other crimes - but he will not match the Glovebox Guy's full profile, which is why GG is only a PARTIAL match in the first place.
Thanks!! You gave us the nine course meal version, not just the Mcdonald's value meal answer!!

I didn't realize, but should have - the degree of smoke and mirror subterfuge IE was pulling.
I think if BM finds out there is irrefutable proof of his guilt, he will never make it trial. He would run, or off himself I believe. His pride would not allow him to be caged like the many animals he loved to hunt and kill.

Well he showed up fir the first trial and I think he knew they had him and they did. Just not the body of Suzanne.
Of course, it would be an embarrassment to someone claiming to be so highly moral. If he could run he would.
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