Found Deceased CO - Suzanne Morphew, 49, Chaffee Co, 10 May 2020 *Case dismissed w/o prejudice* #108

DNA Solves
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The recovering of Suzanne’s remains is, in my opinion, divine intervention! Many prayers have gone upward for her recovery. Enough is enough. Suzanne’s bones crying out from the dust for the justice she deserves and the punishment he deserves for what he did. As they say, “timing is everything!”

To think, BM (<modsnip>, and IE (<modsnip>, on a mission to besmirch those hard working public servants, giving it their all to find Suzanne and execute justice for her murder and then having their reputations tarnished by liars. The hubris in claiming 15 million in damages for the perpetrator of her murder. Simply outrageous! I think someone upstairs said, “Enough already!” MOO
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Anyone have a link to a super detailed timeline like the excerpt above? I've visited page 1 of this thread and the Media, Maps and Timeline 43 pages, and can only find a few early ones, very vague at that point. The affadavit link on that page is also broken so I can't access that. Thanks!
Here is the PCA.
That's where the times I used are from.

I think Barry has only two thoughts on his mind.
1. When will I be charged again?
2. Can IE get me off?
Wow he must go back and forth with those thoughts every moment.

He knows the ending but I’m sure the thoughts of him winning the fifteen million dollars in the civil suit had him delusional for awhile.

My question is, even though Barry haasn’t been charged again, will this civil suit be allowed to proceed by the judge since Suzanne’s body has been found?
And Maybe #3 is : where am I going to get the $$$ to pay for this defense?
Wonder if he still has that rich buddy with the deer farm in Indiana? Or maybe we will see another g-f-me for “ the husband”. JMO
Suzanne's port may tell the story. If he didn't use the port itself, if he tranqued her in any other way, her own blood circulates into the port to the clip point. If there's evidence of contamination by drugs used in animal sedation in her port... game over.

Someone, please tell me that, although her blood may no longer exist, evidence of the drug in her port might.

Since the catheter of the port rested inside of a large vein, it's possible there could be dried blood inside. Also, if BM used the port to inject whatever into it, I doubt he flushed it with saline, so it would be detectable.

I keep reminding myself about his arrogance. He buried her believing that he is so clever and her body won''t ever be found, so he didn't remove the port. Let's hope the fingernails she scratched him with were located.
Maybe I am missing something or not understanding but I've seen this a few times from commentators..why does everyone think that DNA in her car is so important and like this defense attorney says "doesn't help prosecution". How do they think it ties into her murder? Are they just not really following the case from the beginning? Personally I think its irrelevant.. If she got "kidnapped" while riding her bike..there would be no reason for the killer to find his way back to her house and into her car searching for something. Her credit cards were left in the car (according to the AA)
I've clearly not caught up with the thread yet as I'm replying to a post that's no doubt had at least 10+ replies. But to put it into perspective I had a bath tonight and opened a brand new multipack of pants (knickers/panties), there will no doubt be at least 5 different touch DNA profiles on them.

have now gave myself the heebie jeebies and am away to change my pants :D
I think that's what you pay a lawyer for, to be out front and make those statements. jmoo

Right but as made clear in her civil suit she wants to get a different version into play. One with no chipmunk hunt or left turn as she claims baz was tricked into lying about those. Trouble is only Baz can testify to whether he lied.

I am guessing baz can now not do a deposition either.

So will he try and out a stage managed version out there?
Since the catheter of the port rested inside of a large vein, it's possible there could be dried blood inside. Also, if BM used the port to inject whatever into it, I doubt he flushed it with saline, so it would be detectable.

I keep reminding myself about his arrogance. He buried her believing that he is so clever and her body won''t ever be found, so he didn't remove the port. Let's hope the fingernails she scratched him with were located.
We would all love for much evidence to be found in those bones or in the shallow grave.
IMO, with her body being found, there is more than enough for a guilty verdict now. IMO, there always was. But the folks who have testified were forbidden by the judge and the DAs hands were tied. Now, they are being sued because “Barry was falsely charged” in IE’s opinion. Well, HELLO IE, your boy will go to prison now.
I will try and figure out a really simple graphic. I am just at the part of my semester where I can explain it to my students (we are 6 weeks in, with 4 weeks on genes and DNA, so that now they know what an SNP is, and which regions of the genome are specifically human (although...they really KNOW know that yet, they're trusting me when I say that's what we're looking at - the rest of the course is going to be week by week, slowly getting what it means to be genetically human.

So, it's not like it's easy to explain or reduce.

But here's a math example:

Partial DNA = 112 339 889

Matched to CODIS suspect find = 112 669 848

It doesn't actually MATCH the 9 digit series. It contains PART of the 9 digit series

(In real life, it's coded as letters and there are tens of thousands of digits to match). Finding the exact number of "digits" used by CODIS is a long term project for any scholar - as they change the formula occasionally, and, well almost no one has the whole human genome (billions of digits?) memorized.

CODIS doesn't look at the whole sample or the whole human genome (neither do any of the IGG companies). Instead, it's SNP's (the places in the human genome where we have the most individual variation.

Everybody gets their SNP variations from two and only two people (their parents), who will be "close matches" (and that's what I'd call siblings, cousins, grandparents, and so on. All of us have alleles (specific genes) from our ancestors. Some of those alleles go back to before we were even H. sapiens. Some of those alleles, we may share with other species.

I am a "partial match" for a certain celebrity (whom I've always admired), we are something like fourth cousins, 3X removed. Yay? And I"m a "partial match" for a famous basketball coach (second cousin, once removed). I am a "partial match" for an Australian aborigine family.

I do not know and have never met the people I just mentioned. And I could go on - my own IGG results have about 5000 people I've turned up in a database, to whom I am related.

Maybe this will help. All people (ALL of them) on Planet Earth who have blue eyes have one of a handful of alleles that cause the formation of eyes that appear blue (there is no blue pigment, it's actually a lack of melanin and the Rayleigh light scattering effect that makes eyes appear blue). So ALL blue-eyed people are a partial match for each other!

We know approximately when and where that blue allele first mutated and it was in Northern Europe, and using the math behind the study of adaptive radiation, we know the epicenter and first appearance of the allele was near what is now Pskov, Russia. It appeared at ~8000 BP (before present). By 6000 BP, it was also in Denmark. From there it spread to Scandinavia (and it sure looks like the early inhabits of Denmark/Sweden/Norway were ALL blue-eyed, so direct descendants of those people from Pskov). Later, the blue-eyed Vikings (Scandinavian explorers and pirates) would return (with a Y chromosome pattern that's unique to them - but closely related to the other blue-eyed people) and go down the riverways of Eastern Europe, bringing blue eyes to those regions (and Northern Germany, and later, during the times of Rollo and Peppa (my own ancestors), into Alsace, Holland, Belgium - and during the Norman Conquest, into England. Vikings arrived earlier in Ireland and Scotland, btw, so slightly different (but closely matching) allele for those blue eyes.

ALL of these people are "partial matches" for each other, insofar as the codons in the alleles are all very similar.

CODIS looks at 18 or so single regions of human DNA and if a suspect sample matches ALL 18, it's considered a CODIS match (so then, they can go look at each of the full matches - and see if they have alibis).

Partial matches on fewer than 18 SNPs are not sufficient to warrant an investigation, IMO. If we decide to go there, as a society, we're doomed. And the FBI and LE agree with me. It's my understanding that this particular partial match wasn't even to a known felon, but to rape kits/sexual assault evidence in three different cities (where a FULL profile was gained from some unknown rapist, so he can be matched to himself in three places, but he's a PARTIAL (cousin) match to the glove box DNA - who is likely the lowly technician who worked at the auto dealership, writing in or handling the owner's manual and perhaps putting it inside the glove box after).

There was also male DNA on the helmet (which she bought from a man so of course there would be).

Clear as mud? Or better?
Thank you so much for sharing your knowledge on this subject. It is beyond frustrating that IE and others attempt to use the lack of knowledge of most people to insinuate the DNA found means more than it does. They treat "found foreign DNA" like they are magic words - "aha, foreign DNA... well that clinches it..." when in fact the discovery is just the very beginning of a possible determinant of relevance, and as I understand it in this case, has already been further determined irrelevant, even if a partial mystery.
Since the catheter of the port rested inside of a large vein, it's possible there could be dried blood inside. Also, if BM used the port to inject whatever into it, I doubt he flushed it with saline, so it would be detectable.

I keep reminding myself about his arrogance. He buried her believing that he is so clever and her body won''t ever be found, so he didn't remove the port. Let's hope the fingernails she scratched him with were located.
I would like to think he would have a hard time putting her in the ground without her body being covered up. I think he also prob found the port on her unsightly so he would want that covered up. Driving with her in a truck/ car maybe he had her in a cooler but inside a contractor/ Husky clean up bag inside the cooler. Prob just me but I use that size/type bag all the time. Every time I heave one into the local dumpster I think, well that could have a body inside it and no one would be the wiser. They are the perfect size to a person of Suzanne’s size.
The Husky one’s from HDepot are pretty thick too so maybe if my wishful thinking is the case more will be preserved than we think. JMO
Agree. And the running through the house would not be a strict chase but running around looking for her.
Speaking of which, so annoying that such clear evidence of agitation by Barry in the minutes before Suzanne's disappearance was able to be muddied to the point of a car wreck.
MOO the lack of preparation by Linday Stanley's team and experts was dreary, phoning it in, while Iris took them apart like an overdone roast chicken.
Considering all of the resources invested in this case, I don't think the state can afford to allow Linda Stanley's team anywhere near this case. Withholding exculpatory evidence from the defense during discovery is beyond reckless. Maybe a special prosecutor?
I would like to think he would have a hard time putting her in the ground without her body being covered up. I think he also prob found the port on her unsightly so he would want that covered up. Driving with her in a truck/ car maybe he had her in a cooler but inside a contractor/ Husky clean up bag inside the cooler. Prob just me but I use that size/type bag all the time. Every time I heave one into the local dumpster I think, well that could have a body inside it and no one would be the wiser. They are the perfect size to a person of Suzanne’s size.
The Husky one’s from HDepot are pretty thick too so maybe if my wishful thinking is the case more will be preserved than we think. JMO
I agree with BM thinking the port was unsightly. Don't think he would know what to do with it either, so am not sure whether he'd use it for tranq'ing.

Ohhh but I wonder if there's fibres with Suzanne's remains that match those bags/sacks that he threw in the trash runs?! (Your husky comment reminded me of them )




I looked up what animals are found in that part of the county.
Elk, black bears, Coyotes, bobcats and foxes are very common on the valley floor and in the foothills, as are cottontail rabbits, jackrabbits, prairie dogs, marmots (rock chucks), badgers, beaver, muskrat, and raccoons.

Plus an assortment of birds, mice etc.

Forensics has a tough job.
I would like to think he would have a hard time putting her in the ground without her body being covered up. I think he also prob found the port on her unsightly so he would want that covered up. Driving with her in a truck/ car maybe he had her in a cooler but inside a contractor/ Husky clean up bag inside the cooler. Prob just me but I use that size/type bag all the time. Every time I heave one into the local dumpster I think, well that could have a body inside it and no one would be the wiser. They are the perfect size to a person of Suzanne’s size.
The Husky one’s from HDepot are pretty thick too so maybe if my wishful thinking is the case more will be preserved than we think. JMO
I think you are referring to the "contractor bags". I hope so! What man (with a house) doesn't have these around? They are large 42 gal size and 3 mils thick. I'd be surprised if Barry didn't have these bags around. Oh boy you are so right, if he put her in one of these more will be preserved. There is nothing wrong with your wishful thinking as it seeks justice for Suzanne.
I agree with BM thinking the port was unsightly. Don't think he would know what to do with it either, so am not sure whether he'd use it for tranq'ing.

Ohhh but I wonder if there's fibres with Suzanne's remains that match those bags/sacks that he threw in the trash runs?! (Your husky comment reminded me of them )

It would be such poetic justice if there was some evidence on Suzanne's port which convicted Barry.
Sobering to see dedicated LEOs out there sifting for Suzanne...

The love of his life? Really?


If that were true and he was NOT involved in her disappearance - a controlling, rugged outdoors-man that knows the land like Barry ... would have been leading the searches. He would trust no one else to do it right.
If you are speaking of the Morphew vehicles, I believe Barry used someone else’s truck.
I’ve been pondering that. If he did use another vehicle, why put his phone in airplane mode? Leave it on, in the house. Why mess with the tracking data on his truck? Leave it on to “prove” he didn’t leave the home.
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