Found Deceased CO - Suzanne Morphew, 49, Chaffee County, 10 May 2020 #59 *ARREST*

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Other posters mentioning the idea that the gun in question could be a family heirloom has got me thinking. Passed down from his father?
I’ve had the same thought. Perhaps. Also wondering if it could have been Gene’s gun. My husband would definitely load our daughter up with something especially if her husband was estranging her from her family and moving across country. “Sweety you can never be too safe! “
All these add on charges make me wonder if prosecution is taking a buckshot approach charging whatever they know they can prosecute because they don’t have confidence in the “big one”. Murder is life so why had on low level felonies.
I suppose it could be simple, perhaps LE wants to charge criminals with breaking the law. I consider weapons charges and voter fraud to be serious crimes.

From the Colorado code 18-8-306. Attempt to influence a public servant
Any person who attempts to influence any public servant by means of deceit or by threat of violence or economic reprisal against any person or property, with the intent thereby to alter or affect the public servant's decision, vote, opinion, or action concerning any matter which is to be considered or performed by him or the agency or body of which he is a member, commits a class 4 felony.


So that sounds like it probably covers lying to LEO and that affecting the action they would take, for example: lying about the last time someone was seen , i.e., "I saw her at 5:00 AM and she was asleep." And it also sounds like it could cover staging a bike to make it look like someone had gone off on a bike ride when they actually hadn't. That would certainly affect how LE would approach the case and where LE would be searching for the missing person. Deceit could also come in the form of planted evidence...a personal item or a bike helmet. If that were the case you might already have 4 charges. MOO

IMHO, I don't think BM needed a room full of people. I think he could have easily accomplished 8 individually, especially if he was accustomed to bullying, threatening, and lying his way through life. It would have come naturally to him.


The Colorado law regarding attempting to influence a public servant does cover lying to the police. If you google the statute you'll see discussions about that. Although the facts in this case are very different from BM's case, here is a 2019 Colorado appellate decision that covers various issues under that law.
People v. Knox -- PEOPLE v. KNOX | 467 P.3d 1218 (2019) | By TAUBMAN | 20191010049 |
After reading the bios of the two attorneys set to defend inmate Morphew, I’m afraid just thinking about how this trial is going to unfold.

“As a mother of two boys, Dru is particularly passionate about defending boys and men wrongly accused of domestic violence or sexual misconduct in both university disciplinary and criminal proceedings.”

Source: Eytan Nielsen | Dru Nielsen
That! I saw that on their website, too, and I thought it was the oddest wording. I've been mulling it over ever since I read it. What does being a mother of two boys have to do with being a good attorney? It appears this law firm has a niche practice, and I know every defendant is innocent until proven guilty. But, somehow the phrasing just struck me as opportunistic. Then again, the word "wrongly" does seem to quantify which defendants this particular attorney is passionate about defending. MOO

Either way I think BM has chosen his attorneys and from what I've read of their track record he won't be able to claim he had poor counsel later. Well,...we can only hope.

So I finally had a chance to read some background info on BM’s attorneys. Sure, they have successfully defended a couple clients in recent high-profile cases, Tom Falllis and more recently, the infamous KK- evil Frazee’s accomplice. Every case is different with a different set of circumstances, and I personally don’t envy these attorneys having BM as their client that’s for sure, and have little doubt these capable attorneys are up to the challenge/task of defending, imo, the indefensible.

Stating the obvious, in the United States, BM is presumed innocent until proven guilty in a court of law, entitled to due process. I respect and understand his attorneys duty to the constitution to ensure their client receives a fair trial. I too, want BM to receive a fair trial so as to avoid future appeals etc. down the road, as others have pointed out. I won’t wish BM’s attorneys luck though, as I believe their client is responsible for Suzanne no longer being of this earth and want him to pay the ultimate price for his horrendous crime. More than anything, I want justice for Suzanne, his beautiful, innocent wife, his VICTIM.

Having said that, I trust and have a lot of faith in DA Linda Stanley. She’s intelligent, an impressive background, seems to be a real spitfire too. When I watched and listened to her a couple weeks ago at the PC after BM’s arrest, when she emphatically stated, paraphrased, “I wouldn’t have filed charges and arrested him if I wasn’t confident”, and stated “this is about Suzanne”, the way she confidently and assuredly said it and her serious, determined stance, really made me feel confident that all LE involved and DA Stanley have worked diligently, methodically behind the scenes, crossed every “t”, and dotted every “i”. I believe they have the “goods” on BM to put him away for a long time. DA Stanley is certainly no slouch, prepared, capable, ready to prove beyond a reasonable doubt, that BM is responsible for taking Suzanne from this world.

I feel confident the prosecution will be careful in the jury selection process and carefully vet/weed out those they feel are not “up to the task”, so to speak. I have faith and trust in the process and even though there’s always a risk that one juror isn’t convinced, I feel most jurors take their role very seriously and get it right more often than not.

I am also one who believes that once the AA is unsealed/gets released, it’s going to be even more horrifying than any of us ever imagined. There’s a reason the DA is confident,
because she has an airtight case, and hopefully BM’s attorneys after thorough review of the AA, which I believe will go toward exposing their client for the monster he is, will advise him the best course of action is to plea in exchange for Suzanne’s body/remains.

Amongst a host of other character flaws, I think BM is a morally corrupt, desensitized, disconnected individual that has shown blatant disrespect and total disregard for the rights of others probably for most of his life. After all, IMO, he made a conscious, premeditated decision to end Suzanne’s life, and disposed of her with such callous disregard, like yesterday’s trash, which is beyond heinous and cruel. I believe he really feels that he had a right to do so too. I’d go a step further and say in his sick mind, he blames Suzanne for “making” him do it, and feels 100% justified. He’s a scary, dangerous individual who I also believe is a danger to his daughter’s and to society if he ever gets out/walks free. I do have faith that won’t happen though.
If he doesn’t/refuses to plea/confess, which I highly doubt he will due to his huge ego, arrogance thinks he can beat this, then it will be a showdown between the attorneys in court, but in the end, after all the evidence against BM is methodically laid out by the DA for the jury, witness testimony, etc., all LE involved and DA Stanley’s hard work will prove to have payed off. That truth and justice will prevail, and Suzanne will ultimately get the justice she so rightfully deserves. And that after he’s convicted/sentenced, that BM fades into oblivion living in his new 6 x 8 digs, where all he has to look forward to are bologna sandwiches, love letters and marriage proposals from deranged, deluded, wannabe prisoner’s wives.

To echo DA Linda Stanley, this is about SUZANNE.
No truer words ever spoken.

Thinking about Suzanne’s daughter’s, Andy, Melinda, David, and the extended Moorman family as they digest all the charges. This is such a heartbreaking case, and my thoughts and prayers go out to each and every one of them.

All of the above IMHOO

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The Colorado law regarding attempting to influence a public servant does cover lying to the police. If you google the statute you'll see discussions about that. Although the facts in this case are very different from BM's case, here is a 2019 Colorado appellate decision that covers various issues under that law.
People v. Knox -- PEOPLE v. KNOX | 467 P.3d 1218 (2019) | By TAUBMAN | 20191010049 |
Yep, that's exactly what I was thinking, too.
Chaffee County announces new charges against Barry Morphew | FOX21 News Colorado

The actual quote:

“My wife is probably the most beautiful woman in this county, and any bad guy would do that if they had the opportunity,” Morphew said.

What I thought was strange was that he used "my wife" instead of "Suzanne", it sounds very possessive. I also thought it was odd he used the word probably which would tend to indicate he isn't sure of what he's saying or isn't being truthful. And the thing I find the strangest is that there is some truth in his statement, "any bad guy would do that if they had the opportunity.” I heard it as, "...any a bad guy would did do that if when they he had the opportunity." Sounds like BM is the "bad guy" that did something to his wife when their daughters were out of town, i.e., he had the opportunity.



reading your comment kinda gave me a spin-off idea, how his use of her title/“position” to him instead of her name. Referring to her as what she was instead of who she was. Yes, agree it was a possessive way to speak and fails to identify her for who she is independent of him. Such a small detail that can mean a lot more than it appears.

so it reminded me a little bit of how sometimes in court, there’s heavy emphasis on calling someone “the defendant” rather than their name. How (prosecution) witnesses may be instructed to initially call the person by their name to formally identify, then going forward just as “the defendant”. I don’t know how best to explain it, but it’s just a way to reduce someone. Or put emphasis on what they are. I do hope that BM will primarily be identified as “the defendant”, though, of course.

sorry if this makes little sense - a bit tired and took most of the day off from posting to take a breather.

Imo, jmo
Chaffee County announces new charges against Barry Morphew | FOX21 News Colorado

The actual quote:

“My wife is probably the most beautiful woman in this county, and any bad guy would do that if they had the opportunity,” Morphew said.

What I thought was strange was that he used "my wife" instead of "Suzanne", it sounds very possessive. I also thought it was odd he used the word probably which would tend to indicate he isn't sure of what he's saying or isn't being truthful. And the thing I find the strangest is that there is some truth in his statement, "any bad guy would do that if they had the opportunity.” I heard it as, "...any a bad guy would did do that if when they he had the opportunity." Sounds like BM is the "bad guy" that did something to his wife when their daughters were out of town, i.e., he had the opportunity.


Thank you for posting the actual quote. The part I found the most odd? In the COUNTY? What the what?
My guess is, that each time he did speak with these various public officials (his 3 30 hours thing, whatever the heck he meant by that - and any follow up interviews), he sounded the same way as he did when he was saying to LS that he will "NOT go on camera, he will not do that!"

Brash, overbearing, bombastic, and likely throwing out every single possible scenario of what could have happened to her, from bob cat to running into someone known to her, and all the other crap stories he was telling.

In addition, he likely made more comments about how the police can't seem to do their job (his lame attempt to intimidate), the way he accused the CCSO of screwing things up from the beginning, and then trying to blame him.

I think he took every opportunity LE afforded him, to lie thru his teeth and try and get them to direct their investigation elsewhere.

It could also be that he was questioned by different investigators, telling various or conflicting stories to each one. Maybe he had several different versions of where he was while doing the "mechanical thing" to his bobcat, or what that mechanical thing was. I've always thought that was the time period in which he disposed of the body.

Then there is the story of his saying goodbye to an alive Suzanne at 5:00 Sunday morning, and the wall repair job that he likely threw together at the last minute to create an alibi.

And those are just some of the lies we know about. Who knows what else he did to mislead them.

I wonder if the charge also has something to do with his manipulating the scene where the bike was found and sending LE on a wild goose chase searching the surrounding trails.

Or in this case, a wild mountain lion chase. Maybe it was really Barry who told everyone that LE saw a large male cat pass his vehicle on the day she disappeared.


I still think the "mechanical thing" he did with his Bobcat was to put on, use, and then take off an auger attachment. He DOES NOT want to admit this, hence "mechanical thing", because he had no current jobs lined up that would justify it's use. Broomfield job didn't need it. MOO.
Wow, I would think they would be the last choice for small game. I don't know much about hunting, but I live in the mountains and people who use them for hunting say they are easier to maneuver in rugged terrain.

Although, as another poster suggested, it could have been an antique or maybe a family heirloom. Someone like Barry may have had a large gun collection. Imo

I'd love to know how many guns he owned. He did have a large gun safe on the Hillbilly moving trailer. MOO.
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Thank you for posting the actual quote. The part I found the most odd? In the COUNTY? What the what?

This doesn't seem weird to me at all. It's a casual way of saying "in the area" or "in the region". I mean, he can hardly say she's "the prettiest woman in Maysville" since, with only a scant few hundred people that's more of a backhanded compliment. But "prettiest woman in the USA" is kind of hyperbolic.

Maybe it's a rural thing, where "the county" is a more commonly used unit of reference than the big bad state or each little town. MOO
I totally agree with both of you. Add to that his recent phone interview excerpt that LS has released. Barry clearly states "she was the most beautiful woman in the county"... Ummm what? It's such an odd statement I don't even know what do do with it.

MOO maybe he won blue ribbon with her at the fair.

Thank you for posting the actual quote. The part I found the most odd? In the COUNTY? What the what?

I agree, the wording does sound rather odd. As @Boxer stated it sounds like he's taking about a blue ribbon he won at the fair for his beloved cow, he is bragging about a trophy. Maybe that was how he viewed Suzanne. MOO
Last night Lauren Scharf released more audio from her interview with BM last September. Barry was giving multiple theories as to what could have happened to Suzanne. He even alluded once again to the bike and how all the evidence was gone. (quote and link below)

I have long wondered if along with staging the bike he didn't plant "evidence" on it, and that part of the reason he keeps bringing up the messed up/lossed evidence is because they didn't appreciate all his hard work. Maybe they messed up his (staged) crime scene? Just wondering if anyone else has thought the same? MOO

"How do we know somebody didn’t hit her on her bike and kill her but was on drugs or alcohol and freaked out and panicked and took her. How do we know anything because all the evidence right there is gone, Lauren.”

Chaffee County announces new charges against Barry Morphew | FOX21 News Colorado
BM was a FF. In the in crowd of county emergency etc.
Perhaps some of these other men were also FF or SR.
That reminds me. Initally I scratched my head over the fact fire-fighters were excluded from searching. Anyone else remember that? I chalked it up to a conflict of interest/internal affairs type of situation. Where Speeze wanted to keep a tight lid on things and knew fellow firefighters might share investigative details with ole Barry.
So I was also wondering about the possibility of bail a little while ago, and mentioned something I’d seen recently where someone in CO got a 50k bond in a first degree murder charge. I found this link when looking for CO rules on bail. I know the circumstances are very different, but first degree murder is first degree murder...

Judge: Man charged with 1st degree murder can bond out of jail

Thanks for this link-- the defendant, father of the victim (Sabin) was actually in court today!!

It's not a tidy case, and we really must note that the accused was in fact held without bond for several months before he was eventually granted bail. Murder charges against the mother were also dropped. As reported, the Judge does have discretion in certain circumstances. I believe this case is one where the proof evident presumption great hearing was not convincing to the judge. Disagreements about the cause of death remain and the defendant still has not been arraigned after more than a year. :eek:
I totally agree with both of you. Add to that his recent phone interview excerpt that LS has released. Barry clearly states "she was the most beautiful woman in the county"... Ummm what? It's such an odd statement I don't even know what do do with it.
He said "My wife is probably the most beautiful woman in this county". Nothing like a good disqualifier huh?
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