Found Deceased CO - Suzanne Morphew, 49, did not return from bike ride, Chaffee County, 10 May 2020 #20

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Just a reminder about SM's social media:

It's important not to make any assumptions about what SM may or may not have posted about her life, family, marriage, or hubby specifically in the last 3 years.
The only posts that the public can see, are the posts she made public.
For all we know, she was posting all sorts of things about home, family, life, health, marriage, etc., nearly every day.
But if folks are not friends with her on FB, they'll never see those things.

Thank you.

It is easy and a tendency to extrapolate from a partial glimpse especially for those of us not that involved with social media.
What I don't get is how LE ruled out both suicide and stranger abduction so soon. I know it bugs all of us who regularly come to this thread.

I suppose they felt that if she had suicided, they would have found her. Perhaps there are other reasons, but since no one can know for sure if another person is suicidally depressed, it seems to me they must have positive evidence of crime.

Yet, we have no reason to believe that LE decided that it was not a stranger or suicide until at least 2 days after Suzanne disappeared. They were still in large scale "search for missing person" on May 11 near the spot the bike was found.

Then, I think it was May 12 or 13 when they said it wasn't suicide or a kidnapping. By then, they must have talked to BM (done a little alibi checking) and also gone inside the house. But surely there has to be more.

By the 13th, they would have talked quite a bit to BM and to the daughters, and to the few neighbors immediately nearby. It was too soon for much digital evidence to be available (do we even know when they took Barry's truck? Probably in the same search warrant which they used to actually search the house).
I don’t recall LE saying this was not a suicide or abduction. Is there a link to their presser where they said that?
Not trying to snarky, I'm really not. This is billed online as one of the world's largest true crime discussion forums. The rules are pretty tight for discussion and rumor's are not tolerated. Opinions are formed on information from approved sources, his MSM interview for example. We are allowed opinions as long as it is made clear that it is our opinion.

What pleasure did the posters get out of accusing her husband? Ego? Lonely? I'm not sure what Ego or lonely have to do with anything.

No pleasure I suspect, they reacted to an awkward interview and formed an opinion. It could be people are just participating in the whole purpose of the site and engaging in careful discussion.
I have seen tons of mea culpa's from people for forming that opinion at the time.

You wrote before about how people who though Barry was guilty were busy "spewing hate." Disagreement isn't spewing hate.
Thank you for this post. I was one who thought Heidi’s husband was guilty. Shows how wrong I can be most of the time. I apologized profusely. With BM I’ve stayed on the fence two months. now I believe he is guilty and will gladly apologize if I’m wrong. I hate no one.
But I do hate acts of evil.
I don't understand the people that make assertions that may prove to be false. Same thing happened in the Heidi Brussard case. What pleasure did the posters get out of accusing her husband? Ego? Lonely?
I made a list of items that cause me to view Barry’s actions as being suspicious. My opinions are based on Barry’s words and actions, as well as LE’s words and actions. Barry’s and LE’s behavior operate separately and independently from my ego.

Opinion based on: Barry consistently shaking his head no while he spoke in the 26 second video, Barry paying out the reward only in the event of Suzanne’s safe return, Barry’s failure to coordinate his reward with either Crime Stoppers or LE, Barry’s absence during Suzanne’s Mother’s Day disappearance, Barry didn’t call 911 and had the neighbor call instead, Barry’s conflicting alibis of ff training and then changing the alibi to working on a job site, Barry’s disparagement of LE on TD video, Barry’s dodging and ultimately not answering TD’s question in regard to when he had last spoken to Suzanne, Barry’s recounting to TD that he had been cleared by LE, Barry’s relative who said that Barry had been in control of what happened for a long time, Barry’s threat to TD if he was media, Barry’s Get Money page asking the public for money, Barry’s guardianship request due to Suzanne’s incapacitation, Barry’s lack of attempts and lack of public appeals to find his wife, Barry waiting one week before making the 26 second video and then saying it was too soon, Barry’s ridiculous supposition of a mountain lion attack as the cause of Suzanne’s disappearance, Barry’s supposition that Suzanne was hit by a car or had a bike accident which resulted in her getting in the river, Barry’s work site being excavated by LE, Barry’s physical altercation at an Indiana job site that resulted in legal action, LE second search of the Morphew property, LE refusal to clear Barry.
I don’t recall LE saying this was not a suicide or abduction. Is there a link to their presser where they said that?
The sheriff responds to a reporter’s question about suicide at the 9 minute mark “...we don’t suspect it.”

As for the abduction, I don’t believe they’ve specifically said that they had ruled that out. It’s clear to me that wasn’t on the table very long, if it ever was.

Idk why I keep thinking BM isn’t responsible. Maybe it’s because my husband of 25 years comes off as gruff. You could go through my social media and private photos and probably not find him or a smile. But he does laugh, he does smile and he does tease.....he is just a retired Marine and “gruff”. He just really dislikes social media and pictures.
I think people are reading too much into the photo. There could be a million reasons for their expressions in the photo.

Maybe I have doubts because there have been random cases where a stranger is the perp.

Maybe I have a restlessness because the LE and family are being so quiet.

Maybe being a recent breast cancer survivor has helped me see different sides to family and relationship dynamics.

I cannot put my finger on it and tbh it’s driving me nuts.
I couldn’t agree more with your thoughtful post.

I posted before about why I don’t think BM would resort to murder, considering the length of his marriage and his age. By BM’s point in life, he’s seen friends and family divorce and move on. Lots of ended relationships would have been observed, and learned from.

I’ll ask the question. I’d like to hear the opinions of other Websleuthers who have been married 25+ years. Do those of you with long term marriages think BM would take the route of murder at this stage in the game?
The sheriff responds to a reporter’s question about suicide at the 9 minute mark “...we don’t suspect it.”

As for the abduction, I don’t believe they’ve specifically said that they had ruled that out. It’s clear to me that wasn’t on the table very long, if it ever was.

Thank you. I just didn’t recall that conversation. Guess they suspected BM right away.
If any of you think suicide is a possibility then you need to explain the bike found. Did she ride her bike, stop, throw it down into the rocks near the stream and then walk to go kill herself somewhere? If so, how far do you think she went? 3 miles? 5 miles? 10 miles? And how would it be that there was no track of her scent to follow?

Or, if you don't think she used her bike then someone staged the bike, and she still went off somewhere and killed herself? Does that seem logical?

Remember, her car was still at home.

To me it's obvious suicide is not a possibility and the scene and lack of finding her body prove that.

As for abduction I don't see that as a viable theory either. Why would LE go dig up a site that BM personally worked on if SM was a victim of an abduction (by someone else)?
I couldn’t agree more with your thoughtful post.

I posted before about why I don’t think BM would resort to murder, considering the length of his marriage and his age. By BM’s point in life, he’s seen friends and family divorce and move on. Lots of ended relationships would have been observed, and learned from.

I’ll ask the question. I’d like to hear the opinions of other Websleuthers who have been married 25+ years. Do those of you with long term marriages think BM would take the route of murder at this stage in the game?
35 years for me and I trust my husband with my life and any others.

For BM or anyone who commits murder, length of a marriage has nothing to do with it. IMO. It’s what is inside the man or woman.

While we don’t know of his guilt for certain, he doesn’t act the way my husband would if I were missing.
I have pretty much fallen off the fence, but if I were still teetering, I would have to say I would be considering a person known to her and/or her husband who had access to that job site. If it were an abduction during her bike ride, why would LE be back with a SW at her home? If it were an abduction from the home, I don’t see any perp, known to her or not, dragging the bike a half mile up the road to throw it off the trail with a body in his vehicle. So for right now, unless and until I learn more, I am staying on my side of the fence.

Typically in stranger abductions, and while on bike rides (if there was one) the bike would just get thrown in with the abductee. It would be quite rare to knock someone off of their bike, throw it in a ravine, double back and leave a personal item and drive off with no traces of the abduction.

Possible? Yes. Plausible? Not really.
I couldn’t agree more with your thoughtful post.

I posted before about why I don’t think BM would resort to murder, considering the length of his marriage and his age. By BM’s point in life, he’s seen friends and family divorce and move on. Lots of ended relationships would have been observed, and learned from.

I’ll ask the question. I’d like to hear the opinions of other Websleuthers who have been married 25+ years. Do those of you with long term marriages think BM would take the route of murder at this stage in the game?

Long term here, I don’t think either of us have literally considered murder as a way out. Speaking for myself, nope. I have known many people that have stayed together purely for financial reasons-I think folks considering divorce do figure in the financial ramifications when they make their decisions. I believe some people stay together purely because they would be hit too hard in the pocketbook.

I know some people who remain extremely angry at losing half of their assets. Long term marriages can result in big bucks alimony, ordered college expenses, paying for additional training for the spouse who stayed home with the kids, thus affecting employability. Forensic accountants can review and value businesses and someone may be entitled to half of that. Homes may have to be sold and divided.

I can imagine a scenario where for whatever reason, if Suzanne wanted out, Barry lost it.
First bolded :
They know something we do not ?
Frustrating, but I have faith that LE are working diligently for justice for Suzanne.

Second bolded :
Without a doubt !

Something caused the judge to sign off for the third search warrant.
More than the allegations by coworkers and people in the landscaping business saying that BM allegedly couldn't control his temper !
More than people discussing his behavior in a forum.
More than the "item" found.

The first would've been for the initial house search and the second for tearing up the other person's concrete foundation.
The third was the second Morphew house search -- iirc.

Very well said. ^^^

LE do not destroy part of a concrete foundation based on a hunch.
Nor would they have done this if they truly thought she was just missing.
So what was the evidence gathered by LE that made such an action necessary ?

The Chaffee County Sheriff's office bulletin of May 24, 2020 is both very clear and very broad in stating:
"Investigators with the Chaffee County Sheriff’s Office, CBI and FBI went to the site to follow-up on leads developed during the course of the Suzanne Morphew missing person case."
Certainly, it might eventually mean that leads were developed which cast suspicion on the husband, BUT it could also mean many other possibilities. Due to the nature of the search, I have never had a problem with the assumption that LE was following up on leads that went solidly in the direction of foul play, but I see no reason at all to limit that to ONLY implicating the husband. Construction sites are common places for murders to happen, evidence to be disposed, and even bodies discovered. A little bit of construction knowledge might be helpful, but is not mandatory for a perp to have. IMO

May 24th, Press Release - Chaffee County Sheriff
I couldn’t agree more with your thoughtful post.

I posted before about why I don’t think BM would resort to murder, considering the length of his marriage and his age. By BM’s point in life, he’s seen friends and family divorce and move on. Lots of ended relationships would have been observed, and learned from.

I’ll ask the question. I’d like to hear the opinions of other Websleuthers who have been married 25+ years. Do those of you with long term marriages think BM would take the route of murder at this stage in the game?

The longer I live the more disappointed I am when I discover the kinds of things some men (and some women) will do, after being married for 25+ years.
For some, loyalty, devotion, and honoring vows means absolutely nothing.
So sadly, I will have to say yes, I think it's entirely possible he figured he could get rid of her, and not be caught.

I couldn’t agree more with your thoughtful post.

I posted before about why I don’t think BM would resort to murder, considering the length of his marriage and his age. By BM’s point in life, he’s seen friends and family divorce and move on. Lots of ended relationships would have been observed, and learned from.

I’ll ask the question. I’d like to hear the opinions of other Websleuthers who have been married 25+ years. Do those of you with long term marriages think BM would take the route of murder at this stage in the game?

YES but possibly not intentionally. Also the longer you are married the more complicated leaving becomes and the more you have to lose. (Married over 25 years)
I couldn’t agree more with your thoughtful post.

I posted before about why I don’t think BM would resort to murder, considering the length of his marriage and his age. By BM’s point in life, he’s seen friends and family divorce and move on. Lots of ended relationships would have been observed, and learned from.

I’ll ask the question. I’d like to hear the opinions of other Websleuthers who have been married 25+ years. Do those of you with long term marriages think BM would take the route of murder at this stage in the game?
This was raised not too long ago and I posted about three long term marriages that ended in homicide. Too lazy to re-link but easy to google: Fred Neulander,(rabbi), Dirk Greneider (doctor) and Martin McNeill (doctor and lawyer). All had been very long term marriages.

McNeill was particularly vile, imo. He also turned out to be a long term criminal and fraudster, going way back.

I don't think length of marriage has anything to do with it. If many cases, it would make it more fortuitous for a spouse to die than to divorce; retirement accounts, real estate, financial issues, etc.


ETA: Plus divorce can be seen as a major failure, writ large for friends and family to see.
Exactly. It’s deduction based on known facts, past experience following cases involving these agencies, the posture of law enforcement, what they have done, what they have not done, and the all but unprecedented behavior of a particular person.

Other than that, I’m just trying to massage my ego. Or something.
And all this time I thought you were trying to nail the bad guys!!
For those of you who are still on the fence, do you think it could be someone else who knows Suzanne? Someone who might have the same access to job sites? Are your theories more geared toward random abduction or murder, or did she know her assailant?
I really can't say one way or another. What actually happened, or more to the point what LE knows or thinks happened, on 10 May is key. Or what may have NOT happened. Did something happen to Suzanne at the home and the bike was a plant? If that is the case, then it was someone close enough to her to plant the bike and try to throw off the investigation. The husband is the most obvious, but not a sure, 100% thing. I've heard a fire chief and one of the husband's best friends talk about her biking so I know it is likely there are others as well that are aware of her biking. And if Suzanne went out that morning, not afternoon, and something did happen out there, then all manner of suspects come into play including those who were not close to her.
I couldn’t agree more with your thoughtful post.

I posted before about why I don’t think BM would resort to murder, considering the length of his marriage and his age. By BM’s point in life, he’s seen friends and family divorce and move on. Lots of ended relationships would have been observed, and learned from.

I’ll ask the question. I’d like to hear the opinions of other Websleuthers who have been married 25+ years. Do those of you with long term marriages think BM would take the route of murder at this stage in the game?
I've been married 38 years.

Would BM have chosen murder? I don't know, really, but I can see him secretly being upset that his poor wife did not die of that cancer -- and make him a sad, grieving widow who can, in a year or two, attract a younger wife. He may be internally angry that this did not happen, and at very little provocation he may have shoved or hit SM and killed her in an outburst.

A mid-life crisis can make some people do just about anything to reclaim their youth (as in, get a young girlfriend).

I don't think the length of a marriage precludes either party from wanting out of a relationship at any point, but most people use divorce! However, there are those people who want the money of the relationship and don't want to share it.

There are also people who are conducting secret relationships that overwhelm their common sense. Go take a look at to read some serious horror stories about what happens when one party wants to get rid of the other party. There are some women posting there that have had attempts made on their lives (eek) and survived. Most are going through knock-down, drag-out divorces in which one party becomes a complete maniac. Most of the partners being chumped had no idea their spouse was so 'unhappy' with their long relationship.
Last edited:
35 years for me and I trust my husband with my life and any others.

For BM or anyone who commits murder, length of a marriage has nothing to do with it. IMO. It’s what is inside the man or woman.

While we don’t know of his guilt for certain, he doesn’t act the way my husband would if I were missing.
32 years for me. My husband would behave differently too, but he is one unique guy!
RBBM. I appreciate your opinion. About the bolded, I couldn’t agree more. But I really feel that if a spouse has it in him to murder (hatred, abusiveness, narcissism, aggression, selfishness, whatever), I think it would have put the brakes on the marriage long before 27 years. JMO...
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