Found Deceased CO - Suzanne Morphew, 49, did not return from bike ride, Chaffee County, 10 May 2020 #30

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Call me cynical, but aren't most government contracts like this awarded to local contractors who have worked with the RTD before?
It depends. Lots of bid requests are always sent out and lots of companies reply if it is in their scope of work. At companies I have worked for, we have secured government work on a piece by piece basis or through a contracted hourly rate yearly contract. Most times it’s who knows who but sometimes you are in the right place and time ( with the right price)

Sounds like a warranty on a wall he did. Regardless if this was first job or not, his industry is small enough to know when something doesn’t go right and as long as you fix the problem quickly it’s not usually an issue.

Just curious.
Random thoughts/questions:

-With the new timeline of SM going silent at 12:30pm, that leaves an interesting amount of time before the 11:30pm Salida job site noise. Considering the FBI was sitting that dirt, I wonder if SM’s body was burned at home. 6-8 hours of burning would probably be required based on what I’ve looked up online so the time frame fits.

-If a tool was the murder weapon, wouldn’t BM just clean it at his house as opposed to hauling it to a hotel in Broomfield to clean? So it makes me think that whatever was cleaned in that hotel room was used to dispose of the body away from the M’s house. (Which also dispels my burning theory).

-The hotel security footage will be so key.

-Why would BM get a hotel room that Saturday but then tell everyone he was at his house and left at 5am Sunday? Why not just get the hotel room on Sunday?
i hate that i know this but i cant imagine we would have access to a heat source that would do what he wanted and go unnoticed
Someone suggested that JP might be confusing 'alibi' and 'motive' when he's talking about the suspicious mail he found in the room.

I think it's equally likely that JP can't tell the difference between the smell of 'chlorine' and the smell of a peroxide-based industrial cleaner applied extra-generously because of COVID.

Based solely on what we know now, I'm skeptical that there was any blood or bloody cleanup involved in SM's death.
I think you’re going to need much more than a few hotel towels & chlorine to clean up a dismembered body in a hotel room. IMO

For the first time ever, I clipped my dogs nail quick when trimming his nails a few months ago. That slight wince with his paw caused blood to splatter on my bathroom walls, floor, vanity, etc. I got him in a platz, then covered his poor paw. Cleaning up that blood, I remember thinking people are nuts if they think they get it all after committing a crime. I bet trace blood is still there somewhere of his.
It's very possible there are still DNA traces of SM in that hotel room. LE may have already had it forensically examined - people tend to forget when washing blood away that DNA debris can get caught in sink/basin waste traps.
There are two points I'd like to add to your comment, if I may. The first is that BM is an expert in cutting up large animals (wild animal hunting experience). While wild animals and humans are obviously anatomically different, they do share many similarities - eg. it is possible to make "cleaner" cuts during dissection, for example by dissecting where there are large joints.
My second point is more relevant in terms of blood loss. It is an entirely different experience making an incision in a living human being, while the heart is pumping blood around the body, compared to incising a dead body. I've experience of having done both (the former more than the latter; conducting autopsies was part of basic medical training). Cutting a dead body where certain cardiovascular changes had already taken place (these would have started occurring immediately postmortem) can result in surprisingly small amounts of blood loss. Yes, still a messy process over all, but nothing like inflicting a wound on a person, where blood would be pumping through arteries.
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Random thoughts/questions:

-With the new timeline of SM going silent at 12:30pm, that leaves an interesting amount of time before the 11:30pm Salida job site noise. Considering the FBI was sitting that dirt, I wonder if SM’s body was burned at home. 6-8 hours of burning would probably be required based on what I’ve looked up online so the time frame fits.

-If a tool was the murder weapon, wouldn’t BM just clean it at his house as opposed to hauling it to a hotel in Broomfield to clean? So it makes me think that whatever was cleaned in that hotel room was used to dispose of the body away from the M’s house. (Which also dispels my burning theory).

-The hotel security footage will be so key.

-Why would BM get a hotel room that Saturday but then tell everyone he was at his house and left at 5am Sunday? Why not just get the hotel room on Sunday?
The fact that the girls are living with him right now is really bothering me. If they suspect him, they must be petrified. If they don’t suspect him, when is the ball going to drop? I totally understand the desire to stand by a parent, especially when you have potentially already lost one. They must be so confused and conflicted.

What on earth are the topics of discussion in that house right now? Are M&M looking at social media, WS even? Are they secretly conversing at night when BM is asleep and questioning his involvement now that more and more info has been coming out this past couple of weeks? Are they scared to say a word incase he has bugged the house? Or is he manipulating them in to believing one of his stories - “let me tell you what happened”

Justice for Suzanne is the most important factor here, closely followed by justice for those girls. If Suzanne is watching over them now, she will want those girls with her family pronto.

He may have cut off the internet ? And with no cell coverage ... well
About that photo in the DM article....

Grilling out while your wife is missing and (according to the 26-second infomercial ) possibly abducted ?
Really ?

I get it that the photo was taken July 18th if D.M. is accurate, but still.
Husband of missing Colorado mom spent the night before her disappearance at cheap Denver hotel | Daily Mail Online

View attachment 262371 View attachment 262372 View attachment 262373

A man has to eat... All that making up stories and having to attempt and keep stories straight takes a lot of energy... And then he has been searching non-stop... Lots of calorie expenditure...:rolleyes:
Hotel reviews from 5 and 6 months ago compliment the pool and spa. No mention in reviews from May time or onwards. (ETA no one said it was closed.)

One review in July does mention that reception provided a hose and bucket for the guest to wash their bike. But I dont think BM would be that blatant.

Another reviewer from Denver initial J does mention the hotel are good at passing info about his crew. Not entirely clear, but wondered if it is a hotel regularly used for out of town work crews.


If BM was really in Denver for RTD contract work, agencies usually align themselves with certain hotels that will offer a State Rate which makes things easier for the contractor and agency to pay their approved reimbursable lodging rate. MOO
I’m as over the chlorine smell as I’m over the fleshy elk antlers. Was BM at the hotel on Saturday? Or did he check in on Sunday? When did he call the worker to ask him to come? Were there other workers up there? Was this guy a last minute addition, hence the last minute call? Barry had said his guys were coming in Sunday night, and this guy actually did show up Sunday night. I think maybe Barry headed up early Sunday, showered the crap out of himself after what he had done, and waited around for someone to sound the alarm.
Mail Call?
Just to add some confusion to the mix.... I go days without checking my mail. I'm able bodied and very much alive... Unless the contents or dates were significant I don't think this is much of a clue. Am I missing something?
@TKG good point. Checking the mail happen once or twice a week, or daily, or on a sporadic schedule, esp'ly if it requires a drive to the USPS.

OTOH, if a H or W wants to keep couple's or business' financial probs to self, s/he is probably making an effort to be the first to the box, to keep spouse in the dark. Yes, even w many fin. accts and fin. transactions online these days.
When accts or payments become seriously delinquent, registered or certified letters crop up in the box. my2cts.
Yeah, the plans and actions that weekend seem so scrambled and last minute, especially the call to the employee on Sunday morning. He was making decisions as he went along and that's why the details he gave to AM were so vague and inconsistent. When you are hurried or in a frenzy, mistakes are made and it's harder to get the story straight after the fact.

As Judge Judy always says, “You don’t have to have a good memory if you tell the truth.”
Do you think having a dip in the jacuzzi would cause a hotel room to be permeated with the smell of chlorine hours after a person left the room?
I felt compelled to reply.
It most certainly would not.
Any reasonable person would see that, but then again I'm speaking about BM. :rolleyes:
Whether he was forgetful or distracted, he had to have utilized a ton of the stuff for the smell to remain hours later !
It made me smile that this has 980 comments. I am rooting for these guys. Now I’m off to read (thanks y’all for teaching me the three dots and open transcript-I’m a reader, not a watcher)

I had no idea what you were talking about re the three dots. It took me a while to find those dots that are way down where comments are. Scrolling transcript of the video....OMG! I never knew this, thanks for passing that along.
A man has to eat... All that making up stories and having to attempt and keep stories straight takes a lot of energy... And then he has been searching non-stop... Lots of calorie expenditure...:rolleyes:
Some of us have a 'buff' figure to keep up.
That -- and trips to the gym.
Not speaking about myself, btw.
Cutting out carbs and all sugar is hard enough.
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Just got the chance to read the entire article from Daily Mail and wow! If everything the co-worker said to them is true BM has a lot of explaining to do. I don't think the chlorine smell is the biggest of his problems. His lies about being at home when he wasn't, his having to take equipment and tools to the job site and then the co-worker getting there and having no tools or equipment might be a problem. I wonder how he's going to try explain this away?
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