CO - The Stalking and Mysterious Death of Morgan Ingram #4

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I wonder about the last 2 weeks now too. M could have been getting her own stuff. I don't think anyone was slipping her stuff that would make her sick for 2 days, and then no one takes her to a doctor.

What I really wonder is, was M in love with the ex-bf that came back to town? That would explain the last 2 weeks. (Having a new bf does not always mean you don't still love the ex.) Guess we'll never know though.

I hope this isn't against TOS, but is it possible that Morgan had an eating disorder? Maybe she had been doing well and the stress from the stalking caused a relapse?

That might explain the dramatic weight loss and unhealthy appearance. IDK, just trying to reason out her marked change in those last weeks.
I'm assuming she went back because who she was with wanted to go. She did not go in.

If this has been commented on already then sorry for the repeat but I think it's important and I can't go back and forth to find an older post.

When you read what TI wrote quickly you'll miss that she says M was outside MOST of the time. Therefore apparently she did go inside for one reason or another. Then after that or before she stood outside talking to her friend.

More importantly, I believe M was alone. She stopped by after she and the newest bf had departed. If I'm wrong, direct me where to read. Thanks.
A friend pointed out that most of what the parents did was DEFENSIVE-i.e, cams, videos, panic buttons, etc. My friend said if it was her daughter, she would go on the OFFENSE, as in-shouting out: "I have a 9mm and if you so much as breathe near my daughter's window, I'll shoot you!" Even if you don't have a gun. Or you use a BB gun. Or you get a huge barking dog. Or you install an EXPENSIVE alarm, b/c after all, you are PROTECTING YOUR DAUGHTER! My friend who think immediately of protecting daughter in any way possible, even confronting the alleged stalker face to face. What the heck would we all do to save our daughter from a serial stalker?

I like the "I have a 9mm and if you so much as breathe near my daughter's window, I'll shoot you!" bit. I so wish they could have done that.

As to the rest, it is easy to get upset now and question them. But I don't necessarily think their inaction proves they weren't actually that worried until their grief got so bad they needed to revise history.

When you are in the moment, certain things don't necessarily occur to a person. Not everyone is s tough or knowledgeable as websleuthers, for example.

Instead, what bothers me is what they DID do - Morgan walking right out at night with her puppy, alone, for example, so the puppy can pee, even though they were terrified of the stalker, had cameras, motion detectors, all over the place, would meet Morgan in the driveway rather than allowing her to walk into the house alone, yet suddenly, somehow, it;s okay for her to go out into the night alone, and Morgan walking home by herself from some location, in the evening, IIRC, or stating she was going to. Those things completely contradict the impression we are now receiving of a family under siege. I can understand not knowing what specific measures one should take to stop a stalker. I can't understand being horrifically terrified one moment and not the next.

(On an unrelated note, somehow the thought of Wylah makes me sick. I can;t stand the thought of that baby wondering where her mama is).

Ahhhhhh yes, wouldnt we all love to see the police reports and even as Tricia pointed out to mom she, too can even get copies of all detectives notes made about the case..hopefully she will or even possibly already has found an atty who would actually be the one who could assist the family in their gaining access to and copies of all of these many reports, notes, and other docs relating to any incidents surrounding the, its quite possible that there will be a point where we are able to view these docs as well..

Until then and for now with what we do have to go on, a blog in mom's words is what any opinion I've formed is in knowing full well exactly what this opinion is based upon.. and that as always can and will change somewhat or even a whole heckuva lot dependant upon new info that comes to light, other sides of the case coming to light, and of course docs and other hard evidence that we may eventually have access to..

I respect those who reserve posting their opinion until the day comes in which we have access to the complete and whole story from all sides involved(and hopefully that time will in fact come)..just as well do I respect those of us who are sharing and posting our opinions that have been formed thus far with the only source of info that we have access to thus far, mom's.. Imo I believe either way that it appears as tho most understand that there is info at this time not available us and that if/when that info is made available to us that it very would could alter some/many/all of our opinions we have thus far expressed and shared in posting about them..

All in all as usual jmo, tho...

Well said. You are a doll.

Going back and reading select blog entries, I noticed this.

"One time during the stalking, after a few overheard attempts to use the keypad, Morgan’s code was changed."

Why are they sure that the stalker was using Morgan's code, and not the parents'? She says they had separate codes and speculates (elsewhere in the blog) that the stalker may have watched them input the code using a rifle scope or some other form of observation and deduction. How do they know that he was attempting to enter one code and not the other?

That's actually a very good question. Did they have the kind of keypad that makes different sounds for different numbers? If so, why the heck would they have that? Then anyone in their yard next door could figure out the code.

If not, how did Ms. Ingram know what numbers were being punched in by the stalker?

Morgans parents seem pretty darn cool.

I think if she wanted to have a guy over she would have told them.....can x come over and watch a movie, we're fine mom go to bed.

I agree wholeheartedly with this. I know there are some who feel Morgan was viewed as a baby and perhaps i some respects she was, but I just don;t see the Ingrams as conservative when it comes to sexual activity involving their daughter. I don;t know them, but from their posts and blog and the sense I get from their lovely daughter, that's what I think.

But read more carefully: there is no mention that Tina was giving chase with him. Look back at the bullet point I quoted. Only Steve was out circumnavigating the house that time. No second figure was seen on video chasing Steve. His experience was that the motion detector lights would go on as he ran by, then go off, and then go on again, presumably--PRESUMABLY--in the same sequence that the motion detector lights were going on and off for him, thus implying that whatever was setting off the motion detector lights the second time was following Steve. And that second figure was NOT mom.

(Just trying to be as clear as possible. It's easy to take a statement from the blog and "hear" only the parts that suit our theories. That's not directed at you, but at all of us. It's easy to do!)

No. You are totally right. He was not saying his wife was behind him all the time. I misunderstood!

However, if a person was setting off the motion lights behind him, that figure would have been on camera, IMO. I think it's wholly illogical to think a person could set off the motion detector lights in a pattern, while chasing Mr. Ingram who appeared on camera, yet not appear himself.

It just sounds to me like he was chasing himself and setting of the lights himself and that there was some sort of delay or something.
I hope this isn't against TOS, but is it possible that Morgan had an eating disorder? Maybe she had been doing well and the stress from the stalking caused a relapse?

That might explain the dramatic weight loss and unhealthy appearance. IDK, just trying to reason out her marked change in those last weeks.

Did she have a dramatic weight loss?
Did she have a dramatic weight loss?

The pics of her with her new haircut show her looking almost emaciated and I will have to go back and re-read but I thought mom wrote that M had lost a good deal of weight and had sunken eyes.

ETA her mom said on the blog that she had sunken eyes, appeared gaunt and had lost her appetite in the weeks before her death.
I want to live where you do!

I've only had one alarm system, and that was gift from ex-hubby's family that installs them when we got divorced. (Weird I know.) Guess I realized I would be the only one responding to it, it wasn't set to alert the company or LE. So, I thought it wasn't necessary. I'd hear whomever was trying to get in anyway. I also had a very protective dog.

I also learned how easy it is to disarm them, especially wired systems. Guess that is why I like a lot of locks. Once I'm in, you'll have to work to get to me, lol.

In this situation, I can see why others think it would be better than what was happening. Especially if it alerted LE. Especially with all those huge windows that could be smashed or even just opened if they didn't have locks on them. (I'm a very paranoid person, no?) Would have been great for times when no one was home if it alerted LE too.

It's so funny; I'm the opposite. You want to come in? Be my guest, but somewhere in a dark corner of my living room or bedroom I'm watching you, and I have my gun, and a big stupid grin on my face. The bonus? I own a crime scene cleanup business, so I know how to deal with the aftermath! LOL! :rocker:
I hope this isn't against TOS, but is it possible that Morgan had an eating disorder? Maybe she had been doing well and the stress from the stalking caused a relapse?

That might explain the dramatic weight loss and unhealthy appearance. IDK, just trying to reason out her marked change in those last weeks.

I wondered that too but was afraid to say anything. The juicing, not eating when they asked her to eat with them.Saying she wasnt hungry. That thought crossed my mind. My daughter developed one her last semester of college. Working out all the time, running 5 mi day. I didnt even think about it because I didnt know anything about ED. So I was the last one to know. She cut her calories way down changed her eating habits. When Mrs I was telling about M changing her eating habits, working out I had to wonder. And if she did its very possible Mrs I was clueless. I sure was. I saw someone trying to get fit not someone with a problem.
I have been thinking about the "creepy" (It's not creepy to me, just someone in motion, but ya' know) deer cam picture.

The comments were that a neighbor was shown this. Said neighbor said everyone has a t-shirt like that, I guess trying to calm mom down and get her to think logically. He even went to get his own, brought it back and showed it to her.

Anyone think he was the one in the photo, just backed off from the hype, and left it at that?

ETA: Not implying he was the stalker btw, just saying he was out there to see what was going on.

We'd have to see his head. Does he have a funny shaped head?
I hate to say this because I saw 'the head' but look for someone else with a weird shaped head and a slanted face. Broadish shoulders too.
I wondered that too but was afraid to say anything. The juicing, not eating when they asked her to eat with them.Saying she wasnt hungry. That thought crossed my mind. My daughter developed one her last semester of college. Working out all the time, running 5 mi day. I didnt even think about it because I didnt know anything about ED. So I was the last one to know. She cut her calories way down changed her eating habits. When Mrs I was telling about M changing her eating habits, working out I had to wonder. And if she did its very possible Mrs I was clueless. I sure was. I saw someone trying to get fit not someone with a problem.

I suggested that a while back, too, and got slammed. I juiced for a while and felt terrible. I was juicing exclusively, tho. I had no energy, look like hell warmed over, and had I continued, would probably have not done well. I was also working out at the time, so my body clearly wasn't getting enough calories to sustained the training, much less day to day living.
I like the "I have a 9mm and if you so much as breathe near my daughter's window, I'll shoot you!" bit. I so wish they could have done that.

When you are in the moment, certain things don't necessarily occur to a person. Not everyone is s tough or knowledgeable as websleuthers, for example.

Yeah I thought the same thing (regarding death threats). I once read a self defense blog and it had a section on stalkers, one of the bits of advice to stalking victims was "If the stalker thought you had what it takes to hide in the bushes outside his house with a shotgun and shoot him dead, well then he wouldn't be stalking you".

I have never been officially stalked but one time I seriously thought it could become a problem. An ex boyfriend that I had dated 5 years before for a few weeks started writing creepy letters and hand delivered the first few. I got spooked big time as the letters sounded out of touch with reality and implied we were still in a relationship. I think he sent 7 or 8 over the course of a few weeks (the guy was strange and showed hints of possible control/domestic violence, which is why I broke up with him).

I was really disturbed by it, I did not tell another living soul about the letters because I wanted to keep all my options on the table. I figured if things were going to get ugly I sure didn't want the police involved! Fortunately the letters stopped after a few weeks, he must have found someone else to obsess over.
Instead, what bothers me is what they DID do - Morgan walking right out at night with her puppy, alone, for example, so the puppy can pee, even though they were terrified of the stalker, had cameras, motion detectors, all over the place, would meet Morgan in the driveway rather than allowing her to walk into the house alone, yet suddenly, somehow, it;s okay for her to go out into the night alone, and Morgan walking home by herself from some location, in the evening, IIRC, or stating she was going to. Those things completely contradict the impression we are now receiving of a family under siege. I can understand not knowing what specific measures one should take to stop a stalker. I can't understand being horrifically terrified one moment and not the next.

Snipped and BBM

I thought TI said it was in the early morning hours. I agree it would seem weird for her to go out alone, but then I thought they just didn't expect the stalker to be there in the mornings on some level.

I'm actually glad this came up. Because it occurred to me that most of these stalking events happened between 10 and 12pm. . . usually shortly after Morgan got home. I would think that if somebody really wanted to creep around, they would be out there around 3am (when everyone is sleeping but me. <sigh>). This implies two things to me. . .he was really there to peep on Morgan showering and getting ready for bed :shudder: and that he probably doesn't live alone. . .he wasn't free be out slinking around at 3am because he would have to explain his behavior to someone. Just some observations. . idk.

Sorry to chime in here but I just went back and read TI's comments today.
Her comments are dated Sept. 23, 2012. TI doesn't specifically spell out that Morgan told her about feeling ill. She may have.
TI writes that two weeks before her death Morgan had felt ill for one or two days after hanging out at that same house which is why she wasn't comfortable there. Using my own words here. But TI doesn't say outright that Morgan told her that so maybe another friend of M's told TI or TI found the info by reading her texts and social media after she died. Those are some choices. And if so (media) proof exists as words out of M's own mouth.

I was thinking it was in the radio interview that she said something like, "Yes, this was straight from the mouth. Morgan herself told me." Maybe I dreamed it, stranger things have happened.
If this has been commented on already then sorry for the repeat but I think it's important and I can't go back and forth to find an older post.

When you read what TI wrote quickly you'll miss that she says M was outside MOST of the time. Therefore apparently she did go inside for one reason or another. Then after that or before she stood outside talking to her friend.

More importantly, I believe M was alone. She stopped by after she and the newest bf had departed. If I'm wrong, direct me where to read. Thanks.

I clarified this in post #889. ;)
I suggested that a while back, too, and got slammed. I juiced for a while and felt terrible. I was juicing exclusively, tho. I had no energy, look like hell warmed over, and had I continued, would probably have not done well. I was also working out at the time, so my body clearly wasn't getting enough calories to sustained the training, much less day to day living.

Oh gee, then I am sorry I brought it up.

I just thought maybe the stalking triggered some things for M, and maybe she was self medicating but in her body's depleted state, she ended up ODing.

EDs are something very close to my heart and I have had that nagging thought for a couple of weeks now.....
The pics of her with her new haircut show her looking almost emaciated and I will have to go back and re-read but I thought mom wrote that M had lost a good deal of weight and had sunken eyes.

ETA her mom said on the blog that she had sunken eyes, appeared gaunt and had lost her appetite in the weeks before her death.

Can someone please link this pic? I keep hearing about it but have somehow not been able to find it. :confused:
Oh gee, then I am sorry I brought it up.

I just thought maybe the stalking triggered some things for M, and maybe she was self medicating but in her body's depleted state, she ended up ODing.

EDs are something very close to my heart and I have had that nagging thought for a couple of weeks now.....

It's a great idea tho. She was a dancer, an ex BF was coming back to town, a current BF was interested, plus the stress of the stalking . . . makes sense. Mom states several times on her blog where M was offered to meet for dinner or have a meal brought to her and she turned it down. It's very possible, I feel, that there could have been an ED.
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