Coronavirus COVID-19 *Global Health Emergency* #13

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Good morning all. Maybe you guys can help me figure this out. So the person who died in Placer county had come off a cruise from San fran., to Mexico and called 911 a few days after returning from the cruise? Is the cruise ship being held in San Fran bay the same ship but different cruise?
I believe it is the same ship. They came to port, reloaded and sailed off.
Or even an outside tent style drive-up med check. At a minimum, it could be used as a screening point to determine where they should go, or what entry point to use.
IMO, I would advice anyone going to their Dr or ER with symptoms of COVID-19 and / or recent travel or contact with infected person, to call the facility first, let them know you are coming so that they can be prepared for you. This is the safest way to proceed for you, the staff and other patients in the waiting room. JMO
About Deborah L. Birx, MD who was appointed as White House Coronavirus response coordinator by Vice President Pence: Deborah L. Birx, M.D. - United States Department of State

U.S. Global AIDS Coordinator & U.S. Special Representative for Global Health Diplomacy
The United States President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief

April 4, 2014 - Present

The United States PreAmbassador-at-Large, Deborah L. Birx, M.D., is the Coordinator of the United States Government Activities to Combat HIV/AIDS and U.S. Special Representative for Global Health Diplomacy. Ambassador Birx is a world-renowned medical expert and leader in the field of HIV/AIDS. Her three-decade-long career has focused on HIV/AIDS immunology, vaccine research, and global health...


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Almost 40% of Americans have chronic health conditions of some kind. That’s a lot.

These are the people who are more likely to be affected by this virus in a serious way. Putting actual death rates aside, let’s talk about hospitalizations. Or simply not being able to work. What that does to people’s incomes in a nation that doesn’t have mandatory paid sick leave can be catastrophic. Then, what that does to the economy as a whole is even worse. And this will have a domino effect that will impact the world.

So I for one have been persuaded that this is now clearly very serious both for health and the economy.

ETA link:
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Boohoo....what if people die....

Airline executives asked President Trump and other White House officials not to take steps that would lead to a slowdown in air travel amid the coronavirus outbreak, a person familiar with the meeting said.

I mean it doesn’t make sense. This is the corporate attitude of only addressing the immediate. I get it. This is devastating for business and for us all as a result. But the end outcome would be the same if this is not contained. Tons of death and hospitalizations. Tremendous impacts on our medical systems that leave millions without care. Unless this is contained it’s going to be much, much worse. For everyone.
You may be right about your chances. But for the millions who are over 50 or have a health condition, including young people, the odds aren’t as good. And when you’ve got schools closing because of the spread and major events being cancelled in first world countries, it’s clearly not like SARS.

Officials from the WHO are alarmed. CDC officials are alarmed. At first I felt like you do - this is going to be like SARS, the flu is worse and we’ve got systems in place to handle this. But not anymore.

There have only been 8,000 confirmed cases of SARS. There have only been 2,500 confirmed cases of MERS. Both had greater death rates so far. However, we now have over 90,000 cases of COVID19 and it’s spreading fast.

There have been big problems with getting information from the powers that be in the US and corporate interests are attempting to influence the dissemination of information about this crisis.

People are being made to isolate. Cruise ships are being held off port. My doctor told me to avoid travel.

At this point I am very concerned.

i am in my late 40's and have ehlers danlos so i am actually likely to be at as much risk as someone over 50 if not more.

standard influenza kills approximately half a million people every year worldwide, most people don't panic every flu season and yet it kills so many people annually.

researchers stated with SARS that the actual infection rate was probably way higher in china especially because patients didn't develop severe symptoms they never sought medical attention.

i am not saying this form of corona isn't dangerous just that the last two major outbreaks of coronavirus did not have near the global impact that was feared at the time.
How are you and your family holding up @Oregonmama ?
We are doing good. No issues at all . I have been enjoying family time with no schedules. A lot of ppl are sick from my teen's school with the cold and flu so a lot of ppl are just taking precautions and staying at home if they don't feel good.
“A little known specialized bond created in 2017 by the World Bank may hold the answer as to why U.S. and global health authorities have declined to label the global spread of the novel coronavirus a “pandemic.”

Those bonds, now often referred to as “pandemic bonds,” were ostensibly intended to transfer the risk of potential pandemics in low-income nations to financial markets.”

Is Wall Street Behind the Delay in Declaring the Coronavirus Outbreak a “Pandemic”?
or you can read it here:
Is Wall Street Behind The Delay In Declaring The Covid-19 Outbreak A "Pandemic"?

Oh, guess who is current Director-General for the World Health Organization? That would be Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, who was who was appointed on 1 July 2017. [hum] You may remember that he was the Ethiopian Minister of Health, who managed NOT to notice a major outbreak of Cholera, that killed thousands of his fellow countrymen during his tenure as Minister of Health.
Checking the VA clinic with Mr SAMS, NOONE has asked if he’s been out of the country/exposed to Corona Virus. Needless to say I’m sanitizing and washing hands like crazy in here and after. MOO
BREAKING: Tennessee reports first case of coronavirus Tracking coronavirus: Map, data and timeline

NASHVILLE, Tenn. (WMC) - Tennessee Gov. Bill Lee gave an update concerning the coronavirus. He announced that Tennessee has the first confirmed case of the coronavirus in the state.

The patient is a 44-year-old man in Williamson County.

Tennessee Department of Health commissioner Dr. Lisa Piercy said he is currently being quarantined in his home.

Authorities said the patient did not travel internationally, but they did travel within the country. Doctors did not confirm where the patient specifically traveled.

Chief medical officer, Tim Jones, said no more than a handful of Tennesseeans have been tested for the virus so far.

Gov. Bill Lee announced first confirmed case of coronavirus in Tennessee
What a place to be stuck...

Dozens of foreign diplomats who had been quarantined in Pyongyang, North Korea over coronavirus fears have been told their planned evacuation flight is canceled "for unknown reasons," a source says Evacuation flight canceled for foreign diplomats in North Korea

I would die. That place terrifies me like no others. I read the book about Laura Ling being held there. Holy smokes. They “treated” her for some stomach issues. It was monstrous. Putting a thick rubber tube down her throat with no anesthesia or hypnotics. I mean their medical system is barbaric at best.

I can’t imagine being there ever let alone in a position where I might need medical care.
The virus is facilitating a paradigm shift, normalizing quarantines and ramped up travel control, making it impossible for people to assemble in numbers, using police control if necessary ( business trips abroad could be cancelled indefinately) and perhaps promoting a notion of regional self-sustainability (stay home, stay in ‘your area’) and then a little later on, mandatory mass vaccinations… The media was certainly having a heydey with its frightening and inflammatory language.
Language is a virus.
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IMO, I would advice anyone going to their Dr or ER with symptoms of COVID-19 and / or recent travel or contact with infected person, to call the facility first, let them know you are coming so that they can be prepared for you. This is the safest way to proceed for you, the staff and other patients in the waiting room. JMO
Hi LDR, in Florida, they're asking people to go to the Health Dept unless it's an emergency.
The only ones i see concerned are the 'older' generation. My 28 yr old daughter doesn't believe the hype, thinks it is just like the flu and isn't prepping for anything
They think 'its only elderly and frail' that need to worry. her word.. Seniors. I had to remind her... i am technically a 'senior' now at 55. Her response, 'yeah, but you don't act it'.

Where did i go wrong ????? :)

I think Boomer Bashing and overall disrespect for older people is raising it's ugly head everywhere and this will be one area that is going to be difficult to control in the COVID-9 "unpandemic"
Gaetz is making fun of the virus. Earlier on Wednesday, Gaetz accused Democrats of using the coronavirus to score political points against the President.

Sad times when someone would do this.
I think he’s right. They have been nothing but critical from day one, thus their new hoax. He was knocked for shutting down flights by some in Congress and the media. I guess its not such a bad idea now because CNN has limited flights for their people.
(Reuters) - New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio on Thursday announced there were two more confirmed cases of the new coronavirus, bringing the total number of infected patients in the state to 13.

De Blasio said in a string of Twitter posts that neither of the latest patients, a man in his 40s and a woman in her 80s, had a connection "to travel nor any of the other local individuals diagnosed with COVID-19."

Both were hospitalized in intensive care units, the mayor said.

New York confirms two more coronavirus cases, state total at 13
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