Coronavirus COVID-19 *Global Health Emergency* #13

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Iran coronavirus: Bodies 'pileup' in morgue as country feels strain of coronavirus - CNN

Dozens of bodies sheathed in black bags line the floor of an Iranian morgue, while workers in protective suits and masks busily walk among them.

It's unclear which, if any, of the people whose bodies lie in the morgue were infected with the coronavirus gripping the country, in this footage from inside Qom's Behesht-e Masoumeh morgue.

Under Islamic tradition in Iran, corpses are typically washed with soap and water before burial. But two medical workers in Qom said that in some cases precautions related to the outbreak are preventing staff from observing traditional Islamic guidelines for burial.

Instead, they said the bodies of those confirmed to have coronavirus at the time of death are being treated with calcium oxide, to prevent them from contaminating the soil once buried in cemeteries.

Testing for the virus takes time, delaying burials and creating a "pile up" of bodies at the morgue, said Behesht-e Masoumeh morgue director, Ali Ramezani, in a report on Iranian state TV, IRIB.
The virus is facilitating a paradigm shift, normalizing quarantines and ramped up travel control, making it impossible for people to assemble in numbers, using police control if necessary ( business trips abroad could be cancelled indefinately) and perhaps promoting a notion of regional self-sustainability (stay home, stay in ‘your area’) and then a little later on, mandatory mass vaccinations… The media was certainly having a heydey with its frightening and inflammatory language.
Language is a virus.

Sure. The entire world and all their governments had banded together to crash their economies all to promote forced vaccination. That's definitely the easiest way to coordinate something like that. Get every last leader alive to go along with you and destabilize everything they've worked for.

Oh, wait, maybe the Anti-Christ is behind massed forced vaccination..... :rolleyes:
Andrew Cuomo on Twitter

UPDATE: NY now has 22 confirmed #Coronavirus cases statewide – 11 new positive tests since yesterday.

Of the new cases:

-8 are in Westchester, all mild or no symptoms
-2 are in NYC, both individuals hospitalized
-1 is in Nassau County, a 42yo man, also hospitalized
US Coast Guard drops test kits onto cruise ship near California

The US Coast Guard is currently dropping novel coronavirus test kits to a cruise ship off the coast of California, said Ken Cuccinelli, acting deputy secretary of Homeland Security.

"We are right now, literally as we speak flying test kits out to a cruise ship off San Francisco, off California I should say, it's moving up to San Francisco, with Coast Guard helos and PJ's basically dropping onto the ship and bringing kits. And we're going to test, not everybody, a very large number of individuals relative to the ship. So we have full information.”

He said they learned a lot of “negative lessons” from how the Diamond Princess cruise ship was quarantined. Cuccinelli said the initial thought was to hunker down, and that would have worked, but it wasn't done well.

Live updates: Coronavirus outbreak spreads across the world - CNN


I actually have been hearing choppers. I think they’re flying up the peninsula from the Moffett Federal Airforce Base. Wild. Go guys go!
Authorities confirm first UK death from coronavirus

The Royal Berkshire NHS Trust said in a statement:

"Sadly, we can confirm that an older patient with underlying health conditions has died. The patient has previously been in and out of hospital for non-coronavirus reasons, but on this occasion was admitted and last night tested positive for coronavirus.

The family has been informed and our thoughts are with them at this difficult time.

We will not be commenting further and ask that everybody respects the family’s privacy.”

Coronavirus: health authorities confirm first UK death – latest updates

I wonder how this person became infected:whether they had travelled abroad or had direct contact with someone who had visited a place with a high number of cases.
If they had no contact,then it is worrying how they contracted the virus.
Andrew Cuomo on Twitter

UPDATE: NY now has 22 confirmed #Coronavirus cases statewide – 11 new positive tests since yesterday.

Of the new cases:

-8 are in Westchester, all mild or no symptoms
-2 are in NYC, both individuals hospitalized
-1 is in Nassau County, a 42yo man, also hospitalized

All from that 1 attorney?!? I know they self-quarantined 1,000 people in the area all because of that one patient.
I wonder how this person became infected:whether they had travelled abroad or had direct contact with someone who had visited a place with a high number of cases.
If they had no contact,then it is worrying how they contracted the virus.

Professor Chris Whitty, England’s chief medical officer, confirmed the older patient contracted the virus in the UK.

Whitty said:

.... We believe they contracted the virus in the UK and contact tracing is already underway.

Coronavirus: patient with underlying health conditions becomes first fatality in UK – latest updates
There is no sanitizer at any of the stores in my town. Thankfully, I bought 5 at the dollar store 10 days ago, thanks to this thread!

In my area, all stores are out of hand sanitizer, and running low on cleaning supplies. I have chatted with some customers in line at stores, and many seem to be mostly concerned about getting hand sanitizer. Most people whom I have spoken with, seem to be unconcerned about the virus. My sons school had sent home a pamphlet about having hand sanitizer at the door, and in each classroom. Yesterday, I asked him about it, and he said there isn't any available, and there have been no changes.
Iran coronavirus: Bodies 'pileup' in morgue as country feels strain of coronavirus - CNN

Dozens of bodies sheathed in black bags line the floor of an Iranian morgue, while workers in protective suits and masks busily walk among them.

It's unclear which, if any, of the people whose bodies lie in the morgue were infected with the coronavirus gripping the country, in this footage from inside Qom's Behesht-e Masoumeh morgue.

Under Islamic tradition in Iran, corpses are typically washed with soap and water before burial. But two medical workers in Qom said that in some cases precautions related to the outbreak are preventing staff from observing traditional Islamic guidelines for burial.

Instead, they said the bodies of those confirmed to have coronavirus at the time of death are being treated with calcium oxide, to prevent them from contaminating the soil once buried in cemeteries.

Testing for the virus takes time, delaying burials and creating a "pile up" of bodies at the morgue, said Behesht-e Masoumeh morgue director, Ali Ramezani, in a report on Iranian state TV, IRIB.

I'm guessing that at some point they will have to follow China and simply cremate all the contaminated people. China's crematoriums were running 24/7 early on.
The speed of transmission is a significant indicator with this virus. Some seem to overlook that part, which is very concerning.
But most people have mild cases and are recuperating at home. Just like flu every year. Only the sickest people require hospitalization and yes, unfortunately, some will pass away. I had an 86 year old female patient die on my shift from Influenza B with a white count of 26,000 several years ago. I felt terrible for her and her family and I have always remembered her.
Ah End of next week. Ok great.

U.S. health officials said they expect to be able to get enough coronavirus tests to public laboratories this week to test about 400,000 people, less than half the 1 million they initially said would be available.

They said additional test kits to cover between 1.5 and 1.7 million people would be available by the end of next week.

(Reuters) - New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio on Thursday announced there were two more confirmed cases of the new coronavirus, bringing the total number of infected patients in the state to 13.

De Blasio said in a string of Twitter posts that neither of the latest patients, a man in his 40s and a woman in her 80s, had a connection "to travel nor any of the other local individuals diagnosed with COVID-19."

Both were hospitalized in intensive care units, the mayor said.

New York confirms two more coronavirus cases, state total at 13
Gitana" "Bottom line- health insurance companies push vaccines, as do nations with socialized medicine, because the costs of unvaccinated persons FAR outweigh the costs of any adverse reactions."+

Your post is interesting, but I think you are omitting something:

The real pain, suffering, and long-term disability from diseases preventable by vaccines is what healthcare is interested in:

The life-long disability and diseases associated with polio, for example.

The amputations required from Menigiococcal meningitis.

The deafness and neurologic complications from measles.

Start visiting really poor countries and see the consequence of not being able to get vaccinations.

So much suffering is utterly preventable.

Yes. That’s true. I think it’s crazy that some believe the 99% of the healthcare industry who believe in vaccines are all part of a vast, global conspiracy to sicken children and others for the privilege of making a profit.

It’s nonsense. These are people who take the Hippocratic oath. Or who courageously go into work knowing the risk of transmission because that’s what they have determined is their purpose in life - to serve others. (Like @LaborDayRN and all the other wonderful nurses and health care professionals we have on this site. Scientists who feverishly work to discover treatments or tests or vaccines that can save people.

I believe that most people in the world are actually good. It’s how we survive as a species- by helping one another. Watch any natural disaster video on YouTube and you will see how so many people’s instinct is to immediately help strangers or neighbors. Or animals. Risking their own lives on the process.

To believe that those tasked with keeping us healthy are mostly evil or stupid is baffling and illogical.
New York now has 22 confirmed coronavirus cases, governor says

Eleven cases were confirmed overnight. “Eight of the new cases are connected to the attorney from Westchester,” Gov. Andrew Cuomo said, adding, two of the cases are from New York City and one is from Long Island.

The New York City and Long Island patients are hospitalized.

Live updates: Coronavirus outbreak spreads across the world - CNN
Nevada confirms first case of coronavirus

A Clark County resident is the first “presumed positive” coronavirus case in Nevada.

The patient, a man in his 50s, told health officials he recently traveled to Washington state and Texas.

“The Health District is working with its health care partners and leading the effort to quickly identify close contacts of the patient,” the statement said.

Live updates: Coronavirus outbreak spreads across the world - CNN
Q&A session transcription of WHO presser 3/5 am by me as promised to thread… the introduction will be available online tomorrow and can be posted then. Lots of errors due to typing fast.. please excuse.

Q. re Pets. Re transmission to humans A. We are aware of dog in Hong Kong, weakly positive. Older dog is doing fine. Only one dog. Working with partners and are looking at pets. We don’t believe major driver, again just one example and deserves study. Not unusual that animals that can be transient carriers. Back to question of are the associated with transmission of disease, and the answer is no. This is not unusual or unprecedented, happens often with novel diseases.

Q Can you say countries that aren’t taking seriously, and is it seasonal A. We’ve only know about 8 weeks, we don’t know over course. We have no reason to believe that it will act different in different temperatures. We will continue to look at, will be interesting to follow. We need to look at patterns over time, and we need time to aggressively look at cases. Also depends on human factors due to humans come together in colder environments that people congregate. We will need to study. There are a good number of countries that have left up to the minister of health…that is needs whole government approach and it is a long list. So my focus is to get a whole government approach and led by the head of government to coordinate all sectors. But governments alone cannot do it, we need to mobilize all citizens to take care of themselves and others. It is every bodies business. There is a list, I can give you later.

Q. …cannot hear question A. Yes we are… North Korea. Obviously country is at heart we have no ?????we are making available supplies We are ready to move in.

Q 40-75 million can get it? Is it really that number, and what about surfaces and asymptomatic A . We have had predictions and modeling for last 8 weeks. We look at them as to with or without doing something. Obviously real world… china look at what they did to change models. 20 provinces in China have now downgraded. That is flying in the face of that prediction. China is moving back. 11 provinces today moved to green. On 29th of Jan all of china was red/top risk . today only 4 cases outside of Hubei. Most came there from other countries. We need to look at Singapore, we need to fight. Our predictions will come true if we do nothing. Some countries are coming forward to fight the fire. RE asymptomatic folks, some experimental studies are underway. Re disinfection - Prelim studies are comparable to SARS, so can be cleaned with disinfections. Re asymptomatic, this infection causes wide range including no symptoms. Due to strong contact tracing, we are finding pre symptomatic. The question is whether they can transmit, but are not major driver of transmission as would be much larger. After serologic tests available will know more…starting now are studies and we are asking for population based serostudies to see the range of those infected. Is early days now, that can change as is every statistic we tell you. We are looking at all the evidence. Based on evidence asymptomatic not a major driver of transmission

Q .. ?… A. We have been over this many times and was point of the China/WHO team investigation. Nobody has responded to a novel virus perfectly. Every one is dotted with delays and missed opportunity and missed information as to we would have done different if we knew then what we know now. The issues is what are the lessons. Understand sporadic, community and be persistent and join up with command and control as to the differences and be flexible. It can be turned around in weeks if folks are prepared , there are no guarantees but it will allow health systems catch up. Those with small cases are struggling, so we need to contain and control to slow down the disease. We need to learn lessons and move on. What we do in country x is not what we do in country y. The fundamentals work. ID contacts and contact them. Need to find contacts. Need to mobilized the population as they did in china as all in china knew what to do, what to do collectively to get under control. Doesn’t mean you won’t have clusters etc… we can bring back down. Is fundamental. There is a common factor in all countries, political intervention. It brings a paradigm. The highest level of government brings change in way we respond to the epidemic. That can be done by any country and bring a new paradigm in each and every country. No country has an excuse as each country has a government. This is the responsibility of the head of state and should be coordinated by head of states. It will touch everything, politics, social thread of sector is untouched. We need to raise to the top. I was so encouraged to get a call from president of chili and discussing global situation, and exchanging ideas on how to get it right. Today with the prime minister of Sweden, another excellent discussion of whole government approach we discussed. He is taking right approach. After our visit to Beijing and also in US, trump and regular coordination using vice president, this is the right approach to mobilize the entire government and making the response every citizens business. If we do that we can be successful in containing. Some people in media are saying move to mitigation and containment will not work. We do not thing containment should be abandoned. We are saying in addition to aggressive containment, please prepare for any eventualities. We should not give up containment strategy. The worst thing that can happen is to give up, don’t surrender. Lets use everything we can do to contain it. If we cannot do, we will move to the next step this outbreak cannot be contained without political intervention at the top level to change paradigms. Many countries are showing that now. Let’s go for a comprehensive approach.

Q cannot hear/garbled A. re two types of virus. Many full genome sequences available on public sites. These sequences are being evaluated as to phylogentics. They were seen very early on. No known association on severity. Please keep submitting. The virus seems very stable. This is very important to analyze and is very confusing e.g. in congo for other diseases especially in vaccine development. The data has been available for weeks, and scientists are going back in to look at. So now, we want more studies and information. This is very important, inquiries to have publicly available to have and discuss in open. But not make conclusions now. I’m very concerned in last few days of countries reporting with weaker health systems as to evolving in to pandemic. That can be true, but could be worse. But at the same time we are saying countries have shown it can be contained and don’t give up. We need comprehensive approach. There is no one size fits all, even in one country there is variation, only when we think is uncontrollable, we will call a pandemic. Re h1n1, if uncontrollable we will be in a position to call pandemic. That may happen but we will not give up. Those who fought hard have contained it. Let’s use the efforts. Some countries don’t care if WHO calls pandemic, we will do what we need to do. That is what we need, the name does not matter. For now we are not yet there although there are very very very concerning signs as it makes it in to more countries. But that does not mean we should give up. And the political commitment should be done to contain. uncontrollable vs. uncontrolled. E.g. flu..disease is uncontrolled so we focus on saving lives. In this case, some countries show can control, so two chances to save lives. Contain and have more time to save lives. Some countries are not controlled, but not uncontrollable. That is a divergence.

Q from south china. Re pets. Should the pets be quarantined (e.d. obvious the reporter didn’t listen and the moderator said to them that lol) A. we are aware of positive dog. We are working with partners to understand. We do not believe is a driver of transmission and is not unprecedented. We have had follow ups with authorities and they said that … the locals are tracking and no need to act on and will follow up. Outliers are imporatnat, but we need not to let that drive our approach or dive our policy.

THE END – There will be a presser tomorrow. Same bat time, same bat place...
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