Coronavirus COVID-19 - Global Health Emergency #4

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Wuhan Survivors: They caught the deadly coronavirus -- and recovered - CNN

They caught the coronavirus that's killed mote than 1,700 people and survived

"Chinese state-run media has been heavily publicizing the virus-free former patients, showing footage of them receiving flowers and leaving hospital"


"Even the survivors who are shown on Chinese state-run broadcasters have their faces blurred, as the government understands the social isolationation and discrimination
a diagnosis can bring."
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Coronavirus: A Cameroon student on how he recovered

When Kem Senou Pavel Daryl, a 21-year-old Cameroonian student living in the Chinese city of Jingzhou, contracted the coronavirus he had no intention of leaving China, even if that were possible.

"No matter what happens I don't want to take the sickness back to Africa," he said from his university dormitory, where he is now under a 14-day quarantine.

'I didn't want to take coronavirus to Africa'

I am so glad Kem recovered and wish him the best.

Wow....had no idea....

A Coronavirus Quarantine in America Could Be a Giant Legal Mess

America’s defense against epidemics is divided among more than 2,000 individual public-health departments, which makes implementing a national strategy very difficult.

7:00 AM ET

If a fast-spreading, deadly epidemic should threaten the United States, could the U.S. government do the same? The answer is yes: American government officials do have extensive authority to implement public-health measures to stop an epidemic, as the Americans on the Diamond Cruise ship in Yokohama, Japan, are now learning.
But the average American may be surprised to learn who holds the authority to order such public-health measures. Except at the nation’s borders, the federal government, with the expertise of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, is not in charge. America’s defense against epidemics is divided among 2,684 state, local, and tribal public-health departments. Each one is responsible for monitoring people within its jurisdiction, imposing isolation or quarantine as needed. CDC officials are “preparing as if [the new coronavirus] is the next pandemic,” but in reality, the laboring oar falls to state and local health departments......

A Coronavirus Quarantine in America Could Be a Giant Legal Mess
Thankfully most (if not all) public health authorities and hospitals in the U.S. follow CDC guidelines as normal protocol. IMO I don't see this changing during an epidemic.
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Hoping no one's go to guy is Elton John. (pneumonia)

Ill Elton John halts concert saying he can't sing

And also, tonight, the BBC news report on outbreak focused on
how containment doesn't make sense at this point as virus has likely been seeded in communities since November, among other cold and flu cases.

ETA, Correction
I love Elton. I hope and pray he will recover fully.
All these 7’s and 1’s and 0’s, moo:

“The number of deaths from the novel coronavirus has risen to 1,770, with an additional 100 deaths reported Sunday in Hubei, the Chinese province at the center of the outbreak.

There have been more than 71,000 cases worldwide, with the vast majority of those in mainland China. The largest outbreaks outside of China have been in Singapore and Japan, where the Diamond Princess cruise ship has been docked for almost two weeks now, while health officials tested the thousands of passengers and crew on board.
So far, more than 350 cases have been confirmed aboard the ship, with an additional 70 on Sunday.”

Also 1700+ infected medical workers, last report I heard.

Just sayin.

Novel coronavirus: Death toll tops 1,770 as US passengers on quarantined cruise ship fly home - CNN
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Thankfully most (if not all) public health authorities and hospitals in the U.S. follow CDC guidelines as normal protocol. IMO I don't see this changing during an epidemic.

I can easily see a breakdown in social order, in a heartbeat, if the United States had a serious pandemic.

Indian reservations are sovereign nations, they could decide to close their border, and keep people out. Governors of states that do not have any citizens with Coronavirus could decide to not allow anyone not a citizen of their state entrance. And get National Guard troops involved.

I hope that we don't see what could happen in the United States.
More than 200 Australians stranded on a quarantined cruise ship hit by a coronavirus outbreak off the coast of Japan will have the opportunity to be evacuated by charter flight this week.

Prime Minister Scott Morrison announced the Government was organising a flight from Japan to Australia this Wednesday to return passengers of the Diamond Prince cruise ship.

The flight will be made possible through Qantas and those on board will face a further 14 days of quarantine when they are returned to Darwin's Howard Springs facility.
Aussies on virus ship to be flown home
Nightly News Full Broadcast (February 16th) / Breaking News / Americans Evacuated

The Abel’s need to watch this / man in hazmat suit advising the Americans to get off the ship / last I saw the Abels were choosing to stay (given two options, per GMA interview or stream).


BREAKING: Elizabethton couple not among Americans leaving cruise ship after wife tests positive for coronavirus

Hong Kong residents face hard decisions on jobs, families amid epidemic

While down the YouTube rabbit hole last night, I watched a documentary about the poorer residents of Hong King who live in “cubicles”. Tiny spaces, very close quarters. It would spread like wildfire in those partitioned spaces. I wonder how many SARS illnesses were attributed to the “cubicles”, if any.
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Someone posted a link to a DailyMail story suggesting that the virus didn't come direct from the wild (seafood market) but from an infectious diseases research centre in Wuhan.

Ticks on bats were suggested. But ticks don't really match with a respiratory virus.

I think it's important to bear in mind that these things crop up sometimes, they cross from one animal to another and/or into humans. I think one reason I feel suspicious of these 'theories' that it escaped from a lab are how often that theory comes up, like with the poisoning in Salisbury/Amesbury. I don't believe that substance came from Porton Down, I believe it came from out of the UK in a vial.

Scientists have said that they see no sign of genetic engineering in the virus. It makes little sense to purposely release such a virus. It would probably make a lot more sense to study known coronaviruses/influenzas in a lab than to be attempting to find new ones and get lucky enough to find this one, successfully transfer it into another animal, and then into humans, and then accidentally release it.

It seems a lot simpler to me (Occam's Razor) for this virus to have got into humans in the conventional way...its genome suggests it has been in a bat reservoir for a long time, just like its cousin SARS. SARS jumped into civet cats, and then into humans. They believe this one jumped into another species before jumping to humans. My guess would be that species is some kind of live animal that was on sale in that market... a chicken, a pig, something I've never heard of? This sort of thing has been happening for thousands of years. It happened less than 20 years ago with SARS. It happened with MERS. Is it really an outlandish concept that it happened again? There are four coronaviruses that cause symptoms we call 'a cold', and once upon a time they lived in an animal before a mutation happened that meant they could thrive in humans.

Yes, viruses have escaped from labs before..smallpox got out from a British lab and caused the last deaths from Smallpox in the UK, I believe. But smallpox was already in existence, nature had already made it. If SARS got out from a lab, same thing, nature already made it. I believe the most likely explanation is that this one also developed naturally. Viruses jumping species is not unusual. What would be unusual is a virus with a history like covid-19s, that doesn't appear to scientists to have been genetically engineered, there wouldn't appear to be any reason to make such a's not like an unknown variant of smallpox that shows obvious signs of genetic engineering for a purpose.
Japan has cancelled a birthday event for Emperor Naruhito amid fears of the novel coronavirus outbreak, the Imperial Household Agency says.

The emperor, who will turn 60 on Sunday, Empress Masako and other imperial family members were originally scheduled to greet well-wishers three times on Sunday, his birthday.
Virus stops emperor event in Tokyo

99 new cases on the ship.

Well alrighty then. God speed to all of them. Glad the US folks are OFF THAT SHIP ('cept the lawyer and his wife who stated they didn't want to do another 2 weeks in the US.... SMDH... wrong decision mate...)

They are off the ship but 14 cases among them. How many more will have coronavirus before their quarantine is over?
I can easily see a breakdown in social order, in a heartbeat, if the United States had a serious pandemic.

Indian reservations are sovereign nations, they could decide to close their border, and keep people out. Governors of states that do not have any citizens with Coronavirus could decide to not allow anyone not a citizen of their state entrance. And get National Guard troops involved.

I hope that we don't see what could happen in the United States.

“I can easily see a breakdown in social order, in a heartbeat, if the United States had a serious pandemic.”


If (when) an outbreak occurs in the U.S., I believe social unrest, fueled by fear and panic, will initially be a much larger concern than the virus itself. Full blown quarantines will probably be attempted for awhile in an effort to slow the spread, but in modern society, full quarantines will be difficult to sustain. There are VERY FEW communities left in this world that are self sufficient enough to remain self contained. The states with the highest populations generally aren’t the states that produce the majority of the food. The states that produce the most food generally don’t produce the most medical care products, etc,...

Wuhan is half a world away and is only a small corner of the world in the grand scheme of things, yet the entire world has felt the impact in one way or another. We have our borders, national pride, etc,... but the truth is, we’ve become a global community. Whether we like it or not, we’re ultimately all going to be in this thing together.
I’ll also add that this particular virus isn’t going to recognize any borders we put in place. So far, the biggest advantage this virus has is its ability to spread in stealth mode. It’s virtually impossible to contain due to the fact that you can’t see it coming! The best case scenario is that it will burn itself out.... but the high R0 factor doesn’t make that very likely. IMO, the best we can hope for at the moment is that the mortality rate stays flat (or lessens)

The virus is bad, but people can be worse! Let’s hope that humanity can rise to the challenge.
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