Coronavirus COVID-19 - Global Health Emergency #4

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I remember they did this with Ebola patients also...

China: Blood plasma effective for coronavirus | NHK WORLD-JAPAN News

The Chinese government says blood plasma from people who have recovered from the new coronavirus has helped infected patients to get better. The government says a state-owned drug maker has administered blood products developed from such plasma to over 10 seriously-ill patients since February 8. It says the patients' condition clearly improved in terms of inflammation, blood oxygen levels and virus counts in their body within 12 to 24 hours after plasma infusion. An expert was quoted as saying in the absence of a vaccine and specifically targeted drugs, the use of such plasma is the most effective way to treat the infection and can significantly reduce the death toll. The expert says infusion of blood plasma from recovered patients also caused improvements among SARS patients during the 2003 outbreak.
And just to throw more info out...
(I’m pretty sure this link has not been shared)

About the 2019 Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) - Information from the CDC and JAMA Network

There are many podcasts (along with transcripts) much information at the link.

Topics include:
  • February 13 Q&A with China CDC Chief Epidemiologist Zunyou Wu, MD, PhD

  • US Emergency Legal Responses to Novel CoronavirusBalancing Public Health and Civil Liberties- Corresponding Author: Lawrence O. Gostin, JD, Georgetown University Law Center,
  • Novel Coronavirus Infection in Hospitalized Infants Under 1 Year of Age in China
    Min Wei, MD1; Jingping Yuan, MD, PhD1; Yu Liu, PhD2; et al

We have read a lot of articles where other countries experts (besides WHO who has to play the games with them right now) are seriously questioning the transparancy from China.

I tried to find articles from years ago why there is little trust in their government and there are examples in years past where they have not been transparant so the mistrust is based on past experiences with them.

This is just one article that came out in 2019 before news of the Virus took hold. There are others from way before that about mistrust about SARS, etc. So there is a basis why some governments are not eager to accept what China is telling everyone.

Four Reasons Why You Shouldn’t Trust China’s GDP Data | Data Driven Investor
Ain't buying this !! They build two hospitals in a week, forcefully round up citizens, quarantine millions and CAN'T get approval for an autopsy.....

Why hasn't WHO folks arrived in China???

Massive cover up !!!!

Agreed. I suspect they’ve already autopsied multiple bodies but these are the first ones they’ll tell us about.
Experts from the World Health Organization have arrived in China on a joint mission

Twelve international and World Health Organization (WHO) experts landed in Beijing yesterday, for a WHO-led joint mission with Chinese national experts.

The experts will be reviewing data, holding workshops, and making field visits to three provinces to study the coronavirus outbreak. The visiting experts will stay as long as needed, said WHO director general Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus.

“The goal of the joint mission is to rapidly inform the next steps in the Covid-19 response and preparedness activities in China and globally,” Ghebreyesus said last week.

This comes from a tweet by DR. T yesterday morning.

Something that I had not realized until I read their reports from the ship is that they are doing saliva tests on the ship, vs. the normal recommended way of doing the test. Went down the rabbit hole on such and found this paper on the matter.

"Rapid and accurate detection of 2019-nCoV is crucial in controlling the outbreak in the community and in hospitals. Nasopharyngeal and oropharyngeal swabs are the recommended upper respiratory tract specimen types for 2019-nCoV diagnostic testing.

However, the collection of these specimen types requires close contact between healthcare workers and patients, which pose a risk of transmission of the virus to the healthcare workers. Furthermore, the collection of nasopharyngeal or oropharyngeal specimens cause discomfort and may cause bleeding especially in patients with thrombocytopenia [2]. Hence, nasopharyngeal or oropharyngeal swabs are not desirable for serial monitoring of viral load. Sputum is a non-invasive lower respiratory tract specimen, but only 28% of 2019-nCoV patients in one case series could produce sputum for diagnostic evaluation. We have previously demonstrated that saliva has a high concordance rate of >90% with nasopharyngeal specimens in the detection Downloaded from Consistent detection of 2019 novel coronavirus in saliva by guest on 17 February 20205of respiratory viruses, including coronaviruses [5, 6]. In some patients, coronavirus was detected only in saliva but not in nasopharyngeal aspirate [5]. Saliva has also been used in screening respiratory viruses among hospitalized patients without fever or respiratory symptoms [7]. "
Experts from the World Health Organization have arrived in China on a joint mission

Twelve international and World Health Organization (WHO) experts landed in Beijing yesterday, for a WHO-led joint mission with Chinese national experts.

The experts will be reviewing data, holding workshops, and making field visits to three provinces to study the coronavirus outbreak. The visiting experts will stay as long as needed, said WHO director general Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus.

“The goal of the joint mission is to rapidly inform the next steps in the Covid-19 response and preparedness activities in China and globally,” Ghebreyesus said last week.

This comes from a tweet by DR. T yesterday morning.

Yay, they finally made it and are on the ground.

Any bets on whether WHO will be given access to ALL the raw data figures they request? I hope China is honest with them and gives them everything they request but I am not confident about it. Lets hope China at least gives them enough critical information for WHO to do their job.

"International experts participating in the @who-led joint mission with (China) have arrived in Beijing & have had their first meeting with Chinese counterparts today,” World Health Organization chief Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus said on Twitter."

Global experts begin meetings in China over virus as cases ease but still top 68,000, says WHO | The Japan Times

In addition to ages of those infected, I would like to see if a persons genes or nationality has anything to do with some people catching it more than others. I have read about something called ACE2 receptors and there seems to be a theory that maybe certain nationalities and genes in people that have a more increased ACE2 receptors may be able to catch it more easily. But without having gene makeup and nationalities statistics of people catching it, we really dont know if there is a trend that way or not.

Plus of course where it originated has a lot to do with the early numbers so any study like this would have to be done in a new blind study of different people equally. We really cant use the early figures because it originated in a certain place with certain groups of people so those figures really cant be used until we see new studies that are fairly done.

ACE2 Receptor Expression and Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus Infection Depend on Differentiation of Human Airway Epithelia
Experts from the World Health Organization have arrived in China on a joint mission

Twelve international and World Health Organization (WHO) experts landed in Beijing yesterday, for a WHO-led joint mission with Chinese national experts.

The experts will be reviewing data, holding workshops, and making field visits to three provinces to study the coronavirus outbreak. The visiting experts will stay as long as needed, said WHO director general Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus.

“The goal of the joint mission is to rapidly inform the next steps in the Covid-19 response and preparedness activities in China and globally,” Ghebreyesus said last week.

This comes from a tweet by DR. T yesterday morning.

Its about time.
WOW! The R0 of this virus appears to be insane!

You have a good point there! Great observation.

Your observation about R0 and age has me thinking....

Posing this as a question to anyone more familiar with viral transmission than I am.
As far as I know, the age of an infected patient generally comes into play with mortality rates. As far as I know, age generally doesn’t impact R0??

The R0 isn't a fixed number. It can be higher on the ship than in other conditions, and the location/environment is more likely to be the explanation for this massive R0 than the age of the persons on the ship.

I've heard it said that while R0 has a relation to the virus, but it also has a relation to human behavior and the environment in which the people are living.

The R0 of Ebola in the outbreak in West Africa was far higher than the R0 of Ebola in the UK or USA even though it was the same strain of the same virus.

Our responses to a virus outbreak can affect the local R0. Without contact tracing and isolation of those testing positive there would be a higher R0 in the UK, Canada, etc.

A hundred and fifty years ago couples often had six to twelve children, so even if they all stayed home, they're living in close quarters, and back then they didn't understand as much about hygiene either but even if they had, they'd still have a high R0. Back in those days, boarding schools and orphanages would have similar issues with massive R0 in that particular population. Nursing homes have a similar issue today. Schools and colleges and universities are known as good environments for spreading diseases (high R0).

I think the comparison of children to adult to elderly is complex. Oftentimes children pick things up very easily due to the high R0 conditions in schools and children's behaviour. So it can be possible for them to bring a virus home with them, get a fairly light illness but spread it to the parents and grandparents who then go onto get more severe illness. Perhaps there's an aspect where those who have a more severe case will shed more virus and for longer (as it takes their immune system longer to 'beat' the virus), but outside of a cruise ship or nursing home I don't think they would normally spread a virus as easily as children do.

And think about a child's behaviour not just with each other at school, but then when they come home. Smaller children are cuddled, their faces and mouths are kissed, they're not as good at covering their coughs and sneezes, etc. But often if a child doesn't 'feel' ill they'll just keep moving around performing these close behaviours that can spread the virus to someone more vulnerable.

So it's a highly dependent number that can be reduced with both government-level and personal actions.
Are you kidding me? Allowed to infect other passengers and crew?

Diamond Princess: "After consultation with HHS officials, including experts from the HHS Office of the Assistant Secretary for Preparedness and Response, the State Department made the decision to allow the 14 individuals, who were in isolation, separated from other passengers, and continued to be asymptomatic, to remain on the aircraft to complete the evacuation process," the agencies said.
'I didn't want to take coronavirus to Africa'
''As of mid-February, Egypt, Algeria, Mauritius, Morocco and Seychelles had moved their citizens out of Hubei province.

Other nations such as Ghana and Kenya are reportedly considering evacuating.

'We feel abandoned'
Some nations have sent financial support to their citizens.

According to the head of the Ivory Coast student association in Wuhan $490 ($380) was given to the 77 Ivoirians in the city following weeks of discussions with their government. But many are growing increasingly frustrated by their government's stance.

Ghana has reportedly sent financial assistance to its nationals as well.

"Staying here doesn't guarantee our safety. We are just in a country that has better medical facilities," says Ms Salima.

"We feel abandoned. The Chinese clearly were angered by the Americans pulling their people out as they felt it caused panic," said one student who agreed to talk on the condition of anonymity. "There is a lot of distrust here of the authorities," he added.

Some are calling for a continent-wide strategy to help African nationals in China.

"The decision to evacuate is not a question of 'solidarity' with China or the lack of it. It is the responsibility of every country to ultimately look after the health of their citizens wherever they are, including in China," says Hannah Ryder from Development Reimagined, a Beijing-based international development consultancy.

As for Mr Senou, he says has no plans to return to Cameroon.

"It would be a bad and dangerous idea. The biggest fear I had from the virus was psychological and emotional. Going back home is not an option now."''
Coronavirus crisis: More than 71,000 now infected and 1,775 dead globally
''Beijing may delay a high-profile political meeting for the first time in decades because of the coronavirus outbreak''

A woman wears a face mask and plastic raincoat as a protection from coronavirus at Shanghai railway station, in Shanghai, China February 17, 2020.REUTERS/Aly Song
Are you kidding me? Allowed to infect other passengers and crew?

Diamond Princess: "After consultation with HHS officials, including experts from the HHS Office of the Assistant Secretary for Preparedness and Response, the State Department made the decision to allow the 14 individuals, who were in isolation, separated from other passengers, and continued to be asymptomatic, to remain on the aircraft to complete the evacuation process," the agencies said.
Yes, totally against the original plan given by the US Embassy to the US passengers on the cruise ship. The American, Matthew Smith, who did not go off the ship, said this was his reason to stay and finish their quarantine on Wednesday. He said he believed they would be on a plane with people who had the disease and he didn't want to risk that. He wants to finish the quarantine period on the ship, be tested, then allowed to leave. He is willing to stay in Japan, but be free to be in a hotel and sight see. I think the situation/news is fluid from day/hour to day/hour. He has been told as of yesterday, that the quarantine will end on Wednesday. But before they are allowed to leave, they will be tested, and will have to wait until the tests come back. If negative, they can leave. However, with all these new cases, Japan may simply not know what to do, and may want them to continue to be quarantined?


In addition to ages of those infected, I would like to see if a persons genes or nationality has anything to do with some people catching it more than others. I have read about something called ACE2 receptors and there seems to be a theory that maybe certain nationalities and genes in people that have a more increased ACE2 receptors may be able to catch it more easily. But without having gene makeup and nationalities statistics of people catching it, we really dont know if there is a trend that way or not.

Plus of course where it originated has a lot to do with the early numbers so any study like this would have to be done in a new blind study of different people equally. We really cant use the early figures because it originated in a certain place with certain groups of people so those figures really cant be used until we see new studies that are fairly done.

ACE2 Receptor Expression and Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus Infection Depend on Differentiation of Human Airway Epithelia

There was a paper in arxiv very early on that had 8 patients from around the world and said that the Asian male had more of the ACE2 receptors and maybe that was why it had taken off in China especially in males.

But other scientists said that the sample size of 8 individuals with only 1 Asian male wasn't enough to draw inferences from.

Another study has potentially linked smoking with increased ACE2 receptors in the parts of the lungs that this virus seems to target and suggested that smoking might be related to more severe cases.

Also, the study of 138 January patients, I believe that didn't show up any major difference between males and females as regards more serious cases.
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