Coronavirus COVID-19 - Global Health Emergency #4

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UK Parliament gives itself rights to force we go.

The health secretary, Matt Hancock, has been giving a statement to parliament on the new powers the government has given itself to allow it to force people into quarantine if they suspect they have coronavirus.

He described it as a “belt and braces” approach to protecting the public. “The powers are proportionate and will help us slow down transmission of the virus, make it easier for NHS and public health staff to do their jobs,” he said. “The clinical advice about the risk to the public has not changed and remains moderate”.

He added: “Dealing with this disease is a marathon, not a sprint. The situation will get worse before it gets better. We will be guided by the science. Be in no doubt, we will do everything that is effective to tackle this virus and keep people safe.”

Coronavirus: two UK prisoners being tested as vaccine could be ready in 18 months – latest news
”superspreader” let’s be honest is just a media term to sell a story.

We can call it whatever we want. There are clusters of cases originating from a single source like the store that was mentioned where multiple cases involved people affiliated with the store. May not even be a person but could be a surface object possibly. So I think it would be important to learn the exact source so we can help prevent the situation from reocurring in other places.
”superspreader” let’s be honest is just a media term to sell a story.

Exactly. We don't even know if all the others infected did get it directly from him, or if he spread it to one person who then spread it to the next, and so on.

I think they're trying to make a narrative that he's a Typhoid Mary in order to stoke the fires of fear.
Some wonky stuff coming out of WHO and China right now:

BNO Newsroom (@BNODesk) on Twitter

“So if asymptomatic cases become positive, through laboratory testing, then they include them into the confirmed cases number”

How exactly does an asymptomatic case become positive? What on earth does that mean? An asymptomatic case is an asymptomatic case- it’s already positive is it not?
Some wonky stuff coming out of WHO and China right now:

BNO Newsroom (@BNODesk) on Twitter

“So if asymptomatic cases become positive, through laboratory testing, then they include them into the confirmed cases number”

How exactly does an asymptomatic case become positive? What on earth does that mean? An asymptomatic case is an asymptomatic case- it’s already positive is it not?

I'm assuming this means that if a person who is asymptomatic (showing no signs of illness), test positive for the virus, they include this person in the confirmed cases even though they are currently showing no symptoms. For example. They test a group of people, all of which are showing no symptoms but may have been exposed to the virus through contact with an infected person. If any of them test positive, these people will be included in the number of "confirmed" cases.
As much as I don't like most government interference in our lives, I am all for this.
This is a matter of life and death and for the greater good. Imo

UK Parliament gives itself rights to force we go.

The health secretary, Matt Hancock, has been giving a statement to parliament on the new powers the government has given itself to allow it to force people into quarantine if they suspect they have coronavirus.

He described it as a “belt and braces” approach to protecting the public. “The powers are proportionate and will help us slow down transmission of the virus, make it easier for NHS and public health staff to do their jobs,” he said. “The clinical advice about the risk to the public has not changed and remains moderate”.

He added: “Dealing with this disease is a marathon, not a sprint. The situation will get worse before it gets better. We will be guided by the science. Be in no doubt, we will do everything that is effective to tackle this virus and keep people safe.”

Coronavirus: two UK prisoners being tested as vaccine could be ready in 18 months – latest news
American Airlines extends China cancelations until late April

The carrier said it now plans to resume its flights to mainland China from Los Angeles and Dallas/Fort Worth in April 25, almost a month later than it previously targeted.

Dallas/Fort Worth-to-Hong Kong will resume on April 24, and a day later from Los Angeles.

The move follows a similar adjustment by partner carrier British Airways.

Coronavirus live updates: CDC says lab mix-up led to mistaken discharge of infected patient, Facebook pulls out of MWC
Coronavirus likely jumped from bats to another host before infecting humans

The new coronavirus that emerged from a seafood market in Wuhan, China likely originated in bats and then jumped to an “intermediate host” before infecting humans, World Health Organization officials said.

Scientists are running tests on various animals, but have so far not found the host responsible for the outbreak, Dr. Sylvie Briand, head of WHO’s Global Infectious Hazard Preparedness division.

"Studies are ongoing because they are checking a number of animal species, so it takes some time,” Briand said.

Coronavirus live updates: Virus likely came from bats, CDC mix-up led to discharge of infected patient
Brighton councillor claims coronavirus threat is being hidden

Public Health England, Brighton and Hove council and other health authorities are failing to keep residents informed about the extent of the coronavirus outbreak, a city councillor has claimed.

With five confirmed cases of the potentially lethal virus linked to a Hove-based man, Steve Walsh, a member of the city council’s health board expressed concern that the number of people infected in the area may be higher than the official figure.
So glad the WHO has boots on the ground in China!

The director-general of the World Health Organization (WHO) has reportedly warned that while almost all of the confirmed coronavirus cases are in China, the outbreak constitutes a “very grave threat” for the rest of the world.

With 99% of cases in China, this remains very much an emergency for that country, but one that holds a very grave threat for the rest of the world,” Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus said during opening remarks of a meeting between more than 400 researchers and national authorities, Reuters reported Tuesday.

His comments come less than 24 hours after he told reporters at the UN health agency’s headquarters in Geneva that cases detected outside China “could be the spark that becomes a bigger fire.”

WHO chief says coronavirus outbreak 'holds a very grave threat' for world
Watch China use 'talking drones' to warn citizens

China's massive security state is being used to crack down on the Wuhan virus - CNN

The camera hovers just above the elderly woman's head, as she looks up, her face becomes confused and worried. "Yes auntie, this is the drone speaking to you," a voice booms out. "You shouldn't walk about without wearing a mask." The woman hurries off, occasionally looking over her shoulder as the drone continues to shout instructions: "You'd better go back home and don't forget to wash your hands."

In another video promoted by state media, a police drone orders men sitting at an outdoor mahjong table to "stop playing and leave the site as soon as possible." "Don't look at the drone," it says, as a small child glances up curiously. "Ask your father to leave immediately."
Add me to the "Worry Wort" group. Been that way my whole life and cant help it. That is what a lot of people dont understand about us that seem to over worry about these sorts of things. Some of us naturally have high anxiety and worries about everything in life and so when something like this happens, it sends our normal worries through the roof.

Many people just dont understand we cannot stop how we are. Been that way my whole life and if it hasnt changed by now then it definitely will not change any time soon.

((hugs)) to you and any "worry worts". We get that here, that many of us "know" each others personalities after posting together on cases for so long, and RESPECT you and your feelings. I do indeed hope that when I post an opposing view, you/others do not think I am slamming your viewpoints or diminishing your feelings. Not at all. We all come from different walks of life to be acknowledged and recognized. And I myself, only post here. Again, ((hugs)).

Post away your worry wort feelings and many will prop up to make you not worry, but please know if/when we do such, that isn't to say is to view as we are dissing or challenging your worries please.
I don't think they will address it.....I think they are giving hints to the next phase which is countries with less resources. China's numbers will not be relevant when that happens.

Respectfully, I disagree. They will indeed have to address China and their redefinition, and such may come out of their two day talks.

The daily update from the Dr. below that is very very neutral as to politics and is well known for daily explanations.... Posted in last 30 minutes. I believe the 15th update. Excellent to follow MOO. If you have 6 hours.. binge watch all to learn so much. I now know if someone is on a vent.. questions in my RL applicable to ask the doctors if they adhere to if family member has ARDS. (acute respiratory syndrome.. )

The coronavirus epidemic could grip about two-thirds of the world’s population if the deadly bug is not controlled, a top public health official said — as another expert predicted that cases in China could peak this month and fade away by April.

Most experts believe that each person infected can go on to transmit coronavirus to about 2.5 other people — creating an “attack rate” of 60 to 80 percent, Leung told the paper.

“Sixty percent of the world’s population is an awfully big number,” he said.

World Health Organization chief Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus warned that the epidemic is far from over.

Yeah, this is perhaps one of the reports that today the WHO said to please don't consider as to such...admittedly if the "fire was outta control"... yet they are containing etc. so numbers they asked... please focus on containment and efforts.
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