Coronavirus COVID-19 - Global Health Emergency #4

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I just want to do a shout out to JersyGirl for contributions as a moderator to this thread, and already changing the name of the thread! You go girl. Great links that you do for us all to give us a well rounded viewpoint.
Also, something that I haven't seen hit the news is that after folks recover, their linings of their bronchi and aveoli are pretty much decimated. They have "sloughed" off all their protection and are therefore really susceptible to bacteria which now don't have a first layer of defense against. (e.g. staph in lungs). So perhaps some that check out and are A OK without virus, come back into the hospital and are negative for the virus, have been cleared... yet destruction has been done and they die from a secondary infection in their lungs because the lining has been denuded of protection due to ...CoViD19.

Would they be included in stats? I guess WHO will work on this as it's in the science and they should expect to track longer least I would hope for planning MOO

God speed to all affected....

BBM: That's very interesting @dixiegirl1035 . You're right, I haven't seen that addressed in the media.
So I suppose the WHO comment today that if asymptomatic people BECOME symptomatic they will be included, merely means that if someone tests positive for CV they will be part of the confirmed cases. Which is apparently not what the Chinese govt said yesterday.

So we’re just back to “if someone tests positive they will be included in the case count”. Which is Captain Obvious to me. Pretty simple for WHO to have said.

So the WHO is just talking word salad today. IMO. I really don’t like feeling like the WHO is not being transparent or somehow doing damage control for China.

(trying not to be alarmist, trying not to be alarmist....)

I've listened to it more than once. I'm confused also on what WHO was saying by one person (we don't know of that, we will look into it) and then 3 minutes later a comment that confused.

I'm going to wait on it as they are just getting their folks into China, and I would think best to curtail this issue as they did until they got into their den iykwim.

I think we'll get better infomarmation in the next 2-4 days on this issue. But it is evident as chit that the number from Tracking coronavirus: Map, data and timeline were lacking on many China submissions in the last day or two and made it appear the numbers went down.

I'm sitting on fence... and letting them have a day to do what they do best... not piss off countries while experts that don't give a chit about politics work on it iykwim.

Kinda like with cases we follow here and DA can't talk/under gag. We trust all is good.

With this though...we won't have to wait 2 years for the information as to definition change by China. It will be out in days. MOO
BBM: That's very interesting @dixiegirl1035 . You're right, I haven't seen that addressed in the media.

If I come across again in a published well known journal that is peer reviewed, or hits MSM, I'll remember to post such. (I'm not sure it was prelim to posting in a journal, or it had been. I've been on google scholar reading for the last week, and much is out on the net before publishing) Otherwise MOO.

Today's Sit Rep from WHO is up. The transcript from presser today will be tonight or am... Here is Sit Rep for today
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I don't believe that government reports have the 10% exclusion rules for copyright and it is all allowed, but WS rulez say I cannot so I'm doing two screenshots vs. copy/paste more



As WHO said today, the world is a smaller place and it appears from this graph that so much is due to international conveyance... they'll need to snip this in the bud without over reaching human rights and commerce. (although many have said they have already done such)
Current information on the coronavirus situation in Bavaria - Bavarian Ministry of Health: Two other cases

The Bavarian Ministry of Health informed on Tuesday evening about the current development in cases with the novel corona virus in Bavaria. A ministry spokesman said in Munich that, according to the State Office for Health and Food Safety (LGL), two further coronavirus cases have been confirmed in Bavaria. There are currently 14 confirmed coronavirus cases in Bavaria (as of 6:00 p.m.). The two new cases are related to the company from the district of Starnberg, where most of the previously known cases are also employed. The Bavarian Ministry of Health will provide details on Wednesday.

Aktuelle Informationen zur Coronavirus-Lage in Bayern - Bayerisches Gesundheitsministerium: Zwei weitere Fälle - Bayerisches Staatsministerium für Gesundheit und Pflege
Is it a long term course of antibiotics for GGO, ground glass opacities?

MOO from reading. Antibiotics are not for the virus, (antibiotics are not for/"kill" viruses) but for sequella. (what happens after the virus destroys/compromises.. and then secondary infections move in.. like Staph/Step/Pseudomonas etc... ) The ground glass appearance on xrays is from ARDS (acute respiratory distress syndrome) that causes the alveoli to fill with fluid. The "glass" is water in the lungs/aveoli. Is a result of viral infection bodily fluids entering the airsacs from COVID-19, and they can't get enough oxygen and they die of COVID19. This is from the Dr. that is being followed on the thread. This is his post explaining such.

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BBM: That's very interesting @dixiegirl1035 . You're right, I haven't seen that addressed in the media.

That is very interesting and makes a lot of sense. I suppose that is why antibiotics are sometimes important to give a person to help fight off secondary bacterial infections even though antibiotics are not supposed to help with viral infections.
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That is very interesting and makes a lot of sense. I suppose that is why antibiotics are sometimes important to give a person to help fight off bacterial infections even though antibiotics are not supposed to help with viral infections.

Exactly MOO. I think many things were done in China to test for alllllllllllllllllllllllll those hopitalized patients. Yes, MOO, they were test patients for many things. Ergo, why the WHO director on Saturday IIRC said they ... paraphrased... were to be proud of. Hate to use the word, but so commonly used, they are indeed guniea pigs. But that is not meant in a bad way! It's just to test drugs etc as they should have done.

The world does have ethics committees which will review, and perhaps that will embarrass China? But.........well..........I'll just sit on hands but I really do think that the front line folks did what they could.

What will pizzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz me off now if this becomes so mainstream, is that the folks that usually cover cases we do on WS see the $$$$$ for hits and views for their youtubes to create "ignorant and inflammatory" stuff. (I am NOT talking about Tricia/WS!!!..... a Youtuber that does cases is who I'm referring to) without having education/knowledge and just parrotting MSM without understanding and background to know what the heck they are talking about.

I say this because I just got an alert that one is going to do one tonight.

This is very very upsetting. Here, we can post/dispute etc. Yet someone that is a true crime youtube that tries to do a live even saying that
"are we getting the full picture" and get hits on this.. and sends out misinformation..... I sure hope it is done well...
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Today from Hubei:

1638 new cases
94 new deaths



Now I wonder if those new cases include asymptomatic...

I tried to cut/paste, but not working. Look at this site for today and yesterday. Then scroll down to 3+ days more. Their data is SEVERELY lacking now. I don't know what is going on... will wait for WHO as the rest of China hasn't reported for the last two days it appears. I'll try to do a long cut/paste to show.. but for those that are interested, look at link and scroll down.. all the provinces quit reporting two days ago ex Wuhan. MOO.

Again, I have 60 minutes to do a long ETA.. but those that are interested, please comment if you agree?

Tracking coronavirus: Map, data and timeline

11 February
  • 21:01: 1 new case in Thailand. (Source)
  • 19:25: 2 new cases in Germany. (Source)
  • 16:10: 7 new cases in Hong Kong. (Source)
  • 14:59: 2 new cases in Singapore. (Source)
  • 06:57: 2 new cases in Japan. (Source)
  • 02:37: 1 new case in Vietnam. (Source)
  • 01:14: 1 new case in California, United States. (Source)
  • 01:00: 1 new case in South Korea. (Source)
  • 00:13: China’s National Health Commission reports 370 new cases and 5 new deaths on the mainland. Of the deaths, one each in: Beijing, Tianjin, Heilongjiang province, Anhui province, and Henan province. (Source)
10 February
  • 22:10: 2,097 new cases and 103 new deaths in Hubei province, China. (Source)
  • 17:56: 1 new case in the United Arab Emirates. (Source)
  • 16:00: 4 new cases in Hong Kong. (Source)
  • 14:20: 2 new cases in Hong Kong. (Source)
  • 12:30: 2 new cases in Singapore. (Source)
  • 09:46: 4 new cases in the United Kingdom. (Source)
  • 05:13: 65 new cases in Japan. They were found on the “Diamond Princess” cruise ship off Yokohama, raising the ship’s total to 135. (Source)
  • 01:01: 1 new case in Malaysia. (Source)
9 February
  • 23:53: China’s National Health Commission reports 419 new cases and 6 new deaths. Their locations have not yet been disclosed, except for the fatalities: 2 in Anhui province and 1 each in Anhui, Heilongjiang, Jiangxi, Hainan, and Gansu provinces. (Source)
  • 22:15: 2,531 new cases and 91 new deaths in Hubei province, China. (Source)
  • 19:01: 3 new cases in Singapore. (Source)
  • 19:00: 7 new cases in Hong Kong. The other new cases mentioned in the press release were previously reported. (Source)
  • 11:56: 3 new cases in Hong Kong. (Source)
  • 11:40: 1 new case in the United Kingdom. (Source)
  • 09:28: 1 new case in Spain. (Source)
  • 08:06: 1 new case in Malaysia. (Source)
  • 08:02: 2 new cases in South Korea. (Source)
  • 07:45: 9 new cases in Shandong province, China. (Source)
  • 07:44: 1 new case om Yunnan province, China. (Source)
  • 07:18: 6 new cases in Japan. They were found on the “Diamond Princess” cruise ship off Yokohama, raising the ship’s total to 70. (Source)
  • 06:26: 1 new case in Taiwan. (Source)
  • 06:19: 1 new case in Vietnam. (Source)
  • 05:00: 2 new cases in Tianjin, China. (Source)
  • 03:33: 1 new case in Shanghai. (Source)
  • 03:25: 11 new cases in Beijing. (Source)
  • 03:19: 11 new cases in Fujian province, China. (Source)
  • 03:06: 1 new case in Japan. (Source)
  • 02:07: 13 new cases in Shaanxi province, China. (Source)
  • 02:04: 2 new cases in Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, China. (Source)
  • 01:55: 19 new cases in Shandong province, China. (Source)
  • 01:26: 25 new cases in Guangdong province, China. The other cases mentioned in the press release were previously reported. (Source)
  • 01:25: 4 new cases in Hainan province, China. The other case mentioned in the press release was previously reported. (Source)
  • 01:22: 42 new cases in Jiangxi province, China. (Source)
  • 01:07: 3 new cases in Xinjiang Region, China. (Source)
  • 01:05: 46 new cases and 1 new death in Anhui province, China. The death was previously announced by China’s National Health Commission. (Source)
  • 01:02: 1 new case in South Korea. (Source)
  • 01:00: 27 new cases in Zhejiang province, China. (Source)
  • 00:45: 7 new cases in Guizhou province, China. (Source)
  • 00:44: 29 new cases in Jiangsu province, China. (Source)
  • 00:36: 35 new cases in Hunan province, China. (Source)
  • 00:41: 53 new cases and 2 new deaths in Henan province, China. One previous case was discarded. The deaths were previously reported by China’s National Health Commission. (Source)
  • 00:33: 23 new cases in Sichuan province, China. (Source)
  • 00:25: 26 new cases and 1 new death in Heilongjiang province, China. One previous case was discarded and 13 asymptomatic cases were deducted from the government’s official count. Those 13, however, are still included in our total. The death was previously reported by China’s National Health Commission. (Source)
  • 00:20: 12 new cases and 1 new death in Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, China. The death was previously reported by China’s National Health Commission. (Source)
  • 00:18: 9 new cases in Jilin province, China. (Source)
  • 00:17: 2 new cases in Yunnan province, China. (Source)
  • 00:16: 11 new cases and 1 new death in Hebei province, China. The death was previously reported by China’s National Health Commission. (Source)
  • 00:15: China’s National Health Commission reports 441 new cases and 7 new deaths across the mainland. Their locations have not yet been disclosed, except for the fatalities: 2 in Henan province, 1 in Hebei province, 1 in Heilongjiang province, 1 in Anhui province, 1 in Shandong province, and 1 in Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region. (Source)
  • 8 February
    • 23:51: 6 new cases in Shanghai. (Source)
    • 23:08: 18 new cases in Chongqing, China. (Source)
    • 22:10: 2,147 new cases and 81 new deaths in Hubei province, China. (Source)
    • 19:56: 12 new cases in Shanxi province, China. One previous case was discarded. (Source)
    • 19:40: 7 new cases in Singapore. (Source)
    • 14:50: 8 new cases in Gansu province, China. (Source)
    • 10:50: 1 new death in Hunan province, China. (Source)
    • 10:46: 1 new case in Malaysia. (Source)
    • 09:36: 5 new cases in France. (Source)
    • 08:05: 20 new cases in Guangdong province, China. (Source)
    • 07:53: 2 new cases in Chongqing, China. (Source)
    • 07:09: 9 new cases in Shandong province, China. (Source)
    • 06:51: 4 new cases in Liaoning province, China. (Source)
    • 05:59: 5 new cases in Shanghai. (Source)
    • 05:58: 7 new cases in Thailand. (Source)
    • 03:28: 1 new case in Taiwan. (Source)
    • 03:27: 1 new death in Gansu province, China. This death was previously reported by China’s National Health Commission. (Source)
    • 03:26: 3 new cases in Xinjiang Region, China. (Source)
    • 03:14: 15 new cases in Fujian province, China. (Source)
    • 03:08: 2 new cases in Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, China. (Source)
    • 03:07: 18 new cases and 1 new death in Beijing. The death was earlier reported by China’s National Health Commission. (Source)
    • 03:01: 7 new cases in Tianjin, China. (Source)
    • 02:22: 11 new cases in Shaanxi province, China. (Source)
    • 02:10: 2 new cases in Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region, China. (Source)
    • 02:03: 9 new cases in Hainan province, China. (Source)
    • 02:00: 41 new cases in Guangdong province, China. The other cases mentioned in the press release were previously reported. (Source)
    • 01:43: 8 new cases in Guizhou province, China. (Source)
    • 01:05: 37 new cases in Jiangxi province, China. (Source)
    • 01:03: 42 new cases in Zhejiang province, China. (Source)
    • 01:00: 67 new cases and 1 new death in Henan province, China. The fatality was earlier reported by China’s National Health Commission. (Source)
    • 00:58: 18 new cases and 2 new deaths in Heilongjiang province, China. The number of new cases reported here is lower than the number mentioned in the press release, because the total did not match with the previous update. The fatalities in this update were earlier reported by China’s National Health Commission. (Source)
    • 00:54: 68 new cases in Anhui province, China. (Source)
    • 00:53: 31 new cases in Hunan province, China. (Source)
    • 00:46: 31 new cases in Jiangsu province, China. (Source)
    • 00:45: 19 new cases in Sichuan province, China. (Source)
    • 00:33: 21 new cases in Shandong province, China. (Source)
    • 00:32: 3 new cases in Japan. They were found on the “Diamond Princess” cruise ship off Yokohama, raising the ship’s total to 64. (Source)
    • 00:21: 4 new cases in Jilin province, China. (Source)
    • 00:20: 11 new cases in Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, China. (Source)
    • 00:19: 24 new cases in Hebei province, China. (Source)
    • 00:05: China’s National Health Commission reports 498 new cases of coronavirus and 5 new deaths. Their locations have not yet been disclosed, except for the fatalities: 2 in Heilongjiang province, 1 in Beijing, 1 in Henan province, and 1 in Gansu province. (Source)
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I tried to cut/paste, but not working. Look at this site for today and yesterday. Then scroll down to 3+ days more. Their data is SEVERELY lacking now. I don't know what is going on... will wait for WHO as the rest of China hasn't reported for the last two days it appears. I'll try to do a long cut/paste to show.. but for those that are interested, look at link and scroll down.. all the provinces quit reporting two days ago ex Wuhan. MOO.

Again, I have 60 minutes to do a long ETA.. but those that are interested, please comment if you agree?

Tracking coronavirus: Map, data and timeline

I totally agree. I gave up days ago trying to better understand the death rate and other trends because from what I saw, they broke normal math rules where
Total Confirmed Cases IN must = Total Cases OUT (recovered or died or still sick).

They did not have enough statistics for me to balance anything. So I agree that now that WHO is there, maybe we will see some better reporting from them.

Link below at the very bottom of that site is a nice graph from BNO site, but it doesnt have all the figures I would like to see to balance total IN to total OUT.

Tracking coronavirus: Map, data and timeline
I totally agree. I gave up days ago trying to better understand the death rate and other trends because from what I saw, they broke normal math rules where
Total Confirmed Cases IN must = Total Cases OUT (recovered or died or still sick).

They did not have enough statistics for me to balance anything. So I agree that now that WHO is there, maybe we will see some better reporting from them.

Link below at the very bottom is a nice graph from BNO site, but it doesnt have all the figures I would like to see to balance total IN to total OUT.

Tracking coronavirus: Map, data and timeline

No, the math rules actually work out MOO. Remember, recovery you have to go back for the denominator number.

Keep in mind that the numbers for out/recovered would equal to the number of confirmed cases at a minimum of up to two weeks ago (longer term.. a month ago.) Don't use today's dates as they start on the track for such when diagnosed. MOO

January 27th there were 4,400 confirmed cases.

To get to recovered... they need to get past period of ???? days or ????, and without temperature for 3 days and two negative PCR tests???. (pfft, unless China changes the rules again?) So that puts the original date of infection they could have recovered from back in Jan. Sooooo....let's just put at 14 as to quarantine number for the heck of it.

Two weeks later... on February 2/11 there were 4,300 recovered. The math works perfectly. It appears you need to go back 2 weeks to ensure apples to oranges IYKWIM?

ETA. Again, perhaps this is what China and WHO are working on. What is the definition of infected/recovered etc. But at that point in time... they match. (off by 100... pfffft)

There needs to be clarification on WHO of it was at the end of testing ...then add to that those that may have shorter/longer in hospital.

I do think WHO will change the definition in the next few days to clarify. And the media caught China doing it before it was approved/communicated by WHO

ETA: Source Link with numbers is Operations Dashboard for ArcGIS
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No, the math rules actually work out MOO. Remember, recovery you have to go back for the denominator number.

Keep in mind that the numbers for out/recovered would equal to the number of confirmed cases at a minimum of up to two weeks ago (longer term.. a month ago.) Don't use today's dates as they start on the track for such when diagnosed. MOO

January 27th there were 4,400 confirmed cases.

To get to recovered... they need to get past incubation period of 14 days, and without temperature for 3 days and two negative PCR tests. (pfft, unless China changes the rules again?) So that puts the original date of infection they could have recovered from back in Jan. Sooooo....

Two weeks later... on February 2/11 there were 4,300 recovered. The math works perfectly. It appears you need to go back 2 weeks to ensure apples to oranges IYKWIM?

Maybe that was what I was doing wrong. LOL

Its no wonder I hated math in school. :)
I tried to cut/paste, but not working. Look at this site for today and yesterday. Then scroll down to 3+ days more. Their data is SEVERELY lacking now. I don't know what is going on... will wait for WHO as the rest of China hasn't reported for the last two days it appears. I'll try to do a long cut/paste to show.. but for those that are interested, look at link and scroll down.. all the provinces quit reporting two days ago ex Wuhan. MOO.

Again, I have 60 minutes to do a long ETA.. but those that are interested, please comment if you agree?

Tracking coronavirus: Map, data and timeline

11 February
  • 21:01: 1 new case in Thailand. (Source)
  • 19:25: 2 new cases in Germany. (Source)
  • 16:10: 7 new cases in Hong Kong. (Source)
  • 14:59: 2 new cases in Singapore. (Source)
  • 06:57: 2 new cases in Japan. (Source)
  • 02:37: 1 new case in Vietnam. (Source)
  • 01:14: 1 new case in California, United States. (Source)
  • 01:00: 1 new case in South Korea. (Source)
  • 00:13: China’s National Health Commission reports 370 new cases and 5 new deaths on the mainland. Of the deaths, one each in: Beijing, Tianjin, Heilongjiang province, Anhui province, and Henan province. (Source)
10 February
  • 22:10: 2,097 new cases and 103 new deaths in Hubei province, China. (Source)
  • 17:56: 1 new case in the United Arab Emirates. (Source)
  • 16:00: 4 new cases in Hong Kong. (Source)
  • 14:20: 2 new cases in Hong Kong. (Source)
  • 12:30: 2 new cases in Singapore. (Source)
  • 09:46: 4 new cases in the United Kingdom. (Source)
  • 05:13: 65 new cases in Japan. They were found on the “Diamond Princess” cruise ship off Yokohama, raising the ship’s total to 135. (Source)
  • 01:01: 1 new case in Malaysia. (Source)
9 February
  • 23:53: China’s National Health Commission reports 419 new cases and 6 new deaths. Their locations have not yet been disclosed, except for the fatalities: 2 in Anhui province and 1 each in Anhui, Heilongjiang, Jiangxi, Hainan, and Gansu provinces. (Source)
  • 22:15: 2,531 new cases and 91 new deaths in Hubei province, China. (Source)
  • 19:01: 3 new cases in Singapore. (Source)
  • 19:00: 7 new cases in Hong Kong. The other new cases mentioned in the press release were previously reported. (Source)
  • 11:56: 3 new cases in Hong Kong. (Source)
  • 11:40: 1 new case in the United Kingdom. (Source)
  • 09:28: 1 new case in Spain. (Source)
  • 08:06: 1 new case in Malaysia. (Source)
  • 08:02: 2 new cases in South Korea. (Source)
  • 07:45: 9 new cases in Shandong province, China. (Source)
  • 07:44: 1 new case om Yunnan province, China. (Source)
  • 07:18: 6 new cases in Japan. They were found on the “Diamond Princess” cruise ship off Yokohama, raising the ship’s total to 70. (Source)
  • 06:26: 1 new case in Taiwan. (Source)
  • 06:19: 1 new case in Vietnam. (Source)
  • 05:00: 2 new cases in Tianjin, China. (Source)
  • 03:33: 1 new case in Shanghai. (Source)
  • 03:25: 11 new cases in Beijing. (Source)
  • 03:19: 11 new cases in Fujian province, China. (Source)
  • 03:06: 1 new case in Japan. (Source)
  • 02:07: 13 new cases in Shaanxi province, China. (Source)
  • 02:04: 2 new cases in Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, China. (Source)
  • 01:55: 19 new cases in Shandong province, China. (Source)
  • 01:26: 25 new cases in Guangdong province, China. The other cases mentioned in the press release were previously reported. (Source)
  • 01:25: 4 new cases in Hainan province, China. The other case mentioned in the press release was previously reported. (Source)
  • 01:22: 42 new cases in Jiangxi province, China. (Source)
  • 01:07: 3 new cases in Xinjiang Region, China. (Source)
  • 01:05: 46 new cases and 1 new death in Anhui province, China. The death was previously announced by China’s National Health Commission. (Source)
  • 01:02: 1 new case in South Korea. (Source)
  • 01:00: 27 new cases in Zhejiang province, China. (Source)
  • 00:45: 7 new cases in Guizhou province, China. (Source)
  • 00:44: 29 new cases in Jiangsu province, China. (Source)
  • 00:36: 35 new cases in Hunan province, China. (Source)
  • 00:41: 53 new cases and 2 new deaths in Henan province, China. One previous case was discarded. The deaths were previously reported by China’s National Health Commission. (Source)
  • 00:33: 23 new cases in Sichuan province, China. (Source)
  • 00:25: 26 new cases and 1 new death in Heilongjiang province, China. One previous case was discarded and 13 asymptomatic cases were deducted from the government’s official count. Those 13, however, are still included in our total. The death was previously reported by China’s National Health Commission. (Source)
  • 00:20: 12 new cases and 1 new death in Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, China. The death was previously reported by China’s National Health Commission. (Source)
  • 00:18: 9 new cases in Jilin province, China. (Source)
  • 00:17: 2 new cases in Yunnan province, China. (Source)
  • 00:16: 11 new cases and 1 new death in Hebei province, China. The death was previously reported by China’s National Health Commission. (Source)
  • 00:15: China’s National Health Commission reports 441 new cases and 7 new deaths across the mainland. Their locations have not yet been disclosed, except for the fatalities: 2 in Henan province, 1 in Hebei province, 1 in Heilongjiang province, 1 in Anhui province, 1 in Shandong province, and 1 in Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region. (Source)
  • 8 February
    • 23:51: 6 new cases in Shanghai. (Source)
    • 23:08: 18 new cases in Chongqing, China. (Source)
    • 22:10: 2,147 new cases and 81 new deaths in Hubei province, China. (Source)
    • 19:56: 12 new cases in Shanxi province, China. One previous case was discarded. (Source)
    • 19:40: 7 new cases in Singapore. (Source)
    • 14:50: 8 new cases in Gansu province, China. (Source)
    • 10:50: 1 new death in Hunan province, China. (Source)
    • 10:46: 1 new case in Malaysia. (Source)
    • 09:36: 5 new cases in France. (Source)
    • 08:05: 20 new cases in Guangdong province, China. (Source)
    • 07:53: 2 new cases in Chongqing, China. (Source)
    • 07:09: 9 new cases in Shandong province, China. (Source)
    • 06:51: 4 new cases in Liaoning province, China. (Source)
    • 05:59: 5 new cases in Shanghai. (Source)
    • 05:58: 7 new cases in Thailand. (Source)
    • 03:28: 1 new case in Taiwan. (Source)
    • 03:27: 1 new death in Gansu province, China. This death was previously reported by China’s National Health Commission. (Source)
    • 03:26: 3 new cases in Xinjiang Region, China. (Source)
    • 03:14: 15 new cases in Fujian province, China. (Source)
    • 03:08: 2 new cases in Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, China. (Source)
    • 03:07: 18 new cases and 1 new death in Beijing. The death was earlier reported by China’s National Health Commission. (Source)
    • 03:01: 7 new cases in Tianjin, China. (Source)
    • 02:22: 11 new cases in Shaanxi province, China. (Source)
    • 02:10: 2 new cases in Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region, China. (Source)
    • 02:03: 9 new cases in Hainan province, China. (Source)
    • 02:00: 41 new cases in Guangdong province, China. The other cases mentioned in the press release were previously reported. (Source)
    • 01:43: 8 new cases in Guizhou province, China. (Source)
    • 01:05: 37 new cases in Jiangxi province, China. (Source)
    • 01:03: 42 new cases in Zhejiang province, China. (Source)
    • 01:00: 67 new cases and 1 new death in Henan province, China. The fatality was earlier reported by China’s National Health Commission. (Source)
    • 00:58: 18 new cases and 2 new deaths in Heilongjiang province, China. The number of new cases reported here is lower than the number mentioned in the press release, because the total did not match with the previous update. The fatalities in this update were earlier reported by China’s National Health Commission. (Source)
    • 00:54: 68 new cases in Anhui province, China. (Source)
    • 00:53: 31 new cases in Hunan province, China. (Source)
    • 00:46: 31 new cases in Jiangsu province, China. (Source)
    • 00:45: 19 new cases in Sichuan province, China. (Source)
    • 00:33: 21 new cases in Shandong province, China. (Source)
    • 00:32: 3 new cases in Japan. They were found on the “Diamond Princess” cruise ship off Yokohama, raising the ship’s total to 64. (Source)
    • 00:21: 4 new cases in Jilin province, China. (Source)
    • 00:20: 11 new cases in Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, China. (Source)
    • 00:19: 24 new cases in Hebei province, China. (Source)
    • 00:05: China’s National Health Commission reports 498 new cases of coronavirus and 5 new deaths. Their locations have not yet been disclosed, except for the fatalities: 2 in Heilongjiang province, 1 in Beijing, 1 in Henan province, and 1 in Gansu province. (Source)

Just a guess, but I’m thinking the testing process flow may have been interrupted when they started performing the door to door roundups. If that’s the case, I would expect a big spike in the numbers in the coming days.

On a side note ~ MOO - When I heard about the roundups prior to the WHO being “allowed” to assist, I just can’t help but wonder if it’s an extended effort at a coverup of some sort?? I don’t have anything factual to base it on, but it really does mirror some of the criminal cases we follow....

Buying time to get rid of evidence, attempts at silencing witnesses, hide the body (BODIES), try to direct the narrative, etc, etc,...

Call it a hunch, call it my “hinky meter”, call it an assumption based on historical actions. Something still feels “off” to me. I really hope that the WHO is made aware of & has access to ALL of the so-called quarantine camps/locations.

I really hope my assumptions are proven wrong.
Just a guess, but I’m thinking the testing process flow may have been interrupted when they started performing the door to door roundups. If that’s the case, I would expect a big spike in the numbers in the coming days.

On a side note ~ MOO - When I heard about the roundups prior to the WHO being “allowed” to assist, I just can’t help but wonder if it’s an extended effort at a coverup of some sort?? I don’t have anything factual to base it on, but it really does mirror some of the criminal cases we follow....

Buying time to get rid of evidence, attempts at silencing witnesses, hide the body (BODIES), try to direct the narrative, etc, etc,...

Call it a hunch, call it my “hinky meter”, call it an assumption based on historical actions. Something still feels “off” to me. I really hope that the WHO is made aware of & has access to ALL of the so-called quarantine camps/locations.

I really hope my assumptions are proven wrong.
I agree 100%......the WHO is no match, and I'm guessing they are there because their hinky meters went off too. Its not like the Chinese called them up and begged them to come.
But are they testing them if they have no symptoms ??? and dosen't that just bring us back to you have to test everyone?

The most at-risk contacts of a confirmed case need testing. But I think they haven't yet had enough kits to do that in Hubei, as apparently they've even been struggling to have enough kits to test people who come in with potential symptoms, let alone all their contacts?

Both Hubei province and the cruise ship are screaming to me that part of pandemic preparedness ought to be the ability to ramp up production of test kits and get them sent out where they're needed? But I suppose that takes time as well as the initial tests were taking some time to come back and then they have to design fast turnaround tests without losing accuracy in the tests. And you have different types of tests, saliva tests, tests on samples of this and that, blood tests etc, and I guess they're all looking for slightly different things in different ways? Then we need antibody testing as well to test people who have recovered but no one knew for sure that they had Covid-19 at the time and there weren't enough kits to test them back when they had a fever but no major symptoms needing hospitalisation.
(Sorry I keep using the BNO twitter, but I do find it to be very quick to break news) @BNOdesk

“Quarantine officer infected with coronavirus was carrying out an inspection of the "Diamond Princess" cruise ship near Tokyo”



“39 new cases of coronavirus on cruise ship near Tokyo, raising ship's total to 174”

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