Coronavirus COVID-19 *Global Health Pandemic* #19

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Woman in Italy is stuck with the body of her husband who died from coronavirus

An Italian woman has been unable to leave her apartment where her husband’s dead body is being kept due to quarantine restrictions.

The husband, who had tested positive for coronavirus previously, died Monday at 2 a.m. local time.

“Yes, it is true she is still there with the body and we won’t be able to remove it until Wednesday morning,“ the mayor said because quarantine protocol states that no one is allowed to approach the body.

“Unfortunately, we have a security protocol we must follow,” he said. The mayor also said that the man refused to be taken to the local hospital for recovery, which led to this situation. “Otherwise, this wouldn’t have happened,” he said.

Live updates: Coronavirus cases pass 115,000 worldwide - CNN
BREAKING: Honduras reports first 2 cases of coronavirus Tracking coronavirus: Map, data and timeline

I am from Honduras and yes one case came from Spain and other from Switzerland. One women came on the 8th and was detected until now. She has already been with a lot of people . I am scare because I have respiratory problems . Btw Honduras is very hot. And we have a lotofsuspect.
Allan Calderini on Twitter
Britain’s Queen Elizabeth has ditched her usual practice of shaking hands with visitors to Buckingham Palace amid the global coronavirus outbreak.

On Tuesday, the 93-year-old monarch was pictured meeting the Sri Lankan High Commisioner Saroja Sirisena and her husband as part of her regular audiences.

Pictures show she greeted the couple from a distance in a decision that was said to be her personal preference in accordance with government advice.

It came after the Queen also wore gloves for an investiture ceremony at the palace on March 3 in the first time in more than a decade.
Queen changes routine amid virus fears
I was at the local shopping center today hoping to get in and out as quick as possible

and there was a local council health worker stopping people and talking to them about corona virus and what you can do to avoid getting it and what good practices are for washing your hands, what else you can do if you have to be in public

i ask her what is going to happen if infections sky rocket, she said they haven't really been told much yet but she was worried they would start making them work in the office and not see any clients and work only over the phone as this had been touted by other businesses to help avoid contact with a variety of people everyday

i did wonder if any other country had seen similar suggestions of people working but not seeing any clients, i mean you'd still have to get to work on public transport for a lot of people so not sure how much it would work

i do remember the Swine flu and Bird flu and before that SARS and they wanted to close shopping centers and stop sportings events for the public to attend
Yonkers Raceway closes after horse trainer identified as NJ coronavirus death

Yonkers Raceway (in NY) was shut down Tuesday after a long-time harness racing trainer and fixture at the track died from the coronavirus.

The man, identified by sources close to the track as John Brennan, 69, of Bergen County, NJ, a trainer and harness racing veteran at the track who became the Garden State’s first coronavirus fatality

Gov. Phil Murphy announced his death Tuesday, but did not identify him by name.
I've seen zinc recommended a few times in this thread...


I can't stress this enough

Zinc can be helpful in small doses but you can easily overdo it, which depresses your immune system and makes it more likely that you will be infected.

15mg once if you think you are getting sick is ok, it's what my doc recommends, but if you want to take more, don't take it everyday and not for more than a week.

I don't think anyone could improve their zinc status with one week of zinc. If you take too long without balancing copper it can lower copper. My GP actually tested my zinc levels a couple of months ago and prescribed zinc to me based on labs. I was low range of normal. And I just had lab work to follow up. I brought my zinc levels up a good bit but certainly not out of range and too high. This was after months of daily zinc. I wouldn't want to freak people out and think that a whopping 7 doses of zinc will mess up their immune system. Many zinc forms aren't even easily absorbed. You aren't even guaranteed that by taking zinc you are increasing intracellular levels of zinc which helps decrease viral replication (just saw this on Medcram recently). (Which is not a run of the mill test. ) It can be complicated unfortunately. But I just wanted to comment as someone who has just recently dealt with daily zinc and before and after lab work to verify serum levels.
NY International Auto Show postponed due to coronavirus

“The health and well-being of all those involved in this historic event is our top priority. We’ll be rescheduling this year’s #NYIAS to August 2020 ..."

The show is among the largest in the world, with an annual attendance of approximately 1 million.
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New York's containment zone aims to "prevent exposure," says health official


New York Governor Andrew Cuomo announced plans to deploy the National Guard and create a one-mile containment area in New Rochelle in an attempt to stop a growing cluster of coronavirus cases.
Coronavirus conference canceled in New York because of coronavirus

A Big Apple conference about the coronavirus has been canceled – because of the coronavirus, according to a report.

The Council of Foreign Relations was due to hold a roundtable titled “Doing Business Under Coronavirus” on Friday, but decided to cancel it amid fears that it could lead to a spread of the deadly bug, Bloomberg News reported.
The coronavirus outbreak and subsequent travel ban to Italy has had dramatic affects for Australia's third largest ethnic group, Italians.

Gina Liano from the Real Housewives of Melbourne TV series said the long term effects of the outbreak are "pretty frightening". "Most of my family are in Rome and Florence," Ms Liano told A Current Affair. "I have spoken to someone who said it's like a movie scene over there in Rome. No one can go anywhere all the restaurants are closed."
Dramatic fallout of coronavirus outbreak on Australian Italians
Madrid reports spike in deaths and cases

Madrid health authorities reported 10 new deaths linked to the coronavirus outbreak on, with the total number of fatalities in the region reaching 31.

The region's health department said the number of confirmed cases of coronavirus rose to 1,024 as of today, compared with 782 cases on Tuesday.

Spain has reported 2,089 cases of COVID-19, with 50% of them in Madrid, as well as 47 deaths across country.

Coronavirus latest news: British woman, 53, dies in Bali after contracting Covid-19
He has given up that anyone will act at the federal level.

Jeremy Konyndyk - GHD

I have been highly critical of the administration's COVID19 response, and with sound reason - they have left us perilously unprepared.
But at this point we are where we are. Accountability will come someday but first we need action. Here is an attempt to outline priorities.

And I say with profound regret that we cannot rely on federal leadership to carry us through this.
If you think this overly harsh, I
refer you to the folks at @nro, with whom (to put it mildly), I rarely agree on anything. But they're right on this: Trump Coronavirus Response: Failure So Far | National Review Jeremy COVID-19 IS NOT LIKE FLU Konyndyk on Twitter

So this will be won or lost by leadership at state, local, civil society, and private sector levels. Look to mayors, governors, community & biz leaders, and fight this city by city.
What we're up against: a trajectory that puts US <2wks behind Italy
Mark Handley on Twitter

The core objective, as I argued over weekend, is slowing spread enough to buy time for hospitals to stay on top of critical cases. Need a multi-track strategy to suppress the outbreak while expanding clinical bandwidth to treat. That's the ballgame.
Jeremy COVID-19 IS NOT LIKE FLU Konyndyk on Twitter

So - how to achieve this? Need strategies that adapt broad shared priorities to local conditions and local epidemiology.
We won't have one monolithic US outbreak. We will have a series of interconnected locality-level outbreaks, each with their own dynamics.

Priority 1: Understand the epidemiology.
It is hard to fight what you can't see. Being at points 1, 2, or 3 on this curve has huge implications for strategy options, even if those points only differ in time by a matter of weeks. Jeremy COVID-19 IS NOT LIKE FLU Konyndyk on Twitter

Priority 2: Flatten the curve.
The further you are up the curve (point 3 vs point 2 or 1), the more aggressive and widespread the measures must be. At point 1, contact tracing and targeted quarantine are relevant; at points 2 and 3, they can't keep up. Rebecca Kahn on Twitter

Large gatherings, conferences, events, parades should be suspended. There is still debate about schools closures given uncertainty about how COVID behaves in kids. But halting large events is a no-brainer. And yes, this most likely mean playing March Madness to empty stadiums.

You - average citizen - have an important role here. Begin promoting social distancing. Minimize travel. Ask questions of your schools and workplaces (at our kids' school we found the kids weren't getting time to wash hands before eating; we complained loudly).

Make noise.
Call on public leaders to cancel events. Stop going to those events yourself (I'm skipping a long-planned 10k this weekend). Vote with your feet.

Priority 3: Targeted protection for high-risk groups.
Public health officials should review vulnerabilities and monitor for cases at every nursing home, prison, senior community.
Staff working travel screening should be refocused on this. That's a sideshow; this is main stage.

But don't leave this to public authorities. Support this in your own community.
If you have loved ones or neighbors who are high risk, ask if there are ways you can help them in minimizing their forays beyond their home.
Protecting the high risk means fewer people in hospital.

Priority 4: Protect hospital bandwidth. The above priorities, if done comprehensively, can delay spread and reduce peak volumes. But depending on how late they are triggered, it may not be sufficient.
Also need to protect/expand hospital capacity.

Priority 5: Mitigate economic shocks and other second order impacts. Many social distancing measures have economic disincentives - e.g. it's hard for gig or hourly-wage workers to decide not to work, or decide to stop interacting with customers. Need targeted econ help.

Jeremy COVID-19 IS NOT LIKE FLU Konyndyk on Twitter
There are no plans to test any UK ministers, including Boris Johnson, for coronavirus after the health minister Nadine Dorries became the first MP to be diagnosed with Covid-19.

The Department of Health and Social Care said ministers would not need to undergo testing as Public Health England worked to advise those who have been in close contact with Dorries.

PHE said it had assessed the risk of Dorries’ individual close contacts and only those with symptoms needed to self-isolate. For each Covid-19 case, a risk assessment is carried out and advice tailored to that group, a spokeswoman said.

Coronavirus live updates: eighth Briton dies, second UK MP self-isolates and Belgium records first death


The UK heath minister, Nadine Dorries, has complained about being hounded in her home by the Daily Mail as she tries to recover from coronavirus.


If you want to know how low a journalist can go, @DailyMailUK on my doorstep in the middle of my trying to deal with everything else. He opened the gate, knocked on the door, rang the bell. I hope he washes his hands. #Coronavirus


A second UK MP enters self-isolation

The York MP Rachael Maskell has confirmed that she has been advised to self-isolate after having a meeting with Nadine Dorries last Thursday – she says that she is asymptomatic.
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Here's why the government won’t reveal where in Lothian coronavirus is confirmed

The number of confirmed cases of coronavirus in Scotland could rise "very rapidly" in the coming days, First Minister Nicola Sturgeon has warned.

She was speaking in parliament after the sixth positive case of coronavirus in Scotland was confirmed – there are now 27. The UK total is now up to 373. There has also been six fatalities in the UK.

So far there are still no confirmed cases in Edinburgh – but is it likely to spread to the capital? Here’s what you need to know.
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