Coronavirus - COVID-19 - Global Health Pandemic #25

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Folks, PLEASE !! This is very important.

We need and require links. You can't just pop in saying such and such is happening or blah blah is shut down. We have to know the information is coming from a reliable source and isn't just some rumor on social media.

You MUST provide MSM links to substantiate what you are stating as fact or your post will be removed.

Exactly. But one can maybe not be exposed to one specific person for extended periods, like in a restaurant. Right now I don’t need a kid carrying my plate to me. Watch wait staff clear tables, touching dirty dishes, then picking up orders to serve, WITHOUT washing their hands, happens all the time. Is it worth it? Not for me. Jmo though.
Well, if you go into a store, you have no assurance somebody next in line doesn't have it either.
Jumping off the above discussion about San Antonio:

Governor Abbott Declares State of Disaster In Texas Due To COVID-19
March 13, 2020 | Austin, Texas |Proclamation


WHEREAS, the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) has been recognized globally as a contagious respiratory virus; and

WHEREAS, as of March 13, 2020, there are more than 30 confirmed cases of COVID-l 9 located in multiple Texas counties; and

WHEREAS, there are more than 50 Texans with pending tests for COVID-19 in Texas; and

WHEREAS, some schools, universities, and other governmental entities are beginning to alter their schedules, and some venues are beginning to temporarily close, as precautionary responses to the increasing presence of COVID- 19 in Texas; and

WHEREAS, costs incurred to prepare for and respond to COVID-19 are beginning to mount at the state and local levels; and

WHEREAS, the State of Texas has already taken numerous steps to prepare for COVID 19, such as increasing laboratory testing capacity, coordinating preparedness efforts across state agencies, and working with local partners to promote appropriate mitigation efforts; and

WHEREAS, it is critical to take additional steps to prepare for, respond to, and mitigate the spread of COVID-19 to protect the health and welfare of Texans; and

WHEREAS, declaring a state of disaster will facilitate and expedite the use and deployment of resources to enhance preparedness and response.

NOW, THEREFORE, I, GREG ABBOTT, Governor of the State of Texas, do hereby certify that COVID- 19 poses an imminent threat of disaster. In accordance with the authority vested in me by Section 418.014 of the Texas Government Code, I hereby declare a state of disaster for all counties in Texas.

Pursuant to Section 418.017 of the code, I authorize the use of all available resources of state government and of political subdivisions that are reasonably necessary to cope with this disaster.

Pursuant to Section 418.0 16 of the code, any regulatory statute prescribing the procedures for conduct of state business or any order or rule of a state agency that would in any way prevent, hinder, or delay necessary action in coping with this disaster shall be suspended upon written approval of the Office of the Governor. However, to the extent that the enforcement of any state statute or administrative rule regarding contracting or procurement would impede any state agency’s emergency response that is necessary to cope with this declared disaster, I hereby suspend such statutes and rules for the duration of this declared disaster for that limited purpose.

In accordance with the statutory requirements, copies of this proclamation shall be filed with the applicable authorities.

IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, I have hereunto signed my name and have officially caused the Seal of State to be affixed at my office in the City of Austin, Texas, this the 13th day of March, 2020.

Governor Greg Abbott


The above is just a Declaration of Disaster. I’m looking now to see what his recommendations (or lack thereof) have been re: social distancing and public gatherings.

A Message From The Texas Music Office Regarding Mass Gatherings


New Rules on Mass Gatherings in Austin


Anyway, there’s a start. Don’t have time for that right now
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The Workers Who Face the Greatest Coronavirus Risk
The risk levels of various jobs were calculated using O*NET, a database maintained by the Department of Labor that describes various physical aspects of different occupations. The database assigns dozens of scores to each occupation for things like how often a telephone is used to how often a job requires you to bend your body. (Housekeepers rank highest in this metric.)

As virus cases have grown, many businesses have begun closing offices and stores, and sending workers home to help slow the spread. While many companies have emergency leave policies in place to help protect their employees, there are large portions of the population that have few protections. On Saturday, legislators passed a relief package that includes paid sick leave for workers affected by the coronavirus. But the benefits only apply to employees of companies with fewer than 500 employees, leaving millions of workers uncovered.
Exactly. But one can maybe not be exposed to one specific person for extended periods, like in a restaurant. Right now I don’t need a kid carrying my plate to me. Watch wait staff clear tables, touching dirty dishes, then picking up orders to serve, WITHOUT washing their hands, happens all the time. Is it worth it? Not for me. Jmo though.
I agree, it's a risk, but what am I supposed to eat now? Especially at work? No coffee?
But if you test negative, will you need a new test each time you go in public? Or, would you like to get one & not leave your home until the ‘coast is clear’?
On another note, should every person tested quarantine for two weeks. Why? Because if one “needs” the test, they must believe they are at risk & exposed. Idk. Moo
I’d want a test. Who knows what future medical issues could arise from this virus.
And I wouldn’t want to expose anyone.
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'All I want to do is hug my children': Richard Wilkins fights back tears as he admits feeling 'guilty' over his coronavirus diagnosis - as Fitzy and Wippa is forced off the air and Dancing with the Stars cast are tested

I'm surprisingly very well. Look, you could have knocked me over with a feather when I [found out]. It took me a couple of minutes to reel from the news,' he said.

'I don't have a sore throat, I don't have a runny nose and I don't have a headache. Maybe I'm going to get sick tomorrow? I'm almost waiting for something to happen. If I can say anything to anybody, it's that if this is what it's like, so far so good.'

Richard Wilkins fights back tears as he admits feeling 'guilty' over his coronavirus diagnosis | Daily Mail Online

It is frightening you could be positive for the virus and not know it but pass it on to a relative and potentially kill them.

China, Russia and Iran are flooding the global information space with false claims about coronavirus, according to U.S. officials, who say one of the biggest lies — that the virus is a U.S. bioweapon and was brought to China by U.S. Army personnel — is just the latest in a “surge of propaganda” aimed at undermining America’s image on the world stage.

Coronavirus lies pushed by China to blame virus on U.S. bioweapon
Just cooked a turkey breast with stuffing, mashed potatoes and sauerkraut and green beans. Not my normal meal but it smells soooo good. Turkey breast was all I could find ( the very last one!) when I shopped late a few nights ago. No chicken, no beef, no ground turkey, no nuffin.
Only the two of us so will last for awhile.
Really feel for everyone who has many mouths to feed and entertain in the coming weeks.
I do feel the panic will subside, cooler heads will prevail, and we will adopt a new rhythm as far as shopping for food and necessities.
This is a huge crisis but we we will come out on the other side of it.
Praying for those who are most vulnerable, though.
We need a thread for recipes, especially for those on a tight budget.
By the way stores have these dirty nasty carts, and when I went in, they didn't have the wipes they used to have to wipe those carts (I guess everybody run out of those). So how exactly is going to a store (which one would have to do a lot) is any safer than going to get some food in a restaurant? If they were concerned bars were getting packed, why not just close the bars? I think close all restaurants is going way overboard and is not going to be helpful.
Self-isolation means staying indoors and completely avoiding contact with other people. You will need to do this if you have symptoms of coronavirus. This is to stop other people from getting it.

You will need to self-isolate:

  • if you have symptoms of coronavirus
  • before you get tested for coronavirus
  • while you wait for test results
  • if you have had a positive test result for coronavirus

  • Self-isolation and self-quarantine
  • (so anyone wanting a test should already be in isolation & remain in isolation
  • While waiting for test results, because to get tested one needs symptoms)
i think this virus has split people into two groups--so in a sense
it is polarizing-- one group is composed of those who are young
and because they are younger, a !ot of them dont fear this virus
because for most of them it is not life threatening and many of them
will not even have symptoms.

The second group is comprised of elderly people with medical conditions
that leave them a target for a vicious attack. the virus goes right for the lungs
ultimately causing pneumonia and fatal respiratory distress--

I heard an expert describe this virus as a perfect killer of the elderly.

For those who are not that kind of target they dont understand what al! the fuss
is about

I agree, we are divided on opinion, as a nation. I, as an older adult have experienced a couple pretty nasty "sicknesses" in my life. Our younger generation has the advantage of advanced medicine and symptom relief products. Not many have experienced bed confinement, high fever, everyone bone in your body hurts, dehydrated, for days/week kind of illness.

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