Coronavirus COVID-19 - Global Health Pandemic #31

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I totally agree and one new thing (for me) that I am beginning to get very concerned about is how some people out in the public may not be able to handle what is happening may go off the deep end.

We can trust that most are mature adults handling things as best they can but there is always a small minority of people that may not handle things very well. I am beginning to get very concerned for our own safety when out in public because I dont trust "the other guy" anymore as we all dive for that last package of TP on the shelf.

We also have to seriously consider our own personal and home security measures as there is no telling what some people may resort to if they run out of their own food or supplies and decide its easier to steal from others.

I hope my fears are not warranted but with the LE news about not arresting petty criminals in some places, it really got me wondering more about this sort of thing lately.
Seems we are on the same pages today Hatfield!
I’ve been increasingly concerned about this things as well.

Also, I’m becoming very concerned about the population’s mental health in general if these measures are to continue for months on end. It’s one thing for people to handle the “new world” for a few weeks, but these estimates of months is scary. I believe many will become deeply depressed, suicides could be an issue, domestic violence will increase, to name just a few problems. Those who rely on regular mental health support groups, or therapy, or addiction support will suffer (yes there are some creative ways some will make that happen - video conferencing and such- but many will not have that ability). Social isolation will have very negative effects if in place for very long.

This says nothing of the economic devastation our country (world) will suffer. Jobs lost, children not being educated, etc.

I was pretty down last night I have to admit. I’m trying to wake up today grabbing positive energy, but it’s a roller coaster. Unsettlingly.

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“But why does the disease transfer in the first place? That answer seems simpler, says Cunningham, and it involves an alien phrase that we will have to get used to, as it is one that has changed our lives -- "zoonotic spillover" or transfer.
"The underlying causes of zoonotic spillover from bats or from other wild species have almost always -- always -- been shown to be human behavior," said Cunningham. "Human activities are causing this."
When a bat is stressed -- by being hunted, or having its habitat damaged by deforestation -- its immune system is challenged and finds it harder to cope with pathogens it otherwise took in its stride. "We believe that the impact of stress on bats would be very much as it would be on people," said Cunningham.
"It would allow infections to increase and to be excreted -- to be shed. You can think of it like if people are stressed and have the cold sore virus, they will get a cold sore. That is the virus being 'expressed.' This can happen in bats too.

In the likely epicenter of the virus -- the so-called wet-markets of Wuhan, China -- where wild animals are held captive together and sold as delicacies or pets, a terrifying mix of viruses and species can occur.
"If they are being shipped or held in markets, in close proximity to other animals or humans," said Cunningham, "then there is a chance those viruses are being shed in large numbers." He said the other animals in a market like that are also more vulnerable to infection as they too are stressed.
"We are increasing transport of animals -- for medicine, for pets, for food -- at a scale that we have never done before," said Kate Jones, Chair of Ecology and Biodiversity at University College London.
"We are also destroying their habitats into landscapes that are more human-dominated. Animals are mixing in weird ways that have never happened before. So in a wet market, you are going to have a load of animals in cages on top of each other."”

-more at link

I hope factory farmers are watching all this carefully moo.
I realize NYC and others are in a mess. But I will remain hopeful for our US overall. Hopefully, we can collectively get something right after watching the horrors of China, Italy, now Spain.

Those of you with sleeping issues, try having a good cry. Force it upon yourself if you have to. Yesterday I was a mess (I miss my grandchildren so much my heart hurts. A 22 month old and a 2 week old) there was some serious pathetic bawling going on. I slept like a baby last night. Much better today.

And just like that, my part time job is suspended. They will reassess in 3 weeks. I work for a greeting card company. They have been SO understanding and cut us so much slack this month already. But this morning, let us know service to stores is suspended after today. You can expect messy greeting card departments. ;)
To add one more thing about making my own masks for my own personal use, I just checked out some car vacuum HEPA filters that sort of look like a mask to begin with, and I found this very promising that certain HEPA vacuum filters may possibly help with the Virus too so long as I use a certain rated HEPA filter that filters down to 0.3 microns.

Unless I am reading things wrong, the first link to this particular filter claims it can filter out particles the exact same as what an N95 mask filters. The 2nd link is from CDC site about N95s.

1st link and information is for the car vacuum HEPA filter:

"-S-Class Hospital Grade Filtration
-Absorb Greater than 99.9% of Particles Down to 0.3 Microns"

SEBO Airbelt D-Series Filter Set (8191AM)

2nd link is from CDC about N95s:

"-An N95 FFR is a type of respirator which removes particles from the air that are breathed through it. These respirators filter out at least 95% of very small (0.3 micron) particles. N95 FFRs are capable of filtering out all types of particles, including bacteria and viruses."

Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19)
Just saw this update from Deaconess Hospital on their request for face masks

Update: We have been overwhelmed by the outpouring of support and kindness from our community, the country and the world. We now have plenty of masks coming our way.

Please consider reaching out to a hospital, nursing home, cancer-related organization, etc. near you, as many other health care facilities are also experiencing shortages in masks.

Deaconess - How to make a Face Mask
“But why does the disease transfer in the first place? That answer seems simpler, says Cunningham, and it involves an alien phrase that we will have to get used to, as it is one that has changed our lives -- "zoonotic spillover" or transfer.
"The underlying causes of zoonotic spillover from bats or from other wild species have almost always -- always -- been shown to be human behavior," said Cunningham. "Human activities are causing this."
When a bat is stressed -- by being hunted, or having its habitat damaged by deforestation -- its immune system is challenged and finds it harder to cope with pathogens it otherwise took in its stride. "We believe that the impact of stress on bats would be very much as it would be on people," said Cunningham.
"It would allow infections to increase and to be excreted -- to be shed. You can think of it like if people are stressed and have the cold sore virus, they will get a cold sore. That is the virus being 'expressed.' This can happen in bats too.

In the likely epicenter of the virus -- the so-called wet-markets of Wuhan, China -- where wild animals are held captive together and sold as delicacies or pets, a terrifying mix of viruses and species can occur.
"If they are being shipped or held in markets, in close proximity to other animals or humans," said Cunningham, "then there is a chance those viruses are being shed in large numbers." He said the other animals in a market like that are also more vulnerable to infection as they too are stressed.
"We are increasing transport of animals -- for medicine, for pets, for food -- at a scale that we have never done before," said Kate Jones, Chair of Ecology and Biodiversity at University College London.
"We are also destroying their habitats into landscapes that are more human-dominated. Animals are mixing in weird ways that have never happened before. So in a wet market, you are going to have a load of animals in cages on top of each other."”

-more at link

I hope factory farmers are watching all this carefully moo.
There are several more interesting articles
Mystery deepens over animal source of coronavirus

How China’s “Bat Woman” Hunted Down Viruses from SARS to the New Coronavirus
Does this only apply to New Yorkers?
For sure, yes. His address every morning is to/ for New Yorkers. But his words are powerful and can work for anyone anywhere.

Use a pattern to make your own or make some for the benefit of the community. Cotton tee shirts and pillowcases recommended over vacuum bags and dish towels due to breathability.

Hmmm...Finally DH's old cotton tee-shirts have some use besides dust cloths. has recommendations.
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I wonder what the highest numbers of cases reported in one day was in China. We followed them everyday but I can’t remember off the top of my head what that was.

And remember whatever that number is you can take with a grain of salt, moo.

Oh yeah there was that time when they changed to using a “clinical” diagnosis, then the numbers soared, then they changed that system again.

This is so terrible to see Italy. Just incredible and I fear for our future based on that.

That’s why it was SO important to heed what Doc T was preaching over and over about the “Window of Opportunity”.

These numbers are terrifying.

Those poor people in Italy.

I fear for the US (and other countries, UK, etc.).

See I’d have more hope of we would’ve locked things down earlier and people took it seriously earlier.

The last couple weeks in the US are going to account for a HUGE spike and multiplication factor MOO.

Man. Those are terrible terrible numbers.

How do those compare to China numbers?

Did we ever find patient zero in Italy?

I had surmised initially it could be cruise ship influx in Venice, etc...

I’d like to see a chart of everyone’s numbers over time if anyone has one handy, please.

Each country is different and has many variables as related to their case numbers, but remember Hubei had extreme and barbaric containment measures and they still had CV cases popping up for over 4 months.

We are just now more recently getting into stronger containment and mitigation phases...

We’ve lost a lot of time MOO.

Damn it.


You have to watch this video about an Italian hospital to see what WE could be facing if we cannot control this or squash the curve:

This one has room after room full of patients on guerney's with some sorts of breathing apparatus. And they are lying in beds in a hallway, or they are in wheelchairs. There must be 40 incapacitated people and you only see 2 caregivers present.

This is what the US may be facing, or worse!!!!
Chloroquine is not a miracle drug.

It is an old old drug that is losing efficacy in much of the world, in combating specific types of malaria.

And it is a nasty drug to take, with very unpleasant side effects that make it poorly tolerated as an anti-malarial drug for long term use

I'm glad Dr. Faucci keeps stepping in to correct the non-medical enthusiasm about it's use.

Here are a list of it's side effects:

  • attempts at killing oneself
  • back, leg, or stomach pains
  • black, tarry stools
  • bleeding gums
  • blistering, peeling, or loosening of the skin
  • blood in the urine or stools
  • blurred or decreased vision
  • change in near or distance vision
  • chest discomfort or pain
  • chills
  • cold sweats
  • confusion
  • continuing ringing or buzzing or other unexplained noise in the ears
  • cough
  • dark urine
  • difficulty in focusing the eyes
  • difficulty with speaking
  • difficulty with swallowing
  • disturbed color perception
  • dizziness, faintness, or lightheadedness when getting up suddenly from a lying or sitting position
  • double vision
  • fast, slow, irregular, or pounding heartbeat
  • feeling that others are watching you or controlling your behavior
  • feeling that others can hear your thoughts
  • feeling, seeing, or hearing things that are not there
  • fever
  • general tiredness and weakness
  • halos around lights
  • inability to move the eyes
  • increased blinking or spasms of the eyelid
  • joint or muscle pain
  • large, hive-like swelling on the face, eyelids, lips, tongue, throat, hands, legs, feet, or sex organs
  • light-colored stools
  • lower back or side pain
  • muscle trembling, jerking, or stiffness
  • muscular pain, tenderness, wasting, or weakness
  • night blindness
  • overbright appearance of lights
  • painful or difficult urination
  • pale skin
  • pinpoint red spots on the skin
  • puffiness or swelling of the eyelids or around the eyes, face, lips, or tongue
  • red skin lesions, often with a purple center
  • red, irritated eyes
  • restlessness
  • shuffling walk
  • sores, ulcers, or white spots on the lips or in the mouth
  • sticking out of the tongue
  • stiffness of the limbs
  • sweating
  • swollen or painful glands
  • tightness in the chest
  • trouble breathing
  • tunnel vision
  • twitching, twisting, or uncontrolled repetitive movements of the tongue, lips, face, arms, or legs
  • uncontrolled movements, especially of the face, neck, and back
  • unusual bleeding or bruising
  • unusual tiredness or weakness
  • upper right abdominal or stomach pain
  • yellow eyes and skin

DH had Malaria in 2006, after a dive trip to Roatan, Honduras. We went on a zip tour through the jungle. I wore bug spray, he did not. He spent five days in ICU.

He was give chloroquine, along with many other drugs, including morphine. Malaria is a very painful parasite.

Luckily, he experienced none of the possible side effects.

His doc was an infectious disease specialist from India. Perhaps dosing is tricky.

He was a very popular patient. Most hospitals in Minnesota never treat Malaria.
I realize NYC and others are in a mess. But I will remain hopeful for our US overall. Hopefully, we can collectively get something right after watching the horrors of China, Italy, now Spain.

Those of you with sleeping issues, try having a good cry. Force it upon yourself if you have to. Yesterday I was a mess (I miss my grandchildren so much my heart hurts. A 22 month old and a 2 week old) there was some serious pathetic bawling going on. I slept like a baby last night. Much better today.

And just like that, my part time job is suspended. They will reassess in 3 weeks. I work for a greeting card company. They have been SO understanding and cut us so much slack this month already. But this morning, let us know service to stores is suspended after today. You can expect messy greeting card departments. ;)

Awww, @CSIDreamer thank you for sharing that. Sending you a big virtual (((hug))) My grandson is on the "other side" of the state; I was supposed to go spend a week with him coming up for spring break, but now I can't. :( Can't get through to the airline to cancel/change my ticket. Won't let me do it from the website. Oh, well.
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