Coronavirus COVID-19 - Global Health Pandemic #33

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Anyone notice the sudden absence of online dating ads on TV?

I haven't noticed that specifically, but I have seen a change in general advertising. No toilet paper commercials :eek: No Macy's commercials, but I have seen Kohl's advertising spring/Easter apparel. Meijer and Kroger announcing special local store hours for seniors. Many commercials for alcoholic beverages - Bailey's and Ketel One constantly on Food Network. Cadbury Cream Eggs :)
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FEMA chief Pete Gaynor said his agency wasn’t invited to join White House coronavirus task force until last week.@MarthaRaddatz:

“Should FEMA’s involvement have ramped up sooner?” Gaynor says he doesn’t want to “look back” and his focus is on “today.

FEMA administrator says more masks are being shipped from stockpile amid shortage

"When you say 'they,' how many? Which masks? The new masks?" Co-Anchor Martha Raddatz pressed. 600 million ordered and critical at this point, will they get them in time, before the health system is overwhelmed?

"They're shipping today, they shipped yesterday, they'll ship tomorrow," Gaynor said on Sunday.

"I mean, it is hundreds of thousands of millions of things that we're shipping from the stockpile. I can't give you the details about what every single state of what every single city is doing," Gaynor said. "but I'm telling you that we are shipping from our national stockpile, we're shipping from vendors, we're shipping from donations. It is happening. The demand is great."

Raddatz asked for clarity, why haven't these masks been shipped to the urgent care facilities? How are we in such bad shape today in terms of supply?

This Week on Twitter

FEMA administrator says more masks are being shipped from stockpile amid shortage
Gov Cuomo time


NY received no money from first federal Coronavirus bill. Should not be political. Should not be “pork barrel” or “ sausage making” bills. This is not the time for that.

“Money follows the need.”
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I haven't noticed that specifically, but I have seen a change in general advertising. No toilet paper commercials. No Macy's commercial, but I have seen Kohl's advertising spring/Easter apparel. Meijer and Kroger announcing special local store hours for seniors. Many commercials for alcoholic beverages - Bailey's and Ketel One constantly on Food Network. Cadbury Cream Eggs :)
I see a lot more booze commercials too.
View attachment 239792

Seven-month-old boy in South Carolina is the youngest person in the U.S. to test positive for coronavirus as his mom warns experts were WRONG about not considering children at risk

Seven-month-old boy in South Carolina is the youngest person in US to test positive for coronavirus | Daily Mail Online

Please pray that Emmett Doster makes a full recovery.


I’m worried about the whole family! The two other little ones, Dad and her!
.This Week@ThisWeekABC@MarthaRaddatz:

“Is there not a way to be prepared for something like this?” Former Homeland Security Secretary Kevin McAleenan says “there’s a lot of preparation” and “equipment in the stockpile,” but scale of the COVID-19 threat is “very different.”

"There had to be warnings, there were warnings, they were ignored, we should have been more prepared." (video)

This Week on Twitter
Unemployment Numbers in Montana

Montana unemployment claims jump massively in one week

On March 11, before there were any confirmed cases of COVID-19 in Montana, 57 Montanans filed a new claim for unemployment benefits.

On March 18, with 15 cases of the virus in the state, there were 2,830 new claims — an increase of nearly 50 times in seven days.

What is ominous about this, for the rest of the country is that every thing is still open in Montana. Stores, non essential business is still open.
I think this is a huge issue, but there is no way to address it.
We know quarantine is for anyone exposed & isolation is for anyone that has or suspect they have the virus.
If a sick person calls the hotline, after giving their personal info & symptoms, many are told they must self quarantine.
I suggest most do not. Obviously they can’t be policed. So, how will it ever be contained? Moo
Unemployment Numbers in Montana

Montana unemployment claims jump massively in one week

On March 11, before there were any confirmed cases of COVID-19 in Montana, 57 Montanans filed a new claim for unemployment benefits.

On March 18, with 15 cases of the virus in the state, there were 2,830 new claims — an increase of nearly 50 times in seven days.

What is ominous about this, for the rest of the country is that every thing is still open in Montana. Stores, non essential business is still open.
@mickey2942 across the nation some things close, some thing don’t. Unless every biz is forced to shutter, idk if there is a benefit. In my town an 8k employee factory remained open (now closed for 2 weeks) but hair salons had to close. No hair salon has 8k 5-6 Xs weekly. we have a Kohl’s, most days I would drive past, rarely would I see more than 20 cars in the lot, unless near Xmas. Perhaps auto plants needed to shutter first. Moo
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