Coronavirus COVID-19 - Global Health Pandemic #34

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Thank you SO much! You are so sweet (I'm heading off to that thread).

And for what it's worth, I did get a unicorn for my birthday - my 9 year old granddaughter was wearing her Unicorn robe and we face timed. Face timing is strange because our faces are so close together, and it's so intimate - and yet, so distant too. We discussed the intricacies of multiplying by 9 and why multiplying by 4 is tricky.

My birthday is made so much happier by people like yourself, Spartygirl!

This makes me so happy. Happy Birthday to you!!
There are studies using existing drugs as well as efforts to develop a vaccine. At this time, there is no evidence that existing drugs work or that there will be a vaccine sooner than 12-18 months.

We'll agree to disagree. If a trial drug helps improve even a single patient's condition, imo, that is "evidence." The point of the trials is to find out which drugs are most effective.

We'll agree to disagree. If a trial drug helps improve even a single patient's condition, imo, that is "evidence." The point of the trials is to find out which drugs are most effective.


It actually is not, which is why statistical analysis goes hand in hand with science. But I agree with the need to explore.
I have no reason to believe that the totalitarian government of China is giving the world accurate data. JMO

What data do you believe to be misrepresented?

The more data that is collected from different countries across the globe, the more any outlier information becomes apparent. So far, China's stats are not hugely different than that of many other countries who are reporting more recently.
I hope he is ok and healthy. He usually talks to CNN during the day and Indontnthink I have seen him since Saturday?

I'm not sure but I think he's been given a 'time out' by Trump since he has a bad habit of buzz killing some of Trump's statements. He wasn't there tonight but he's not powerless. He has Twitter and more importantly he has facts and reasoning on his side. Today after the briefing on NBC.

Fauci predicts Americans will likely need to stay home for at least several more weeks
“I cannot see that all of a sudden, next week or two weeks from now it's going to be over. I don't think there's a chance of that," he said.

Texas Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick (R) was just on Fox saying he agrees with Trump. He cast it as an opportunity for seniors to sacrifice in order to keep the country intact for their grandchildren. “Let's get back to living... And those of us that are 70+, we'll take care of ourselves.”

Felicia Sonmez on Twitter

Texas Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick:
“What I'm living in fear of is what's happening to this country…‘Are you willing to take a chance on your survival in exchange for keeping the America that all America loves for your children and grandchildren?' And if that's the exchange I'm all in" JM Rieger on Twitter
JM Rieger on Twitter

My goodness, that is cold, and not especially convincing, IMO. Does he realize how many grandparents are responsible for raising children? And that "America's legacy" also includes appropriate responses to disasters by the federal government (Pearl Harbor, 9/11, Great Depression - Medicare & Social Security!), rather than single-minded focus on the stock market?

ETA - Those who built "America's legacy" would never be okay with first responders and medical personnel being forced to work without protection in the 21st century and with older folks dying because we can't manage a period of quarantine. They suffered to build a modern, civilized nation.
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I'm in Arizona, have not been on WS in many weeks (life has been busy, just regular busy, no covid19), but we are just going along, life as usual. It's nuts. Lots of cars on the road, lots of people everywhere I go. Totally irresponsible IMO - we should all be at home. I work in the legal field and where possible, they want us to stay away from the court houses, but not mandatory. That's my update.

You know that I am :) to see you here. Be well.
My goodness, that is cold, and not especially convincing, IMO. Does he realize how many grandparents are responsible for raising children? And that "America's legacy" also includes appropriate responses to disasters by the federal government (Pearl Harbor, 9/11, Great Depression - Medicare & Social Security!), rather than single-minded focus on the stock market?

I think he's been binge watching movies like Soylent Green and Logan's Run then had a fever dream.
What data do you believe to be misrepresented?

The more data that is collected from different countries across the globe, the more any outlier information becomes apparent. So far, China's stats are not hugely different than that of many other countries who are reporting more recently.
Are China's stats different than some other countries?
I'm an RN at a hospital in the Denver METRO area. I just got home from my 2nd day in a row on the floor (no COVID patients 0n my floor but we did have a confirmed 'negative who discharged yesterday) and here's what I can say as of now:

*We have 6 confirmed present. The 'worst' is a late 50's with extensive history of asthma. Do with that info what you will.
*We have 4 recovered/discharged. Yay!
*We have 72 pending.
*We do have a bit of an issue with PPE but most of that is due to VISITORS who were stealing masks left and right 1-2 weeks ago.
*No visitors allowed whatsoever.

We have been transferring patients around to open floors for 'Coronaville'. Please pardon the term but... to work in healthcare you MUST have a sense of humor. I do NOT work in a Coronaville.

A lot of us joke around we want to have COVID parties like they used to have chicken pox parties back in the day.

We are NOT freaking out. But I did stop at the liquor store on the way home. Cuz everyone else is freaking out.

We were issued letters from "corporate" which act like hall-passes to show cops (or whoever) should we get stopped going to/from work. They expire May 31.

That's all I got.

Stay well and wash yo hands!

***ETA***. We've had ZERO employees test positive thus far!
You just can't fix stupid....

Holland America’s Zaandam ship headed toward Florida is carrying 42 people — 13 guests and 29 crew — reporting flu-like symptoms.

“Since it is flu season, and COVID-19 testing is not available on board, it is difficult to determine the cause of these elevated cases at this time,” according to a statement from the cruise line's website.

The guests have been asked by the cruise line to remain in their staterooms until they have more information and as the ship sails north with the intention to arrive in Fort Lauderdale, Florida, on March 30.

Zaandam departed Buenos Aires, Argentina, on March 7, prior to Holland America’s decision to suspend its global cruise operations for 30 days. The trip was scheduled to end in San Antonio, Chile, on March 21.

According to the statement, no one has been off the ship since March 14 after a stop in Puenta Arena, Chile, where guests were initially told they could disembark for flights, but then were not allowed.

There are a total of 1,243 guests and 586 crew on board the ship.

March 23 coronavirus news - CNN
LAURA GAO.....supports no cases in Wuhan right below.

Laura Gao ✌️ on Twitter

1/ Got on a phone call with my grandparents in Wuhan tonight. Asked them how things were holding up now that the things have improved alot for the city. Here's some cool findings
2/ While Wuhan city proper is still in lockdown, people are allowed to take walks outside only within their own "neighborhood". For context, most people live in "neighborhoods" comprised of several high rise apartments in a compact area w/ a shared green space (see pic). Laura Gao ✌️ on Twitter
3/ My relatives who live in a rural town within Wuhan area but not in city proper said surrounding areas with no sick cases are now allowed to walk outside freely. Transportation to and from these areas has opened again but under heavy inspection and scrutiny.
4/ I asked how they get supplies as two 80-yo who cannot leave the apartment. They said the govt has assigned an official for each "neighborhood" to be a supply runner. They take grocery orders from everyone via an online form, buys them at the supermarket, and delivers them.
5/ While supplies aren't rationed (ppl can buy as much as they want), to max efficiency, supermarkets have created grocery bundles that ppl can only buy. If someone has a special request for an item not in the package, they have to add it in the form (e.g. extra meat, a snack).
6/ My grandparents are tech-illiterate so my uncle helps fill out their online form. The govt official assigned to their "neighborhood" also has their phone # and will call frequently to check in. He not only does supply runs but can order taxis ASAP if they need medical care.
7/ Fun fact: Because all taxis are state-owned and all public transportation is shut down, the govt has repurposed all taxis as emergency vehicles to drive people to the hospital during quarantine.
8/ Many relatives have not worked for 3 months now bc of quarantine. They said the govt mandated employers must still pay salaries while they're in quarantine. As a reaction, some employers are requiring workers to make up this pay once they come back... effectively a loan.
9/ Lastly, my grandparents heard about the overwhelming support from Twitter about the Wuhan comic and wanted to say thank you for thinking of them and their city! They constantly have neighbors asking how their family in the US is doing. Goes to show how selfless ppl are :)
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