Coronavirus COVID-19 - Global Health Pandemic #34

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Thanks so much. Yes very quiet. Husband put a small turkey in the oven. Just us. That's ok. Our Children have been staying away for a few weeks now as they both work at our Hospital. Lot's of phone calls. We will gather down the road and just celebrate being together.
Happy Birthday, Bravo !..........:)............moo
Delegation: 16 Montanans heading home from cruise ship ordeal

Whatever happened to sending these people to a quarantine at a military base for two weeks? Instead, these people are coming back to Montana...and they are going to spend time in their homes on quarantine.

I anticipate a huge spike in Coronavirus cases in Montana in 2 weeks.
We gave up on containing the virus. Originally when they were sending people to be quarantined on a military base we were still hoping we could contain it.
Yeah, that is how they got me to understand it. I work in healthcare, but nonessential, but they educate us. Just when I am sure this is at least a 2-3 month ordeal, I turned this press conference on, and I am like what???
The point is that more medical supplies are becoming available for treatment as people become infected. Nobody said the infections were going to stop.

So, in happier news, today is my 65th birthday (I am now in the group that doesn't have to go back to work until this is over, basically - I get to teach online forever? Can't afford to quit cuz no health insurance due to stupid decisions made within our public ed system but hey, no complaints as I love teaching and will adapt - have been teaching online for 25 years).

We went with our 5 year old granddaughter to the rural area where I was raised and looked at cows, horses, ponies and walked through a deserted aviary and talked to a Cockatiel who was so lonely. The parrots were trying to learn to say "Hello" or "hi." She was so jazzed about it. Everything is brilliant green and there is rushing water in the creeks. Only about 5 cars at the trail head, we saw no one.

Then we started up our living room band again. Granddaughter sang at the microphone, I played bass and DH played guitar and drum machine. We were very loud and it was so much fun. Found one food delivery place as a treat, following on the heels of new data that tell me it's really unlikely to get CV19 from food delivery or from food in general. We did Credence and some blues.

Granddaughter had rainbow sherbet and, well, maybe I had a little too.

I realize I have to get this virus eventually but really would like to wait a while, till resources aren't so tight. Maybe they'll restock the meds before I get it? I've had lung issues all my life, so there's that. Feeling great after two weeks of scratchy throat and cough.

All I want for my birthday is millions of fast track testing kits, including ones for the antibodies, especially ones that allow us to take the sample at home with a finger prick and send it in. I keep reading we have to use blood for antibody testing (as opposed to the PCR tests for the virus itself).

Gov. Kate Brown Issues Order Directing Oregonians To 'Stay Home'

I’m grateful that she did this, because this is the last week Oregon has to act before hospitals will be overwhelmed in mid-April according to this website.

This model predicts the last day each state can act before the point of no return
THIS!! Needs to be posted OVER and OVER again. Everywhere!! The press conference today terrified me. He is saying things that have no basis in fact and will get people killed. What does no one understand that NY has 2 days left of medical PPE?
Which test in NYC helped a critically ill man to improve after taking malaria drug? Link?
I didn't catch the name of the drug other than it is one for malaria that is being trialed in NYC. There are three drugs mentioned in this news article.

New York has over half of the more than 35,000 confirmed cases of the virus in the United States. Gov. Andrew Cuomo said Sunday the state had purchased 750,000 doses of chloroquine, 70,000 doses of hydroxychloroquine and 10,000 doses of azithromycin for the trials, to be conducted by state health researchers.

New York launches new COVID-19 drug trials; more underway in China
So, in happier news, today is my 65th birthday (I am now in the group that doesn't have to go back to work until this is over, basically - I get to teach online forever? Can't afford to quit cuz no health insurance due to stupid decisions made within our public ed system but hey, no complaints as I love teaching and will adapt - have been teaching online for 25 years).

We went with our 5 year old granddaughter to the rural area where I was raised and looked at cows, horses, ponies and walked through a deserted aviary and talked to a Cockatiel who was so lonely. The parrots were trying to learn to say "Hello" or "hi." She was so jazzed about it. Everything is brilliant green and there is rushing water in the creeks. Only about 5 cars at the trail head, we saw no one.

Then we started up our living room band again. Granddaughter sang at the microphone, I played bass and DH played guitar and drum machine. We were very loud and it was so much fun. Found one food delivery place as a treat, following on the heels of new data that tell me it's really unlikely to get CV19 from food delivery or from food in general. We did Credence and some blues.

Granddaughter had rainbow sherbet and, well, maybe I had a little too.

I realize I have to get this virus eventually but really would like to wait a while, till resources aren't so tight. Maybe they'll restock the meds before I get it? I've had lung issues all my life, so there's that. Feeling great after two weeks of scratchy throat and cough.

All I want for my birthday is millions of fast track testing kits, including ones for the antibodies, especially ones that allow us to take the sample at home with a finger prick and send it in. I keep reading we have to use blood for antibody testing (as opposed to the PCR tests for the virus itself).
Rainbow sherbet and 5 year-olds...doesn't get any better than that. Happy Birthday to you as well, and I appreciate your birthday wish!
Every time I see 34,000 cases in the US, my mind does typo translation, thinking it's only 3400. The US is almost half way to the China numbers but in a much shorter time.

Population China : 1.386 billion
Population USA : 330 million

First, for me, I'd have to trust the Communist Chinese in their reporting, which I will go on record stating that I do not.

Also, I'd have to believe their reporting diagnostics and statistical analysis is accurate, which I don not.

I'd also like to state that yes, U.S. numbers in terms of those infected will likely be number one, which, contrary to popular belief, is actually a good thing, in terms of approaching a more accurate analysis of the situation in America.

My take, further, is that the statistical data the U.S. authorities are compiling is giving them, and us, an accurate picture of where to direct resources, in particular, at this point, NY, CA, IL, NJ, and WA.

Also, the reworking of the entire methodology in dealing with medical pandemic situations such as these, the current system that has been built and put in place in the past few weeks, will be second to none in determining hotspots, or emerging outbreak areas of intense need, so support can be directed exactly where needed.

my thoughts only,

peace :)
So, in happier news, today is my 65th birthday (I am now in the group that doesn't have to go back to work until this is over, basically - I get to teach online forever? Can't afford to quit cuz no health insurance due to stupid decisions made within our public ed system but hey, no complaints as I love teaching and will adapt - have been teaching online for 25 years).

We went with our 5 year old granddaughter to the rural area where I was raised and looked at cows, horses, ponies and walked through a deserted aviary and talked to a Cockatiel who was so lonely. The parrots were trying to learn to say "Hello" or "hi." She was so jazzed about it. Everything is brilliant green and there is rushing water in the creeks. Only about 5 cars at the trail head, we saw no one.

Then we started up our living room band again. Granddaughter sang at the microphone, I played bass and DH played guitar and drum machine. We were very loud and it was so much fun. Found one food delivery place as a treat, following on the heels of new data that tell me it's really unlikely to get CV19 from food delivery or from food in general. We did Credence and some blues.

Granddaughter had rainbow sherbet and, well, maybe I had a little too.

I realize I have to get this virus eventually but really would like to wait a while, till resources aren't so tight. Maybe they'll restock the meds before I get it? I've had lung issues all my life, so there's that. Feeling great after two weeks of scratchy throat and cough.

All I want for my birthday is millions of fast track testing kits, including ones for the antibodies, especially ones that allow us to take the sample at home with a finger prick and send it in. I keep reading we have to use blood for antibody testing (as opposed to the PCR tests for the virus itself).

Happy Birthday to you! It sounds like you had a wonderful day! Wishing you lots of health and happiness in the days ahead.
The point is that more medical supplies are becoming available for treatment as people become infected. Nobody said the infections were going to stop.

I want this stuff now for the health care professionals who have been doing without. Can't wait to see who's been hoarding it all, per Barr at press conference. But even better to have invoked Defense Production Act by now to make and distribute more.
I would also like to add, it is my understanding, that moving forward, the ideas that have been put out there, for all of us, the social distancing, the washing of hands, the refraining from touching one's face, the cleaning of surfaces, all these things, will be behaviors that we will likely be carrying forward in our lives for the foreseeable future, if not much longer, possibly forever.
No, I don't think so either, and it really doesn't have to, with citizens who respect social distancing and competent leadership that: understands science, does what is needed to provide for front-line workers (think WW2), and helps people with child care and mortgages and paychecks and food in the process of social distancing/"15 day challenge" (we're all gonna be skinny and broke?)... and TESTS people. We have hope from Asia, though they are going through their next wave right now.
The problem here is that people aren't self-isolating. Several of the newest cases are in those who knew they had been exposed.
It was only two weeks ago that people were using the phrase "henny penny" to describe those who were already afraid. This has happened fast, and we all need to get used to the new normal. It's difficult for most.

I was called worse, now those same friends are panic buying. hoarding and refuse to acknowledge I wasn't crazy but are ignoring me some have even unfriended me online.
To start seedlings in early spring, if you have an indoor laundry room, that's a great place to start them. Laundry rooms normally have tiled floors. If it's got a window, all the better. If not, place them outside for sunshine during the day.
Don't know if ws has a gardening thread?

I started one tote/potting soil greenhouse of spinach and one of lettuce yesterday. I'll start a new one of each for the next five weeks in order to keep producing continuously. Today I started tomatoes and zucchini in one of my cupcake carriers. Will do four more. Micro mini greenhouses ;)
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