Coronavirus COVID-19 - Global Health Pandemic #47

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Shopping observation - My sister picked up a few things for me when she went out today. I asked her to observe both staff and customer adherence to social distancing and masks, gloves being used. She said about half of walmart staff were wearing masks, no gloves but plexiglass between customers and cashiers. About half of customers at Walmart were wearing masks and many were not staying 6 feet apart. At Aldi much better with both staff and customers. She couldn't wait to get out of Walmart but was relatively comfortable at Aldi for a short time of shopping.

I love reports like this. It's the same here (and Aldi is right across the street from Walmart). This Walmart is just outside of the mandatory mask zone, too.
Good morning to all from West Texas.... Announcement - For the first time since this Virus stuff started I was able to buy at my local HEB, a 1# bag of carrots and a 12 pack of some "off brand" of toilet paper. I gave Mrs.22 the carrots immediately. I am saving the package of toilet paper to give her as a 30th Wedding Anniversary present on our upcoming May 19th Anniversary occasion.......Yall stay safe today......Front yard work awaits me, but first a little more


Ha! Who says romance is dead?!

You're definitely breaking with tradition this year, code.

I believe pearls are actually the traditional 30th wedding anniversary gift.
It's the 1st anniversary where you're supposed to gift each other with toilet paper.

I guess if you want to try to pull this off with the missus, though, you could always explain to her that you still feel as giddy as a newlywed, so you bought her paper products. Throw in some stuff about her still giving you sweaty palms and making your heart go pitter-patter.

On second thoughts, don't mention the the sweaty palms and racing heart rate.
Mrs. 22 would probably conclude that you have the Wuhan virus, quarantine you to the guest room, and,
"Poof!" There goes your anniversary celebration.

Maternity staff tests positive:

"Alberta Health Services said Wednesday evening that cases of COVID-19 have been confirmed among the staff of a maternity unit at Foothills hospital in Calgary.

It said contact tracing was done, which identified no infections among patients to date.

On Thursday afternoon, Alberta's chief medical officer of health, Dr. Deena Hinshaw, told reporters there were seven staff members on the ward who tested positive."​
It's siblings sometimes gripe when an adult kid is still living at home. But I myself live in a nearly 100% Hispanic neighborhood, and no one would think of griping that odds and ends of family members are in the house. It just wouldn't occur to anyone. Just a few more plates on the table and smiles all around. We can't accept a COVID solution that penalizes large extended families.

I couldn't agree more. Personally, I have always wished (hard) that people would have fewer kids, ever since I started teaching. Because we could see the strains in the system 30 years ago. But no one should be endangered or punished in any way for making a different decision than I did. I am now feeling how hard it will be for families with 4 kids in school to find a way to care for them when they go back to work, if the kids are on staggered schedules. I hope the kids are all right, but I know domestic violence is already up. Sociologists proved long ago that sudden loss of resources creates more violence than maintaining resources at a much lower overall level.

Not by our healthcare system, most of all.

Relative deprivation - Wikipedia

We will work it out, but first we need a safe way for the next batch of workers to go back to work.
With the coronavirus quickly becoming a new normal, home gardening is taking off, as more and more Americans start to grow their own fruits and vegetables. But in Michigan, many stores have been barred from selling seeds, soils, plants, and other gardening supplies.

Michigan Bans Many Stores From Selling Seeds, Home Gardening Supplies, Calls Them “Not Necessary”

(I posted this in the gardening thread too.)
Vermont claimed that seeds are not essential, too. IMO it is evil to stop people from growing food that they need to live. I have two relatives by marriage who came from rural families of 10 and 11 children. You bet they grew a significant amount of their own food. "How dare they".
in 1990 my husband left me, I had four children to raise. I worked cleaning a clubhouse in a gated community, which involved cleaning four restrooms in the clubhouse, over twenty toilets, among other things. It was not beneath me, I needed to feed my children. By the way I had been a stay at home mom, though I did child care in my home during that time. After the divorce I did what I had to do, also cleaned homes, and one day I was asked to cleaned windows for an office in the hot Florida sunshine, I did it, I was in my mid forties at that time. I also attended classes for computer skills and eventually worked in a large office as their head bookkeeper. So yes, people that are not working can find other work, yet there at not many people hiring right now, where would they work. It isn't easy worrying where your next paycheck will come from. Many evenings I broke down in tears, and even thought about ending my life, except I had four children who needed me.

I feel terrible for those people who work in the restaurants or hospitality, they want to get back to work. It isn't easy trying to pay bills, put food on the table, and no idea when you will be able to return to work. I couldn't imagine what they are going through right now.
Oh I'm not talking about finding work now, sorry it came off like that. Just was talking about how CALI needs the immigrants to do the work to help farmers when many are living on the streets!
I applaud what you did to take care of your babies! I have done the same!
I also feel compassion for people that are out of work at this time!! They don't even know when they may be back at work or even if they have a job later. It's horrifying! IMO
I'm a cash person, but have switched to plastic for this virus. Some stores allow you to just stick your card in it is approved.

Many stores require you PUSH debit or credit, then pick up a common pen and sign, and then remove your card. Literally stupid, since everyone pays plastic and is swapping germs with their hands.

So out of touch with other restrictions.
So far doesn't appear to be any good news regarding any drug treatments for covid.
"Now, there are many more trials underway, and I very much look forward to their readouts. But when you look over the actual controlled data that we have so far for hydroxychloroquine, those previous links plus what we have today, the case for the drug is not encouraging at all. There is one small trial (from China) that showed some positive results, and data from China, Brazil, and France that show no benefit for either hydroxychloroquine or chloroquine itself and (in some cases) evidence of actual harm. The trials that are yet to report are going to have to start showing some strong positive effects if this story is going to have a good ending."
More Small Molecule Clinical Data Against Covid-19, As of April 16
I will venture a guess here that the people who were on their death bed who were given these drugs and are now recovered or on the way to recovery would totally disagree with this information. If you are dying and the drug is offered, what did they have to lose?????
I agree, Even not counting the economic impact, think of all the sadness of not going out until next year. I already don't go out, I see no reason to do take out because by the time I get home the food is cold, and I sit and eat it in a silent house. A vaccine will not be found for months, if not years. And at 71, I don't have enough time left in my life to look that far ahead. If things are not allowed to be opened, I don't need to sit and take up oxygen just to say I'm alive.

Yes, if people are depressed, we're suppose to talk with health providers - and I can't think of anything more depressing than talking to a face on a screen about how I am alone and sad, and they reply back with meaningless words. No human interaction, no feeling that they even care more than getting paid for a virtual visit.


I'm glad you're here and that we can support each other through this, one day at a time, no matter how long it takes.
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They may never find a vaccine. They have been looking for a cure for the common cold (which is a coronavirus) for years and have not been successful.

Info in this link about vaccine and drug trials.

"Coronavirus: Are we getting closer to a vaccine or drug? - BBC News" Are we getting closer to a coronavirus vaccine or drug?

This is what I wonder also! The is certainly no guarantee there will ever be a vaccine.
I will venture a guess here that the people who were on their death bed who were given these drugs and are now recovered or on the way to recovery would totally disagree with this information. If you are dying and the drug is offered, what did they have to lose?????

Volunteering to be a guinea pig for an untested drug usually comes with a payment and an ethically approved drug study. Anecdotal information is useless.

At this time, there is no valid information that any drug helps to fight the virus. There is some anecdotal information, but correlation and causation matter.
I will venture a guess here that the people who were on their death bed who were given these drugs and are now recovered or on the way to recovery would totally disagree with this information. If you are dying and the drug is offered, what did they have to lose?????


Many have said they made it through this deadly virus because their doctors have given them this drug or a combination of this drug and a zee pack, etc..

It's like 'Right to Try' signed into law by our President. Many who had or have nothing to lose because they had been told they were going to die have been saved or have had their lives extended.

Why it took so long for RtT I'll never understand. Like PT said at the time about Right to Try... what do they have to lose by taking them. Now since implemented people have been saved.

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I'm a cash person, but have switched to plastic for this virus. Some stores allow you to just stick your card in it is approved.

Many stores require you PUSH debit or credit, then pick up a common pen and sign, and then remove your card. Literally stupid, since everyone pays plastic and is swapping germs with their hands.

So out of touch with other restrictions.

It must be 10-15 years since I last had to use an actual pen to sign for a card payment! Do these stores not have contactless payments so you can just wave your card at the machine?

EDIT Contactless cards are just catching on in the US — years after the rest of the world
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Results from a Controlled Trial of Hydroxychloroquine for COVID-19

Results from this controlled trial shows positive results.

The study doesn't really tell us anything.

"In addition to the small size of this trial, the unspecified components of the hospital standard treatment and its variance between patients confounds assessment of the effect of hydroxychloroquine, particularly on whether it lessened severity given the small number of patients who experienced a worsening course. Also, excluding severe illness from study entry leaves the effect of hydroxychloroquine on severe symptoms an open question."​

Results from a Controlled Trial of Hydroxychloroquine for COVID-19
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