Coronavirus COVID-19 - Global Health Pandemic #47

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Thank you for the link.

Could it perhaps be because obesity leads to other serious medical conditions like heart disease, hypertension, and diabetes, etc? Or makes those conditions worse?

I'm in the elderly group along with my hubby, but neither of us are overweight.

In fact in my recent hospital stay I lost over 12 pounds in less than 4 days.

I'm trying to gain a little weight or at least back up to 117 pounds which has been around my average weight for decades now. Between 117 to 122.

Due to my back condition leaving me unsteady at times I fear losing my balance making me fall. I know it could easily shatter my hip especially at the weight I'm at now.

Its strange though for most in our area that has been hit hard by the virus more who have died have been much younger from 32 to 59. Many could have been obese though. As of yesterday we were up to 72 deaths at our local hospital. I'm sure we have lost more patients today. :(


I'm glad to hear that you and your husband are both doing well. And you are right that breaking a hip is a dangerous thing.

I have noticed that on the "Memorial Thread - COVID-19 Coronavirus" many of the folks who have succumbed to Covid-19 are large. You can guess their weight just by looking at their photos. A good many of the non-elderly folks are obese.

I first noticed this two months ago when Italy was being hit hard. When photos of the victims were posted online it was apparent that many were overweight. Maybe science will figure out the reason someday.
I saw where you said you'd try making it yourself -- that's good, because it's like rice, in that it can easily be slightly under- or overdone and one of those might just make it unappealing for you.

I was also gonna suggest eating a lot of: tapioca pudding, rice pudding, cream of wheat, raspberry jam, crunchy peanut butter, and alfalfa sprouts, just to make that texture seem more normal? Kidding, sort of...

I made this a few days ago, turned out great, having the last serving for dinner tonight...
Southwestern Quinoa and Black Bean Casserole - Pinch of Yum

Ha ha! You nailed the texture issue @Auntie Cipation! But the recipe does look good. Thanks!
For everyone cutting down on meat...

I haven't had meat since 1978, when I got married, except for a period of time in 1981 (pregnant and the obstetrician said I had to). I just hated it all my life, even as a child.

I get protein through chick peas, beans, peas, lentils, nuts and some dairy (I'm not a vegan).

My advice is to take a B-12 supplement. It is the only nutrient that cannot be found in any source that is not from an animal. There is B-12
in dairy products, but if you are lactose-intolerant or thinking of going vegan, please get a supplement or products fortified with it.

Although only go outside when it's necessary!!!!!
We used to keep our livestock in electric fence. Whenever we extended their pasture and moved the electric fence they dug in and refused to go past where the fence was before. Eventually after several hours they would tiptoe, then run as fast as they could to get past the old fence line. I can just see us being apprehensive the same way when some of the distancing guidelines begin to lessen.
I'm glad to hear that you and your husband are both doing well. And you are right that breaking a hip is a dangerous thing.

I have noticed that on the "Memorial Thread - COVID-19 Coronavirus" many of the folks who have succumbed to Covid-19 are large. You can guess their weight just by looking at their photos. A good many of the non-elderly folks are obese.

I first noticed this two months ago when Italy was being hit hard. When photos of the victims were posted online it was apparent that many were overweight. Maybe science will figure out the reason someday.
Being overweight can lead to diabetes, high blood pressure, heart problems. All of which are risk factors for developing serious covid complications.
Less cars on the roads > Less traffic accidents> Reduced claims > Increased profit margin for Auto insurance co.

We have auto and home insurance with AAA and always pay the full annual amount in November every year. I think we drove less than 10 miles since Feb 21, 2020, so the partial refund would make us very happy!:D
Two income family - two cars, neither work from home.
Now - One works from home. One lost job. Only one car needed to drive to grocery store maybe every two weeks.
Used to drive 1,500 miles per month now only 50 per vehicle per month.
We just found out our mail carrier has the virus :(

YIKES. We just found out that a coworker of my SiL likely has it (his wife is an ER nurse, he has the symptoms, and SHOWED UP AT WORK WITH A FEVER). So they had to shut down the entire (essential) business. Now, daughter and her husband have to worry about getting it.

I guess no one sets out to get it. <modsnip>
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