Coronavirus COVID-19 - Global Health Pandemic #63

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Anyone watch the nightly news on NBC? they interviewed two moronic young
men on the beach in Miami- one, who was almost incoherent said something to
tne effect that he is healthy and not worried about the virus (all said with
a laugh and a smirk)

Another moron said (laughingly), that this is all political

I ask you what planet do these selfish dolts live on?

The same planet I live on. I’m running into this attitude where I work, with friends, with family. I really and truly do not get it. I have seen and heard firsthand what this virus is capable of and has done right in front of my own eyeballs. How is this met with a shrug? It’s like speaking a different language to a brick wall while trying to smell the color 9!
How North Carolina schools will be affected by the mandatory face mask order

“Under the mandate, masks will be required for all teachers and adult staff members in schools. Masks will also be required for all middle and high school students. Face masks are not required for elementary students but they are strongly encouraged, if appropriate.

Masks will be worn by students and staff inside school buildings and anywhere on school grounds where they're near other people, including outside. They'll also be required when traveling on buses. “
It wouldn't matter much. No matter how careful you are. I am very careful, only going to work, home, a few shopping trips. Always masked, gloves, hand sanitizer.

All it would take, is for one of my coworkers to have a kid, who goes to bars and parties. My coworker catches it, pretty sure, I would get it too. Makes all of my precautions seem stupid.

Every precaution you get rid of, is another opportunity for you to get it another way. It's all about minimizing your chances. Do you want to protect yourself 2 out of 10 times, or 8 out of 10? Unless you stay home 24/7, it's impossible to do 10/10, even if you wear a mask. But EVERY precaution you take, reduces the % chance of you losing the lottery.
The same planet I live on. I’m running into this attitude where I work, with friends, with family. I really and truly do not get it. I have seen and heard firsthand what this virus is capable of and has done right in front of my own eyeballs. How is this met with a shrug? It’s like speaking a different language to a brick wall while trying to smell the color 9!

It is insanity. I was watching the local news tonight, people are at the park, watching Little League baseball games. Like there is nothing going on! I guess it is just "thin the herd" mentality.
I just saw a friend in Arizona post pictures of getting a pedicure/manicure today and going out to eat. She’s a CNA. I wanted to scream.

Sounds like my daughter who lives Florida. The other night she sent me a beautiful picture in the Keys on vacation watching the sunset and sipping a drink.

All I could think of looking at the picture was “No one is wearing a mask!” It seemed so strange to me seeing people just enjoying life like there is no pandemic. We have masks so engrained in our daily life here. :rolleyes:
I think every country regrets ignoring covid 19 until it was too late to properly prepare for the onslaught.

I have a problem with how young people are ignoring the pandemic, but this particular action by a mature adult who should know better, has opened my eyes to a mentality that is more twisted than our selfish, partying youth.

"Tim Walters, a former Republican candidate for the General Assembly, said that he had a dry cough for months but it recently worsened. He said he then began to experience an excruciating headache, a fever and the inability to focus with one of his eyes, which led to vertigo.Walters, 53, a diabetic who has had mini-strokes, said he went to an emergency room Monday and was diagnosed with the virus.
“Here I am months after not wearing a mask at rallies, churches and so on, and so it’s funny how capricious this thing is,” he said in a Facebook video.

Walters said he doesn't plan to provide health officials with the people he's had close contact with for the contact tracing program. "

The contract tracing program is the first step in halting further contamination by alerting people who have been exposed to him, advising them of symptoms and asking them to self-isolate, as well as contacting their own further contacts for the same advice.

The fact that Walters refuses to name who he may have infected is mind boggling to me. The tracing program in Canada has been invaluable in curbing further transmissions. Is this a political thing with Walters, or a stand against freedom from government intervention? It is one thing to protest against wearing a mask or social distancing, but how could it go so far as in his case? Hopefully he is an extreme example.

As Canada opened restrictions, we saw defiance of social distancing. A beach opens in Toronto and other lake fronts, and are closed down within days after the public ignores the safety measures of social distancing.

I worry about my American neighbours as your daily covid cases increase ominously. You are facing a complicated battle, as we all are, but made worse by apparent political influences, a lack of guidance from the top, denial and misplaced rebellion for rights, which hasn't happened in Canada or any other country that I am aware of.

Good luck and try to stay safe.
No, but it is what the government are advising and have done since March. But I don't think it is being prolonged by the selfish ones, they are helping with the herd immunity by spreading it aren't they? If we don't get a vaccine or herd immunity, that is the reality for the vulnerable.
I honestly cant think that people spreading it is helping. If that would help, why is the government making threats to close beaches etc?

Also, we dont know how long immunity (if it exists) will last.

My hope for my parents is that the numbers infected become so low, the odds of them picking it up on a coastal break to visit family will be minimal. Last thing I would want is the damn R number going over 1 again, and back we go to early March.
@Cags.. I do adore you, loved the post.

On the Neanderthal/Denisovan concept: Mom’s people were from Sima de Los Huesos (Atapuerca) & I’ve got Denisovan from Daddy. All good..the Helena3 mtDNA is good because it supposedly gives my system an extra bit of help/protection from sepsis & HIV. Bad news: Ménière’s—auto immune disorder. So I isolate and glove/mask/wash/& some seriously unique hand sanitizers when we have to go out for supplies. Hugs & prayers, even to the Moon Goddess, to all from this Louisiana mutt.
Well, I have been so afraid of getting the virus and dying, leaving no one but the state to care for my grandson. It is for him that I have tried so hard to avoid germs. I only have gone to work and the store. My grandson hasn't left the house since school let out on March 13.

My Dad died yesterday, just laying out at the pool. I am picking up a rental car this afternoon and will be driving to San Francisco. I am afraid of the germs in a rental car. I'm afraid of the germs from hugs. I'm afraid of mortuary germs. I am afraid that I have no parents any more, and that I am alone (with my grandson)in this world. Sometimes I really feel that this life sucks. I feel lost, alone, and afraid.

Thanks for listening.

Aww, My Heartfelt Sympathies on the loss of your Father X
It is OK to be afraid because with that comes precaution! So you just keep on doing what you are doing to protect yourself and your Grandson. He is a lucky boy having such a caring Grandparent.
We are all in this together. You Are Not Alone X Best Wishes x
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It's OK. The host will probably be fine. And I hear the party was Off The Hook!
I can’t supply a link so take this for what it is. My sister lives behind the house where the party was held. It was quite the party. Mom and dad were up north at the family vacation home and the college kids had a house party. My sister finally called the cops at 1:30 am.
I can’t supply a link so take this for what it is. My sister lives behind the house where the party was held. It was quite the party. Mom and dad were up north at the family vacation home and the college kids had a house party. My sister finally called the cops at 1:30 am.
Now a lot of them are quarantined with covid. I hope that party was worth it.
I honestly cant think that people spreading it is helping. If that would help, why is the government making threats to close beaches etc?

Also, we dont know how long immunity (if it exists) will last.

My hope for my parents is that the numbers infected become so low, the odds of them picking it up on a coastal break to visit family will be minimal. Last thing I would want is the damn R number going over 1 again, and back we go to early March.

Nobody wants that but I think that it is inevitable with the opening up. What is happening in the US will surely happen here won't it? And that will be the second wave unless we get a vaccine or the virus weakens. With the threats to close beaches etc, they don't want the spread so quick to overwhelm the NHS again. MOO.
This is an article that was asking questions earlier in June whether there would be a spike in cases. I guess we know now.

Will the protests lead to a spike in coronavirus cases? That depends

Black Lives Matter protests haven't led to COVID-19 spikes. It may be due to people staying home.
Black Lives Matter protests haven't led to COVID-19 spikes. It may be due to people staying home.

"There is no evidence yet that the wave of Black Lives Matter protests across the U.S. sparked COVID-19 outbreaks in the more than three weeks since they began, according to a study published Monday by the National Bureau of Economic Research.

Rather, as the protests went on, people who were not participating increasingly stayed at home, possibly counteracting any effects the large gatherings may have had on the spread of the virus, the researchers concluded.

The paper, which was posted online and is not yet peer reviewed, looked at data from 315 cities across the country. Of those, 281 cities had protests and 34 did not."
"In the paper, the authors suggested that this increase in staying at home may have offset the decrease in social distancing observed by those participating in protests.

However, the authors said that while there was little effect on the spread of COVID-19 for counties as a whole, it’s possible that the protests caused an increase in the spread of COVID-19 among those who actually attended the protests."
"In Minneapolis, one of the largest medical groups in the area, Health Partners, said that just 1 percent of nearly 10,000 protesters had tested positive for the virus. Similar rates were seen in Seattle this month, when city officials said that less than 1 percent of 3,000 protesters had tested positive for COVID-19."

More at link.
It is insanity. I was watching the local news tonight, people are at the park, watching Little League baseball games. Like there is nothing going on! I guess it is just "thin the herd" mentality.
Had reason to visit Home Depot today. A guess is about 40% wore masks. Of course, we did. I felt I was living in an alternative world. Then, we dropped by to a bagel store (take out). Again, I felt alien. There is nothing that anyone could ever say to get masks on everyone.
Nobody wants that but I think that it is inevitable with the opening up. What is happening in the US will surely happen here won't it? And that will be the second wave unless we get a vaccine or the virus weakens. With the threats to close beaches etc, they don't want the spread so quick to overwhelm the NHS again. MOO.
It worries me that so much is unknown. One day this will be history for people to study, imagine that.

Is Wales still "closed" to incoming visitors? Edit - just wondering about tourism etc.
Unfortunately, we don’t have Amazon Fresh available to us here because we’re in a rural area and too far from any metro area for them to deliver.
I can get regular Prime deliveries but just not groceries. :(

I clicked "like" but I mean "sympathy." We considered what it would be like to only have Amazon and are very glad instacart stepped up in our area. But, if I had to, I would happily live off of Amazon prime rather than go into a grocery store right now.

The economic changes wrought by CoVid are very interesting - soon Amazon will expand "Fresh" to more areas and Costco will survive, whereas...well, we have to wait and see for the rest (IMO).
“The party was held on a Friday night, parents said. The host was symptomatic during the party, got sicker over the weekend and was tested for COVID-19 on Monday, though didn't share the positive results with friends until Tuesday night, parents said.”



what is wrong with people? Do we have to actually make this kind of thing a crime? Of course, preaching to the choir here on WS.

I have no idea how to reach people like this.
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