Coronavirus COVID-19 - Global Health Pandemic #72

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Yes, WHO expressed great concern about this also:

Director General / June 15:

“Despite the ongoing global response to the COVID-19 pandemic, we cannot lose sight of other significant public health issues, including influenza.

Influenza affects every country every year, and takes its own deadly toll.

As we enter the southern hemisphere influenza season and begin planning for the northern hemisphere season, we must ensure that influenza remains a top priority.

Co-circulation of COVID-19 and influenza can worsen the impact on health care systems that are already overwhelmed.

More than 500 million people are vaccinated against flu every year, based on recommendations from WHO on the composition of flu vaccines.

These recommendations are based on data and virus samples collected and analyzed by WHO’s Global Influenza Surveillance and Response System, or GISRS.

The GISRS system has been functioning since 1952 and I would like to thank the more than 125 countries that participate in it.

Over the past 8 years, significant strengthening of the system has been made possible through the Pandemic Influenza Preparedness Framework, and I would also like to thank the public and private sector partners that participate in this global system.

The infrastructure, people, skills and experience built up through GISRS, WHO Collaborating Centres, and national influenza centres have been the foundation for detecting COVID-19.

However, this well-established system is now seeing significant challenges.

Influenza surveillance has either been suspended or is declining in many countries, and there has been a sharp decline in sharing of influenza information and viruses because of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Compared with the last three years, we’ve seen a dramatic decrease in the number of specimens tested for influenza globally.

We’ve also seen a 62% decrease in the number of virus shipments to WHO Collaborating Centres, and a 94% decrease in the number of influenza viruses with genetic sequence data uploaded to the GISAID database.

These decreases are due to a combination of issues, including the repurposing of staff and supplies, overburdened laboratories, and transport restrictions.

These disruptions may have short- and long-term effects, such as the loss of capacities to detect and report new influenza viruses with pandemic potential.

As many of you know, twice a year WHO convenes a group of experts who together analyze the circulating flu strains. Based on their analysis they select the viruses that should be targeted by flu vaccines for the upcoming season in each hemisphere.

To know which viruses are circulating, WHO relies on information from countries reported through GISRS, which we use to make recommendations for the composition of influenza vaccines.

This will help us to prevent more severe cases of flu and more deaths.

WHO has published guidance on how to integrate surveillance for COVID-19 into routine influenza surveillance as an efficient way to track both of these important respiratory viruses.

This is not only cost-effective, it’s also essential for protecting the world against the next flu season.

The Southern Hemisphere flu season is already underway. There is no time to lose.”


I have never had a flu shot: i admit to being afraid of having one. I recall vividly in the 70's the flu vaccine was said to cause Guillan Barre Syndrome (sp)--- that was it for me, plus i have allergies to so many things, i just don't get the flu or pneumonia vaccine either-- but i am considering it this year- i just don't know
Baystate Medical Center reports outbreak of 36 coronavirus cases
More Massachusetts/more at link

SPRINGFIELD — Baystate Health on Monday reported an outbreak of coronavirus infections at Baystate Medical Center affecting 23 employees and 13 patients.

Dr. Mark Keroack, president and CEO of Baystate Health, said the outbreak appears to be related to an employee returning to work after visiting another state that is a “hot spot” for COVID-19.

Mass. COVID-19 case counts on the rise again

And away we go.....

more at link
By State House News Service
There were nearly 500 new cases of COVID-19 confirmed in Massachusetts over the weekend and the percentage of tests that come back positive for the coronavirus is rising.

The Department of Public Health confirmed 210 new cases of COVID-19 on Saturday and 273 more cases on Sunday, along with the announcement of 31 recent COVID-19 deaths between the two days. The number of daily new cases, which had generally settled at fewer than 200 a day earlier in the month, has been above 200 each of the last four days.
I think the earliest I got my flu vaccine was in October. Will need to check on that.
And insurance does not cover the vaccine if you go to Target, CVS, Walgreens, etc - you have to actually go to the doctors office.

Interesting that your private insurance does not cover a shot at a drug store. For years I have had Obamacare. For years I walk in and get a double high-dose shot every single year in October. Without a prescription. I guess it must be state by state because of my state it does not require a prescription for any and all vaccines, at least with my cheap cheap cheap ObamaCare insurance. MOO
Coronavirus strikes Alabama church revival: ‘The whole church has got it’

Coronavirus strikes Alabama church revival: 'The whole church has got it' - Magnolia State Live

Same song; different dance

Over the weekend, dozens more fell ill, Ross* said, adding: “I’ve got church members sick everywhere.”

“We knew what we were getting into,” he said. “We knew the possibilities.”

“We let everybody do what they felt like. … If you were comfortable shaking hands, you shook hands. If you didn’t, you didn’t,” the pastor said.

(*Daryl Ross, Pastor of Warrior Creek Missionary Baptist Church in Marshall County. If you're looking for a pastor, you might want to burn his application.)
Nature article dated 1 Jun.

What’s the risk that animals will spread the coronavirus?

Researchers say there’s an urgent need to find out whether animals can catch the virus and pass it to people.

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Cats can be infected with the coronavirus.Credit: Carol Smiljan/NurPhoto/Getty

Soon after the new coronavirus started spreading around the globe, reports emerged of cases in animals — pet cats in Hong Kong, tigers in a New York City zoo and mink on farms in the Netherlands. Now researchers are urgently trying to discover which species can catch the virus, and whether they can pass it to people.

So far, there have been only two reported cases of animals — both mink — passing the virus SARS-CoV-2 to people. At the moment, the chance of contracting the disease from an infected animal is negligible compared to the risk of catching it from an ill person, say researchers.

But as the numbers of infected people fall and restrictions on movement ease, infected animals might have the potential to spark new outbreaks. Researchers are calling for extensive sampling of pets, livestock and wildlife to improve understanding of the risk.

The virus could be spreading undetected in some animals that we don’t know about, says Joanne Santini, a microbiologist at University College London. “We just don’t have enough data,” she says.

Continued at link.

I have wondered about this issue for some time- there is just so much we don't know about this evil virus- i hope animals can't pass it to people----that would be terrible.
:)What does your doctor say?
Ill make sure to get my teenager the flu shot this year. Missed last year /at school. I get one at work. Don’t think dh does. Might want to mention that (note to self)

I have never had a flu shot: i admit to being afraid of having one. I recall vividly in the 70's the flu vaccine was said to cause Guillan Barre Syndrome (sp)--- that was it for me, plus i have allergies to so many things, i just don't get the flu or pneumonia vaccine either-- but i am considering it this year- i just don't know
We don't know much, other than that she was admitted to hospital, and we were told that it went to her heart. It's a terrible thing to have a family member die when you can't be part of their care on any level. There was no communication with the family until she was dead.

Questions will likely always linger since she was admitted to hospital in Florida. We know that the state is having difficulty managing the pandemic. We don't know what their treatment protocol is, and whether or not they are still using drugs that are known to contribute to deaths by heart failure. In fact, seeing the challenges in Florida hospitals, we don't know if she was treated at all.

We constantly have questions and mistrust here in Florida. It is just a shame. So so many of us do not believe the overall death count. We heard, back since April-May, that Medical Examiners were pushed to record pneumonia deaths. So the data shows pneumonia deaths for Mar-May this year as higher than any given full year between 2014-2019.
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Obesity and Coronavirus have been in the news in the UK for the last three days.

Coronavirus prompts PM into obesity crackdown

  • July 2020

Image copyrightGETTY IMAGES
The prime minister is set to announce new measures to curb obesity next week, and they are expected to include a ban on TV junk food adverts before 21:00.

It comes amid growing evidence people who are overweight or obese are at greater risk from coronavirus.

The measures are yet to be finalised but are also likely to include a ban on online ads for unhealthy foods, and limits on in-store promotions.

One food industry leader said it was a "slap in the face".

The move marks a change in stance by Prime Minister Boris Johnson, who has previously criticised levies on foods high in salt, fat and sugar - and described his views on tackling obesity as "libertarian".

Mr Johnson's experience in intensive care during his treatment for Covid-19 is thought to have contributed to his changing position.

Speaking during a visit to a GP surgery in east London, he said that while he was not normally one for "nannying or bossying", the country did need to lose weight to protect from a second spike.

He said: "Obesity is one of the real co-morbidity factors. Losing weight, frankly, is one of the ways you can reduce your own risk from coronavirus."

Full analysis at link.

good for the UK. I hope we get bolder in the US.
I have never had a flu shot: i admit to being afraid of having one. I recall vividly in the 70's the flu vaccine was said to cause Guillan Barre Syndrome (sp)--- that was it for me, plus i have allergies to so many things, i just don't get the flu or pneumonia vaccine either-- but i am considering it this year- i just don't know

I'm like you. I've never had a flu shot. I don't get the flu either. Well, let me rephrase I haven't had it for over 25 years.
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We get ours done at Costco, it is submitted by the pharmacy for coverage. No problem.
It’s BCBS. I make an appt with the doctor, get my shot and pay $10 and leave.
Otherwise I have to pay out of pocket.
Costco is an hour drive and the doctors office is 10 minutes.
I just learned to deal with it.
I get a flu shot every year. Never had any issues. My doctor recommended it due to proximity to parents.
I think the earliest I got my flu vaccine was in October. Will need to check on that.
And insurance does not cover the vaccine if you go to Target, CVS, Walgreens, etc - you have to actually go to the doctors office.

Check with your local health department, most have drive by flu shot clinics. Even in my little bitty town in Virginia.

In Virginia, most school systems offer the vaccine for free with parental permission.

Most major insurance companies cover at 100% and have contracts with pharmacies to provide. Insurance reaps the cost saving of covering a vaccine verses an emergent hospital admission.

No one should have to pay for a flu shot. MOO....
I'm like you. I've never had a flu shot. I don't get the flu either. Well, let me rephrase I haven't had it for over 25 years.

Do you plan to get it this year because of Covid?? I still don't want to get the flu vaccine- one the problems with it is that it only covers certain strains so every season it is just not known what strains we will have that will not be covered by the vaccine
Hello, I mostly read posts on here. I think I would be a basket case if I had no place to feel like I am not alone. I just don't understand the common sense part people seem to lack for safety. The risks are well known so I wonder to myself "what are people thinking" when they do the things they do? A small church next door just held a huge funeral. By the cars showing up outside, it must have been packed. My husband missed it due to his job, a relief in my mind. I want things to go back to normal too but it is way too unsafe. I am so tired of feeling like a mean wife asking my husband to be a little bit more careful. My elder mother in law has been dealing with cancer and in the past weeks she has had signs of her thinking falling apart. A bunch of family members from several states decided to come visit while she is still having conversations. Of course no masks! Seems we got through that incident so far but now we had a young caretaker for nights and she had no mask. I was not there or she would have worn one or left! North Dakota is not made to wear them anywhere much except the certain stores listed in the news. We are not doing too well if you take a look at the Rt. 1.15 I believe. Hard to be on the side of careful and other people just seem to think it is no big deal. Such a simple thing for most people to do is wear a mask but it is blown into a big deal. What a shame. I walk in the grocery store and thankfully workers wear masks but last time only 2 other shoppers wore one. No masks on workers or most shoppers at our Dollar General store. Students are showing up from all over states for the University here. Our bars are full at times. How can things get better? Fun times going on here so I wonder what it will be like in awhile from the carefree activities? Take care everyone.
Do you plan to get it this year because of Covid?? I still don't want to get the flu vaccine- one the problems with it is that it only covers certain strains so every season it is just not known what strains we will have that will not be covered by the vaccine

Probably not. I want the covid one, though. At my age, I'm eventually gonna fall apart.
My health insurance through my employer also only covers immunizations received at a doctors office. The urgent care at CVS or Walgreens would be covered, but immunization by the pharmacist is not. My employer also normally offers free flu shots at work but I doubt they will do that this year since most people are working from home.
Once a coronavirus vaccine is available and I feel comfortable with it, I will go wherever I need to to get one, even if that means paying for it.
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