Coronavirus COVID-19 - Global Health Pandemic #82

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While the country was still looking outward, researchers now believe the earliest infections in many states came mostly from travel within the U.S.

Jan. 25, 2020
By now the virus was likely spreading to 10 new people every day in California, according to estimates from researchers at Northeastern University’s Network Science Institute.

Feb. 3, 2020
The disease was taking root in New York. Later genetic analysis shows that by this date at least seven distinct strains could have arrived in New York City, mostly from Europe and the U.S.

Feb. 6, 2020
A 57-year-old woman died in Santa Clara County, Calif. Later tests found she had the coronavirus, making her the first known U.S. Covid-19 death. It’s still not known how she caught the virus.

Feb. 17, 2020
U.S. testing had largely stopped earlier this month due to problems with test kits. Odds were good the virus had taken hold in as many as 15 states, Northeastern researchers found.

Feb. 21, 2020
By now it was more likely than not that local transmission of the virus was underway in 24 states.

Coronavirus Hit the U.S. Long Before We Knew
I've been saying all along this "focused protection" is worth looking at.

Over 6,000 scientists sign "anti-lockdown" petition saying it's causing "irreparable damage"

The petition offers a number of examples of how to protect vulnerable people, such as recommending that nursing homes use staff with acquired immunity and delivering groceries and other essential goods to those who are retired.

Many here at WS like/prefer to see the original to evaluate (e.g. media vs. evidence) , so posting it as not in the link. Great Barrington Declaration and Petition

I've also googled 10 of them, that were at the top, and none are coming up with such on the internet supporting that I have found.

Dr. Campbell discuss the Great Barrington here also.

Many here would also agree that "nursing homes should use staff with acquired immunity...."

Heck, that would be great!

But in the US, those folks are low paid workers, and it is extremely difficult to even get COMPETENT professionals FULL TIME. Most nursing homes have most of their workers that go from home to home.. and are NOT full time.

So... how do we get to 100% no more rotations, and only folks that have in the last 5 months been positive. Pay them a premium? I don't see that as realistic. Perhaps that will be a question at the next debate?

From the Official Press Office/Press Release --->>

Further statement from the Trump campaign on CPD unilateral decision on virtual debate

(IIRC, government releases are not restricted to the 10% copyright rule)

October 08, 2020

Further statement from the Trump campaign on CPD unilateral decision on virtual debate

“The American people should not be deprived of the chance to see the two candidates for president debate face to face two more times just because the Commission on Presidential Debates wants to protect Joe Biden. It remains extremely suspect that the CPD announced the brand new virtual format at 7:30am ET today immediately after Vice President Mike Pence had just wiped the floor with Senator Kamala Harris. Clearly the commission wanted to shift attention away from Pence’s complete victory. As President Trump said, a virtual debate is a non-starter and would clearly be a gift to Biden because he would be relying on his teleprompter from his basement bunker. Voters should have the opportunity to directly question Biden’s 47-year failed record of leadership. We agree that this should happen on October 22, and accordingly, the third debate should then be shifted back one week to October 29. The CPD and the media cannot hide Joe Biden forever. Americans deserve to hear directly from both presidential candidates on these dates, October 22 and 29.”

- Bill Stepien, Trump 2020 campaign manager

Further statement from the Trump campaign on CPD unilateral decision on virtual debate

That is just one at the site that is indeed altruistic, but not realistic (although a goal in 3 years!)..

There are many others to comment on.. too numerous. Yes, in 2-3 years.. just not now is possible.

Unless... as Trump said.. that everyone in the United States will be getting his treatment for free! (He didn't explain that it will need testing, approval, gearing up to millions of doses, funded by Congress etc... some just really think perhaps that he's saying it's done? SMH.)
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Dr. Birx warns about a 'very different' coronavirus spread

Dr. Deborah Birx of the White House coronavirus task force said she’s concerned about the uptick in COVID-19 cases in the Northeast, noting how more people are becoming infected because of indoor family gatherings and social events.

Birx acknowledged the rest of the country learned from the experiences of the northeastern states during the early days of the pandemic. The kind of spread that is happening now is “very different” from the spread of the coronavirus during March and April.

“The spread of the virus now is not occurring so much in the workplace as people have taken precautions. It’s happening in homes and social occasions and people gathering and taking their mask off and letting down their guard and not physically distancing,” said Birx, noting that was a lesson learned in the South during the hot summer months, when people went indoors for air conditioning.

Birx said indoor activities with the heat on are “particularly conducive to spreading events without your mask.” She suggested people increase ventilation with outside air, including cracking a window.
Ex-N.J. Gov. Chris Christie stays in hospital for 6th day with COVID-19. Murphy calls him a ‘Jersey fighter.’

Former New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie spends his sixth day in a hospital being treated for COVID-19, current Gov. Phil Murphy said his predecessor is "the quintessential Jersey fighter.”

Christie’s exact condition remains unknown and it’s still unclear what course of treatment he’s receiving. The 58-year-old hasn’t tweeted since Saturday.

A source said on Wednesday said that Christie was in good spirits, getting good care, and is not on a ventilator. Multiple sources said there were no changes as of Thursday afternoon.

Christie’s stay is currently slightly longer than an average COVID-19 hospitalization. Five days is the median length of hospital stays for coronavirus patients outside of China, according to an analysis of 52 studies published last month in BMC Medicine.
While the country was still looking outward, researchers now believe the earliest infections in many states came mostly from travel within the U.S.

Jan. 25, 2020
By now the virus was likely spreading to 10 new people every day in California, according to estimates from researchers at Northeastern University’s Network Science Institute.

Feb. 3, 2020
The disease was taking root in New York. Later genetic analysis shows that by this date at least seven distinct strains could have arrived in New York City, mostly from Europe and the U.S.

Feb. 6, 2020
A 57-year-old woman died in Santa Clara County, Calif. Later tests found she had the coronavirus, making her the first known U.S. Covid-19 death. It’s still not known how she caught the virus.

Feb. 17, 2020
U.S. testing had largely stopped earlier this month due to problems with test kits. Odds were good the virus had taken hold in as many as 15 states, Northeastern researchers found.

Feb. 21, 2020
By now it was more likely than not that local transmission of the virus was underway in 24 states.

Coronavirus Hit the U.S. Long Before We Knew

In early threads, @margarita25 and I were sharing phylogeny trees. I've lost the link for such and need to find if they are still being updated. @margarita25, are you still tracking?

ETA: My @margarita25 is not working?
Governor says surge in Ohio’s coronavirus cases isn’t coming from bars and restaurants

The governor said the cases are coming from laxed social distancing, people who are not wearing masks, and people who are ignoring quarantine and isolation orders.

He says most of the cases are from church, after school activities, backyard barbecues, funeral, and weddings.

“We need to adjust our routines,” he said.
My sister, MIL and FIL all informed us last week that they would start attending church services the following Sunday. We tried to discourage them but failed. By Saturday they all had reevaluated their decisions and decided not to go, much to our relief.

“But we want to do a rally in Florida, probably in Florida on Saturday night, might come back and do one in Pennsylvania, on the following night.”

Asked by Hannity whether he had had a test since testing positive last week, Trump said: “Well what we’re doing is, probably the test will be tomorrow. The actual test, because there’s no reason to test all the time.”

In the rambling interview, during which he spoke with a hoarse voice, at times pausing to cough, the president ....

Donald Trump plans Florida rally on Saturday amid Covid test secrecy
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Wisconsin Opens COVID-19 Field Hospital Amid Surging Cases

Wisconsin health officials opened a field hospital Wednesday at the state fairgrounds near Milwaukee to cater to the swelling number of COVID-19 cases threatening to overwhelm hospitals.

The 530-bed field clinic was built by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers in April at the request of Wisconsin Gov. Tony Evers’ administration. Local leaders had warned about the possibility of area hospitals being overwhelmed, but hospitalizations didn't reach the point where the hospital was needed, until now.
My sister, MIL and FIL all informed us last week that they would start attending church services the following Sunday. We tried to discourage them but failed. By Saturday they all had reevaluated their decisions and decided not to go, much to our relief.
Are there few local cases where they live?
My sister, MIL and FIL all informed us last week that they would start attending church services the following Sunday. We tried to discourage them but failed. By Saturday they all had reevaluated their decisions and decided not to go, much to our relief.

My next door neighbors just left this morning for their cousin's wedding in Pennsylvania. Big wedding, so not sure how that works in Pennsylvania. My neighbors have three young children, schools functioning in hybrid fashion several days a week in-person, only youngest ride the school bus with social distancing and masks, etc. But as soon as all the kids get off the bus, they get on their bikes and are all having a great time together in the neighborhood. Parents are all back at work. They are in the age group that is not high risk, due to age and their health.
Great summary (didn't read article) that they have such transparancy, and wove in what some extenuating circumstances that happened to prolong.

This is a FABULOUS example of how to educate and publicize what to do. No shaming AT ALL involved.

I have relatives in Va that aren't keen on his policies, yet for this situation, Kudos!

Perhaps the Trump administration could learn something from what a transparent political administration looks like!!
Perhaps the president will attend one or all 7 of these rallies in Florida this weekend:

"Vice President Mike Pence is holding two events in Florida on Saturday.

Trump Jr. also is holding four events across Florida on Sunday during a “Fighters Against Socialism” bus tour."

Donald Trump Jr. hosts rally in hotel in Panama City Beach Florida
My next door neighbors just left this morning for their cousin's wedding in Pennsylvania. Big wedding, so not sure how that works in Pennsylvania. My neighbors have three young children, schools functioning in hybrid fashion several days a week in-person, only youngest ride the school bus with social distancing and masks, etc. But as soon as all the kids get off the bus, they get on their bikes and are all having a great time together in the neighborhood. Parents are all back at work. They are in the age group that is not high risk, due to age and their health.
Event Occupancy

Indoor - 20% of maximum occupancy

“Venues must require attendees to comply with 6-foot social distancing requirements, to wear masks or face coverings in compliance with my Order of the Secretary of the Pennsylvania Department of Health Requiring Universal Face Coverings, and implement best practices such as timed entry, multiple entry and exit points, multiple restrooms and hygiene stations.”
Are there few local cases where they live?
Some think that when the churches started indoor services again that it meant it was safe to go and be inside without masks and social distancing.
My sister's church (our church) is in a county with lower case numbers but 17 families in our church have had and recovered from Covid. My in laws church is in a county with higher case numbers but it isn't known if any members have had it. Both churches opened months ago but our family members were not attending.

All of our family members have taken Covid very seriously and follow all CDC and state guidelines. IDK why they decided to take the risk last week.

Both churches have 2 Sunday morning services and I think they should do like our retail stores. First service for vulnerable, seniors and at risk people with social distancing and masks enforced for their safety. Get them in there after a fresh cleaning for the first service then let those who don't take the guidelines seriously or wear masks come to the second service.
Perhaps the president will attend one or all 7 of these rallies in Florida this weekend:

"Vice President Mike Pence is holding two events in Florida on Saturday.

Trump Jr. also is holding four events across Florida on Sunday during a “Fighters Against Socialism” bus tour."

Donald Trump Jr. hosts rally in hotel in Panama City Beach Florida

*steps 5 feet back in shock*

From your link....

In these days and age, that an event would be called FIGHTERS AGAINST SOCIALISM?

I am going to have to do my own drill down... I cannot fathom this is being a stance these days.
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