Coronavirus COVID-19 - Global Health Pandemic #82

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While I feel so sorry for those who got sick and died from Covid- let me say this: you could not pay me to have gone on a cruise in the midst of a pandemic--- that statement the cruise staff allegedly made " we would not put one passenger at risk, let alone a boat full", is like a used car salesman saying, mam this car was driven by a little old lady who only drove this car to church --- i don't understand people. never have and never will.

I was watching a cruise expert this morning, on morning TV. A guy from a publication called Cruise News, or something like that.

He was spruiking how safe future cruises are going to be. They will stop nowhere, all passengers will view sights from the ship (which is certainly possible when cruising around NZ ... I have seen beautiful cruise photos taken by my DD of the NZ fjords, taken from their cruise ship at the time).

But, like you, I think they are likely going to need to wait until we get international travel and accommodation safely sorted out, through a variety of measures.

I was watching a cruise expert this morning, on morning TV. A guy from a publication called Cruise News, or something like that.

He was spruiking how safe future cruises are going to be. They will stop nowhere, all passengers will view sights from the ship (which is certainly possible when cruising around NZ ... I have seen beautiful cruise photos taken by my DD of the NZ fjords, taken from their cruise ship at the time).

But, like you, I think they are likely going to need to wait until we get international travel and accommodation safely sorted out, through a variety of measures.


I don't know how any place that has lots of people, especially indoors, can be safe. The virus loves lots of people congregated in doors, and while people on a ship are outdoors too, they do spend time indoors with 900 of their best friends. no thanks. Are these people going to social distance, wear masks and constanty wash their hands?
I'm furious after watching the local news at my Mom's. They interviewed high school and university students, none of whom wanted their faces shown, who all admitted to ignoring social distancing guidelines while on lunch or after school. They couldn't not admit it - the news caught them all on camera socializing and huddling in groups. So in school they are distanced but once they're off property, they do whatever they want. And they know it's wrong but they do it anyway. While I sit with my 87 year-old dying Mom, who can't go anywhere and do anything in her final weeks/months because of Covid. The cops should be staking out all the schools and issuing charges/fines.
I'm proud of my daughter in this respect. She is in college and they have banned study groups and such. And outside of class get togethers. She and her fellow students are following those guidelines. I'm so proud of her. She is in a medical school, so they may be taking it more seriously than the average college student. But I'm so relieved they are distancing and taking this situation seriously. They don't see each other outside of class.
I'm proud of my daughter in this respect. She is in college and they have banned study groups and such. And outside of class get togethers. She and her fellow students are following those guidelines. I'm so proud of her. She is in a medical school, so they may be taking it more seriously than the average college student. But I'm so relieved they are distancing and taking this situation seriously. They don't see each other outside of class.

thank your daughter for me
I'm proud of my daughter in this respect. She is in college and they have banned study groups and such. And outside of class get togethers. She and her fellow students are following those guidelines. I'm so proud of her. She is in a medical school, so they may be taking it more seriously than the average college student. But I'm so relieved they are distancing and taking this situation seriously. They don't see each other outside of class.

You raised a conscientious, socially responsible daughter. Congratulations! :)
Political, off topic, baiting, bickering, trolling, snark, modding, condescension, etc !!

This thread is closed for the night so whoever comes on in the morning doesn't have another mess to cleanup.
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Word to the wise - there is such a thing as an unexpressed thought, and sometimes it is those who are the WISEST who realize that and refrain from responding to a post that you feel you need to argue with. PLEASE PRACTICE THIS ADMIRABLE HABIT OF RESTRAINT. It will help keep the thread open and keep your posting privileges intact.

Thread is now reopened.
Please post with restraint or we will have to stop this car again and /or disembark some passengers.

About the Regeneron product: Trump asked for and received a compassionate use exemption for himself, I believe, which is NOT transferable (all of the folks in his orbit would need to apply for the same if they had any interest in using this experimental treatment...which I suspect at least some of them would shy away from due to its untested nature).

Interesting point related to the Regeneron product used by Trump: its development involved the use of human fetal stem cells, which this administration has been vociferously opposed to. It will be interesting to see how they reconcile their two contradictory impulses: on the one hand, to expedite approval of the Regeneron product that Trump hailed as a virtual cure for COVID-19, and on the other, to try to eradicate all scientific research that uses human fetal stem cells.The NYT article says in August the administration rejected 13 of 14 research proposals that involve the use of such stem cells in testing/development:

“As the administration sharply restricted fetal tissue research, it set up an ethics board to review scientific proposals at the National Institutes of Health. Grant renewals and new projects using fetal tissue are now considered by the Fetal Tissue Ethics Advisory Board, which met for the first time in July. In August, the board rejected 13 of the 14 proposals it reviewed; the approved proposal relied on tissue that had already been acquired.”

Trump’s Covid Treatments Were Tested in Cells Derived From Fetal Tissue

COVID drug Trump touted as a "cure" was developed using cells derived from aborted fetal tissue - CBS News

Fact check: Trump's antibody therapy not made from fetal stem cells
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Gov. Northam remains in isolation after COVID-19 symptoms emerge

Virginia Gov. Ralph S. Northam and First Lady Pamela Northam remain in isolation for the coronavirus this week in the Executive Mansion after the governor, who was asymptomatic after first testing positive for COVID-19, developed symptoms over the weekend.

In a video message posted to social media on Monday, Gov. Northam said he developed “mild, cold-like symptoms” during the weekend and lost his sense of smell.

Mrs. Northam was showing mild symptoms of the virus after the couple found out on Sept. 24 that they tested positive for the virus.

Currently, contact tracing have identified around 65 individuals who were in close contact with the Northams prior to their diagnoses. None of those individuals have tested positive for COVID-19 as of Monday.

Nevertheless, all close contacts have been instructed to quarantine for 14 days and self-monitor for symptoms.

Gov. Northam initially was scheduled to end isolation on Monday, but the emergence of symptoms during the weekend requires him to isolate for at least 10 days starting with their onset, officials said.
I've been saying all along this "focused protection" is worth looking at.

Over 6,000 scientists sign "anti-lockdown" petition saying it's causing "irreparable damage"

The petition offers a number of examples of how to protect vulnerable people, such as recommending that nursing homes use staff with acquired immunity and delivering groceries and other essential goods to those who are retired.
How are they going to protect where the vulnerable live with the non vulnerable?
Or multi generational homes?
So if you’re younger (under 30? 40?)
healthy (no health issues whatsoever)
and don’t have older family members that you interact with on a regular basis?
Not all elderly are in LTC.
Some are in private homes cared by a rotating group of family due to cost, hospice care, etc. It would be great if there was a plan to protect them.
I've been saying all along this "focused protection" is worth looking at.

Over 6,000 scientists sign "anti-lockdown" petition saying it's causing "irreparable damage"

The petition offers a number of examples of how to protect vulnerable people, such as recommending that nursing homes use staff with acquired immunity and delivering groceries and other essential goods to those who are retired.

I guess the issue with this is how do we know who has acquired immunity?
Do people who have had covid and are now recovered - assuming that they have immunity - be hired to deliver essentials to the vulnerable?
And does this mean that the vulnerable stay locked down indefinitely?
And how long will immunity last? I have read that this could be an annual thing. Immunity only for a while.

Society is in a very difficult place with this issue. IMO
How are they going to protect where the vulnerable live with the non vulnerable?
Or multi generational homes?
So if you’re younger (under 30? 40?)
healthy (no health issues whatsoever)
and don’t have older family members that you interact with on a regular basis?
Not all elderly are in LTC.
Some are in private homes cared by a rotating group of family due to cost, hospice care, etc. It would be great if there was a plan to protect them.

BBM. I totally agree. And these scientists are very intelligent, respected, impressive histories. They are the start of a great think tank. IMO
I guess the issue with this is how do we know who has acquired immunity?
Do people who have had covid and are now recovered - assuming that they have immunity - be hired to deliver essentials to the vulnerable?
And does this mean that the vulnerable stay locked down indefinitely?
And how long will immunity last? I have read that this could be an annual thing. Immunity only for a while.

Society is in a very difficult place with this issue. IMO

With thousands of scientists in agreement, hopefully they can figure it out. :) The more the better.
Interesting point related to the Regeneron product used by Trump: its development involved the use of human fetal stem cells, which this administration has been vociferously opposed to. It will be interesting to see how they reconcile their two contradictory impulses: on the one hand, to expedite approval of the Regeneron product that Trump hailed as a virtual cure for COVID-19, and on the other, to try to eradicate all scientific research that uses human fetal stem cells.The NYT article says in August the administration rejected 13 of 14 research proposals that involve the use of such stem cells in testing/development:

“As the administration sharply restricted fetal tissue research, it set up an ethics board to review scientific proposals at the National Institutes of Health. Grant renewals and new projects using fetal tissue are now considered by the Fetal Tissue Ethics Advisory Board, which met for the first time in July. In August, the board rejected 13 of the 14 proposals it reviewed; the approved proposal relied on tissue that had already been acquired.”

Trump’s Covid Treatments Were Tested in Cells Derived From Fetal Tissue

COVID drug Trump touted as a "cure" was developed using cells derived from aborted fetal tissue - CBS News

Fact check: Trump's antibody therapy not made from fetal stem cells

Marking this post to follow up later with MOO's based on more looking into. IIRC, doing titers to determine the concentrations etc are done on fetal cells. It's the gold standard since the late 70's and early 80's for growing many viruses to learn their endpoints/concentration for vaccines and for patient samples (as opposed to PCR, which does dead virion particles also).

The title of your first article (which I don't have time to read right now) leads me to believe that MSM doesn't understand and can weed through the company statements of that they don't use fetal cells in the development? "Made from" = grows in one type of cell line for massive amounts vs. "Derived from" = originated from.

Back later when I have time to dive into.
Florida State University legend Bobby Bowden remains in the hospital for treatment of COVID-19.

Coach Bowden spoke on Monday saying he had tested positive for the virus.

On Wednesday afternoon, a friend close to the Bowden family said he was still in the hospital, but was believed to be feeling okay. They say the Bowdens made the decision to go to the hospital out of an abundance of caution and to be around doctors and nurses rather than at home.

Bowden will be turning 91 next month.

Bobby Bowden remains in hospital for treatment of COVID-19
Gov. Northam remains in isolation after COVID-19 symptoms emerge

Virginia Gov. Ralph S. Northam and First Lady Pamela Northam remain in isolation for the coronavirus this week in the Executive Mansion after the governor, who was asymptomatic after first testing positive for COVID-19, developed symptoms over the weekend.

In a video message posted to social media on Monday, Gov. Northam said he developed “mild, cold-like symptoms” during the weekend and lost his sense of smell.

Mrs. Northam was showing mild symptoms of the virus after the couple found out on Sept. 24 that they tested positive for the virus.

Currently, contact tracing have identified around 65 individuals who were in close contact with the Northams prior to their diagnoses. None of those individuals have tested positive for COVID-19 as of Monday.

Nevertheless, all close contacts have been instructed to quarantine for 14 days and self-monitor for symptoms.

Gov. Northam initially was scheduled to end isolation on Monday, but the emergence of symptoms during the weekend requires him to isolate for at least 10 days starting with their onset, officials said.

Great summary (didn't read article) that they have such transparancy, and wove in what some extenuating circumstances that happened to prolong.

This is a FABULOUS example of how to educate and publicize what to do. No shaming AT ALL involved.

I have relatives in Va that aren't keen on his policies, yet for this situation, Kudos!
I was watching a cruise expert this morning, on morning TV. A guy from a publication called Cruise News, or something like that.

He was spruiking how safe future cruises are going to be. They will stop nowhere, all passengers will view sights from the ship (which is certainly possible when cruising around NZ ... I have seen beautiful cruise photos taken by my DD of the NZ fjords, taken from their cruise ship at the time).

But, like you, I think they are likely going to need to wait until we get international travel and accommodation safely sorted out, through a variety of measures.

Stopping no where is not going to please the tourism industry in what was once regular stops.

I guess the issue with this is how do we know who has acquired immunity?
Do people who have had covid and are now recovered - assuming that they have immunity - be hired to deliver essentials to the vulnerable?
And does this mean that the vulnerable stay locked down indefinitely?
And how long will immunity last? I have read that this could be an annual thing. Immunity only for a while.

Society is in a very difficult place with this issue. IMO
How is anyone to really know who might have immunity? Supposedly, there will be airline immunity cards - waiting for bogus computer generated fakes.
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