Coronavirus COVID-19 - Global Health Pandemic #82

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“Unfortunately, to not get together with their families and friends for Thanksgiving so that we can take control of this second wave, so that we can all celebrate at Christmas."

I’m a bit confused, is it miraculously going to improve in the weeks between Thanksgiving and Christmas?

Maybe in Canada but unfortunately I believe Christmas in my part of the US will be a lot like Thanksgiving with only those that reside in your household for indoor gatherings.

Outdoors possible for those able to be outside in the cold, such as younger family members hike or meet in a park while social distancing.
Not meet at older family members and sit close inside, cooking together in the kitchen, using same bathroom, etc.

I’d rather face facts now that it’s not possible to safely have an indoor family gathering for Thanksgiving and Christmas this year instead of hoping things will be better by December.

Sure, if you can get a test where you live - but as we’ve seen that’s only for that particular time that you took the test - so when you drive two days later to visit - it’s no longer valid. Do you sit each person 6 feet apart with masks trying to talk (yell) across the room to family members? There’s no way to safely distance more than a few people inside. Do we quickly build an outhouse?

This is going to be hardest of all on the seniors in our families. Seeing the little ones is so special, even if it's just to sit back and watch them play, or sit next to them at the table and listen to their stories. Some seniors may feel dispair, as they count their years and wonder if they may never see their wee ones again.

Is it possible to do some kind of zoomfest? Maybe open gifts, or cards and letters while connected? We're doing a Thanksgiving dessert zoom this weekend. It seems odd to share a meal together onscreen, but we think it might help us capture a special part of Thanksgiving.
Florida reports 3,306 new cases of COVID-19, 170 deaths

Florida reports 3,306 new cases of COVID-19, 170 deaths
Florida has seen increase in cases for three days straight

The last week has been depressing. Europe's Health Commission has put all but three nations on its "critical" list and it's clear that Rome, which didn't get the first wave in Italy very badly, is all set for an outbreak. By all set, I mean they are instituting mitigation measures (no one is locking down in Europe, but some cities are taking stricter measures). It's weird to look at webcams at Piazza Navona or the Spanish Steps and almost no one is there. Even Trevi Fountain had almost no people at it last night.

Romans, IOW, are using common sense and staying home - I think it'll be two weeks before they emerge.

Thing is, once the rates shoot up, it does take at least 2 weeks to see it go back down again because of mitigation measures. I think the European Health Organization (whatever its acronym is) has done a great job of telling its members that they need to encourage common sense mitigation (not lockdowns) for two weeks. Red alert, basically.

I don't like those mortality figures from Florida - what's going to happen? Are people going to do the Swedish thing and stay home or wear masks on their own (which of course...not all Swedes did and they have higher mortality rates than most of Europe).
Mass. Middle Schooler Donating Kits to Keep Classrooms Safe From COVID-19
more at link
Back-to-school shopping now includes plenty of masks and hand sanitizer, but one student in Medford, Massachusetts, is buying supplies for more than just herself.

Delilah Putnam, a seventh-grader at Andrews Middle School in Medford, spent the summer raising money and collecting donations to make COVID-19 prevention kits for classrooms.
This is going to be hardest of all on the seniors in our families. Seeing the little ones is so special, even if it's just to sit back and watch them play, or sit next to them at the table and listen to their stories. Some seniors may feel dispair, as they count their years and wonder if they may never see their wee ones again.

Is it possible to do some kind of zoomfest? Maybe open gifts, or cards and letters while connected? We're doing a Thanksgiving dessert zoom this weekend. It seems odd to share a meal together onscreen, but we think it might help us capture a special part of Thanksgiving.

I would just like to add one more suggestion for Thanksgiving/Christmas fun for people who cannot be together.

I mentioned a long time ago .... a friend's family get together on zoom and play a trivia game together. All ages play. People wander on screen and off screen - but everyone has their turn. They have a drink and munchies. Just like sitting around the dining room table playing a game together after a family meal, except doing it over zoom.
Do we know yet who put Trump in harm's way?

IF they did the appropriate contact tracing, we would obviously know more than we do... It is downright infuriating that we know nothing.
I feel we should know more about meetings, before the Rose Garden. We know he met with Ronna McDaniel, on Friday before Rose Garden and she was declared positive before Hope.
We will get plenty of deflection, but little real truth, i am afraid.
Clearly, the powers to be know when he had that last negative test.... but they are clearly going to keep that info from us.
I would just like to add one more suggestion for Thanksgiving/Christmas fun for people who cannot be together.

I mentioned a long time ago .... a friend's family get together on zoom and play a trivia game together. All ages play. People wander on screen and off screen - but everyone has their turn. They have a drink and munchies. Just like sitting around the dining room table playing a game together after a family meal, except doing it over zoom.

That is a GREAT idea for families... but we don't have to wait for Thanksgiving....
I'mm telling ya, happy hours with distant friends and relatives are WONDERFUL. We share exotic munchies and apps, and no one has to drive home.....
Can she go to a local ER? Have her call first before going to let them she is symptomatic, not feeling well and wants to be evaluated. She will need to wear a mask. Our hospital only uses PCR nasopharyngeal test. I'm hoping it's the same at her hospital.
It upsets me that the health department won't do a second test with ongoing her symptoms. Tracking outbreaks is imperative!
Hospital would not test her since she had been so recently tested at work (ours still has tents out front and if you have symptoms of COVID or fever you have to be out there), but she called and they referred her to her PCP.
This is going to be hardest of all on the seniors in our families. Seeing the little ones is so special, even if it's just to sit back and watch them play, or sit next to them at the table and listen to their stories. Some seniors may feel dispair, as they count their years and wonder if they may never see their wee ones again.

Is it possible to do some kind of zoomfest? Maybe open gifts, or cards and letters while connected? We're doing a Thanksgiving dessert zoom this weekend. It seems odd to share a meal together onscreen, but we think it might help us capture a special part of Thanksgiving.

You're so kind, and it helps to see this in words. Yes, I'm already there. Right now, the family is gathered for a wedding. My high risk daughter and family can't go, I can't go. Not sure anyone should go - and the kids are not wearing masks when they facetime me. I love 'em to pieces and they are going to quarantine within their little family unit again for 2 weeks, so we can have a picnic in late October.

I may go in for a hug and for sure I'm going to sit close to my youngest granddaughter (she always wears her mask) for at least a few minutes. Outdoors. That will be in November. Our county is down below 3 new cases per 100,000 for a couple of days. It's all usually at my house - but not this year.

Hospital would not test her since she had been so recently tested at work (ours still has tents out front and if you have symptoms of COVID or fever you have to be out there), but she called and they referred her to her PCP.
Yes, most hospitals have the tents. No reason to bring the virus inside as most patients won't be admit. I'm so sorry this won't work for you. I'm sure she is isolating from all of her family and friends and I hope she recovers quickly. I just wanted to post the CDC's recommendations again.

When to seek emergency medical attention
Look for emergency warning signs* for COVID-19. If someone is showing any of these signs, seek emergency medical care immediately:

  • Trouble breathing
  • Persistent pain or pressure in the chest
  • New confusion
  • Inability to wake or stay awake
  • Bluish lips or face
*This list is not all possible symptoms. Please call your medical provider for any other symptoms that are severe or concerning to you.

Call 911 or call ahead to your local emergency facility: Notify the operator that you are seeking care for someone who has or may have COVID-19.
Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19)
White House Reception for Bereaved Military Families May Also Have Been COVID Spreader Event

The ongoing COVID-19 outbreak among top Republicans, including the president, includes a number of individuals who attended a White House event for Supreme Court nominee Amy Coney Barrett on Sept. 26.

According to, Coast Guard, Adm. Charles W. Ray (who also tested positive) and other senior military officials were present at an event for bereaved military “Gold Star” families that was held indoors at the White House the following day.

Photos from the event show Donald and Melania Trump, who have both since tested positive for COVID-19, standing close to guests. No one in the photos is wearing masks. The New York Times reported that the White House is not doing any contract tracing for events prior to Sept. 28, which would mean that the families present have not been told they were potentially exposed and there has not been any effort made to quarantine any White House officials who were present.

At least two active members of the armed forces who are members of the president’s detail have tested positive in recent days, but it isn’t publicly known whether they were at the Gold Star gathering.

Way back when, recall posting with others and @Bravo when Trudeau was giving his pressers from his home
IF they did the appropriate contact tracing, we would obviously know more than we do... It is downright infuriating that we know nothing.
I feel we should know more about meetings, before the Rose Garden. We know he met with Ronna McDaniel, on Friday before Rose Garden and she was declared positive before Hope.
We will get plenty of deflection, but little real truth, i am afraid.
Clearly, the powers to be know when he had that last negative test.... but they are clearly going to keep that info from us.

It looks like USA Today is going to try to identify everybody from the Rose Garden even if the health department or the White House doesn't. I don't have the link right now, but I was just looking within the last hour and the health departments have put out a release asking everybody that was at the Rose Garden to see their doctor and get a test.

Here's everyone at the White House Rose Garden SCOTUS event now called a likely 'superspreader.' Help us ID them all.
Scientific American has just released a graph of the rates of death, through various causes, over the past 5 years.

Covid ranks WAY higher than flu, in any of those 5 years.
I believe they released the article in an effort to educate people with the facts.

View attachment 267242

It kills more people than the flu, contrary to Trump’s claims, and also surpasses stroke, Alzheimer’s and diabetes
TY for posting this unusual graph. It seems there is a yearly winter peak for heart disease and the flu that is understandable with the flu but rather mystifying with heart disease. I am guessing the massive first Covid peak is due to the LTC and NY deaths and the second peak must be the "hot" states. What is interesting is that once the vaccines are in full production as well as the cures, this virus should go the way of polio and diptheria and there will not be a reocurrence unless it is another mutation. If the flu, heart disease and cancer are viewed across the graph, the true tolls are apparent.
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Way back when, recall posting with others and @Bravo when Trudeau was giving his pressers from his home

It looks like USA Today is going to try to identify everybody from the Rose Garden even if the health department or the White House doesn't. I don't have the link right now, but I was just looking within the last hour and the health departments have put out a release asking everybody that was at the Rose Garden to see their doctor and get a test.

Here's everyone at the White House Rose Garden SCOTUS event now called a likely 'superspreader.' Help us ID them all.
How are the .media allowed to do this when CT is supposed to be private and anonymous?
RSBM What is interesting is that once the vaccines are in full production as well as the cures, this virus should go the way of polio and diptheria and there will not be a reocurrence unless it is another mutation. If the flu, heart disease and cancer are viewed across the graph, the true tolls are apparent.

For the last months, the doctors have been stating that eventual vaccines may only give somewhat long term inate immunity (T cells) , but neutralizing immunity (B cells/antibodies) may only last short term and need an annual vaccine(s) like the flu.

Sources: Many of the Dr. Campbell, Dr. Seheult and Dr. Hanson videos and their discussions of coronaviruses, and history of how T cell and B cell immunity lasts for the original SARS
How are the .media allowed to do this when CT is supposed to be private and anonymous?

Within the article, they state they merely are wanting to ID individuals that were at a public event.

Contact tracing wasn't mentioned in the article. They have posted a photo and ID'd many already, and color coded those that are/are not wearing masks at this point, and those that have self released they have tested positive (see photo from link)


Here's everyone at the White House Rose Garden SCOTUS event now called a likely 'superspreader.' Help us ID them all.


12. Sen. Thom Tillis, R-N.C. is the only one that appears to now be positive that WAS wearing a mask that day.
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Within the article, they state they merely are wanting to ID individuals that were at a public event.

Contact tracing wasn't specifically mentioned in the article. They have posted a photo and ID'd many already, and color coded those that are/are not wearing masks at this point, and those that have tested positive (see photo from link)

Here's everyone at the White House Rose Garden SCOTUS event now called a likely 'superspreader.' Help us ID them all.

View attachment 267250

As far as I can see, the privacy element applies to govt agencies.
As well, it is only stated that the identity of the person who is the source of the infection is not to be released.

To protect patient privacy, contacts are only informed that they may have been exposed to a patient with the infection. They are not told the identity of the patient who may have exposed them.
Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19)
It's been more than five months since the Ruby Princess docked in Australian waters with its outbreak of coronavirus, and survivors of the doomed cruise ship are about to take the pursuit of justice in their own hands.

A police investigation is still ongoing but hundreds of the surviving passengers are intending to join a class action against ship owner Carnival Australia.

Like all the passengers, Mr Lake was told nothing during the voyage of the 104 acute respiratory infections the ship had listed on board.

Ms Temple said the cruise put passenger lives at risk for money.
She was also among the 900 onboard to contract COVID-19, along with her mum Elizabeth.

She claimed she asked cruise staff about the risk of the coronavirus before boarding.
"And she said, we would not put one passenger at risk, let alone a boat-full," Ms Temple said.

'Ruined my life': Ruby Princess passengers joining class action
This antibody therapy is going to be provided free of charge to seniors.

And US has already pre purchased half a million dollars worth.

I don't know why the titles have come up as they have but the links should be two separate articles

From first link -

Mr. Trump also repeated a suggestionthat treatments could soon be authorized by the Food and Drug Administration for emergency use. He did not offer an explanation for how he would make the medication free or how he intended to “get it to you soon.” However, Regeneron has received over $500 million from the federal government to develop and manufacture its antibody therapy, and as part of that deal, has said it would be made available at no cost to Americans.

On Wednesday, Regeneron said that it had applied for emergency authorization of its treatments, and said it had enough doses for 50,000 patients, and would have enough for up to 300,000 people by the end of the year.

Covid-19 Live Updates: As Partial N.Y.C. Lockdown Nears, Confusion and Anger Rattle City

Regeneron signs a $450 million contract with the U.S. government for its coronavirus therapy
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