Coronavirus COVID-19 - Global Health Pandemic #83

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@CoverMeCagney, I found it fabulous, and had no idea, that y'all were doing the same math/science levels to rate for LOCAL levels to change that to my understanding, only the State of New York /Cuomo has said for about 6 months. It was all science based/math and depended exactly on WHO /other science said to do. Test, trace, isolate, focus on the hot spots as priority and target specific mitigations accordingly. Logical isn't it!

Does anyone know if any other states in the US are doing what UK and New York state are doing?

@SouthAussie, is that how you guys are doing also?

In Ohio, we have been using a similar system for some time now, it is a statewide color-coded system based on a data-driven framework to identify counties’ level of risk. It is update weekly and the Governor gives weekly press conferences to announce changes in the "map" and also visits hot spots to meet with public health officials and civic and elected leaders when warranted.

Ohio Public Health Advisory System

Ohio Public Health Advisory System Covid-19

The Public Health Advisory Alert System is a color-coded system designed to supplement existing statewide orders through a data-driven framework to assess the degree of the virus’ spread and to engage and empower individuals, businesses, communities, local governments, and others in their response and actions.

The system consists of four levels that provide Ohioans with guidance as to the severity of the problem in the counties in which they live. The levels are determined by seven data indicators that identify the risk level for each county and a corresponding color code to represent that risk level.

County Level Indicator Breakdown

Case Rates by County

Risk Level Guidance
Covid in Wales: How many cases and deaths have there been?

The deaths of 21 more people with coronavirus have been reported by Public Health Wales (PHW).

But it said Saturday's total was higher due to a delay in including 17 deaths from the Cwm Taf Morgannwg health board from earlier in October.

It means a total of 1,667 people in Wales have died with Covid-19 since the beginning of the pandemic.

There were 627 new cases reported, meaning 29,654 people have now tested positive in Wales.

13,864 new cases announced on Friday

There have been more than 500,000 confirmed cases of coronavirus so far in the UK and more than 40,000 people have died, government figures show.

However, these figures include only people who have died within 28 days of testing positive for coronavirus and other measures suggest the number of deaths is higher.



The most recent daily figure for England shows 491 people admitted to hospital with Covid-19.

On Thursday, Health Minister Nadine Dorries predicted hospitals would reach a "critical" point within 10 days.

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In Ohio, we have been using a similar system for some time now, it is a statewide color-coded system based on a data-driven framework to identify counties’ level of risk. It is update weekly and the Governor gives weekly press conferences to announce changes in the "map" and also visits hot spots to meet with public health officials and civic and elected leaders when warranted.

Ohio Public Health Advisory System

Ohio Public Health Advisory System Covid-19

The Public Health Advisory Alert System is a color-coded system designed to supplement existing statewide orders through a data-driven framework to assess the degree of the virus’ spread and to engage and empower individuals, businesses, communities, local governments, and others in their response and actions.

The system consists of four levels that provide Ohioans with guidance as to the severity of the problem in the counties in which they live. The levels are determined by seven data indicators that identify the risk level for each county and a corresponding color code to represent that risk level.

County Level Indicator Breakdown

Case Rates by County

Risk Level Guidance

@Sundog, Thank you so much as I'm ignorant to each state. It's awful to have the need for continuing mitigation, but at least there is an attempt to make it localized .. yet standards are from the top down to focus and "not make others suffer" economically as it's just awful as it it.

Good to see that your state at least has markers for decisions that can easily be determined. Even if disagreement, focus on the science to disagree with gives a basis for educated and thoughtful policy to move forward.

Things are fluid, and glad to see that your State health folks are working in tandem with your leadership.
In Ohio, we have been using a similar system for some time now, it is a statewide color-coded system based on a data-driven framework to identify counties’ level of risk. It is update weekly and the Governor gives weekly press conferences to announce changes in the "map" and also visits hot spots to meet with public health officials and civic and elected leaders when warranted.

Ohio Public Health Advisory System

Ohio Public Health Advisory System Covid-19

The Public Health Advisory Alert System is a color-coded system designed to supplement existing statewide orders through a data-driven framework to assess the degree of the virus’ spread and to engage and empower individuals, businesses, communities, local governments, and others in their response and actions.

The system consists of four levels that provide Ohioans with guidance as to the severity of the problem in the counties in which they live. The levels are determined by seven data indicators that identify the risk level for each county and a corresponding color code to represent that risk level.

County Level Indicator Breakdown

Case Rates by County

Risk Level Guidance

Indiana must be using the same system. We have 4 colors.

ETA I just looked. Our colors are different. Blue, yellow, orange, then red.

ISDH - Novel Coronavirus: Indiana COVID-19 Dashboard


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@SouthAussie - Dr. Campbell's 25 minute/third video today. Update re Australia in this one, especially Victoria... From midnight Sunday, face shields/bandanas will not be accepted, masks are needed

talks about mask wearing is so simple, and proven

and focus on what is NOT being done -re collateral damage medicals/social/economic... he is also today focusing on also e.g. stillbirths and non-vaccinations for other diseases due to COVID.

ETA: And he emphasizes there is no longer community transmission in China (54 cases is most recent, all were imported) and life is back to normal (no link, my family member has done remote learning to Chinese students in Wuhan etc... she agrees all her students normal living now)
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Trump has approved revised coronavirus relief package, 'wants to do a deal:' Kudlow

Trump preparing new $1.8T coronavirus relief package, urges Congress to 'go big'
It marks an increase from the $1.6 trillion the administration had previously proposed

Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin is expected to discuss the proposal — the largest yet from the Trump administration — with House Speaker Nancy Pelosi when the two speak Friday, according to White House economic adviser Larry Kudlow.

“Covid Relief Negotiations are moving along. Go Big!” Trump tweeted on Friday.

For months, Congress has struggled to reach an agreement on additional stimulus. Negotiations first collapsed in early August, prompting Trump to sign four executive measures intended to provide relief to families still reeling from the virus-induced crisis, including temporarily extending supplemental jobless aid at $300 a week.
10,000 mink are dead in Covid-19 outbreaks at US fur farms after virus believed spread by humans

10,000 mink are dead in Covid-19 outbreaks at US fur farms after virus believed spread by humans

More at link
CNN) — Thousands of mink have died at fur farms in Utah and Wisconsin after a series of coronavirus outbreaks.

In Utah, ranchers have lost at least 8,000 mink to Covid-19 among the animals known for their silky, luxurious pelts.

The virus first appeared in the creatures in August, shortly after farmworkers fell ill in July, according to Dr. Dean Taylor, State Veterinarian of Utah. Initial research shows the virus was transmitted from humans to animals, and so far has not seen any cases of the opposite.

“Everything we’ve looked at here in Utah suggests its gone from the humans to the animals,” Taylor told CNN. “It feels like a unidirectional path,” he said, adding that testing is still underway. Utah’s was the first outbreak among mink in the United States.

On Friday, Kevin Hoffman, a spokesperson at the Wisconsin Department of Agriculture, Trade and Consumer Protection, told CNN 2,000 mink have died from the coronavirus at a Wisconsin farm as well. Officials have quarantined the farm, Hoffman said in a release, meaning no animals or animal products may leave the Taylor County premises.

Dr. Keith Paulson with the UW-Madison Veterinary School Diagnostic Laboratory told CNN affiliate WISN that he noted “significant mortality in the mink” and that three workers there had recovered from the virus after displaying “mild to moderate clinical signs.”

Other cases have been detected in the Netherlands, Spain and Denmark, according to the US Department of Agriculture.
I wonder how many would have gotten sick if they were in cages 6 feet apart? And the cages had "masks" on them? That would be a very interesting experiment. I recall someone did do this experiment with hamsters back in the beginning.
I wonder how many would have gotten sick if they were in cages 6 feet apart? And the cages had "masks" on them? That would be a very interesting experiment. I recall someone did do this experiment with hamsters back in the beginning.

I wonder if they still made fur coats out of them. I hope not.
China joins COVAX coronavirus vaccine alliance

China, which has at least four coronavirus vaccine candidates in the last stage of clinical trials, said Friday it is joining an international initiative to distribute COVID-19 vaccines to countries worldwide known as COVAX, a move that may help the country find an international market for its coronavirus shots.

Some experts point out that without significant efforts to quickly boost manufacturing capacity globally, Chinese vaccine producers may offer the best chance to supply the developing world. China’s decision to join COVAX might give the country an opportunity to sign multimillion dollar deals that Gavi and partners will need to enter to secure billions of vaccine doses.

The United States, the world’s largest economy, declined to join under President Donald Trump, saying COVAX was “influenced by the corrupt WHO and China.” China has the second-largest economy in the world.

COVAX plans to buy 2 billion doses of a vaccine by the end of 2021, although it remains unknown whether the successful vaccine will require one or two doses.

World Health Organization explanation of their COVAX initiative is at:
COVAX: Working for global equitable access to COVID-19 vaccines
Saturday WH rally: will there be social distancing with expected 2000 invitees?
The White House appears to be taking additional precautions for the upcoming event Saturday. All attendees are required to bring masks with them, and they will be instructed to wear them while on the White House grounds, a source with knowledge of the plans told CNBC. The participants must also submit to a coronavirus “screening,” the source said, which will include a temperature check and a brief questionnaire.

Trump to hold in-person event at the White House on Saturday, then head to Florida rally Monday

@JerseyGirl, Thanks for the update to correct when first found. And now rampant as was in the Netherlands. So the first report in MSM was August 17th, but was found on the 6th.. appreciate you drilling down to find the lag time from first known to first reports as yes, there would be a lag. And now proven to pass between humans it seems.

I did a little google to see what minks were bred for, and just not for pelts.. but it is a source similar to human sebum and used in some medical and cosmetic products for the palmitoleic acid and in leather treating. (which have many alternatives that are plant based MOO Palmitoleic acid - Wikipedia )

Mink oil - Wikipedia

Extremely interesting how ferrets and minks carry and spread COVID. Another down the rabbit hole later for some into google scholar as this is very interesting?
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Maine hockey
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Youth ice hockey leagues aren’t following state coronavirus guidelines
The breach of Maine's community sports guidelines is revealed as players and coaches from 4 teams enter quarantine after being exposed to a referee who tested positive.
Youth hockey leagues have been playing games at ice rinks across Maine, failing to abide by state guidelines that limit indoor hockey to intrasquad scrimmages.

Those games were in the spotlight Thursday after Dr. Nirav Shah, director of the Maine Center for Disease Control and Prevention, said 400 people were potentially exposed to COVID-19 by a referee who tested positive. He officiated games last weekend in Yarmouth, Biddeford and New Hampshire.

“Youth hockey teams are playing, they’re playing pretty extensively,” Bowdoin College men’s coach Jamie Dumont said.

Lambrew threatens punitive action against hockey leagues violating state COVID-19 guidelines
“If non-compliance persists and the spread of COVID-19 through community sports appears to be occurring, we will not hesitate to harden what had been strong recommendations into stringent requirements and take all reasonable and practicable action to enforce them to protect the health and safety of Maine people,” Lambrew said.

Maine CDC continues investigation into hockey arena COVID exposures
That would be a contact tracing nightmare! But on a positive note, would picking up the virus a little at a time cause immunity rather than symptoms? I’m interested in @10ofRods thoughts on this. It’s way above my pay grade. :D

Good morning!

I don't think it's known. Let's just say that "community transmission" seems to include many examples but the whole problem with having unknown vectors of transmission is exactly due to questions like this onel

There are studies that people who wear masks in hospitals and still get CoVid have a milder course - due to lower viral load.

The handwashing premise is based on the idea that one could transmit virions to one's mouth or nose by touch - and that would be a small load of virions in most cases. It seems to me that if someone was in a crowd with a nearby infectious person (even outdoors, as seen at the Trump rally) that inhalation of small amounts at a time over a period of an hour or more would be enough to infect.

That's what's worrying about the increased rates of CoVId - in larger groups, we could expect a couple of people to be spreading virions and people standing nearby might get them. We have to posit such a thing is possible in order to explain the high number of "community transmission" cases (another way of saying "We really don't know how they got it.")

To look at it another way, back in the beginning, scientists quickly calculated how far the aerosols could go and told us to stay 6 feet apart, even when masked. At that distance, the number of escaping aerosols was low but also - would be spreading out more broadly. Not perfectly safe (we know virions can go 3X as far, at least) so it leaves all of us wondering whether if in a busy outdoor setting, if lots of people were spreaders, even if we were further away from them, could we get it?

It seems rare according to the studies of aerosols, but not impossible.
Kayleigh McEnany To CBS3's Stephanie Stahl: 'We Don't Believe' President Trump Ignored COVID-19 Science

“We believe we’ve released, since his positive diagnosis everyday, issuing statements about his various levels and metrics from Dr. Sean Conley. We will be transparent as we move forward.”

McEnany said metrics that test for the virus would be released before the president travels, but, she said, not being a doctor, she didn’t have details.
Proof of a negative or positive PCR test would suffice
As to inherent immunity to HIV, the gene that provides the immunity is extant in European and Eurasian/Asian populations (higher percentage of Europeans have it, now believed to have come into our genome from Neanderthals).

Now, geneticists are saying that very same gene is making people more susceptible to the cytokine storm that is severe CoVid.

The major genetic risk factor for severe COVID-19 is inherited from Neanderthals
Lesson not learned: Europe unprepared as 2nd virus wave hits

As infections rise in many European countries, some — including Belgium, Netherlands, the United Kingdom, Spain and France — are diagnosing more new cases every day per capita than the United States, according to the seven-day rolling averages of data kept by Johns Hopkins University. On Friday, France, with a population of about 70 million, reported a record 20,300 new infections.

"We're seeing 98,000 cases reported in the last 24 hours. That's a new regional record. That's very alarming," said Robb Butler, executive director of the WHO's Europe regional office. While part of that is due to increased testing, "It's also worrisome in terms of virus resurgence."

Lesson not learned: Europe unprepared as 2nd virus wave hits
Kayleigh McEnany To CBS3's Stephanie Stahl: 'We Don't Believe' President Trump Ignored COVID-19 Science

“We believe we’ve released, since his positive diagnosis everyday, issuing statements about his various levels and metrics from Dr. Sean Conley. We will be transparent as we move forward.”

McEnany said metrics that test for the virus would be released before the president travels, but, she said, not being a doctor, she didn’t have details.

Proof of a negative or positive PCR test would suffice

"Why does the president continue to ignore science and medical advice?” Stahl asked McEnany. “We don’t believe the president ignored science."

We believe the president’s results speak for themselves,” McEnany responded....when you blame the White House, when you blame President Trump, when you blame me, you’re also blaming the 7 million-plus Americans who got COVID-19 through no fault of their own,” McEnany responded."

Nope, many scientists are not lumping him in with the 7 million others who attempted to educate and mitigate MOO by promoting / following e.g. wearing masks, promoting distancing/hygiene etc. which he has not done, and just done the opposite.

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