Coronavirus COVID-19 - Global Health Pandemic #85

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Me too. I purchased some “over regular glasses“ sunglasses at Costco last year in the optical dept. They are comfortable and have quite wide side pieces. I don’t suspect they are perfect but certainly better than having eyes totally exposed and certainly keep my hands away from my eyes.

I don't have a Costco near me but I'm going to look for these "over regular glasses" sunglasses online. Thank you for mentioning them! It only makes sense to protect our eyes as well.
I have been talking to my younger friends, apparently the country is a crazy quilt of various school types. Some go all day, some not at all, some part time. The whole thing seems to be a mish mash, and no one is really getting a lot of instruction.
Much like what's happening to just about everything in the US.
Average daily new coronavirus cases in U.S. hit all-time high, Gottlieb warns of 'exponential spread'

  • The average number of new daily cases of coronavirus in the United States is at a record.
  • “We are likely to see a very dense epidemic,” former Food and Drug Administration Commissioner Dr. Scott Gottlieb told CNBC on Monday.
  • As daily new cases skyrocket, hospitalizations are rising, too, and deaths, which lag furthest behind those other indicators, are beginning to tick up.


“We must not give up”

I heard on our TV News last night that the White House has said they are not going to do anything to control the virus. (I think a post was put up about this a day or two ago.)
The news is gaining traction around the world. To a country like mine ... we are a bit flabbergasted! SO many more deaths to come. :(

The White House has conceded it is "not going to control the pandemic" as it faces another staff outbreak nine days from the US election.
But as cases continue to soar in most states, White House chief of staff Mark Meadows revealed the Trump administration was not aiming to control the virus, and instead was focusing its efforts on the development of a vaccine to stop the spread.
"Here's what we have to do: we're not going to control the pandemic – we're going to control the fact that we get a vaccine, therapeutics and other mitigation," Meadows told CNN's Jake Tapper.
Iowa numbes today: As of 10:00-11:00 a.m. we had 677 new confirmed cases for a total of 116,452 confirmed cases of which 87,984 had recovered (+275). 2 more had passed away for a total of 1,636. There are 52,611 active confirmed cases. 73 were hospitalized in the last 24 hrs. for a total of 561 (new daily record). Here are the daily age groups: 0-17: 10,247 (+81); 18-40: 52,611 (+205); 41-60: 32,113 (+204); 61-80: 16,684 (+140); & 81+: 4,769 (+47). Oct. 26: Iowa hits another record-breaking number of hospitalizations
Iowa COVID-19 Information

Interesting..... 18-40, and 41-60 the same uptick. And much higher than the 61-80 range.
Hubby called me from the ER-- wonder of wonders: they have 2 hour Covid test!
They did Chest X-ray, blood and all of that. By the way, if you go to a hospital for possible Covid they call it "Covid watch" and they do not allow you to use the bathroom- they give you a bottle!!! He will be there probably all day----praying it is not Covid!!!!

Well, here 's the news: Negative for Covid but he has several blood clots in his lungs and he will be admitted for anticoagulation treatment. He had a Chest x-ray which saw some spots on his lungs and a Chest CT showed the clots. He does have a hereditary condition called Factor 5 which is an abnormal clotting condition. He has had blood clots in his legs and was on blood thinners for a few years, but a hematologist took him off of that about a year ago----- So the clots accounts for the sharp pain in his chest when he took a deep breath. I am glad he finally went to the hospital today because this condition could have been life-threatening.

Thank you all for your concern: it helped so much. By the way I think Covid is worse than blood clots: He will probably have to be on that medication for the rest of his life but it can be treated and i expect him to spend a day or two in the hospital and then come home.
Well, here 's the news: Negative for Covid but he has several blood clots in his lungs and he will be admitted for anticoagulation treatment. He had a Chest x-ray which saw some spots on his lungs and a Chest CT showed the clots. He does have a hereditary condition called Factor 5 which is an abnormal clotting condition. He has had blood clots in his legs and was on blood thinners for a few years, but a hematologist took him off of that about a year ago----- So the clots accounts for the sharp pain in his chest when he took a deep breath. I am glad he finally went to the hospital today because this condition could have been life-threatening.

Thank you all for your concern: it helped so much. By the way I think Covid is worse than blood clots: He will probably have to be on that medication for the rest of his life but it can be treated and i expect him to spend a day or two in the hospital and then come home.

Oh my gosh, that is scary and so glad as you are right.... thrown clots is indeed life threatening and glad he is where he can get the care he needs. Sending positive thought that he is successfully treated and home soon.
Well, here 's the news: Negative for Covid but he has several blood clots in his lungs and he will be admitted for anticoagulation treatment. He had a Chest x-ray which saw some spots on his lungs and a Chest CT showed the clots. He does have a hereditary condition called Factor 5 which is an abnormal clotting condition. He has had blood clots in his legs and was on blood thinners for a few years, but a hematologist took him off of that about a year ago----- So the clots accounts for the sharp pain in his chest when he took a deep breath. I am glad he finally went to the hospital today because this condition could have been life-threatening.

Thank you all for your concern: it helped so much. By the way I think Covid is worse than blood clots: He will probably have to be on that medication for the rest of his life but it can be treated and i expect him to spend a day or two in the hospital and then come home.
Thank you for the update. I have been thinking about you over here in England. Sorry to hear that he has this condition and thank goodness you talked him into getting help! I am so glad you have not been exposed to Covid too. Be kind to yourself and have some rest.
Thank you for the update. I have been thinking about you over here in England. Sorry to hear that he has this condition and thank goodness you talked him into getting help! I am so glad you have not been exposed to Covid too. Be kind to yourself and have some rest.

he could have thrown a blood clot---which could have been fatal--scary to think about
I heard on our TV News last night that the White House has said they are not going to do anything to control the virus. (I think a post was put up about this a day or two ago.)
The news is gaining traction around the world. To a country like mine ... we are a bit flabbergasted! SO many more deaths to come. :(

The White House has conceded it is "not going to control the pandemic" as it faces another staff outbreak nine days from the US election.
But as cases continue to soar in most states, White House chief of staff Mark Meadows revealed the Trump administration was not aiming to control the virus, and instead was focusing its efforts on the development of a vaccine to stop the spread.
"Here's what we have to do: we're not going to control the pandemic – we're going to control the fact that we get a vaccine, therapeutics and other mitigation," Meadows told CNN's Jake Tapper.

they havent tried to control it- now they are just saying it out loud
I am going to post this info for those who are interested ... it is from official reports about the start of the virus.
I did post it a little earlier, but it included a not-allowed link. Just reposting with allowed links, after approval.

In late December 2019, a cluster of pneumonia cases showed up in Wuhan.

On 31st December, a public emergency was announced, a formal investigation commenced, a rapid response team was sent to Wuhan - and WHO were notified.

The virus was tested for avian flu, influenza, adenovirus, SARS, and MERS. It was none of these.
Epidemiological investigation traced the virus to Wuhan’s Huanan Seafood Wholesale Market, which then was immediately closed and disinfected. Now the hunt for anyone else who could have the virus began.

On 7th January, the virus was identified as a novel coronavirus. It is closely related to SARS and MERS, but has some distinct differences.

Early cases suggested that the coronavirus was not as severe as SARS or MERS. But then it became apparent that it is highly contagious, even more so than SARS or MERS.

On 20th January, it became a notifiable disease under Chinese Law - all cases must be reported to Infectious Diseases control.

On 23rd January, movement in and out of Wuhan was monitored and limited.

On 25th January, all sectors were put on high alert and were mobilised to respond to the epidemic and stop the spread.
By now, the cases were being studied to determine, develop, and implement the best control strategies.

By 11th February, 72,314 cases had been studied.

44,672 cases (61.8%) were confirmed, 16,186 cases (22.4%) were suspected, 10,567 cases (14.6%) were clinically diagnosed, and 889 cases (1.2%) were asymptomatic.

A majority were aged 30–69 years (77.8%), male (51.4%), farmers or laborers (22.0%), and diagnosed in Hubei Province (74.7%). Most patients reported Wuhan-related exposures (85.8%) and were classified as mild cases (80.9%).

More data is included in the report.
Report written February 10, 2020; submitted February 14, 2020; accepted February 14, 2020

The Epidemiological Characteristics of an Outbreak of 2019 Novel Coronavirus Diseases (COVID-19) — China, 2020
Vital Surveillances: The Epidemiological Characteristics of an Outbreak of 2019 Novel Coronavirus Diseases (COVID-19) — China, 2020
Report also available at NIH National Library of Medicine:
[The epidemiological characteristics of an outbreak of 2019 novel coronavirus diseases (COVID-19) in China] - PubMed
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Fox News president and several hosts advised to quarantine after possible COVID-19 exposure

Network personnel have been serious about taking precautionary measures like wearing masks and avoiding proximity to one another, both in the studios and on the road for major events like the debates," network employees told NYT.

Sounds as if some kind of safety breach happened here ... IMO

"The Fox News contingent, which also included "The Five" show hosts Juan Williams and Dana Perino, were on a charter flight from Nashville to New York following Thursday's presidential debate with a person who later tested positive for the coronavirus."

We are well aware that we would be triaged for care, and my husband and I are perfectly fine with care provided to younger folks. We have had a good ride. My husband doesn't even have a plan to go to the hospital if he has Covid. His plan is palliative care as needed at home.

We actually called Hospice in March, to figure out a plan. If he is having a hard time, they will come over to make sure he is okay. He doesn't want to go to the hospital. He has a "DNR" order already. And a 20 page document regarding his plan of care.
I wonder if people are not wearing a fresh mask every day. I have a "dirty" bag, and a "clean" bag of masks in my car. The mask I wore in the store, gets slipped off, into the "dirty" bag, hand sanitizer, back to driving. I may change masks 3 or 4 times a day, and then the "dirty" masks go directly to washer and dryer.

A mask won't help if it got Covid on it, and you keep using it, getting it damp by breathing, is literally an "incubator" for the virus. And you are breathing it right in.

Thanks for your reminder here. I have a mask hanging in the car. I never worried about germs because the car would get so hot the germs were killed off.

But now, wait, it's not hot anymore and yet I am still reusing a mask hanging in my car :oops: and thanks to your post, it reminds me that I need to change tactics. Use disposable ones, always wash the fabric ones etc.....

Seriously, thanks Mickey...;)
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