Coronavirus COVID-19 - Global Health Pandemic #98

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For covid long haulers, the pandemic will not end when it ends. This is a big problem squarely facing us. Out of estimated 40 million Americans suffering fron long covid, how many will become disabled for life? Too scary to think about.

Long-haul COVID: How grassroots online movement Survivor Corps helps those facing lingering symptoms

Filmmaker Nick Guthe, whose wife, Heidi Ferrer, died by suicide after months of debilitating COVID symptoms, is an advisor to Survivor Corps.
As much light and hope as she offered others, she fell into a darkness she couldn't recover from. Three months ago, the 50-year-old Ferrer took her own life, after a 13-month-battle with long-haul COVID.

"I think she felt she was only going to get worse," Guthe said.
Her symptoms were so severe, said Guthe, her life changed dramatically. Debilitating pain in her feet put an end to her daily 90 minute walks, gastrointestinal issues, extreme exhaustion and brain fog followed. But Guthe said it was the sudden neurological tremors that kept her from sleeping that were the worst. Ferrer wanted them documented; she is seen experiencing the tremors in a home video.

"She basically had no quality at the end of her life," Guthe said.
"When I heard the news about Heidi's death, a part of me broke," said Survivor Corps founder Diana Berrent. "I mean, she was one of our members."

Berrent estimates some 40 million Americans are affected by the lingering and varied symptoms of long COVID.

Survivor Corps has a Facebook page with 170,000 members sharing personal stories, and a website with comprehensive information and resources on long COVID.

Thank you SO much for finding/posting this. I have three close friends with long haul symptoms, so I worry about it for them a lot. OMG...not like this case of Heidi... which is just so unbearable to read... but I do feel we are all goiong to know folks who suffer from long haul..
“Despite a lack of scientific evidence that ivermectin is effective at treating COVID-19, it has become a popular go-to drug in some circles, especially among opponents of COVID-19 vaccines and public-health measures like masking.”
Hey hun, I’m going to Tractor Supply to pick up some of that dewormer stuff for us and the cows. Vaccine? H*ll no, that’s alien/lizard/Bigfoot DNA being put in my body.
I'm thinking maybe I should stock up on at least a few months of my dog's heartworm preventative in case these idiots cause a shortage of products with ivermectin like they did with hydrochloroquine.
I have to say, I would HATE to be up in the air with an unruly, aggressive passenger(s). It would be so scary for everyone on board. There is no way to remove yourself from the situation, get out of harms way.

I applaud the pilots who touch down at a nearby airport, and remove the unruly passenger(s) from the plane, before proceeding onwards.

I wish we could just put one half of Americans in TimeOut right now.
School mask mandates: Which states ban them? What about vaccines?

I was at a meeting last night, that was absolutely insane. Adults were shouting, half of them were stating that mask wearing at school was unnecessary, that their children would have hard times breathing. The other half were almost as crazed, that non mask wearing children were a danger to the lives of their children. There was literally no middle ground. The county sheriff was at a school board meeting! Since when does a school board meeting need armed deputies present?

Our school board meeting last week was EXACTLY the same. The Superintendent brought in 5 doctors, all parents with kids in the schools... There was no way to convince the anti-stuffs of anything. The fight continues on the community Facebook pages non-stop. LE was everywhere.

This is why I suggest putting half of America on TimeOut.
I assume that vaccine hesitancy is related to a fear of the vaccine causing covid. I was worried about how sick the vaccine would make me even though I know it is not live virus. The second shot made me sick for 36 hours with fever, chills, aches and fatigue. Then I was fine. I expected it.

I'm curious what sort of side effects the third shot will have. The first shot was minor - nothing more than a typical vaccine-sore shoulder.

I think vaccine fear is based on nothing more than a refusal to accept that the best protection means hurting for a day. I completely agree that no one should feel lousy after a vaccine, but who hasn't had a child who felt lousy after vaccine? That's how it works, yet so many are too scared to experience vaccine side effects as adults. Even pets feel lousy after a vaccine.

Your post does remind me of my lingering thoughts on reactions to the shots. I know the experts say that older folks don't have the increased immunity that younger people do.
But I had a weird reaction--I felt NO side effects, and actually felt a burst of adrenalin. ??
My son, 35, had such severe symptoms--mostly body pain, not breathing issues-- that he ended up going the ER three times.

He is 6'4" and quite strong and active. And I AM NOT!
I just wonder if my immunity is weaker... ??
Yep, Moderna uses 3x more mRNA than Pfizer. Because of that it probably has more side effects, but the higher dose appears to make the immunity last longer compared to Pfizer and be more effective against Delta variant.
It makes sense for younger males to then get Pfizer or J&J.
I am sticking with Moderna for my booster.

me too.
It's much worse than that. Memes went around saying "research" showed that people who get the vaccines are going to start dying off in 2 years. The vaccines themselves are going to kill everyone who gets them. Of course naturally the prediction is well outside the timeline that anyone could have even had the vaccine to prove or disprove.

Others honest to God think it's some kind of Mark of the Beast and the views are apocalyptical.

I've seen people in comment threads saying they do not care if they die from Covid, at least they will have gone down fighting instead of giving in. Masks and vaccines are so political now that many of these people do not even care if they work or not. They don't care if they live or die or not. All they care about is fighting masks and vaccines and their "freedom" to be complete numpties who kill off their fellow man and themselves.

Then again I also read a discussion last night of where to buy ultra thin useless masks that only make you look like you are wearing a mask. And women bemoaning that people do not care about children at all since they want them in masks. They think others are being short sighted to the risks of masks long term and do not care about the children's health. Apparently Covid is far less risky than a piece of fabric over the mouth and nose.

It's like some kind of dystopian reality. These people are just waiting to get sent to the Walmart Fema camps. They view it as like pre WW2 and they need to fight off Nazis by not wearing a mask and protecting themselves from a communicable disease.

Your description of what you are reading and hearing, is like out of a horror film: I have heard a doctor say that he had a dying patient who said she would rather die than get the vaccine. This is so far out of this world that you can't even begin to grasp how this dystopian nightmare came to be, but it is real.
I’m reading the booster needs to match your first two. (Unless for some reason it can’t ) Also something like no more than three doses of an mRNA vax is recommended? I’ll need to see if I can find that info.

At this time my employer says they will not be providing our boosters :rolleyes:but that might be a “as of right this minute / things can change” kind of deal.
COVID vaccination rates by state: Where most people are hesitant

Here is a map of states and rates of vaccinations in each state. Just scroll down a bit to see a map of the states. It is very interesting to me for example that Florida has 62% of vaccinated people, while Michigan has 55%, and yet Florida is overwhelmed with cases, so why is that? IMO it is not just the rate of vaccinations, but the behavior of the citizens of that state. For example, Florida, because of DeSantis has been open and just doing anything they feel like for months and months, long before Delta showed up. We were kind of wondering why Florida seemed to have a low percentage of cases, and then Delta showed up and their cases skyrocketed-- so it is not just the percentage of vaccinations but the behavior of the populace in that state. No masking, dining in with crowds and going to bars and crowded events-- and a combination of not enough of the populace being vaccinated is a perfect storm for what we are seeing in various states. With schools starting now, this is going to get so much worse.

Very interesting-- The Moderna vaccine is being investigated for concern of an uptick in cases of mycarditis in adolescents. Because of this, Moderna has yet to be authorized to be given to adolescents.
They should decrease the dose for adolescents, I would think.
Of course that would mean new clinical trials.
Also, side effect is rare so no cases might be observed in clinical trials at all.
So whats going on Down Under?

Melbourne anti-lockdown rally: Thousands flood CBD as 218 arrested and six police hospitalised | Daily Mail Online

"Police have used tear gas, pepper spray and rubber bullets on demonstrators in Melbourne and arrested more than 200 people after an anti-lockdown rally descended into a riot.

More than 4,000 people turned up to the 'freedom rally' in the Australian city on Saturday morning and escalated during the afternoon despite Premier Dan Andrews saying the state is on the verge of a Covid catastrophe.

By late afternoon six officers has been hospitalized - including two with suspected broken noses, one with a broken thumb and the others with concussions - and 218 protesters arrested.

Police issued 236 fines for breaching coronavirus directions, and have three people in custody for assaulting police. Smaller protests have also erupted in Sydney, Brisbane and Cairns."
So whats going on Down Under?

Melbourne anti-lockdown rally: Thousands flood CBD as 218 arrested and six police hospitalised | Daily Mail Online

"Police have used tear gas, pepper spray and rubber bullets on demonstrators in Melbourne and arrested more than 200 people after an anti-lockdown rally descended into a riot.

More than 4,000 people turned up to the 'freedom rally' in the Australian city on Saturday morning and escalated during the afternoon despite Premier Dan Andrews saying the state is on the verge of a Covid catastrophe.

By late afternoon six officers has been hospitalized - including two with suspected broken noses, one with a broken thumb and the others with concussions - and 218 protesters arrested.

Police issued 236 fines for breaching coronavirus directions, and have three people in custody for assaulting police. Smaller protests have also erupted in Sydney, Brisbane and Cairns."
I remember in January here, in another lockdown, how people (my family included) were starting to feel a kind of claustrophobia and desperation for normality. People mostly still followed rules though. Now I'm watching a TV programme on BBC1 called "ambulance", which is a docu-series which followed paramedics in January. It's horrific to watch, the amount of Covid call outs on one shift, ambulances backed up outside hospitals, no beds left, paramedics distraught.

I really hope the people in lockdown in Aus and NZ can hold on, 4000 at a protest could be catastrophic with lower vaccine rates, outside or not.

Maybe the TV channels should run "ambulance" as a big red flag. Certainly gave me a reality check, to see what was happening while I was thinking how tired we are were of being locked down :(.
Very few get sick from the vaccine. You're the first person I've heard if who was sick for 36 hrs afterwards. Most of us had only a sore arm.

Most people I know who got the mRNA vaccine were sick for about 36 hours afterwards, including me, and this was anticipated and planned for. It was quite common for many people over 60+. On the vaccination thread, many of us reported our experiences.
Parents get coached on how to escape mask and vaccine rules (

ALSEA, Ore. – An Oregon school superintendent is telling parents they can get their children out of wearing masks by citing federal disability law. A pastor at a California megachurch is offering religious exemptions for anyone morally conflicted over vaccine requirements.

And Louisiana's attorney general has posted sample letters on his office's Facebook page for those seeking to get around the governor's mask rules.

Across the U.S., religious figures, doctors, public officials and other community leaders are trying to help people circumvent COVID-19 precautions.

While proponents of these workarounds say they are looking out for children's health and parents' rights, others say such stratagems are dishonest and irresponsible and could undermine efforts to beat back the highly contagious delta variant...
It's much worse than that. Memes went around saying "research" showed that people who get the vaccines are going to start dying off in 2 years. The vaccines themselves are going to kill everyone who gets them. Of course naturally the prediction is well outside the timeline that anyone could have even had the vaccine to prove or disprove.

Others honest to God think it's some kind of Mark of the Beast and the views are apocalyptical.

I've seen people in comment threads saying they do not care if they die from Covid, at least they will have gone down fighting instead of giving in. Masks and vaccines are so political now that many of these people do not even care if they work or not. They don't care if they live or die or not. All they care about is fighting masks and vaccines and their "freedom" to be complete numpties who kill off their fellow man and themselves.

Then again I also read a discussion last night of where to buy ultra thin useless masks that only make you look like you are wearing a mask. And women bemoaning that people do not care about children at all since they want them in masks. They think others are being short sighted to the risks of masks long term and do not care about the children's health. Apparently Covid is far less risky than a piece of fabric over the mouth and nose.

It's like some kind of dystopian reality. These people are just waiting to get sent to the Walmart Fema camps. They view it as like pre WW2 and they need to fight off Nazis by not wearing a mask and protecting themselves from a communicable disease.

What's a Walmart FEMA camp?
I’m reading the booster needs to match your first two. (Unless for some reason it can’t ) Also something like no more than three doses of an mRNA vax is recommended? I’ll need to see if I can find that info.

At this time my employer says they will not be providing our boosters :rolleyes:but that might be a “as of right this minute / things can change” kind of deal.

It would be good to see the information on how volunteers experienced the third booster shots so we know more about the side-effects. I don't have a link, but a few weeks ago I saw someone on MSM who had been involved in these clinical trials and he said that he had really strong side-effects with the third booster shoot in the trials, and that he pulled out just before the trial for a fourth booster shot. This is just one person so is anecdotal, but it would be good to see the literature on the clinical trials of the third booster shots.
Parents get coached on how to escape mask and vaccine rules (

ALSEA, Ore. – An Oregon school superintendent is telling parents they can get their children out of wearing masks by citing federal disability law. A pastor at a California megachurch is offering religious exemptions for anyone morally conflicted over vaccine requirements.

And Louisiana's attorney general has posted sample letters on his office's Facebook page for those seeking to get around the governor's mask rules.

Across the U.S., religious figures, doctors, public officials and other community leaders are trying to help people circumvent COVID-19 precautions.

While proponents of these workarounds say they are looking out for children's health and parents' rights, others say such stratagems are dishonest and irresponsible and could undermine efforts to beat back the highly contagious delta variant...

It's not easy to get a federal disability law exemption from schools and universities. The ADA hasn't made it easy for people to get ADA exemptions since the pandemic began. Students at universities apply for ADA exemptions, as do faculty, but unless they qualified for ADA before the pandemic due to a covered disability, they are not likely to qualify for a disabilty now. Unless a new disability has developed, of course. And the list on the ADA website of covered disabilities has not changed since prior to the pandemic.
India's drug regulator has approved the world's first DNA vaccine against Covid-19 for emergency use.

The three-dose ZyCoV-D vaccine prevented symptomatic disease in 66% of those vaccinated, according to an interim study quoted by the vaccine maker Cadila Healthcare.

Previous DNA vaccines have worked well in animals but not humans.

Cadila Healthcare said it had conducted the largest clinical trial for the vaccine in India so far, involving 28,000 volunteers in more than 50 centres.

Like other vaccines, a DNA vaccine, once administered, teaches the body's immune system to fight the real virus.
ZyCoV-D uses plasmids or small rings of DNA, that contain genetic information, to deliver the jab between two layers of the skin.

The plasmids carry information to the cells to make the "spike protein", which the virus uses to latch on and enter human cells.

The key third phase of clinical trials was conducted at the peak of the deadly second wave of the virus. The vaccine maker believes this reaffirmed the jab's "efficacy against the mutant strains", especially the highly infectious Delta variant.

India approves world's first DNA Covid vaccine

Knowing the research on DNA vaccines, I am sceptical about this. From the article:

DNA vaccines developed for infectious diseases in humans have failed in the past.

"The problem is they work well in animals. But they don't end up offering the same level of immune response protection in humans," said Dr Kang.

The challenge, according to Dr Kang, was how to push the plasmid DNA into the human cell so that it gives a durable immune response.

Dr Jeremy Kamil, a virologist at Louisiana State University Health Sciences Center in Shreveport, echoed a similar sentiment.

"Plasmid DNA vaccines have been tried in the past. But we know it's very difficult to get plasmid DNA into the nucleus of human cells, especially in adults," Dr Kamil told me.

"I would be delighted that a vaccine company overcame the immense challenges to make it work. But it's imperative that the efficacy data be vetted independently," said Dr Kamil.
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