Crime scene staging?

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narlacat said:
Highlighting hair isnt unheard of here Maikai.
Can count on you to make a smart remark can't I?
Hmmm, so I wonder how many mothers here on this forum who live in America and celebrate Halloween, highlight their girl's hair for that occasion.

Why can't all you Ramsey supporter's just admit Patsy dolled JonBenet up inappropriately. Why do you have to think that means we are saying she killed her?

Shirley Temple? Those provocative curls and short dresses so you could see her bloomers when she was bouncing around singing the lollipop song? Back in l937 there was an author that was successfully sued because he dared to mention that middle-aged men might be attracted to her.

The pageants are what they are---movies are what they are. They're not for everyone. I thought JBR looked adorable in the pageant shots. Outside of the pageants JBR was a bit of a tom boy...dressed normally for a child. Gap for kids has a lot more provocative outfits then I've seen JBR in.
QUOTE>>Shirley Temple? Those provocative curls and short dresses so you could see her bloomers when she was bouncing around singing the lollipop song? Back in l937 there was an author that was successfully sued because he dared to mention that middle-aged men might be attracted to her. <<

Your point??
Shirley Temple did it, so why not JonBenet??
narlacat said:
QUOTE>>Shirley Temple? Those provocative curls and short dresses so you could see her bloomers when she was bouncing around singing the lollipop song? Back in l937 there was an author that was successfully sued because he dared to mention that middle-aged men might be attracted to her. <<

Your point??
Shirley Temple did it, so why not JonBenet??

Shirley Temple was America's sweetheart---to most a sweet, adorable, talented child. Yet...there were some that saw her as a sexualized little vamp. If you look at victimology when it comes to JBR, it could be the perp saw her as a rich guy's kid that was doted on by her parents and a prime target for a kidnapping.
Hmmm I guess you are included in the 'some that saw her as a sexualised vamp' seeing as you referred to her as a 'little trollop'. Yet you think it's ok for JonBenet, you think she was 'adorable in the pageant shots', but somehow Shirley temple is a trollop.
Go figure.
narlacat said:
Hmmm I guess you are included in the 'some that saw her as a sexualised vamp' seeing as you referred to her as a 'little trollop'. Yet you think it's ok for JonBenet, you think she was 'adorable in the pageant shots', but somehow Shirley temple is a trollop.
Go figure.

the old guys in the movies.....sitting on their laps and hugging them, etc. There was a rumor that she was being targeted by kidnappers, and her parents took her to Victoria Britsh Columbia for a while, where she was guarded by two body guards round the clock.
Maikai said:
the old guys in the movies.....sitting on their laps and hugging them, etc. There was a rumor that she was being targeted by kidnappers, and her parents took her to Victoria Britsh Columbia for a while, where she was guarded by two body guards round the clock.

What's all that got to do with you referring to her as a trollop??
False Teeth and Barbie

Beauty pageants fit well with Hilary’s background. Her mother is a former Miss America (1970), and she has judged many of them. "I never competed in pageants myself, although they always interested me," Hilary noted.

From her researcher’s view, Levey got a good idea of why people do and don’t participate. When some of the children lost baby teeth that had not been replaced by pageant time, their parents fit them with false teeth. When a girl’s hair was too short to curl like Barbie’s, fake additions were fitted. "Things like this showed me that these are not just contests to judge natural beauty," she comments.

It’s not cheap to show off your child’s beauty. Parents typically spend between $100-$200 on pageant clothing, although some pay as much as $1,000 for a gown. Pageant fees cost another $100-$200 per contest, and the 41 mothers who Levey interviewed competed in an average of five pageants during the past year. In addition, those with higher incomes may hire someone to do the child’s hair, or a pageant coach to give their child an extra advantage.

One mother told Levey: "I know people who have spent so much on pageants, they lost their trailers."
My almost-six year old Tootsie loves to dress up. Last week she got hold of my copy of the Police Files book and I found her pouring over the photos of JonBenet in pageant clothes. I was horrified when she asked me if I could make her the Las Vegas showgirl costume! That was the one which really appealed to her!

Little girls don't see it the way adults do. They see frills and sparkles and they want to be princesses.

I do think that JonBenet's hair was bleached though. Hair which goes blonde in the sun isn't as 'even' as her's appeared to be. Also, in the crime scene photos, JBR's hair looked coarse and brittle .... as colour-treated hair looks.
I never leave my Ramsey case related books anywhere my 7 yr old can see them. I dont think it's appropriate for him to know about what happened to JonBenet. Besides if I told him, he would be too scared to go to sleep at night.
narlacat said:
I never leave my Ramsey case related books anywhere my 7 yr old can see them. I dont think it's appropriate for him to know about what happened to JonBenet. Besides if I told him, he would be too scared to go to sleep at night.
I have told my little girl that Jonbenet was murdered by a bad person. She's far too trusting and speaks to everyone. Telling children about bogiemen and childcatchers has been used to deter them from speaking to strangers and wandering off for decades!
Jayelles said:
I have told my little girl that Jonbenet was murdered by a bad person. She's far too trusting and speaks to everyone. Telling children about bogiemen and childcatchers has been used to deter them from speaking to strangers and wandering off for decades!
Yep! My 7 yr old even watches the NEWS! I see nothing wrong with showing your kids a healthy dose of reality. You just have to balance it by telling them you do everything possible to keep them safe at all times but they need to do their part and follow the instructions you taught them.
We can't shelter them from everything, but I choose not to let my son look at my books on this case. He knows full well that 'bad people' exist but he doesn't realise the extent of what they do. If I told him about JonBenet, he would never sleep! He is a bit of a worrier my boy, so I tend to not to talk to him about things that make him worry unnecassarily.
narlacat said:
We can't shelter them from everything, but I choose not to let my son look at my books on this case. He knows full well that 'bad people' exist but he doesn't realize the extent of what they do. If I told him about JonBenet, he would never sleep! He is a bit of a worrier my boy, so I tend to not to talk to him about things that make him worry unnecessarily.
Mine is a little too outgoing and friendly and is the perpetual optimist. He likes everyone. I think it's great but it makes disciplining a tad difficult, I have to be EXTRA creative;) lol
You sound like you've got it under control Linda7NJ.
All kids are different!
LinasK said:
Are you thinking of the psychotic woman in Texas- Andrea Yates whose husband worked for NASA??? She's not dead......QUOTE]

March 2006, No, I wasn't referring to Andrea Yates. There was another woman who did the same thing in the same way, and now I believe that was in Hawaii. At an American military base. Can't remember her name.
Holdontoyourhat said:
Assuming PR jacket fibers were in the rope, obviously any R fibers are going to be extremely prevalent in their own home, so R fibers are not criminal in themselves regardless of where they are found. JBR's hair was also in the rope. Maybe JBR had her mom's jacket fibers in her hair.

An intruder, in this case, would have had unmonitored access to the R's from midday to almost morning. Not knowing what the perp's ideas were, its hard to say what items in the house he used for what purpose. Maybe he wore PR"s jacket, who knows?

Could be. :>)
Holdontoyourhat said:
The crime scene was staged, IMO.

An intruder staged a brutal child murder to appear as a kidnapping for ransom. The ruse was directed at JBR's parents and police, and lasted for several hours.

The intruder left a long ransom note in a conspicuous place, to be found by the parents before they found JBR. She was left in a remote corner of the basement.
Holdontoyourhat, I don’t see anything wrong with your theory as far as it goes. But I think there are indications and even some evidence that point away from your theory.

To start with I think that had there been someone stalking the Ramseys, they would have noticed, probably not at the time, but in retrospect after the murder I think they would have remembered some strange behaviour by someone who would have been hanging around them before the murder.

I also think that after the murder, a person such as you suggest as being responsible would have bragged about it to some, if not many of his acquaintances. I imagine any acquaintances of his would have been prepared to go for the reward and he would have been exposed by now. I also think he would have offended more than once and his DNA would have gotten on the national database and so he would have been identified by the DNA evidence that was left behind on the panties, under the fingernails, and in the pubic hair on the blanket.

I also think that someone who was into the drama and ostentatious display of staging a body that he had molested and violently murdered with two!! murder weapons, as being the victim of a fake a kidnapping plus his leaving behind a verbose and histrionic ransom note would be quite some odd guy and would have come to the attention of LE by now. I just don’t think people as deranged as this blend into society too well and that someone, somewhere would have pointed the finger at him by now.

I also find it very hard to understand how anyone, and you must be one of them, who thinks that Patsy is telling the truth. To me she comes across as someone who is so clearly lying, that it must be obvious to everyone. But that is just a matter of opinion.

There is evidence I think, that points away from your theory. A few that come to mind are the pineapple, the extra tie in her hair, the red heart drawing on the hand, the body wrapped in the blanket. There is also the chronic inflammation of JonBenet’s thyroid, which I see as evidence that she had been subjected to the application of breath controlling cords around her neck on many previous occasions.

I would like to know more about the intricacies of the knots and loops and the precise arrangement the wrist cords on the body as I think this information would give further indications as to their purpose and therefore the reason she died.

How do you think the perpetrator kept JonBenet quiet as he was taking JonBenet from her bed to the basement, and during the sexual assault, which I understand you believe that he committed also? This is pretty important to the credibility of your theory, as she would surely have been able to scream during this time. Maybe you think he applied a gag to her mouth before he took her from her bed. But if that was so, there would have been a functional gag found on her mouth and not that tape that I suspect was only a fake gag placed there after death, because I cannot see such a short length of tape actually working as a real gag.

I probably haven’t got your full theory correct, I was guessing a bit, so please tell me if and where I’m wrong.
The crime scene was staged, IMO.

An intruder staged a brutal child murder to appear as a kidnapping for ransom. The ruse was directed at JBR's parents and police, and lasted for several hours.

The intruder left a long ransom note in a conspicuous place, to be found by the parents before they found JBR. She was left in a remote corner of the basement.

bump ........ :Banane45:
Since my "staging" thread went down the toilet I thought continuing on this one.

Since we agree that we're dealing with a staging.....I think I'd tend to believe more that...

A Ramsey staged a brutal child murder to appear as a kidnapping for ransom. The ruse was directed at the police, and lasted for several hours.

A Ramsey left a long ransom note in a conspicuous place, to be found by police before they found JBR. She was left in a remote corner of the basement.

Don't you think it's more............credible?Since there's no evidence that an intruder wrote that note as part of a staging,but experts say PR wrote it?

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