Crystal S., Haleigh's mother #7

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I always thought it was odd that the injury from school got so much worse on CS's watch. And IIRC it was at a time where she kept the kids past her visitation and got her step-mother to take photos. Then, nothing.

Which children are more likely to be abused? Those of unemployed single mothers with on again off again live-in bf's. Just saying.

I don't criticize her a bit for blaming RC and MC for HaLeigh being missing. She was their responsibility and failed her. No matter what the outcome, the fact remains that HaLeigh went missing on RC's watch, while under the care of his underaged GF.

I would want to strangle him for being so stupid.

Then as RC has stated, LE has come up empty but they haven't investigated anyone in CS's family.

I would be fuming and frustrated. CS and MG trashed him publically at the lowest point in his life. They should have taken their concerns to LE. To kick a man when he is down is low. It started a whole lot of trouble and for naught. It wasn't true.
I would be mad and crying too at the BS taking away from finding my baby.

They both have reason to be suspicous of the other. They need a non-partisan mediator.

Couldn't it be that after 6 weeks with Jr. CS noticed that Jr. needed some help coping and understanding what happened to his Sissy? She was no doubt trying to help him, but now he was going back to RC and they wouldn't be having their talks anymore. She just wants him to have some consistency as he sorts through the mess and love him as they do, they aren't child psychiatrists. I am glad she is seeking professional help for him. Since RC has custody, she can not make medical decisions for her children without RC's consent and I don't think the 2 of them are agreeing on anything right now or talking to each other too much. So, she had to file or ask RC for something. I think they will be talking through lawyers for a while.


How do Ron, or you, know who LE has investigated and/or how they have conducted those investigations ?
I was responding to bunnyphoenix post regarding Crystal not making her appointments when she lived with Ron. At that time she lived with the Cummings, didn't drive and had to rely on them for rides.

Actually, I think you mis-read my post. I never said anything about Crystal not making appointments when she lived with Ron. I was talking about the missed doctors appointments for Haleigh after they separated, and what she said in Court about how some were missed because she didn`t feel like getting out of bed.
Well Crystal and RC are going to have to find a way to come together and be civil with each other for the sake of the children. I don't know how with all the damage that has been done but they are going to have to find a way to accomplish it or the struggles will never end.


3 cheers for Crystal, this is probably one of the most productive moves I have seen, much better than waving all those alleged abuse pictures in front of media outlets. This should have been her second move months ago if she really believed that abuse might be going on. First move would have been to go and file papers for custody. She didn't do that back then when she or whoever took the pictures had their suspicions. Still, Busy I agree with you, this mom and dad really have to get on the same page with each other. Despite what problems they may have had in the past, they will serve the children that they brought into this world much better if they can work together.

Also, I hope that RJ is okay and he is not seriously in need of the counseling, I hope this is just a precautionary tool. This little boy has been through so much and my heart goes out to him.
Actually, I think you mis-read my post. I never said anything about Crystal not making appointments when she lived with Ron. I was talking about the missed doctors appointments for Haleigh after they separated, and what she said in Court about how some were missed because she didn`t feel like getting out of bed.

It sounds to me like Crystal was extremely depressed, but then I'm not an MD.(just a hypochondriac LOL) Those "can't get out of bed" days are the worst.
Actually, I think you mis-read my post. I never said anything about Crystal not making appointments when she lived with Ron. I was talking about the missed doctors appointments for Haleigh after they separated, and what she said in Court about how some were missed because she didn`t feel like getting out of bed.

Please re-read. Those doctor appts were while they still lived together. She feared riding with Ronald's grandmother (who she states fell asleep at the wheel and nearly hit a semi....this statement was unrefuted), she sometimes didn't feel like getting out of bed (this statement she took full responsibility for and voiced regret at having been like that. She blamed no one else for that.) Also, and what is continually shoved aside......

Ronald was also the parent of those children. He also did not get Haleigh to 12 doctor's appointments. Had I been standing in that courtroom, I would have made sure to make that statement a part of the public record. Ronald, working or no (as much an excuse as anything else...people take time off work for children's appt's all the time), did not get his daughter to her scheduled appointments.

This is a two-pronged issue, and one that happened over 4 years ago. They worked out a schedule, and there are no charges in the past 4 years that either child has missed any appointment until that hearing in 2005 when it was scheduled for the morning of the court hearing and it was determined the better choice to go to court for custody issues than miss the court date and be seen as not giving a damn about her children. But, in the true spirit of vitriol spilled upon Crystal, she is STILL vilified by the tar and featherers for making her choice to go to court. She made a choice, and in my book, she made the right one.

She has also now made the right decision to make certain it is a court issue when she has concerns for her child(ren) with Ronald. It has proven to be a bad idea for her to believe they could work out agreements on their own. She has been burned every time.
Not an MD, but depressed would not be a word I would use to describe her. Jmo
Not an MD, but depressed would not be a word I would use to describe her. Jmo

How do you know she is or was not? I'm not claiming anything about her mental state either way but it seems to me that one would need more information than what's been in the media to rule it in or out.
Not an MD, but depressed would not be a word I would use to describe her. Jmo

What word would you use, and are you talking about THEN or NOW..

Personally, I view Crystal as someone who has readily admited the mistakes she has made and is NOW tapping into an inner strength that she didn't realize existed within her own being. I now view her as a person who is demonstrating a great deal of courage in her grief..
I don't consider my post mean in any way. Crystal and Marie were very hateful and vengeful with the lies and the deceit towards Ronald on national television. I do believe they should have thought about their own Karma before they let their sour grapes get so out of control. What goes around does come around again. Hatred, lies and deceit can sure come back to bite a person. (Btw~ I wasn't the person making Karma statements...I only responded to another post.)

Ronald has said nothing wrong about either one of them and has not done anything to Haleigh, imo.
Well, maybe if Crystal knew there was a court hearing and could show up but RC gave the court a completely wrong address. From what I understand the hearing proceeded w/o her.

Rc told the judge that he thought he heard Crystal was doing drugs maybe while he was in Texas. The judge listened and asked for no clarification or support of his claims.

The judge made a ruling or report. Crystal got wind of the notice and told the court she NEVER received the notice in time and new hearing was granted for a review of the original hearing so she could hear the evidence. He gave a total of 60 min and RC spoke for most of it. She had no attorney and the judge did not take her word for anything and said her evidence was third party. She spoke of his reckless driving but the judge would not allow her cousin who was in the car to testify because he was 16. She was at a lose with this court. He said his original decision stands...from the prior hearing with RC and he was to retain full custody...
I would have made certain the court knew my address if there was an issue about getting my children back! It wasn't Ronald's fault she did nothing to make sure she knew what was going on legally with her children. Besides, we already addressed this a million times. Wasn't the address her bf's that she was living with at the time before they moved to Baker County?
I thought they were very calm, considering the partner and son-in-law chose a 16/17 yr old to care for the children and she LOST ONE. I challenge anyone to be gracious knowing that.

Do you expect love and understanding when something like that happens? When you hear your daughter has vanished and the father left a child/teen to care for them, would you respond with compassion? I think Marie said it as she sees it and anyone with common sense would have said the same thing....which was how in the world did a stranger get in through the deadbolt? The door would have had to be opened from the inside....sounds logical to me.

I do not get the hate an blame dispayed on this board for Marie and Crystal. It seems like displaced anger.
I would have made certain the court knew my address if there was an issue about getting my children back! It wasn't Ronald's fault she did nothing to make sure she knew what was going on legally with her children. Besides, we already addressed this a million times. Wasn't the address her bf's that she was living with at the time before they moved to Baker County?

Respone to part in bold type:
.............. If Crystal is clairvoyant!

I know nothing about Crystal's boyfriend...and why would RC send it there, anyway? that the real reason RC took the kids...jealousy, maybe....hmmm...

If he was in Texas, where was he getting news on Crystal? He has a cell phone, he could have called for an address. Where did he get this guy's? Who was informing RC of what Crystal was doing and NOT doing?

Let's fact it! RC had no intention of telling CS his plans to steal the children from her. He wanted her to NOT get the court papers and look like a mother who didn't care so the judge would reward him.
Crystal and Marie both testified that Ronald only allowed Crystal limited contact with the children during this time. The notice she missed (the one sent to the wrong address [and I have never seen any documentation she ever lived at that address or that it was the address of a boyfriend, so please, link.]) was the first indication that she (would have) had that Ronald was attempting to take the children. She was then delivered papers to the correct address which told her that Ronald had custody of her children. That is why the Dec. 27th hearing took place. As Whisp and Stillettos have aptly pointed out, the lion's share of the 60 minutes (if that) was given to Ronald, who again stated unsubstantiated claims regarding Crystal using drugs and that being the reason he was seeking custody. He had no proof. He stated clearly that "I thought maybe".......and that was allowed.

But again. Here we are, nearly 5 years later, and I am thankful now that Crystal approaches any dealings with Ronald Cummings through the court system. It allows both of them the clarity of what the court states will be best for Jr (and hopefully someday soon, Haleigh).
How do you know she is or was not? I'm not claiming anything about her mental state either way but it seems to me that one would need more information than what's been in the media to rule it in or out.
As I stated, I am not an MD, and it's my opinion. I was responding to the poster who thinks it sounds like the bio mom was extremely depressed
Per custody documents

4. The mother was personally served a copy of the petition on October 5, 2005 (R.7). The mother filed a typed Answer on October 18, 2005 opposing the petition (R.12)

5. Both parties were mailed the Order of Referral to the General Magistrate (R.16)

Crystal received and answered the notice that there was a court action occurring regarding her children. The notice she did not receive was the notice for court date of December 1, 2005. It was Crystal responsibility to notify the courts were she was living at as she was well aware of the court action because she responded to the petition back in October.

Her first notification that something happening was not the notice that Ron was awarded custody December 1, 2005. She knew in October she responded and never notified the court that she had moved and once again that would of been her responsibility.
Per custody documents

4. The mother was personally served a copy of the petition on October 5, 2005 (R.7). The mother filed a typed Answer on October 18, 2005 opposing the petition (R.12)

5. Both parties were mailed the Order of Referral to the General Magistrate (R.16)

Crystal received and answered the notice that there was a court action occurring regarding her children. The notice she did not receive was the notice for court date of December 1, 2005. It was Crystal responsibility to notify the courts were she was living at as she was well aware of the court action because she responded to the petition back in October.

Her first notification that something happening was not the notice that Ron was awarded custody December 1, 2005. She knew in October she responded and never notified the court that she had moved and once again that would of been her responsibility.

Busy you are talking about a young woman with little education who would probably not be aware of her responsibilities vis-a-vie the court. She may not have known that it was her responsibility to inform the court of address changes. Many here have commented freely on what they perceive her lack of intellect...that would go both ways in this instance. I do not think that ronald encouraged her to further her education and broaden her knowledge of the world.
Clairvoyant?! Did Crystal fail to notice he wasn't giving back the children or what?! What steps did she pursue in order to get her children returned?

ETA: Crystal's lack of education is on her parents...not Ronald, imo.
Can anyone please tell me if Crystal did in fact file an emergency order with the court in order to get RJ counseling ? Please forgive me as I am far behind..TIA
Can anyone please tell me if Crystal did in fact file an emergency order with the court in order to get RJ counseling ? Please forgive me as I am far behind..TIA

Yes, mysticross, she did.




2009-08-10 FOR MINOR CHILD
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