Crystal S., Haleigh's mother #7

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I think pre k down south is a way to deal with any problems before kindergarten, first grade, etc.
Oh I totally agree he needs counseling. I think they all do actually.
I am not sure about Pre-K in Fla - in KS it is very expensive unless you qualify low income thru headstart program. Do not know what programs FL offers.


I agree 100%. IMO, in addition to Jr getting counseling, Ron, Misty, and Crystal should all make the effort to get counseling AND also think about getting their GED's. All three have made some pretty poor life decisions and need to get a better perspective on being responsible adults. Since none of them are working at this time, I would hope they could squeeze this into their schedules. For both Haleigh and Jr.
An emergency motion for hearing in family court is given priority in the docket. A judge takes these motions seriously and I would think there was something in the filing motion that indicated it was an emergency.

Poor RJ. This must be so confusing and awful and scary for him. My heart aches for him thinking of his sister's birthday coming up. Anything that helps him get through it is a good thing imo and I doubt very much Ron will oppose the request. So, we can agree on that too!
And there are just as many people reading this that would have said

those pictures + the environment the child is in + never making a complaint or asking for an investigation would be negligence on Crystal's part.

It would be better safe than sorry, an investigation will do no harm if she truly fell at school, etc........

The problem is, it already had been investigated and Crystal was well aware the injuries were due to a schoolyard accident. It seems she just didn't think NG was going to find out the truth and was hoping she'd get away with passing them off on national tv as evidence of abuse.

And I do think it did some harm by raising them in the press when they took the focus off finding Haleigh and started the mud slinging war which distracted from finding Haleigh.
Well Crystal and RC are going to have to find a way to come together and be civil with each other for the sake of the children. I don't know how with all the damage that has been done but they are going to have to find a way to accomplish it or the struggles will never end.

This is sooooooo true.

I agree 100%. IMO, in addition to Jr getting counseling, Ron, Misty, and Crystal should all make the effort to get counseling AND also think about getting their GED's. All three have made some pretty poor life decisions and need to get a better perspective on being responsible adults. Since none of them are working at this time, I would hope they could squeeze this into their schedules. For both Haleigh and Jr.

If Crystal and Misty are anything like me, they don't realize how much better their lives can be with some education and job skills. Then they will always be able to be independent and able to take care of their children.
An emergency motion for hearing in family court is given priority in the docket. A judge takes these motions seriously and I would think there was something in the filing motion that indicated it was an emergency.

I would imagine that Jr. is very traumatized by his sister's disappearance and needs the counseling.
Well Crystal and RC are going to have to find a way to come together and be civil with each other for the sake of the children. I don't know how with all the damage that has been done but they are going to have to find a way to accomplish it or the struggles will never end.

I sure hope that Crystal and Ron can find a way to be civil and work together. I've been saying that all along. Not just in the effort to find HaLeigh (although that sure would be wonderful. I suspect the media would love to do interviews of the two parents TOGETHER begging for HaLeigh!), but also for Junior's sake! Junior is four years old. Crystal and Ron need to work together for at least the next fourteen years. It is always best when parents can work together as friends to effectively co-parent. After all, they made these children out of love.

Here's the problem as I see it. Crystal cannot seem to make up her mind about anything concerning Ron (conflicting feelings towards him perhaps? That happens many times when it concerns a first love). Since the very beginning of HaLeigh's disappearance, she says one thing one day, then says something else the next. One day she says (paraphrasing) "HaLeigh is Ronald's heart, he would never hurt her." "Ron has never abused me. He has never abused the kids!" Then a few days later she does the interview with Geraldo and says the exact opposite, claiming he abused her while pregnant and he's hurt the children.

NOW... we have an interview with her today:

Sheffield, 24, is more blunt about Cummings.

“I really do feel like he is covering for Misty and she is covering for him,” she said.

And another, also from today:
Both sides of Haleigh’s family also tell Action News they are ready to put aside their differences and work together to try and find Haleigh.

“It’s something we should have all done a long time ago. I just think both sides of the family should come together for Haleigh…I feel it’s just the right thing to do,” said Crystal Sheffield.
I think it may just be a new lawyer hoping to get their 15 minutes. It seems an odd application given that Crystal admitted she couldn't be bothered getting out of bed to take Haleigh to medical appointments....I hope if the counselling is ordered she bothers to get out of bed to ensure he makes his appointments. I do hope the authorities are making sure her other children are receiving adequate medical attention and aren't also missing doctor's appointments because of her laziness and lack of concern for their health.

Since Crystal is the one that had to file this emergency motion, IMO i think it is Ronald who has the problem. Crystal also doesn't have to rely on any of the Cumming's family for rides.
Since Crystal is the one that had to file this emergency motion, IMO i think it is Ronald who has the problem. Crystal also doesn't have to rely on any of the Cumming's family for rides.


Does Crystal drive? Isn't there a law that states after a seizure, the DMV pulls your license for a year?

I wonder if Crystal even bothered to discuss counseling with Ron or if she just ran to court to file this "emergency" motion. Once again, an agreement was filed in Court a matter of weeks ago. When both parties had attorneys, all issues that needed to be ironed out - were. They filed this agreement with the court:


and then the attorneys both withdrew from the case.

If counseling was a concern, Crystal should have brought it up then and they could have come to an agreement and got Junior into counseling. Given that they have JOINT LEGAL CUSTODY - which means that they have joint decision making power when it comes to medical decisions - they could've come to an agreement regarding counseling. Instead, Crystal ran to the court and filed a motion. IMO, Ron had no idea she was going to do this and there was no discussion first on the matter.

Whatever the case may be, I'm glad Junior will see a counselor. I hope they will find a good child psychologist for him.

Does Crystal drive? Isn't there a law that states after a seizure, the DMV pulls your license for a year?

I wonder if Crystal even bothered to discuss counseling with Ron or if she just ran to court to file this "emergency" motion. Once again, an agreement was filed in Court a matter of weeks ago. When both parties had attorneys, all issues that needed to be ironed out - were. They filed this agreement with the court:


and then the attorneys both withdrew from the case.

If counseling was a concern, Crystal should have brought it up then and they could have come to an agreement and got Junior into counseling. Given that they have JOINT LEGAL CUSTODY - which means that they have joint decision making power when it comes to medical decisions - they could've come to an agreement regarding counseling. Instead, Crystal ran to the court and filed a motion. IMO, Ron had no idea she was going to do this and there was no discussion first on the matter.

Whatever the case may be, I'm glad Junior will see a counselor. I hope they will find a good child psychologist for him.

I was responding to bunnyphoenix post regarding Crystal not making her appointments when she lived with Ron. At that time she lived with the Cummings, didn't drive and had to rely on them for rides.
I was responding to bunnyphoenix post regarding Crystal not making her appointments when she lived with Ron. At that time she lived with the Cummings, didn't drive and had to rely on them for rides.

:offtopic: Wasn't that clever of RC to do what he did in that courtroom?

Crystal was not able to counter that one-two punch..but I will give her credit for her honesty.....unlike RC.
I wish we could hear from Crystal about the place they lived when she was with him..
It is sooooo sad for Crystal. How much can a person take? She needs so much support. I just thought of another thing...if she wanted to marry, it would not be wise.
Here's the problem as I see it. Crystal cannot seem to make up her mind about anything concerning Ron (conflicting feelings towards him perhaps? That happens many times when it concerns a first love). Since the very beginning of HaLeigh's disappearance, she says one thing one day, then says something else the next. One day she says (paraphrasing) "HaLeigh is Ronald's heart, he would never hurt her." "Ron has never abused me. He has never abused the kids!" Then a few days later she does the interview with Geraldo and says the exact opposite, claiming he abused her while pregnant and he's hurt the children.

NOW... we have an interview with her today:

And another, also from today:

(respectfully snipped) The explanation as I see it is how anyone's level of trust would inevitably waiver in response or according to the varying degrees of cooperation and conduct on the other person's part. JMO

I always thought it was odd that the injury from school got so much worse on CS's watch. And IIRC it was at a time where she kept the kids past her visitation and got her step-mother to take photos. Then, nothing.

Which children are more likely to be abused? Those of unemployed single mothers with on again off again live-in bf's. Just saying.

I don't criticize her a bit for blaming RC and MC for HaLeigh being missing. She was their responsibility and failed her. No matter what the outcome, the fact remains that HaLeigh went missing on RC's watch, while under the care of his underaged GF.

I would want to strangle him for being so stupid.

Then as RC has stated, LE has come up empty but they haven't investigated anyone in CS's family. I would be fuming and frustrated. CS and MG trashed him publically at the lowest point in his life. They should have taken their concerns to LE. To kick a man when he is down is low. It started a whole lot of trouble and for naught. It wasn't true.
I would be mad and crying too at the BS taking away from finding my baby.

They both have reason to be suspicous of the other. They need a non-partisan mediator.

Couldn't it be that after 6 weeks with Jr. CS noticed that Jr. needed some help coping and understanding what happened to his Sissy? She was no doubt trying to help him, but now he was going back to RC and they wouldn't be having their talks anymore. She just wants him to have some consistency as he sorts through the mess and love him as they do, they aren't child psychiatrists. I am glad she is seeking professional help for him. Since RC has custody, she can not make medical decisions for her children without RC's consent and I don't think the 2 of them are agreeing on anything right now or talking to each other too much. So, she had to file or ask RC for something. I think they will be talking through lawyers for a while.
:offtopic: Wasn't that clever of RC to do what he did in that courtroom?

Crystal was not able to counter that one-two punch..but I will give her credit for her honesty.....unlike RC.

When a questions is asked concerning Ron, it throws the Crystal thread :offtopic:

Does Crystal drive? Isn't there a law that states after a seizure, the DMV pulls your license for a year?

I wonder if Crystal even bothered to discuss counseling with Ron or if she just ran to court to file this "emergency" motion. Once again, an agreement was filed in Court a matter of weeks ago. When both parties had attorneys, all issues that needed to be ironed out - were. They filed this agreement with the court:


and then the attorneys both withdrew from the case.

If counseling was a concern, Crystal should have brought it up then and they could have come to an agreement and got Junior into counseling. Given that they have JOINT LEGAL CUSTODY - which means that they have joint decision making power when it comes to medical decisions - they could've come to an agreement regarding counseling. Instead, Crystal ran to the court and filed a motion. IMO, Ron had no idea she was going to do this and there was no discussion first on the matter.

Whatever the case may be, I'm glad Junior will see a counselor. I hope they will find a good child psychologist for him.

We don't know two things:

1. Did Jr start exhibiting behaviors that led Crystal to seek counseling for him ? Sometimes it takes awhile for trauma like he experienced to produce obvious behaviors. Or maybe behaviors he was exhibiiting became more pronounced ? Or maybe someone Crystal trusts suggested that Jr receive counseling ? We don't know why Crystal's is seeking, at this time, counseling for Jr.

Nor do we know if the need for counseling was addressed by Ron, Crystal ,or either of their former attorneys when the agreement you've cited was hammered out. IIRC, visitation was the focus of that agreement and the Court became involved because Ron refused to abide by the existing bi-weekly schedule. Perhaps counseling was brought up at that time and was tabled.

2. Did she mention counseling to Ron and he disagreed as to the need for it and/or disagreed on the therapist ? We don't know that either.

More important, imo

AS has described Jr's nightmares and fears to the media. IIRC, she said Jr won't go sleep unless Ron or Misty are in the house. If the little boy's pain is so obvious to the Cummings family, why haven't they gotten him the help he seems to need ?

Most important, imo

I agree with your last sentence. Because Crystal is pressing for it, and the Court will most likely order it, Jr will receive counseling. And I echo your hope they find an excellent child psychologist to care for this little boy who has suffered so much.
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