Crystal S., Haleigh's mother #7

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I get confused about this "sent to the wrong address" stuff. When there is a hearing scheduled the court sends out notices of the hearing to the attorneys of record. If there is no attorney of record, the notice must be served on the individual. Service means that a civil sheriff or process server must hand the notice to the individual or to someone of age and capacity at the individual's home. The civil sheriff or process server then files the return of service into the record, with the name of the person accepting service and all other pertinent information such as date, time, etc.

If there is no return of service in the record, there is no hearing absent some unusual circumstances, such as the person can not be located anywhere by anyone.

So, where is the return of service on someone at the wrong address?

This is a huge RED FLAG for me..HUGE !
I hope it is granted..I see no reason why the Judge would not ..this is beyond ridiculous.
And I see Crystal has a new attorney as well..good.
Right now I am infuriated that this mother had to file something like this...
Please re-read. Those doctor appts were while they still lived together. She feared riding with Ronald's grandmother (who she states fell asleep at the wheel and nearly hit a semi....this statement was unrefuted), she sometimes didn't feel like getting out of bed (this statement she took full responsibility for and voiced regret at having been like that. She blamed no one else for that.) Also, and what is continually shoved aside......

Ronald was also the parent of those children. He also did not get Haleigh to 12 doctor's appointments. Had I been standing in that courtroom, I would have made sure to make that statement a part of the public record. Ronald, working or no (as much an excuse as anything else...people take time off work for children's appt's all the time), did not get his daughter to her scheduled appointments.

This is a two-pronged issue, and one that happened over 4 years ago. They worked out a schedule, and there are no charges in the past 4 years that either child has missed any appointment until that hearing in 2005 when it was scheduled for the morning of the court hearing and it was determined the better choice to go to court for custody issues than miss the court date and be seen as not giving a damn about her children. But, in the true spirit of vitriol spilled upon Crystal, she is STILL vilified by the tar and featherers for making her choice to go to court. She made a choice, and in my book, she made the right one.

She has also now made the right decision to make certain it is a court issue when she has concerns for her child(ren) with Ronald. It has proven to be a bad idea for her to believe they could work out agreements on their own. She has been burned every time.

Excellent post. Well spoken and I'm so glad that you explained about Ron's lack of responsibility as well regarding the missed Doctor's appointments. People seem to automatically dismiss the father when the child's welfare (medically) is mentioned. Since Ron's work history is sparse and short lived, I will bet that he was most likely lying on the couch during a lot of these appointment times. He at least seemed to have a vehicle and driver's license. I'm glad too that Crystal has finally realized that thru the court is the most productive means to work with Ron on matters involving the children. Again, thanks for the great post.
I thought they were very calm, considering the partner and son-in-law chose a 16/17 yr old to care for the children and she LOST ONE. I challenge anyone to be gracious knowing that.

Do you expect love and understanding when something like that happens? When you hear your daughter has vanished and the father left a child/teen to care for them, would you respond with compassion? I think Marie said it as she sees it and anyone with common sense would have said the same thing....which was how in the world did a stranger get in through the deadbolt? The door would have had to be opened from the inside....sounds logical to me.

I do not get the hate an blame dispayed on this board for Marie and Crystal. It seems like displaced anger.


BBM. It is truly difficult if not nearly impossible to shock me, but I must admit I truly understand how you feel about the display of hate and blame against a missing child's mother and grandmother. I can say that I am shocked how some immediately publically flog this woman and are totally blind to any information that could show her in a positive light. If these posters think that Marie is being outspoken about how someone could have gained access into the mobile home then they don't really understand what "outspoken" really means. The mother and grandmother acted way more calm than I would have. I truly believe that I could have helped Misty with her inconsistancies.......
It sounds to me like Crystal was extremely depressed, but then I'm not an MD.(just a hypochondriac LOL) Those "can't get out of bed" days are the worst.

Why depressed? I've never heard of her being depressed. It sounds to me like she was using drugs. I can't imagine not taking my daughter to the dr. because I was feeling "depressed" but I can see drug affected people, who don't usually think straight, thinking it would be ok to neglect a child's health.
Please re-read. Those doctor appts were while they still lived together. She feared riding with Ronald's grandmother (who she states fell asleep at the wheel and nearly hit a semi....this statement was unrefuted), she sometimes didn't feel like getting out of bed (this statement she took full responsibility for and voiced regret at having been like that. She blamed no one else for that.) Also, and what is continually shoved aside......

Ronald was also the parent of those children. He also did not get Haleigh to 12 doctor's appointments. Had I been standing in that courtroom, I would have made sure to make that statement a part of the public record. Ronald, working or no (as much an excuse as anything else...people take time off work for children's appt's all the time), did not get his daughter to her scheduled appointments.

This is a two-pronged issue, and one that happened over 4 years ago. They worked out a schedule, and there are no charges in the past 4 years that either child has missed any appointment until that hearing in 2005 when it was scheduled for the morning of the court hearing and it was determined the better choice to go to court for custody issues than miss the court date and be seen as not giving a damn about her children. But, in the true spirit of vitriol spilled upon Crystal, she is STILL vilified by the tar and featherers for making her choice to go to court. She made a choice, and in my book, she made the right one.

She has also now made the right decision to make certain it is a court issue when she has concerns for her child(ren) with Ronald. It has proven to be a bad idea for her to believe they could work out agreements on their own. She has been burned every time.

I have no idea what you are on about???

What I was discussing were the Court proceedings, where the Judge became aware that after they separated, when Crystal had custody, she failed to bring Haleigh to many specialist Dr.'s appointments. The judge asked her why not, and she said that amongst other things, there were times she didn't take her because she didn't feel like getting out of bed. I have no idea about any missed appointments when she lived with Ron.

BTW, I'm sure you are aware that she refused to pay child support for her own kids. Between that and not bothering to take Haleigh to medical appointments, it's easy to see how some could form the view she didn't much care about her children.
Busy you are talking about a young woman with little education who would probably not be aware of her responsibilities vis-a-vie the court. She may not have known that it was her responsibility to inform the court of address changes. Many here have commented freely on what they perceive her lack of intellect...that would go both ways in this instance. I do not think that ronald encouraged her to further her education and broaden her knowledge of the world.

You don't have to be a rocket scientist to change your address with a Court. A phone and phone book is all you need to figure it out. Did she think they were psychic and would somehow find her? Or did she not care about the proceedings enough to even contact the Court to find out about when they were on and find out what to do about her change of address?
You don't have to be a rocket scientist to change your address with a Court. A phone and phone book is all you need to figure it out. Did she think they were psychic and would somehow find her? Or did she not care about the proceedings enough to even contact the Court to find out about when they were on and find out what to do about her change of address?

Frankly bunnie...we do not know what her emotional state was upon her exodus from the life that was had with Ronald Cummings.
I find it highly doubtful that RC is "refusing" or will even oppose her request. It may be she's just trying to stir more trouble and raise more crazy allegations. Who knows? We'll have to wait and see.

Crystal had to file that because the other parent is refusing, that is why an emergency order is filed to get the Judge to rule on it.
We will wait and see..
I have no idea what you are on about???

What I was discussing were the Court proceedings, where the Judge became aware that after they separated, when Crystal had custody, she failed to bring Haleigh to many specialist Dr.'s appointments. The judge asked her why not, and she said that amongst other things, there were times she didn't take her because she didn't feel like getting out of bed. I have no idea about any missed appointments when she lived with Ron.

BTW, I'm sure you are aware that she refused to pay child support for her own kids. Between that and not bothering to take Haleigh to medical appointments, it's easy to see how some could form the view she didn't much care about her children.

How does anyone here know for sure when these appointments were set for Haleigh ? Have you seen the papers showing the appointments or are we just going by what Ron said along with Crystal stating she missed some appointments for Haleigh? How many is some?
When I read some post it would make me believe she missed everyone for a fact.
Frankly bunnie...we do not know what her emotional state was upon her exodus from the life that was had with Ronald Cummings.

ITA. But we do know that for at least a while she was working as a waitress and not paying child support like she was supposed to (and at that time she had no other children and was living with her mother and stepfather IIRC).
Why depressed? I've never heard of her being depressed. It sounds to me like she was using drugs. I can't imagine not taking my daughter to the dr. because I was feeling "depressed" but I can see drug affected people, who don't usually think straight, thinking it would be ok to neglect a child's health.

Then apparentley you have not been severly depressed before. No one knows for sure if that was the case w/ Crystal but it could very well be after having children.Here is a link to postpartum depression:

Postpartum depression (PPD), also called postnatal depression, is a form of clinical depression which can affect women, and less frequently men, after childbirth. Studies report prevalence rates among women from 5% to 25%, but methodological differences among the studies make the actual prevalence rate unclear. Postpartum depression occurs in women after they have carried a child, usually in the first few months. It is very serious and should not be ignored or brushed off. “Symptoms include sadness, fatigue, insomnia, appetite changes, reduced libido, crying episodes, anxiety, and irritability. The condition is surprisingly common. Current data suggests that 5 to 9 percent of women will develop postpartum depression, but less than one in five of these women will seek professional help” (Jacobs, 68). Many people think that postpartum is caused by a lack of vitamins., but studies tend to show that it is caused because during a pregnancy there are many changes in the women’s hormones. On the other hand, hormonal treatment has not helped postpartum depression victims. Many women recover because of a support group or counseling

JMO of course.....
Then apparentley you have not been severly depressed before. No one knows for sure if that was the case w/ Crystal but it could very well be after having children.Here is a link to postpartum depression:

Postpartum depression (PPD), also called postnatal depression, is a form of clinical depression which can affect women, and less frequently men, after childbirth. Studies report prevalence rates among women from 5% to 25%, but methodological differences among the studies make the actual prevalence rate unclear. Postpartum depression occurs in women after they have carried a child, usually in the first few months. It is very serious and should not be ignored or brushed off. “Symptoms include sadness, fatigue, insomnia, appetite changes, reduced libido, crying episodes, anxiety, and irritability. The condition is surprisingly common. Current data suggests that 5 to 9 percent of women will develop postpartum depression, but less than one in five of these women will seek professional help” (Jacobs, 68). Many people think that postpartum is caused by a lack of vitamins., but studies tend to show that it is caused because during a pregnancy there are many changes in the women’s hormones. On the other hand, hormonal treatment has not helped postpartum depression victims. Many women recover because of a support group or counseling

JMO of course.....
Why do you think, despite having 2 apparently competent attorneys represent her now, that she hasn't sought custody of RJ?
Why depressed? I've never heard of her being depressed. It sounds to me like she was using drugs. I can't imagine not taking my daughter to the dr. because I was feeling "depressed" but I can see drug affected people, who don't usually think straight, thinking it would be ok to neglect a child's health.

Hi Bunny! Sorry I was gone for a while.

I have no way of knowing anything in her case. It's just that with a black, clinical depression you couldn't pull yourself up if the house was on fire. You can't function, and not being able to do the things you have to do makes it even worse. People kill themselves just to make it stop. I'd rather feel physical pain than ever go to that place again.

However, this was just a thought that struck me; like I said, I don't know her and you could be right.
Hi Bunny! Sorry I was gone for a while.

I have no way of knowing anything in her case. It's just that with a black, clinical depression you couldn't pull yourself up if the house was on fire. You can't function, and not being able to do the things you have to do makes it even worse. People kill themselves just to make it stop. I'd rather feel physical pain than ever go to that place again.

However, this was just a thought that struck me; like I said, I don't know her and you could be right.

And you could be right too. And it could have been a combination of the 2. Thankfully I've only experienced regular depression (grief) which was awful enough...I'm so glad I've never been to that horrible dark place others have gone to (one of my dearest and oldest best friends recently committed suicide and seemed to me like he had the world at his feet) and hope you never go there again.
Crystal had to file that because the other parent is refusing, that is why an emergency order is filed to get the Judge to rule on it.
We will wait and see..
Do you have a link to show that Ronald was refusing and it is why the order was filed? There are other reasons why that order could have been filed in court. One of them could be that LE asked them not to talk unless they were making arrangements for his transportation between households, imo. Another could be that Ronald didn't get the appointment set up because he knew that Rj would be in Baker County for part of the summer with his mother and perhaps Crystal jumped the gun in filing it, imo. I have not seen anywhere that Ronald is refusing to take him so it is why she filed so if you have something which says differently...please post it.

Then apparentley you have not been severly depressed before. No one knows for sure if that was the case w/ Crystal but it could very well be after having children.Here is a link to postpartum depression:

Postpartum depression (PPD), also called postnatal depression, is a form of clinical depression which can affect women, and less frequently men, after childbirth. Studies report prevalence rates among women from 5% to 25%, but methodological differences among the studies make the actual prevalence rate unclear. Postpartum depression occurs in women after they have carried a child, usually in the first few months. It is very serious and should not be ignored or brushed off. “Symptoms include sadness, fatigue, insomnia, appetite changes, reduced libido, crying episodes, anxiety, and irritability. The condition is surprisingly common. Current data suggests that 5 to 9 percent of women will develop postpartum depression, but less than one in five of these women will seek professional help” (Jacobs, 68). Many people think that postpartum is caused by a lack of vitamins., but studies tend to show that it is caused because during a pregnancy there are many changes in the women’s hormones. On the other hand, hormonal treatment has not helped postpartum depression victims. Many women recover because of a support group or counseling

JMO of course.....
My goodness! If she was that depressed she probably should not have had Haleigh and Rj in her care at all. Who fed Haleigh and Rj on the days she felt like she could not get out of bed to take her child to the doctor? Who was watching them while she was in bed? They were much younger then and required someone to be supervising them 24/7. Who was on duty if Crystal was so depressed she could not provide medical care or any care to her children? Was anyone watching those children?!
Do you have a link to show Crystal missed 12 appts for her children?
I do not understand why it is so hard to believe that Crystal is depressed. Does anyone think she is actually happy? When I see her on TV, she appears depressed to me. When I see a pic of Crystal, she looks depressed to me. This is just my observation and my opinion.

I would think that anyone who has a child missing would be depressed. JMO.
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